// IM.C
// Input Manager
// Copyright(c) 1997-
#include <as16.h>
// IM_DDInit()
// This creates the resources we need for controlling
BOOL IM_DDInit(void) { UINT uSel; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Create interrupt patches for mouse_event and keybd_event
uSel = CreateFnPatch(mouse_event, ASMMouseEvent, &g_imPatches[IM_MOUSEEVENT], 0); if (!uSel) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't find mouse_event")); DC_QUIT; } g_imPatches[IM_MOUSEEVENT].fInterruptable = TRUE;
if (!CreateFnPatch(keybd_event, ASMKeyboardEvent, &g_imPatches[IM_KEYBOARDEVENT], uSel)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't find keybd_event")); DC_QUIT; } g_imPatches[IM_KEYBOARDEVENT].fInterruptable = TRUE;
// Create patch for SignalProc32 so we can find out when fault/hung
// dialogs from KERNEL32 come up.
if (!CreateFnPatch(SignalProc32, DrvSignalProc32, &g_imPatches[IM_SIGNALPROC32], 0)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't patch SignalProc32")); DC_QUIT; }
// Create patches for win16lock pulsing in 16-bit app modal loops
uSel = CreateFnPatch(RealGetCursorPos, DrvGetCursorPos, &g_imPatches[IM_GETCURSORPOS], 0); if (!uSel) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't find GetCursorPos")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!CreateFnPatch(GetAsyncKeyState, DrvGetAsyncKeyState, &g_imPatches[IM_GETASYNCKEYSTATE], 0)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't find GetAsyncKeyState")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(IM_DDInit, rc); return(rc); }
// IM_DDTerm()
// This cleans up any resources we needed for controlling
void IM_DDTerm(void) { IM_PATCH imPatch;
// Force undo of hooks
OSIInstallControlledHooks16(FALSE, FALSE);
// Destroy patches
for (imPatch = IM_FIRST; imPatch < IM_MAX; imPatch++) { DestroyFnPatch(&g_imPatches[imPatch]); }
DebugExitVOID(IM_DDTerm); }
// OSIInstallControlledHooks16()
// This installs/removes the input hooks we need to allow this machine to
// be controlled.
BOOL WINAPI OSIInstallControlledHooks16(BOOL fEnable, BOOL fDesktop) { BOOL rc = TRUE; IM_PATCH imPatch;
if (fEnable) { if (!g_imWin95Data.imLowLevelHooks) { g_imWin95Data.imLowLevelHooks = TRUE;
g_imMouseDowns = 0;
// GlobalSmartPageLock() stuff we need:
// * Our code segment
// * Our data segment
GlobalSmartPageLock((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF((LPVOID)DrvMouseEvent)); GlobalSmartPageLock((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF((LPVOID)&g_imSharedData));
// Install hooks
for (imPatch = IM_FIRST; imPatch < IM_MAX; imPatch++) { EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[imPatch], PATCH_ACTIVATE); } }
// Install high-level mouse hook
if (!fDesktop) { if (!g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook) { //
// Install the mouse hook.
g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, IMMouseHookProc, g_hInstAs16, 0); if (!g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to install mouse hook")); rc = FALSE; } } } } else { if (g_imWin95Data.imLowLevelHooks) { //
// Uninstall hooks
for (imPatch = IM_MAX; imPatch > 0; imPatch--) { EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[imPatch-1], PATCH_DEACTIVATE); }
// GlobalSmartUnPageLock() stuff we needed
GlobalSmartPageUnlock((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF((LPVOID)&g_imSharedData)); GlobalSmartPageUnlock((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF((LPVOID)DrvMouseEvent));
g_imWin95Data.imLowLevelHooks = FALSE; }
if (!fDesktop) { if (g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook) { //
// Remove the mouse hook.
UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook); g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook = NULL; } } }
DebugExitBOOL(OSIInstallControlledHooks16, rc); return(rc); }
#pragma optimize("gle", off)
void IMInject(BOOL fOn) { if (fOn) { #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD tmp;
// Disable interrupts then turn injection global on
// But before we do this, we must make sure that we aren't going
// to have to fault in a new stack page. Since this is on a 32-bit
// thread, we will be in trouble.
tmp = GetSelectorBase(SELECTOROF(((LPVOID)&fOn))) + OFFSETOF((LPVOID)&fOn); if ((tmp & 0xFFFFF000) != ((tmp - 0x100) & 0xFFFFF000)) { ERROR_OUT(("Close to page boundary on 32-bit stack %08lx", tmp)); } #endif // DEBUG
_asm cli g_imWin95Data.imInjecting = TRUE; } else { //
// Turn injection global off then enable interrupts
g_imWin95Data.imInjecting = FALSE; _asm sti } } #pragma optimize("", on)
// OSIInjectMouseEvent16()
void WINAPI OSIInjectMouseEvent16 ( UINT flags, int x, int y, UINT mouseData, DWORD dwExtraInfo ) { DebugEntry(OSIInjectMouseEvent16);
if (flags & IM_MOUSEEVENTF_BUTTONDOWN_FLAGS) { ++g_imMouseDowns; }
// We disable interrupts, call the real mouse_event, reenable
// interrupts. That way our mouse_event patch is serialized.
// And we can check imInjecting.
IMInject(TRUE); CallMouseEvent(flags, x, y, mouseData, LOWORD(dwExtraInfo), HIWORD(dwExtraInfo)); IMInject(FALSE);
if (flags & IM_MOUSEEVENTF_BUTTONUP_FLAGS) { --g_imMouseDowns; ASSERT(g_imMouseDowns >= 0); }
DebugExitVOID(OSIInjectMouseEvent16); }
// OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16()
void WINAPI OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16 ( UINT flags, WORD vkCode, WORD scanCode, DWORD dwExtraInfo ) { DebugEntry(OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16);
// First, fix up the flags
if (flags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) { // Put 0x80 in the HIBYTE of vkCode, this means a keyup
if (flags & KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY) { // Put 0x01 in the HIBYTE of scanCode, this means extended
// We disable interrupts, call the real keybd_event, reenable
// interrupts. That way our keybd_event patch is serialized.
// And we can check the imfInject variable.
IMInject(TRUE); CallKeyboardEvent(vkCode, scanCode, LOWORD(dwExtraInfo), HIWORD(dwExtraInfo)); IMInject(FALSE);
DebugExitVOID(OSIInjectKeyboardEvent16); }
// Win16lock pulse points when injecting mouse down/up sequences into 16-bit
// modal loop apps.
// IMCheckWin16LockPulse()
// This pulses the win16lock if we are in the middle of injecting a mouse
// down-up sequence to a 16-bit app shared on this machine. We do this to
// prevent deadlock, caused by 16-bit dudes going into modal loops, not
// releasing the win16lock. Our 32-bit thread would get stuck on the win16
// lock trying to play back the rest of the sequence.
void IMCheckWin16LockPulse(void) { DebugEntry(IMCheckWin16LockPulse);
if ((g_imMouseDowns > 0) && (GetProcessDword(0, GPD_FLAGS) & GPF_WIN16_PROCESS)) { TRACE_OUT(("Pulsing win16lock for 16-bit app; mouse down count %d", g_imMouseDowns));
_LeaveWin16Lock(); _EnterWin16Lock();
TRACE_OUT(("Pulsed win16lock for 16-bit app; mouse down count %d", g_imMouseDowns)); }
DebugExitVOID(IMCheckWin16LockPulse); }
int WINAPI DrvGetAsyncKeyState(int vk) { int retVal;
// Pulse BEFORE we call to USER
EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_GETASYNCKEYSTATE], PATCH_DISABLE); retVal = GetAsyncKeyState(vk); EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_GETASYNCKEYSTATE], PATCH_ENABLE);
DebugExitBOOL(DrvGetAsyncKeyState, retVal); return(retVal); }
// DrvGetCursorPos()
BOOL WINAPI DrvGetCursorPos(LPPOINT lppt) { BOOL retVal;
// Pulse BEFORE calling USER
EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_GETCURSORPOS], PATCH_DISABLE); retVal = RealGetCursorPos(lppt); EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_GETCURSORPOS], PATCH_ENABLE);
DebugExitBOOL(DrvGetCursorPos, retVal); return(retVal); }
// IMMouseHookProc()
// High level mouse hook to make sure mice messages are going where we
// think they should when your machine is being controlled.
if (code < 0) { //
// Only pass along
// Decide if we should block this event. We will if it is not destined
// for a hosted window and not destined for a screen saver.
if (!HET_WindowIsHosted(lpMseHook->hwnd) && !OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16(lpMseHook->hwnd)) { fBlock = TRUE;
TRACE_OUT(("MOUSEHOOK hwnd %04x -> block: %s", lpMseHook->hwnd, (fBlock ? (LPSTR)"YES" : (LPSTR)"NO")));
// Call the next hook
rc = CallNextHookEx(g_imWin95Data.imhHighLevelMouseHook, code, wParam, lParam);
if (fBlock) { //
// To block further processing in USER, return TRUE
rc = TRUE; }
DebugExitDWORD(IMMouseHookProc, rc); return(rc); }
// DrvMouseEvent()
// mouse_event interrupt patch
void WINAPI DrvMouseEvent ( UINT regAX, UINT regBX, UINT regCX, UINT regDX, UINT regSI, UINT regDI ) { BOOL fAllow;
// If this is injected by us, just pass it through.
fAllow = TRUE; if (g_imWin95Data.imInjecting) { DC_QUIT; }
// NOTE:
// flags is in AX
// x coord is in BX
// y coord is in CX
// mousedata is in DX
// dwExtraInfo is in DI, SI
if (g_imSharedData.imControlled && !g_imSharedData.imPaused) { //
// If this is a button click, take control back
if (regAX & (MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN)) { if (!g_imSharedData.imUnattended) { PostMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_REVOKECONTROL_MSG, FALSE, 0); } }
if (!g_imSharedData.imSuspended) fAllow = FALSE; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (fAllow) { EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_MOUSEEVENT], PATCH_DISABLE); CallMouseEvent(regAX, regBX, regCX, regDX, regSI, regDI); EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_MOUSEEVENT], PATCH_ENABLE); } }
// DrvKeyboardEvent()
// keybd_event interrupt patch
void WINAPI DrvKeyboardEvent ( UINT regAX, UINT regBX, UINT regSI, UINT regDI ) { BOOL fAllow;
// If this is injected by us, pass it through. Do the same for
// critical errors, since everything is frozen and we can't play back
// input if we wanted to.
// If the scan-code (in regBX) is 0 we assume that the input
// is injected by an application (such as an IME) and we don't
// want to block this or take control.
fAllow = TRUE; if (g_imWin95Data.imInjecting || !regBX) { DC_QUIT; }
// NOTE:
// vkCode is in AX, LOBYTE is vkCode, HIBYTE is state
// scanCode is in BX
// dwExtraInfo is in DI, SI
if (g_imSharedData.imControlled && !g_imSharedData.imPaused) { if (!(regAX & USERKEYEVENTF_KEYUP)) { //
// This is a key down. Take control back (except for ALT key),
// and kill control allowability if it's the ESC key.
if (LOBYTE(regAX) == VK_ESCAPE) { PostMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_ALLOWCONTROL_MSG, FALSE, 0); } else if (LOBYTE(regAX != VK_MENU)) { if (!g_imSharedData.imUnattended) { PostMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_REVOKECONTROL_MSG, 0, 0); } } }
// Don't discard toggle keys. The enabled/disabled function
// is already set before we see the keystroke. If we discard,
// the lights are incorrect.
if (!IM_KEY_IS_TOGGLE(LOBYTE(regAX)) && !g_imSharedData.imSuspended) { fAllow = FALSE; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (fAllow) { EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_KEYBOARDEVENT], PATCH_DISABLE); CallKeyboardEvent(regAX, regBX, regSI, regDI); EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_KEYBOARDEVENT], PATCH_ENABLE); } }
// DrvSignalProc32()
// This patches USER's SignalProc32 export and watches for the FORCE_LOCK
// signals. KERNEL32 calls them before/after putting up critical error and
// fault dialogs. That's how we know when one is coming up, and can
// temporarily suspend remote control of your machine so you can dismiss
// them. Usually the thread they are on is boosted so high priority that
// nothing else can run, and so NM can't pump in input from the remote.
BOOL WINAPI DrvSignalProc32 ( DWORD dwSignal, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwFlags, WORD hTask16 ) { BOOL fRet;
if (dwSignal == SIG_PRE_FORCE_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("Disabling remote control before critical dialog, count %ld", g_imSharedData.imSuspended)); ++g_imSharedData.imSuspended; }
EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_SIGNALPROC32], PATCH_DISABLE); fRet = SignalProc32(dwSignal, dwID, dwFlags, hTask16); EnableFnPatch(&g_imPatches[IM_SIGNALPROC32], PATCH_ENABLE);
if (dwSignal == SIG_POST_FORCE_LOCK) { --g_imSharedData.imSuspended; TRACE_OUT(("Enabling remote control after critical dialog, count %ld", g_imSharedData.imSuspended)); }
DebugExitBOOL(DrvSignalProc32, fRet); return(fRet); }