// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: cred.cxx
// Contents: Credential class used to store common security credential
// for NTLM and Kerberos
// Classes: CCredential
// Functions: CCredential::CCredential()
// CCredential::~CCredential()
// History: 12-Jan-94 MikeSw Created
#include <secpch2.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// NT Headers
#include <credlist.hxx>
#include "debug.hxx"
// Global Data
// Function: CCredential::Credential()
// Synopsis: Constructor.
// Effects:
CCredential::CCredential(CCredentialList *pOwningList)
{ DebugOut((CRED_FUNC, "CCredential()\n"));
_Check = CRED_CHECK_VALUE; _dwCredID = 0; _dwProcessID = 0; _pOwningList = pOwningList; _pLock = NULL;
// Function: CCredential::~CCredential()
// Synopsis: Destructor.
// Notes: Credential should be locked to delete it. An implemenation
// should write a real destructor that cleans up all the
// other data, such as user name.
CCredential::~CCredential() { // DsysAssert(_pLock);
DebugOut((DEB_TRACE,"Deleting credential %p\n",this)); _Check = 0; if (_pLock != NULL) { if (!_pOwningList->FreeCredLock(_pLock,TRUE)) { DebugOut((DEB_ERROR,"Lock conflict in freed credential - thread still waiting\n")); } } _pOwningList = NULL; }
// Function: CCredential::Lock()
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
BOOLEAN CCredential::Lock() { DWORD checkvalue; HRESULT hrRet; BOOLEAN fLockedList = FALSE; BOOLEAN bRet = TRUE; CCredentialList * pCredList = NULL;
// Verify that this credential is valid:
__try { hrRet = SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE;
if (_pOwningList) { //
// First check the _Check value. This isn't sufficient, since
// by the time we lock the list it may change, so we check
// again afterwards.
if (_Check == CRED_CHECK_VALUE) {
// Copy on pCredList just in case it gets changed on us
// so we can still unlock it.
pCredList = _pOwningList; pCredList->rCredentials.GetWrite(); fLockedList = TRUE; checkvalue = _Check;
// Now check the check value.
if (checkvalue == CRED_CHECK_VALUE) { hrRet = S_OK; } } }
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { if (fLockedList) { pCredList->rCredentials.Release(); } DebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Invalid cred passed to lock: %p\n",this)); return(FALSE); }
DebugOut((DEB_TRACE,"Going to lock creds for 0x%x:%wS\n", _dwCredID,&_Name));
// If the pLock field is non-null, then there is an active user of
// the credentials.
if (_pLock) { // If we already own this lock, bump the recursion count:
if (_pLock->dwThread == GetCurrentThreadId()) { // Null body
} else {
// Otherwise, we block on the CredLock.
// Note: BlockOnCredLock will release the CredList exclusive lock
// for the duration of its wait, and re-obtain it before it
// returns.
bRet = pCredList->BlockOnCredLock(_pLock);
} else { _pLock = _pOwningList->AllocateCredLock(); if (!_pLock) DebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "AllocateCredLock failed\n")); }
if (bRet) { _pLock->dwThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); _pLock->cRecursion++; DebugOut((DEB_TRACE,"Locked creds for %wS\n", &_Name)); } #if DBG
else { DebugOut((DEB_WARN,"Failed to lock creds, cred was freed while waiting\n")); } #endif
return(bRet); }
// Function: CCredentials::Release
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
BOOLEAN CCredential::Release() {
#if DBG
if (!_pLock) { DebugOut((DEB_WARN, "UnlockCredentials - Creds for %wS aren't locked\n", &_Name)); return(TRUE); } #endif
if (_pLock->dwThread != GetCurrentThreadId()) { DebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "UnlockCredentials: Not owner of creds for %wS\n", &_Name)); return(FALSE); }
DebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "Unlocking credentials of 0x%x:%wS(%d,%d)\n", _dwCredID, &_Name, _pLock->cRecursion, _pLock->cWaiters));
// First, decrement the recusion count. If it is not zero, then
// this thread has multiple locks on this credential. So, this unlock
// is successful, but the credentials are still locked.
if (--_pLock->cRecursion) { _pOwningList->rCredentials.Release();
return(TRUE); }
if (_pOwningList->FreeCredLock(_pLock,FALSE)) { _pLock = NULL; }
DebugOut((DEB_TRACE,"Released creds for %wS\n", &_Name));