Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by dcap32.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDD_CAMERA_CONTROL 100
  6. #define IDD_VIDEO_SETTINGS 101
  7. #define IDC_DEFAULT 102
  8. #define IDC_DEVICE_SETTINGS 103
  9. #define IDC_CAMERA_CONTROLS 104
  10. #define IDC_BRIGHTNESS 110
  11. #define IDC_CONTRAST 111
  12. #define IDC_HUE 112
  13. #define IDC_SATURATION 113
  14. #define IDC_SHARPNESS 114
  15. #define IDC_WHITE 115
  16. #define IDC_PAN 116
  17. #define IDC_TILT 117
  18. #define IDC_ROLL 118
  19. #define IDC_HUE_STATIC 120
  20. #define IDC_BRIGHTNESS_STATIC 121
  21. #define IDC_CONTRAST_STATIC 122
  22. #define IDC_SATURATION_STATIC 123
  23. #define IDC_SHARPNESS_STATIC 124
  24. #define IDC_WHITE_STATIC 125
  25. #define IDC_GAMMA_STATIC 126
  26. #define IDC_BACKLIGHT_STATIC 127
  27. #define IDC_ZOOM_STATIC 128
  28. #define IDC_FOCUS_STATIC 129
  29. #define IDC_TILT_STATIC 130
  30. #define IDC_EXPOSURE_STATIC 131
  31. #define IDC_IRIS_STATIC 132
  32. #define IDC_PAN_STATIC 133
  33. #define IDC_ROLL_STATIC 134
  34. #define IDC_SLIDER_WHITEBAL 140
  35. #define IDC_SLIDER_BRIGHTNESS 141
  36. #define IDC_SLIDER_CONTRAST 142
  37. #define IDC_SLIDER_HUE 143
  38. #define IDC_SLIDER_SATURATION 144
  39. #define IDC_SLIDER_SHARPNESS 145
  40. #define IDC_SLIDER_FOCUS 146
  41. #define IDC_SLIDER_GAMMA 147
  42. #define IDC_SLIDER_BACKLIGHT 148
  43. #define IDC_SLIDER_ZOOM 149
  44. #define IDC_SLIDER_TILT 150
  45. #define IDC_SLIDER_EXPOSURE 151
  46. #define IDC_SLIDER_IRIS 152
  47. #define IDC_SLIDER_PAN 153
  48. #define IDC_SLIDER_ROLL 154
  49. #define IDC_TXT_HUE_CURRENT 160
  51. #define IDC_TXT_CONTRAST_CURRENT 162
  54. #define IDC_TXT_ZOOM_CURRENT 165
  55. #define IDC_TXT_WHITE_CURRENT 166
  56. #define IDC_TXT_FOCUS_CURRENT 167
  57. #define IDC_TXT_GAMMA_CURRENT 168
  59. #define IDC_TXT_TILT_CURRENT 170
  60. #define IDC_TXT_EXPOSURE_CURRENT 171
  61. #define IDC_TXT_IRIS_CURRENT 172
  62. #define IDC_TXT_PAN_CURRENT 173
  63. #define IDC_TXT_ROLL_CURRENT 174
  64. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 180
  65. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_CONTRAST 181
  66. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_HUE 182
  67. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_SATURATION 183
  68. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_SHARPNESS 184
  69. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_WHITEBAL 185
  70. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_GAMMA 186
  71. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_BACKLIGHT 187
  72. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_ZOOM 188
  73. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_FOCUS 189
  74. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_TILT 190
  75. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_EXPOSURE 191
  76. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_IRIS 192
  77. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_PAN 193
  78. #define IDC_CB_AUTO_ROLL 194
  79. #define IDS_ZOOM 200
  80. #define IDS_FOCUS 201
  81. #define IDS_TILT 202
  82. #define IDS_EXPOSURE 203
  83. #define IDS_IRIS 204
  84. #define IDS_PAN 205
  85. #define IDS_ROLL 206
  86. #define IDS_BRIGHTNESS 207
  87. #define IDS_CONTRAST 208
  88. #define IDS_HUE 209
  89. #define IDS_SATURATION 210
  90. #define IDS_SHARPNESS 211
  91. #define IDS_WHITEBAL 212
  92. #define IDS_GAMMA 213
  93. #define IDS_BACKLIGHT 214
  94. #define IDS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_NAME 215
  95. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  96. // Next default values for new objects
  97. //
  100. #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
  101. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 115
  102. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40015
  103. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1089
  104. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  105. #endif
  106. #endif