/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: envvar.c * * Copyright (c) 1992, Microsoft Corporation * * Sets environment variables. * * History: * 2-25-92 JohanneC Created - * \***************************************************************************/
#include "msgina.h"
#ifdef _X86_
#include "i386\oemhard.h"
#pragma hdrstop
BOOL ProcessCommand(LPTSTR lpStart, PVOID *pEnv); BOOL ProcessSetCommand(LPTSTR lpStart, PVOID *pEnv); LPTSTR ProcessAutoexecPath(PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpValue, DWORD cb); LONG AddNetworkConnection(PGLOBALS pGlobals, LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource); BOOL UpdateUserEnvironmentVars( PVOID *pEnv ); #ifdef _X86_
BOOL IsPathIncludeRemovable(LPTSTR lpValue); #endif
BOOL GetLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled( VOID );
#define KEY_NAME TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment")
// Max environment variable length
#define MAX_VALUE_LEN 1024
#define BSLASH TEXT('\\')
#define COLON TEXT(':')
// These two globals implement ref counting on
// pGlobals->UserProcessData->hCurrentUser (418628)
// managed by OpenHKeyCurrentUser/CloseHKeyCurrentUser below
BOOL InitHKeyCurrentUserSupport( ) { NTSTATUS Status ;
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "InitHKeyCurrentUserSupport failed to init its lock, error = 0x%08X\n", Status)); return FALSE; }
g_ulHKCURef = 0;
return TRUE; }
VOID CleanupHKeyCurrentUserSupport( ) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU ); }
* OpenHKeyCurrentUser * * Opens HKeyCurrentUser to point at the current logged on user's profile. * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * History: * 06-16-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL OpenHKeyCurrentUser( PGLOBALS pGlobals ) { HANDLE ImpersonationHandle; BOOL Result; NTSTATUS Status ;
// Get in the correct context before we reference the registry
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL); if (ImpersonationHandle == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "OpenHKeyCurrentUser failed to impersonate user")); return(FALSE); }
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU );
if (g_ulHKCURef == 0) { Status = RtlOpenCurrentUser( MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &pGlobals->UserProcessData.hCurrentUser ); }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU );
// Return to our own context
Result = StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle); ASSERT(Result);
return(TRUE); }
* CloseHKeyCurrentUser * * Closes HKEY_CURRENT_USER. * Any registry reference will automatically re-open it, so this is * only a token gesture - but it allows the registry hive to be unloaded. * * Returns nothing * * History: * 06-16-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ VOID CloseHKeyCurrentUser( PGLOBALS pGlobals ) { RtlEnterCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU );
if (g_ulHKCURef > 0) { if (--g_ulHKCURef == 0) { NtClose( pGlobals->UserProcessData.hCurrentUser ); pGlobals->UserProcessData.hCurrentUser = NULL ; } }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &g_csHKCU ); }
* SetUserEnvironmentVariable * * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetUserEnvironmentVariable( PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpVariable, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bOverwrite ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name, Value; DWORD cb; TCHAR szValue[1024];
if (!*pEnv || !lpVariable || !*lpVariable) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (Value.Buffer) { Value.Length = (USHORT)cb; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value);
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !bOverwrite) { return(TRUE); } } if (lpValue && *lpValue) {
// Special case TEMP and TMP and shorten the path names
if ((!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, TEXT("TEMP"))) || (!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, TEXT("TMP")))) {
if (!GetShortPathName (lpValue, szValue, 1024)) { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); } } else { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, szValue); Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } else { Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, NULL); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
* ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ DWORD ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings( PVOID pEnv, LPTSTR lpSrc, LPTSTR lpDst, DWORD nSize ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Source, Destination; ULONG Length;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Source, lpSrc ); Destination.Buffer = lpDst; Destination.Length = 0; Destination.MaximumLength = (USHORT)nSize; Length = 0; Status = RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U( pEnv, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Source, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Destination, &Length ); if (NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return( Length ); } else { return( 0 ); } }
* BuildEnvironmentPath * * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL BuildEnvironmentPath(PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable, LPTSTR lpPathValue) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; TCHAR lpTemp[1025]; DWORD cb;
if (!*pEnv) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpPathVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (!Value.Buffer) { return(FALSE); } Value.Length = (USHORT)(sizeof(TCHAR) * cb); Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(sizeof(TCHAR) * cb); Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Free(Value.Buffer); Value.Length = 0; *lpTemp = 0; } if (Value.Length) { lstrcpy(lpTemp, Value.Buffer); if ( *( lpTemp + lstrlen(lpTemp) - 1) != TEXT(';') ) { lstrcat(lpTemp, TEXT(";")); } Free(Value.Buffer); } if (lpPathValue && ((lstrlen(lpTemp) + lstrlen(lpPathValue) + 1) < (INT)cb)) { lstrcat(lpTemp, lpPathValue);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, lpTemp);
Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
* SetEnvironmentVariables * * Reads the user-defined environment variables from the user registry * and adds them to the environment block at pEnv. * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetEnvironmentVariables( PGLOBALS pGlobals, LPTSTR pEnvVarSubkey, PVOID *pEnv ) { TCHAR lpValueName[MAX_PATH]; PWCH lpDataBuffer; DWORD cbDataBuffer; PWCH lpData; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; DWORD cbValueName = MAX_PATH; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIndex = 0; HKEY hkey; BOOL bResult;
* Open registry key to access USER environment variables. */ if (!OpenHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SetEnvironmentVariables: Failed to open HKeyCurrentUser")); return(FALSE); }
if (RegOpenKeyEx(pGlobals->UserProcessData.hCurrentUser, pEnvVarSubkey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { CloseHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals); return(FALSE); }
cbDataBuffer = 4096; lpDataBuffer = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cbDataBuffer); if (lpDataBuffer == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "SetEnvironmentVariables: Failed to allocate %d bytes", cbDataBuffer)); CloseHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals); RegCloseKey(hkey); return(FALSE); } lpData = lpDataBuffer; cbData = sizeof(TCHAR)*cbDataBuffer; bResult = TRUE; while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_SZ) {
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, lpData); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, lpData, TRUE); } } } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
dwIndex = 0; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH;
while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD cb, cbNeeded;
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (lpExpandedValue) { cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { Free(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } }
if (lpExpandedValue == NULL) { bResult = FALSE; break; }
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, lpExpandedValue); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, lpExpandedValue, TRUE); }
Free(lpExpandedValue); } } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
Free(lpDataBuffer); RegCloseKey(hkey); CloseHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals);
return(bResult); }
* IsUNCPath * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL IsUNCPath(LPTSTR lpPath) { if (lpPath[0] == BSLASH && lpPath[1] == BSLASH) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
* SetHomeDirectoryEnvVars * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetHomeDirectoryEnvVars( PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpHomeDirectory, LPTSTR lpHomeDrive, LPTSTR lpHomeShare, LPTSTR lpHomePath, BOOL * pfDeepShare ) { TCHAR cTmp; LPTSTR lpHomeTmp; BOOL bFoundFirstBSlash = FALSE;
if (!*lpHomeDirectory) { return(FALSE); }
*pfDeepShare = FALSE;
if (IsUNCPath(lpHomeDirectory)) { lpHomeTmp = lpHomeDirectory + 2; while (*lpHomeTmp) { if (*lpHomeTmp == BSLASH) { if (bFoundFirstBSlash) { break; } bFoundFirstBSlash = TRUE; } lpHomeTmp++; } if (*lpHomeTmp) { lstrcpy(lpHomePath, lpHomeTmp); *pfDeepShare = TRUE; } else { *lpHomePath = BSLASH; *(lpHomePath+1) = 0;
cTmp = *lpHomeTmp; *lpHomeTmp = (TCHAR)0; lstrcpy(lpHomeShare, lpHomeDirectory); *lpHomeTmp = cTmp;
// If no home drive specified, than default to z:
if (!*lpHomeDrive) { lstrcpy(lpHomeDrive, TEXT("Z:")); }
} else { // local home directory
*lpHomeShare = 0; // no home share
cTmp = lpHomeDirectory[2]; lpHomeDirectory[2] = (TCHAR)0; lstrcpy(lpHomeDrive, lpHomeDirectory); lpHomeDirectory[2] = cTmp;
lstrcpy(lpHomePath, lpHomeDirectory + 2); }
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, lpHomeDrive, TRUE); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, lpHomeShare, TRUE); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, lpHomePath, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
* UpdateHomeVarsInVolatileEnv * * Sets the HOMEDRIVE, HOMEPATH and HOMESHARE variables in the user's home * volatile environment so that SHGetFolderPath is able to expand these * variables * * History: * 6-5-2000 RahulTh Created * \***************************************************************************/ VOID UpdateHomeVarsInVolatileEnv ( PGLOBALS pGlobals, LPTSTR lpHomeDrive, LPTSTR lpHomeShare, LPTSTR lpHomePath ) { BOOL bOpenedHKCU; HANDLE ImpersonationHandle = NULL; HKEY hUserVolatileEnv = NULL; LONG lResult; bOpenedHKCU = OpenHKeyCurrentUser (pGlobals); ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle != NULL) {
// See the registry value to see whether we should really try to map
// the whole directory or just map to the root..
if ((pGlobals->UserProcessData).hCurrentUser) {
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx((pGlobals->UserProcessData).hCurrentUser, L"Volatile Environment", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hUserVolatileEnv);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RegSetValueEx (hUserVolatileEnv, HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) lpHomeDrive, (lstrlen (lpHomeDrive) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
RegSetValueEx (hUserVolatileEnv, HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) lpHomeShare, (lstrlen (lpHomeShare) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); RegSetValueEx (hUserVolatileEnv, HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) lpHomePath, (lstrlen (lpHomePath) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); RegCloseKey(hUserVolatileEnv); } }
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (!StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "UpdateHomeVarsInVolatileEnv : Failed to revert to self")); }
// Set it to NULL
ImpersonationHandle = NULL; } else { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "UpdateHomeVarsInVolatileEnv : Failed to impersonate user")); }
if (bOpenedHKCU) CloseHKeyCurrentUser (pGlobals); }
* ChangeToHomeDirectory * * Sets the current directory to the user's home directory. If this fails * tries to set to the directory in the following order: * 1. home directory * 2. c:\users\default * 3. c:\users * 4. \ (root) * 5. leaves directory as is i.e. the present current directory * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ VOID ChangeToHomeDirectory( PGLOBALS pGlobals, PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpHomeDir, LPTSTR lpHomeDrive, LPTSTR lpHomeShare, LPTSTR lpHomePath, LPTSTR lpOldDir, BOOL DeepShare ) { TCHAR lpCurDrive[4]; BOOL bNoHomeDir = FALSE; BOOL bTSHomeDir = FALSE; HANDLE ImpersonationHandle = NULL; DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwSize, dwType; HKEY hUserPolicy=NULL; DWORD dwConnectHomeDirToRoot; LONG lResult;
if (GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, lpOldDir)) { lpCurDrive[0] = lpOldDir[0]; lpCurDrive[1] = lpOldDir[1]; lpCurDrive[2] = (TCHAR)0; } else lpCurDrive[0] = (TCHAR)0;
if (!*lpHomeDir) { bNoHomeDir = TRUE;
DefaultDirectory: if (!bNoHomeDir) { #if 0
ReportWinlogonEvent(pGlobals, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, EVENT_SET_HOME_DIRECTORY_FAILED, sizeof(error), &error, 1, lpHomeDir); #endif
} lstrcpy(lpHomeDir, lpCurDrive);
if (g_IsTerminalServer) { TCHAR szProfileDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbufSize = MAX_PATH;
if ( GetUserProfileDirectory(pGlobals->UserProcessData.UserToken, szProfileDir, &cbufSize) && SetCurrentDirectory(szProfileDir) ) {
lstrcpy(lpHomeDir, szProfileDir); bTSHomeDir = TRUE;
} else { error = GetLastError(); DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to GetUserProfileDirectory '%ws', error = %d\n", lpHomeDir, error)); lstrcpy(lpHomeDir, NULL_STRING); } }
if (!bTSHomeDir) { #if 0
if (SetCurrentDirectory(USERS_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY)) { lstrcat(lpHomeDir, USERS_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY); } else if (SetCurrentDirectory(USERS_DIRECTORY)) { lstrcat(lpHomeDir, USERS_DIRECTORY); } else #endif
if (SetCurrentDirectory(ROOT_DIRECTORY)) { lstrcat(lpHomeDir, ROOT_DIRECTORY); } else { lstrcpy(lpHomeDir, NULL_STRING); }
if (bNoHomeDir || bTSHomeDir) { // Update the homedrive variable to reflect the correct value
lstrcpy (lpHomeDrive, lpCurDrive); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, lpCurDrive, TRUE); *lpHomeShare = 0; // null string
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, lpHomeShare, TRUE); if (*lpHomeDir) { lpHomeDir += 2; } // Update the homepath variable to reflect the correct value
lstrcpy (lpHomePath, lpHomeDir); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, lpHomeDir, TRUE); } goto UpdateHomeVars; } /*
* Test if homedir is a local directory.'?:\foo\bar' */ if (IsUNCPath(lpHomeDir)) { NETRESOURCE NetResource; BOOL bOpenedHKCU; /*
* lpHomeDir is a UNC path, use lpHomedrive. */
// First, try the (possibly) deep path:
ZeroMemory( &NetResource, sizeof( NetResource ) );
NetResource.lpLocalName = lpHomeDrive; NetResource.lpRemoteName = lpHomeDir; NetResource.lpProvider = NULL; NetResource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
dwConnectHomeDirToRoot = 0; // default
bOpenedHKCU = OpenHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals);
// Impersonate the user
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle != NULL) {
// See the registry value to see whether we should really try to map
// the whole directory or just map to the root..
if ((pGlobals->UserProcessData).hCurrentUser) {
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx((pGlobals->UserProcessData).hCurrentUser, WINLOGON_POLICY_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hUserPolicy);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx (hUserPolicy, TEXT("ConnectHomeDirToRoot"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwConnectHomeDirToRoot, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey(hUserPolicy); } }
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (!StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to revert to self")); }
// Set it to NULL
ImpersonationHandle = NULL; } else { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to impersonate user")); }
if (bOpenedHKCU) CloseHKeyCurrentUser(pGlobals);
if (!dwConnectHomeDirToRoot) {
error = AddNetworkConnection( pGlobals, &NetResource );
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// (possibly) deep path worked!
if ( DeepShare ) { //
// Set homepath to just "\"
lstrcpy( lpHomePath, TEXT("\\") );
// Also update the value of homeshare to reflect the correct value
lstrcpy (lpHomeShare, lpHomeDir);
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, lpHomeShare, TRUE); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, lpHomePath, TRUE); } } else { dwConnectHomeDirToRoot = TRUE; } }
if (dwConnectHomeDirToRoot) {
NetResource.lpLocalName = lpHomeDrive; NetResource.lpRemoteName = lpHomeShare; NetResource.lpProvider = NULL; NetResource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
error = AddNetworkConnection( pGlobals, &NetResource );
if ( error ) { goto DefaultDirectory; } }
lstrcpy(lpHomeDir, lpHomeDrive);
if ( lpHomePath && (*lpHomePath != TEXT('\\'))) { lstrcat(lpHomeDir, TEXT("\\")); }
lstrcat(lpHomeDir, lpHomePath);
// Impersonate the user
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to impersonate user")); }
if (!SetCurrentDirectory(lpHomeDir)) { error = GetLastError(); DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to SetCurrentDirectory '%ws', error = %d\n", lpHomeDir, error)); //
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (ImpersonationHandle && !StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to revert to self")); }
goto DefaultDirectory; } } else { /*
* lpHomeDir is a local path or absolute local path. */
// Impersonate the user
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to impersonate user")); }
if (!SetCurrentDirectory(lpHomeDir)) { error = GetLastError(); DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to SetCurrentDirectory '%ws', error = %d", lpHomeDir, error)); //
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (ImpersonationHandle && !StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to revert to self")); }
goto DefaultDirectory; } }
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (ImpersonationHandle && !StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ChangeToHomeDirectory : Failed to revert to self")); } UpdateHomeVars: //
// Update the value of the home variables in the volatile environment
// so that SHGetFolderPath expands these variables correctly
UpdateHomeVarsInVolatileEnv (pGlobals, lpHomeDrive, lpHomeShare, lpHomePath);
return; }
* ProcessAutoexec * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessAutoexec( PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable ) { HANDLE fh; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwBytesRead; CHAR *lpBuffer = NULL; CHAR *token; CHAR Seps[] = "&\n\r"; // Seperators for tokenizing autoexec.bat
BOOL Status = FALSE; TCHAR szAutoExecBat [] = TEXT("c:\\autoexec.bat"); #ifdef _X86_
TCHAR szTemp[3]; #endif
UINT uiErrMode;
#ifdef _X86_
if (IsNEC_98) { if (GetEnvironmentVariable (TEXT("SystemDrive"), szTemp, 3)) { szAutoExecBat[0] = szTemp[0]; } } #endif
SetErrorMode (uiErrMode);
if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(FALSE); //could not open autoexec.bat file, we're done.
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(fh, NULL); if (dwFileSize == -1) { goto Exit; // can't read the file size
lpBuffer = Alloc(dwFileSize+1); if (!lpBuffer) { goto Exit; }
Status = ReadFile(fh, lpBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL); if (!Status) { goto Exit; // error reading file
// Zero terminate the buffer so we don't walk off the end
ASSERT(dwBytesRead <= dwFileSize); lpBuffer[dwBytesRead] = 0;
// Search for SET and PATH commands
token = strtok(lpBuffer, Seps); while (token != NULL) { for (;*token && *token == ' ';token++) //skip spaces
; if (*token == TEXT('@')) token++; for (;*token && *token == ' ';token++) //skip spaces
; if (!_strnicmp(token, "PATH", 4)) { STRING String; UNICODE_STRING UniString;
RtlInitString(&String, (LPSTR)token); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UniString, &String, TRUE);
ProcessCommand(UniString.Buffer, pEnv); //ProcessCommand(token, pEnv);
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UniString); } if (!_strnicmp(token, "SET", 3)) { STRING String; UNICODE_STRING UniString;
RtlInitString(&String, (LPSTR)token); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UniString, &String, TRUE);
ProcessSetCommand(UniString.Buffer, pEnv); //ProcessSetCommand(token, pEnv);
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UniString); } token = strtok(NULL, Seps); } Exit: CloseHandle(fh); if (lpBuffer) { Free(lpBuffer); } if (!Status) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Cannot process autoexec.bat.")); } return(Status); }
* ProcessCommand * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessCommand(LPTSTR lpStart, PVOID *pEnv) { LPTSTR lpt, lptt; LPTSTR lpVariable; LPTSTR lpValue; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; TCHAR c; DWORD cb, cbNeeded;
// Find environment variable.
for (lpt = lpStart; *lpt && *lpt == TEXT(' '); lpt++) //skip spaces
if (!*lpt) return(FALSE);
lptt = lpt; for (; *lpt && *lpt != TEXT(' ') && *lpt != TEXT('='); lpt++) //find end of variable name
c = *lpt; *lpt = 0; lpVariable = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(lptt) + 1)); if (!lpVariable) return(FALSE); lstrcpy(lpVariable, lptt); *lpt = c;
// Find environment variable value.
for (; *lpt && (*lpt == TEXT(' ') || *lpt == TEXT('=')); lpt++) ;
if (!*lpt) { // if we have a blank path statement in the autoexec file,
// then we don't want to pass "PATH" as the environment
// variable because it trashes the system's PATH. Instead
// we want to change the variable AutoexecPath. This would have
// be handled below if a value had been assigned to the
// environment variable.
if (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE) == 0) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE, TEXT(""), TRUE); } else { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpVariable, TEXT(""), TRUE); } Free(lpVariable); return(FALSE); }
lptt = lpt; for (; *lpt; lpt++) //find end of varaible value
c = *lpt; *lpt = 0; lpValue = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(lptt) + 1)); if (!lpValue) { Free(lpVariable); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(lpValue, lptt); *lpt = c;
#ifdef _X86_
// NEC98
// If the path includes removable drive,
// it is assumed that the drive assignment has changed from DOS.
if (IsNEC_98 && (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE) == 0) && IsPathIncludeRemovable(lpValue)) { LocalFree(lpVariable); LocalFree(lpValue); return(FALSE); } #endif
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (lpExpandedValue) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE)) { lpValue = ProcessAutoexecPath(pEnv, lpValue, lstrlen(lpValue)+1); } cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpValue, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { Free(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpValue, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } }
if (!lpExpandedValue) { lpExpandedValue = lpValue; } if (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE)) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpVariable, lpExpandedValue, FALSE); } else { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE, lpExpandedValue, TRUE);
if (lpExpandedValue != lpValue) { Free(lpExpandedValue); } Free(lpVariable); Free(lpValue);
return(TRUE); }
* ProcessSetCommand * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessSetCommand(LPTSTR lpStart, PVOID *pEnv) { LPTSTR lpt;
// Find environment variable.
for (lpt = lpStart; *lpt && *lpt != TEXT(' '); lpt++) ;
if (!*lpt || !_wcsnicmp(lpt,TEXT("COMSPEC"), 7)) return(FALSE);
return (ProcessCommand(lpt, pEnv));
* ProcessAutoexecPath * * Creates AutoexecPath environment variable using autoexec.bat * LpValue may be freed by this routine. * * History: * 06-02-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ LPTSTR ProcessAutoexecPath(PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpValue, DWORD cb) { LPTSTR lpt; LPTSTR lpStart; LPTSTR lpPath; DWORD cbt; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; BOOL bPrevAutoexecPath; WCHAR ch; DWORD dwTemp, dwCount = 0;
cbt = 1024; lpt = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cbt); if (!lpt) { return(lpValue); } *lpt = 0; lpStart = lpValue;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE); Value.Buffer = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cbt); if (!Value.Buffer) { goto Fail; }
while (lpPath = wcsstr (lpValue, TEXT("%"))) { if (!_wcsnicmp(lpPath+1, TEXT("PATH%"), 5)) { //
// check if we have an autoexecpath already set, if not just remove
// the %path%
Value.Length = (USHORT)cbt; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cbt; bPrevAutoexecPath = (BOOL)!RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value);
*lpPath = 0; dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } if (bPrevAutoexecPath) { dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (Value.Buffer); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, Value.Buffer); dwCount = dwTemp; } }
*lpPath++ = TEXT('%'); lpPath += 5; // go passed %path%
lpValue = lpPath; } else { lpPath = wcsstr(lpPath+1, TEXT("%")); if (!lpPath) { lpStart = NULL; goto Fail; } lpPath++; ch = *lpPath; *lpPath = 0; dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } *lpPath = ch; lpValue = lpPath; } }
if (*lpValue) { dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } }
return(lpt); Fail:
if ( Value.Buffer ) { Free(Value.Buffer); }
Free(lpt); return(lpStart); }
* AppendNTPathWithAutoexecPath * * Gets the AutoexecPath created in ProcessAutoexec, and appends it to * the NT path. * * History: * 05-28-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL AppendNTPathWithAutoexecPath( PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable, LPTSTR lpAutoexecPath ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; TCHAR AutoexecPathValue[1024]; DWORD cb; BOOL Success;
if (!*pEnv) { return(FALSE); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpAutoexecPath); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = Alloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*cb); if (!Value.Buffer) { return(FALSE); }
Value.Length = (USHORT)cb; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Free(Value.Buffer); return(FALSE); }
if (Value.Length) { lstrcpy(AutoexecPathValue, Value.Buffer); }
Success = BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpPathVariable, AutoexecPathValue); RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, NULL); return(Success); }
* AddNetworkConnection * * calls WNetAddConnection in the user's context. * * History: * 6-26-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ LONG AddNetworkConnection(PGLOBALS pGlobals, LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource) { HANDLE ImpersonationHandle; TCHAR szMprDll[] = TEXT("mpr.dll"); CHAR szWNetAddConn[] = "WNetAddConnection2W"; CHAR szWNetCancelConn[] = "WNetCancelConnection2W"; DWORD (APIENTRY *lpfnWNetAddConn)(LPNETRESOURCE, LPTSTR, LPTSTR, DWORD); DWORD (APIENTRY *lpfnWNetCancelConn)(LPCTSTR, DWORD, BOOL); DWORD WNetResult;
// Impersonate the user
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(&pGlobals->UserProcessData, NULL);
if (ImpersonationHandle == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AddNetworkConnection : Failed to impersonate user")); return(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); }
// Call the add connection api in the users context
if (!pGlobals->hMPR) { // wasn't loaded, try to load it now.
pGlobals->hMPR = LoadLibrary(szMprDll); }
if (pGlobals->hMPR) {
if (lpfnWNetAddConn = (DWORD (APIENTRY *)(LPNETRESOURCE, LPTSTR, LPTSTR, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(pGlobals->hMPR, (LPSTR)szWNetAddConn)) {
WNetResult = (*lpfnWNetAddConn)(lpNetResource, NULL, NULL, 0);
// When LUID DosDevices are disabled,
// console users share the same DosDevices
// With LUID DosDevices enabled,
// users each get their own DosDevices
if ( (WNetResult == ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED) || (WNetResult == ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED) ) { // Drive is already assigned -- undo it and retry. This is to prevent a
// user from subst-ing a drive to another user's home drive so the other
// user's home drive points somewhere inappropriate on next logon.
if (lpfnWNetCancelConn = (DWORD (APIENTRY *)(LPCTSTR, DWORD, BOOL)) GetProcAddress(pGlobals->hMPR, (LPSTR)szWNetCancelConn)) {
WNetResult = lpfnWNetCancelConn(lpNetResource->lpLocalName, 0, TRUE); }
if ( (WNetResult != NO_ERROR) && (WNetResult == ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED) && (GetLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled() == FALSE) )
// WNet didn't work -- try DefineDosDevice (as the user)
// to undo any drive substitutions that aren't background
// admin-level symlinks
DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION, lpNetResource->lpLocalName, NULL); } // Retry the connection
WNetResult = (*lpfnWNetAddConn)(lpNetResource, NULL, NULL, 0); }
if (WNetResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "WNetAddConnection2W to %ws failed, error = %d\n", lpNetResource->lpRemoteName, WNetResult));
FreeLibrary(pGlobals->hMPR); pGlobals->hMPR = NULL; SetLastError( WNetResult ); }
if (!StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AddNetworkConnection : Failed to revert to self")); }
return( WNetResult );
} else { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to get address of WNetAddConnection2W from mpr.dll")); }
} else { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Winlogon failed to load mpr.dll for add connection")); }
// Unload mpr.dll. Keeping it open messes up Novell and Banyan.
if ( pGlobals->hMPR ) {
FreeLibrary(pGlobals->hMPR); pGlobals->hMPR = NULL; }
// Revert to being 'ourself'
if (!StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle)) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "AddNetworkConnection : Failed to revert to self")); }
// This is the failure return.
return( GetLastError() ); }
#ifdef _X86_
BOOL IsPathIncludeRemovable(LPTSTR lpValue) { LPTSTR lpt, tmp; BOOL ret = FALSE; WCHAR c;
tmp = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(lpValue) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!tmp) DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "IsPathIncludeRemovable : Failed to LocalAlloc (%d)", GetLastError())); else { lstrcpy(tmp, lpValue);
lpt = tmp; while (*lpt) { // skip spaces
for ( ; *lpt && *lpt == TEXT(' '); lpt++) ;
// check if the drive is removable
if (lpt[0] && lpt[1] && lpt[1] == TEXT(':') && lpt[2]) { // ex) "A:\"
c = lpt[3]; lpt[3] = 0; if (GetDriveType(lpt) == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) { lpt[3] = c; ret = TRUE; break; } lpt[3] = c; }
// skip to the next path
for ( ; *lpt && *lpt != TEXT(';'); lpt++) ; if (*lpt) lpt++; } LocalFree(tmp); } return(ret); } #endif
* GetLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled * * This function calls NtQueryInformationProcess() to determine if * LUID device maps are enabled * * Return Value: * * TRUE - LUID device maps are enabled * * FALSE - LUID device maps are disabled * \***************************************************************************/
BOOL GetLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled( VOID ) { ULONG LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled; NTSTATUS Status;
// Check if LUID Device Maps are enabled
Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled, &LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled, sizeof(LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled), NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return( FALSE ); } else { return (LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled != 0); } }