// CSPCache.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cspcache.h"
#define CacheAlloc(cBytes) (HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cBytes))
#define CacheFree(pv) (HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv))
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { LPSTR pszKey1 = "Key1"; LPSTR pszKey2 = "Key12"; LPSTR pszKey3 = "Key123"; LPSTR pszKey4 = "Key1234"; CACHE_HANDLE hCache = NULL; LPSTR pszData = NULL; if (CacheAddItem(&hCache, pszKey1, (PVOID) pszKey1, (PVOID *) &pszData)) exit(1);
if (CacheAddItem(&hCache, pszKey2, (PVOID) pszKey2, (PVOID *) &pszData)) exit(1);
if (CacheAddItem(&hCache, pszKey3, (PVOID) pszKey3, (PVOID *) &pszData)) exit(1);
if (CacheAddItem(&hCache, pszKey4, (PVOID) pszKey4, (PVOID *) &pszData)) exit(1);
pszData = (LPSTR) CacheGetItem(&hCache, "KeyNothing");
pszData = (LPSTR) CacheGetItem(&hCache, pszKey3);
pszData = NULL; if (CacheAddItem(&hCache, pszKey3, pszKey4, (PVOID *) &pszData)) exit(1);
pszData = (LPSTR) CacheGetItem(&hCache, pszKey3);
pszData = (LPSTR) CacheDeleteItem(&hCache, pszKey2);
return 0; }
PVOID CacheGetItem( IN CACHE_HANDLE *phCache, IN LPSTR pszKey) { PCACHE_ITEM pCacheItem = NULL, pPrevItem = NULL;
if (NULL == *phCache) return NULL;
pCacheItem = *phCache; pPrevItem = *phCache; while (NULL != pCacheItem && 0 != strcmp(pszKey, pCacheItem->rgszKey)) { pPrevItem = pCacheItem; pCacheItem = pCacheItem->pNext; }
if (NULL == pCacheItem) return NULL; // Item not found
// Move item to the front of the cache list
// if it isn't already.
if (pCacheItem != *phCache) { pPrevItem->pNext = pCacheItem->pNext; pCacheItem->pNext = *phCache; *phCache = pCacheItem; } return pCacheItem->pvData; }
void CacheDeleteCache( IN OUT CACHE_HANDLE hCache) { PCACHE_ITEM p1 = hCache; PCACHE_ITEM p2 = NULL;
while (NULL != p1) { p2 = p1->pNext; CacheFree(p1); p1 = p2; } }
DWORD CacheAddItem( IN OUT CACHE_HANDLE *phCache, IN LPSTR pszKey, IN PVOID pvData, OUT PVOID *ppvOldData) { PCACHE_ITEM pCacheItem = *phCache; PCACHE_ITEM pPrevItem = NULL; *ppvOldData = NULL; while (NULL != pCacheItem) { // Does item already exist?
if (0 == strcmp(pszKey, pCacheItem->rgszKey)) { *ppvOldData = pCacheItem->pvData; break; } else { pPrevItem = pCacheItem; pCacheItem = pCacheItem->pNext; } }
if (NULL == pCacheItem) { // Add new items to end of cache list
if (NULL == (pCacheItem = (PCACHE_ITEM) CacheAlloc(sizeof(CACHE_ITEM)))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
memset(pCacheItem, 0, sizeof(CACHE_ITEM));
if (NULL == *phCache) *phCache = pCacheItem; else pPrevItem->pNext = pCacheItem; }
strncpy(pCacheItem->rgszKey, pszKey, MAX_KEY_SIZE); pCacheItem->pvData = pvData;
return 0; }
PVOID CacheDeleteItem( IN CACHE_HANDLE *phCache, LPSTR pszKey) { PCACHE_ITEM pCacheItem = *phCache, pPrevItem = *phCache; PVOID pvData = NULL;
while (NULL != pCacheItem && 0 != strcmp(pszKey, pCacheItem->rgszKey)) { pPrevItem = pCacheItem; pCacheItem = pCacheItem->pNext; }
if (NULL == pCacheItem) return NULL; // Specified key not found
pPrevItem->pNext = pCacheItem->pNext; pvData = pCacheItem->pvData; CacheFree(pCacheItem);
return pvData; }