Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains gateway devices routines supported by NetWare Workstation service.
Chuck Y Chan (ChuckC) 31-Oct-1993
Revision History:
#include <nw.h>
#include <handle.h>
#include <nwreg.h>
#include <nwlsa.h>
#include <nwapi.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmshare.h>
#include <winsta.h>
#include <winbasep.h> //DosPathToSessionPath
extern BOOL NwLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled;
// //
// External Function Prototypes //
// //
// GetProcAddress typedef for winsta.dll function WinStationEnumerateW
// GetProcAddress typedef for winsta.dll function WinStationFreeMemory
LPTSTR NwReturnSessionPath( IN LPTSTR LocalDeviceName );
// //
// Local Function Prototypes //
// //
DWORD NwPopulateGWDosDevice( LPWSTR DeviceName, LPWSTR GetwayPath ); //
// wrapper round the RPC routines.
DWORD NwrEnumGWDevices( LPWSTR Reserved, PDWORD Index, LPBYTE Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, LPDWORD BytesNeeded, LPDWORD EntriesRead ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine enumerates the special gateway devices (redirections) that are cureently in use.
Index - Point to start enumeration. Should be zero for first call. This is set by the function and can be used to resume the enumeration.
Buffer - buffer for return data BufferSize - size of buffer in bytes
BytesNeeded - number of bytes needed to return all the data
EntriesRead - number of entries read
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error. If NO_ERROR or ERROR_MORE_DATA then EntriesRead will indicated the number of valid entries in buffer.
return ( NwEnumerateGWDevices( Index, Buffer, BufferSize, BytesNeeded, EntriesRead ) ) ; }
DWORD NwrAddGWDevice( LPWSTR Reserved, LPWSTR DeviceName, LPWSTR RemoteName, LPWSTR AccountName, LPWSTR Password, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a gateway redirection.
DeviceName - the drive to redirect
RemoteName - the remote network resource to redirect to
Flags - supplies the options (eg. UpdateRegistry & make this sticky)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD status ; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Reserved);
// make connection to the server to ensure we have a connection.
// if GatewayConnectionAlways is false, the function will immediately
// delete the connection, so this will just be an access check.
status = NwCreateGWConnection( RemoteName, AccountName, Password, GatewayConnectionAlways) ;
if (status != NO_ERROR) { return status ; }
// make the symbolic link
return ( NwCreateGWDevice( DeviceName, RemoteName, Flags ) ) ; }
DWORD NwrDeleteGWDevice( LPWSTR Reserved, LPWSTR DeviceName, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine enumerates the special gateway devices (redirections) that are cureently in use.
Index - Point to start enumeration. Should be zero for first call. This is set by the function and can be used to resume the enumeration.
Buffer - buffer for return data BufferSize - size of buffer in bytes
BytesNeeded - number of bytes needed to return all the data
EntriesRead - number of entries read
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
return ( NwRemoveGWDevice( DeviceName, Flags ) ) ; }
DWORD NwrQueryGatewayAccount( LPWSTR Reserved, LPWSTR AccountName, DWORD AccountNameLen, LPDWORD AccountCharsNeeded, LPWSTR Password, DWORD PasswordLen, LPDWORD PasswordCharsNeeded ) /*++
Routine Description:
Query the gateway account info. specifically, the Account name and the passeord stored as an LSA secret.
AccountName - buffer used to return account name
AccountNameLen - length of buffer
AccountCharsNeeded - number of chars needed. only set properly if AccountNameLen is too small.
Password - buffer used to return account name
PasswordLen - length of buffer
PasswordCharsNeeded - number of chars needed, only set properly if PasswordLen is too small.
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
return ( NwQueryGWAccount( AccountName, AccountNameLen, AccountCharsNeeded, Password, PasswordLen, PasswordCharsNeeded ) ) ; }
DWORD NwrSetGatewayAccount( LPWSTR Reserved, LPWSTR AccountName, LPWSTR Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the account and password to be used for gateway access.
AccountName - the account (NULL terminated)
Password - the password string (NULL terminated)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
return ( NwSetGWAccount( AccountName, Password ) ) ; }
// actual functions
DWORD NwEnumerateGWDevices( LPDWORD Index, LPBYTE Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, LPDWORD BytesNeeded, LPDWORD EntriesRead ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine enumerates the special gateway devices (redirections) that are cureently in use.
Index - Point to start enumeration. Should be zero for first call. This is set by the function and can be used to resume the enumeration.
Buffer - buffer for return data BufferSize - size of buffer in bytes
BytesNeeded - number of bytes needed to return all the data
EntriesRead - number of entries read
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD NwRdrNameLength, NwProviderNameSize ; DWORD i, status ; DWORD Length, Count, BytesRequired, SkipCount ; WCHAR Drive[3] ; WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH+1] ; NETRESOURCEW *lpNetRes = NULL ; LPBYTE BufferEnd = NULL ;
if (!Buffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
lpNetRes = (NETRESOURCEW *) Buffer; BufferEnd = Buffer + ROUND_DOWN_COUNT(BufferSize,ALIGN_WCHAR);
// init the parts of the drives string we never change
Drive[1] = L':' ; Drive[2] = 0 ; Count = 0 ; BytesRequired = 0 ; SkipCount = *Index ; NwProviderNameSize = wcslen(NwProviderName) + 1 ; NwRdrNameLength = sizeof(DD_NWFS_DEVICE_NAME_U)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ;
// for all logical drives
for (i = 0; i <26 ; i++) { BOOL GatewayDrive = FALSE ;
Drive[0] = L'A' + (USHORT)i ;
// get the symbolic link
Length = QueryDosDeviceW(Drive, Path, sizeof(Path)/sizeof(Path[0])) ;
// the value must be at least as long as our device name
if (Length >= NwRdrNameLength + 4) { //
// and it must match the following criteria:
// 1) start with \device\nwrdr
// 2) must have '\' after \device\nwrdr
// 3) must not have colon (ie. must be`
// \\device\nwrdr\server\share, and not
// \\device\nwrdr\x:\server\share
if ((_wcsnicmp(Path,DD_NWFS_DEVICE_NAME_U,NwRdrNameLength) == 0) && (Path[NwRdrNameLength] == '\\') && (Path[NwRdrNameLength+2] != ':')) { //
// if this is an indexed read, skip the first N.
// this is inefficient, but we do not expect to
// have to go thru this very often. there are few
// such devices, and any reasonable buffer (even 1K)
// should get them all first time.
if (SkipCount) SkipCount-- ; else GatewayDrive = TRUE ; // found a drive we want
} }
if (GatewayDrive) { //
// we meet all criteria above
DWORD UncSize ; UncSize = Length - NwRdrNameLength + 2 ; BytesRequired += ( sizeof(NETRESOURCE) + (UncSize * sizeof(WCHAR)) + (NwProviderNameSize * sizeof(WCHAR)) + (3 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ; // 3 for drive, X:\0
if (BytesRequired <= BufferSize) { LPWSTR lpStr = (LPWSTR) BufferEnd ; Count++ ;
// copy the drive name
lpStr -= 3 ; wcscpy(lpStr, Drive) ; lpNetRes->lpLocalName = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)lpStr - Buffer) ;
// copy the UNC name
lpStr -= UncSize ; // for the UNC name
lpStr[0] = L'\\' ; wcscpy(lpStr+1, Path+NwRdrNameLength) ; lpNetRes->lpRemoteName = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)lpStr - Buffer) ;
// copy the provider name
lpStr -= NwProviderNameSize ; // for the provider name
wcscpy(lpStr, NwProviderName) ; lpNetRes->lpProvider = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)lpStr - Buffer) ;
// set up the rest of the structure
lpNetRes->dwScope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED ; lpNetRes->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK ; lpNetRes->dwDisplayType = 0 ; lpNetRes->dwUsage = 0 ; lpNetRes->lpComment = 0 ;
lpNetRes++ ; BufferEnd = (LPBYTE) lpStr ; } }
*EntriesRead = Count ; // set number of entries
*Index += Count ; // move index
*BytesNeeded = BytesRequired ; // set bytes needed
if (BytesRequired == 0) // no info left
if (BytesRequired > BufferSize) { return (ERROR_MORE_DATA) ; }
return NO_ERROR ; }
DWORD NwCreateGWDevice( LPWSTR DeviceName, LPWSTR RemoteName, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a gateway redirection.
DeviceName - the drive to redirect
RemoteName - the remote network resource to redirect to
Flags - supplies the options (eg. UpdateRegistry & make this sticky)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { LPWSTR ConnectName = NULL; DWORD status ; WCHAR Path [MAX_PATH + 1] ;
// validate/canon the name. Use a drive to specific we allow UNC only.
if ((status = NwLibCanonRemoteName( L"A:", RemoteName, &ConnectName, NULL )) != NO_ERROR) { return status; }
// build up the full name of \device\nwrdr\server\volume
wcscpy(Path, DD_NWFS_DEVICE_NAME_U) ; wcscat(Path, ConnectName+1 ) ;
// create the symbolic link, Gateway specific, since there is no true user contacts
status = NwCreateSymbolicLink(DeviceName, Path, TRUE, FALSE) ;
(void) LocalFree((HLOCAL) ConnectName);
// if update registry is set, write it out
if ((status == NO_ERROR) && (Flags & NW_GW_UPDATE_REGISTRY)) { HKEY hKey ; DWORD dwDisposition ;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCWorkstation\Drives (create it if not there)
NULL, // default security
&hKey, &dwDisposition // ignored
if ( status ) return status ;
status = RegSetValueExW( hKey, DeviceName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) RemoteName, (wcslen(RemoteName)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ;
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && IsTerminalServer() && (NwLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled == FALSE)) { status = NwPopulateGWDosDevice(DeviceName, Path) ; } }
return status ;
DWORD NwRemoveGWDevice( LPWSTR DeviceName, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deletes a gateway redirection.
DeviceName - the drive to delete
Flags - supplies the options (eg. UpdateRegistry & make this sticky)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD status ; LPWSTR Local = NULL ; //LPWSTR SessionDeviceName;
if (status = NwLibCanonLocalName(DeviceName, &Local, NULL)) return status ;
//SessionDeviceName = NwReturnSessionPath(Local);
//if ( SessionDeviceName == NULL ) {
// delete the symbolic link
if (! DefineDosDeviceW(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, Local, //SessionDeviceName,
//if ( SessionDeviceName ) {
// LocalFree( SessionDeviceName );
// If cleanup deleted (dangling) share is set go do it now.
// We loop thru all the shares looking for one that matches that drive.
// Then we ask the server to nuke that dangling share.
if ((status == NO_ERROR) && (Flags & NW_GW_CLEANUP_DELETED)) { HKEY hKey ; DWORD err ;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCWorkstation\Shares
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, // desired access
&hKey );
if (err == NO_ERROR) { WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH + 1], ShareName[MAX_PATH+1] ; DWORD dwType, i = 0, dwPathSize, dwShareNameSize ;
do {
dwPathSize = sizeof(Path), dwShareNameSize = sizeof(ShareName)/sizeof(ShareName[0]) ; dwType = REG_SZ ;
err = RegEnumValueW(hKey, i, ShareName, &dwShareNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)Path, &dwPathSize) ;
// Look for matching drive, eg. "X:"
// If have match, cleanup as best we can and break out now.
if ((err == NO_ERROR) && (_wcsnicmp(Path,DeviceName,2) == 0)) { (void) NetShareDelSticky( NULL, ShareName, 0 ) ; (void) RegDeleteValueW(hKey, ShareName) ; break ; } i++ ;
} while (err == NO_ERROR) ;
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
// if update registry is set, write it out
if ((status == NO_ERROR) && (Flags & NW_GW_UPDATE_REGISTRY)) { HKEY hKey ; WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH + 1] ; DWORD dwType, dwSize = sizeof(Path) ;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCWorkstation\Drives
KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, // desired access
&hKey );
if ( status ) goto ExitPoint ;
if (GatewayConnectionAlways) { //
// Read the remote path and delete the connection
// if we made one in the first place.
status = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, Local, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) Path, &dwSize ); if (status == NO_ERROR) { (void) NwDeleteGWConnection(Path) ; } }
status = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, DeviceName ) ; RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
if (Local) (void) LocalFree((HLOCAL)Local) ;
return status ; }
DWORD NwGetGatewayResource( IN LPWSTR LocalName, OUT LPWSTR RemoteName, IN DWORD RemoteNameLen, OUT LPDWORD CharsRequired ) /*++
Routine Description:
For a gateway devicename, get the network resource associated with it.
LocalName - name of devive to query
RemoteName - buffer to return the network resource
RemoteNameLen - size of buffer (chars)
CharsRequired - the number of chars needed
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS - success (the device is a gateway redirection)
WN_MORE_DATA - buffer too small, but device is a gateway redirection
WN_NOT_CONNECTED - not a gateway redirection
--*/ { WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH+1] ; DWORD Length ; DWORD NwRdrNameLength ;
NwRdrNameLength = sizeof(DD_NWFS_DEVICE_NAME_U)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ;
// retrieve symbolic link for the device
Length = QueryDosDeviceW(LocalName, Path, sizeof(Path)/sizeof(Path[0])) ;
// the result is only interesting if it can at least fit:
// \device\nwrdr\x\y
if (Length >= NwRdrNameLength + 4) { //
// check to make sure that the prefix is coreect, and that
// it is not of form: \device\nwrdr\x:\...
if ((_wcsnicmp(Path,DD_NWFS_DEVICE_NAME_U,NwRdrNameLength) == 0) && (Path[NwRdrNameLength] == '\\') && (Path[NwRdrNameLength+2] != ':')) { //
// check buffer size
if (RemoteNameLen < ((Length - NwRdrNameLength) + 1)) { if (CharsRequired) *CharsRequired = ((Length - NwRdrNameLength) + 1) ; return WN_MORE_DATA ; } *RemoteName = L'\\' ; wcscpy(RemoteName+1,Path+NwRdrNameLength) ; return WN_SUCCESS ; } }
DWORD NwQueryGWAccount( LPWSTR AccountName, DWORD AccountNameLen, LPDWORD AccountCharsNeeded, LPWSTR Password, DWORD PasswordLen, LPDWORD PasswordCharsNeeded ) /*++
Routine Description:
Query the gateway account info. specifically, the Account name and the passeord stored as an LSA secret.
AccountName - buffer used to return account name
AccountNameLen - length of buffer
AccountCharsNeeded - number of chars needed. only set properly if AccountNameLen is too small.
Password - buffer used to return account name
PasswordLen - length of buffer
PasswordCharsNeeded - number of chars needed, only set properly if PasswordLen is too small.
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD status = NO_ERROR ; LONG RegError;
HKEY WkstaKey = NULL; LPWSTR GatewayAccount = NULL;
if ( !AccountName || !Password ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*AccountCharsNeeded = 0 ; *PasswordCharsNeeded = 0 ;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCWorkstation\Parameters
KEY_READ, // desired access
&WkstaKey );
if (RegError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (RegError); }
// Read the gateway account from the registry.
status = NwReadRegValue( WkstaKey, NW_GATEWAYACCOUNT_VALUENAME, &GatewayAccount );
if (status != NO_ERROR) { if (status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) goto CleanExit;
if (AccountNameLen > 0) *AccountName = 0 ; status = NO_ERROR ; } else { *AccountCharsNeeded = wcslen(GatewayAccount) + 1 ; if (*AccountCharsNeeded > AccountNameLen) { status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ; goto CleanExit; } wcscpy(AccountName,GatewayAccount); }
// Read the password from its secret object in LSA.
status = NwGetPassword( GATEWAY_USER, &StoredPassword, // Must be freed with LsaFreeMemory
&StoredOldPassword // Must be freed with LsaFreeMemory
if (status != NO_ERROR) { if (status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) goto CleanExit;
if (PasswordLen > 0) *Password = 0 ;
status = NO_ERROR ; } else { *PasswordCharsNeeded = StoredPassword->Length/sizeof(WCHAR) + 1 ; if ((StoredPassword->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)) >= PasswordLen) { status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ; goto CleanExit; } wcsncpy(Password, StoredPassword->Buffer, StoredPassword->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)); Password[StoredPassword->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0 ; }
if (StoredPassword != NULL) { (void) LsaFreeMemory((PVOID) StoredPassword); }
if (StoredOldPassword != NULL) { (void) LsaFreeMemory((PVOID) StoredOldPassword); }
if (GatewayAccount != NULL) { (void) LocalFree((HLOCAL) GatewayAccount); }
(void) RegCloseKey(WkstaKey);
return status ; }
DWORD NwSetGWAccount( LPWSTR AccountName, LPWSTR Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the account and password to be used for gateway access.
AccountName - the account (NULL terminated)
Password - the password string (NULL terminated)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD status ; HKEY WkstaKey = NULL;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCWorkstation\Parameters
KEY_WRITE, // desired access
&WkstaKey );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (status); }
// Write the account name out
status = RegSetValueExW( WkstaKey, NW_GATEWAYACCOUNT_VALUENAME, 0, REG_SZ, (LPVOID) AccountName, (wcslen(AccountName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { status = NwSetPassword( GATEWAY_USER, Password) ; }
return status ; }
DWORD NwCreateRedirections( LPWSTR Account, LPWSTR Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the gateway redirections from what is stored in registry. As we go along, we validate that we have access to it using the gateway account.
AccountName - the account (NULL terminated)
Password - the password string (NULL terminated)
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD err, i, type ; HKEY hKey ; FILETIME FileTime ; WCHAR Class[256], Device[64], Path[MAX_PATH+1] ; DWORD dwClass, dwSubKeys, dwMaxSubKey, dwMaxClass, dwValues, dwMaxValueName, dwMaxValueData, dwSDLength, dwDeviceLength, dwPathLength ;
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
// \NWCGateway\Parameters
KEY_READ, // desired access
&hKey );
if ( err ) return err ;
dwClass = sizeof(Class)/sizeof(Class[0]) ; err = RegQueryInfoKeyW(hKey, Class, &dwClass, NULL, &dwSubKeys, &dwMaxSubKey, &dwMaxClass, &dwValues, &dwMaxValueName, &dwMaxValueData, &dwSDLength, &FileTime) ; if ( err ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return err ; }
// for each value we have a redirection to recreate
for (i = 0; i < dwValues; i++) { dwDeviceLength = sizeof(Device)/sizeof(Device[0]) ; dwPathLength = sizeof(Path) ; type = REG_SZ ; err = RegEnumValueW(hKey, i, Device, &dwDeviceLength, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)Path, &dwPathLength) ;
// connect to the server. this will take up a connection but
// it will also make sure we have one. on a low limit server, if
// we rely on UNC then it is quite likely that other people will
// come along & use up all the connections, preventing the Gateway
// from getting to it.
// user may turn this off by setting Registry value that results
// GatewayConnectionAlways being false.
// regardless of result, we carry on. so if server is down & comes
// up later, the symbolic link to UNC will still work.
if (!err) { (void) NwCreateGWConnection( Path, Account, Password, GatewayConnectionAlways) ; }
// create the symbolic link
if (!err) { err = NwCreateGWDevice(Device, Path, 0L) ; }
if (err) { //
// log the error in the event log
WCHAR Number[16] ; LPWSTR InsertStrings[3] ;
wsprintfW(Number, L"%d", err) ; InsertStrings[0] = Device ; InsertStrings[1] = Path ; InsertStrings[2] = Number ;
NwLogEvent(EVENT_NWWKSTA_CANNOT_REDIRECT_DEVICES, 3, InsertStrings, 0) ; } }
RegCloseKey( hKey );
return NO_ERROR ; }
DWORD NwDeleteRedirections( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete all gateway devices
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { LPBYTE Buffer ; DWORD i, status, Index, BufferSize, EntriesRead, BytesNeeded ; LPNETRESOURCE lpNetRes ;
Index = 0 ;
// below is good initial guess
BufferSize = 26 * (sizeof(NETRESOURCE) + (3 + MAX_PATH + 1 + MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ; Buffer = (LPBYTE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, BufferSize) ;
if (!Buffer) return (GetLastError()) ;
lpNetRes = (LPNETRESOURCE) Buffer ;
status = NwrEnumGWDevices(NULL, &Index, Buffer, BufferSize, &BytesNeeded, &EntriesRead) ;
// reallocate as need
if (status == ERROR_MORE_DATA || status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { Buffer = (LPBYTE) LocalReAlloc((HLOCAL)Buffer, BytesNeeded, LMEM_ZEROINIT) ; if (!Buffer) return (GetLastError()) ; Index = 0 ; BufferSize = BytesNeeded ; status = NwrEnumGWDevices(NULL, &Index, Buffer, BufferSize, &BytesNeeded, &EntriesRead) ;
if (status != NO_ERROR) return status ;
// loop thru and delete all the devices
for (i = 0; i < EntriesRead; i++) { status = NwrDeleteGWDevice(NULL, (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)Buffer + (DWORD_PTR)lpNetRes->lpLocalName), 0L) ;
// no need report the error, since we are shutting down.
// there is no real deletion here - just removing the symbolic link.
lpNetRes++ ; }
return NO_ERROR ; }
DWORD NwPopulateGWDosDevice( IN LPWSTR DeviceName, IN LPWSTR GatewayPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine poplaute the gateway dos device to all the active terminal sessions
DeviceName - the drive to redirect
GatewayPath - the remote network resource of the gateway drive
Return Value:
Returns the appropriate Win32 error.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HMODULE hwinsta = NULL; PWINSTATION_ENUMERATE pfnWinStationEnumerate; PWINSTATION_FREE_MEMORY pfnWinStationFreeMemory; PSESSIONIDW pSessionIds = NULL; ULONG SessionCount; ULONG SessionId; LPWSTR pSessionPath = NULL;
* Dynmaically load the winsta.dll */
if ( (hwinsta = LoadLibraryW( L"WINSTA" )) == NULL ) { status = ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND; goto Exit; } pfnWinStationEnumerate = (PWINSTATION_ENUMERATE) GetProcAddress( hwinsta, "WinStationEnumerateW" );
pfnWinStationFreeMemory = (PWINSTATION_FREE_MEMORY) GetProcAddress( hwinsta, "WinStationFreeMemory" );
if (!pfnWinStationEnumerate || !pfnWinStationFreeMemory) { status = ERROR_INVALID_DLL; goto Exit; }
* Enumerate Sessions */ if ( !pfnWinStationEnumerate( NULL, //Enumerate self
&pSessionIds, &SessionCount ) ) { status = GetLastError(); goto Exit; }
* Loop through the session, skip the console, ie SessionId = 0 * Since the gateway device is always created for the console */ for ( SessionId = 1; SessionId < SessionCount; SessionId++ ) { if ( (pSessionIds[SessionId].State != State_Idle) && (pSessionIds[SessionId].State != State_Down) && (pSessionIds[SessionId].State != State_Disconnected) ) {
WCHAR TempBuf[64]; //
// Create a Gateway Dos Device for those terminal sessions
if (!DosPathToSessionPath( SessionId, DeviceName, &pSessionPath )) { status = GetLastError(); goto Exit; }
if (!QueryDosDeviceW( pSessionPath, TempBuf, sizeof(TempBuf) )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //
// Most likely failure occurred because our output
// buffer is too small. It still means someone already
// has an existing symbolic link for this device for this session.
// It is ok, just skip this session
continue; } // This path is OK
} else { //
// QueryDosDevice successfully an existing symbolic link--
// somebody is already using this device for this session.
// Skip this session and continue...
continue; } //
// Create a symbolic link object to the device we are redirecting
if (! DefineDosDeviceW( DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM, pSessionPath, GatewayPath )) { //Cannot create device for this session.
status = GetLastError(); goto Exit; } } //if (pSessionID...
} //for (SessionID
Exit: if (pSessionIds) { pfnWinStationFreeMemory( pSessionIds ); }
if (pSessionPath) { LocalFree(pSessionPath); }
if (hwinsta) { FreeLibrary(hwinsta); } return status; }