#include "precomp.h"
/* Comport.cpp
* * Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY * * Abstract: * This is the implementation file for the ComPort class. This class * controls a specific Windows Comm port. The main purpose of this class * is to put the Windows specific comm calls in one class. * * Private Instance Variables: * m_hCommLink - Handle returned by Windows when you open * a com port * Tx_Buffer_Size - Output buffer size, Win32 buffer * Byte_Count - Represents total number of bytes transmitted * over the comm port * Last_Byte_Count - We have a timer that expires every X * seconds. It reports the total number of * bytes transmitted if Last_Byte_Count is not * equal to the Byte_Count. This reduces the * number of prints that occur * m_cbReadBufferSize - Buffer size of the ComPort's internal * buffer size. * m_pbReadBuffer - Address of our own internal buffer. * m_nReadBufferOffset - Keeps track of the number of bytes read * by the user via DataIndication calls. * m_cbRead - Number of bytes read via the last Windows * ReadFile() call. * m_hevtPendingWrite - Event object used with Windows WriteFile() * call. * m_hevtPendingRead - Event object used with Windows ReadFile() * call. * Write_Event_Object - Pointer to EventObject structure used with * the WriteFile() call. * Read_Event_Object - Pointer to EventObject structure used with * the ReadFile() call. * RLSD_Event_Object - Pointer to EventObject structure used with * the WaitCommEvent() call. * m_WriteOverlapped - Overlapped I/O structure used with the * Write event. * m_ReadOverlapped - Overlapped I/O structure used with the * Read event. * Event_Mask - Windows mask that specifies the events * that we are interested in. * Read_Active - TRUE if a ReadFile() function is active. * Write_Active - TRUE if a WriteFile() function is active. * Higher_Layer - Pointer to higher ProtocolLayer layer * Port_Configuration - Pointer to PortConfiguration structure. * Default_Com_Timeouts - This structure holds the Com timeout values * that Win32 had set as the default values. * When we are finished with the port, we * will restore these values * * Caveats: * None. * * Authors: * James P. Galvin * James W. Lawwill */ #include "comport.h"
* ComPort::ComPort ( * PTransportResources transport_resources, * IObject * owner_object, * ULONG message_base, * ULONG handle, * PPortConfiguration port_configuration, * PhysicalHandle physical_handle) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This is the constructor for the ComPort class. It initializes internal * variables from the configuration file. */ ComPort::ComPort ( TransportController *owner_object, ULONG message_base, PLUGXPRT_PARAMETERS *pParams, PhysicalHandle hCommLink, // physical handle
HANDLE hevtClose ) : m_hCommLink(hCommLink), m_hevtClose(hevtClose), m_hevtPendingRead(NULL), m_hevtPendingWrite(NULL), m_hCommLink2(NULL), // two places can call Release, one in main thread, the other in worker thread by write event
m_cRef(2), m_fClosed(FALSE) { m_pController = owner_object; m_nMsgBase = message_base; Automatic_Disconnect = FALSE; Count_Errors_On_ReadFile = 0;
m_hevtPendingRead = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); m_hevtPendingWrite = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(m_hevtPendingRead && m_hevtPendingWrite);
::ZeroMemory(&m_ReadOverlapped, sizeof(m_ReadOverlapped)); m_ReadOverlapped.hEvent = m_hevtPendingRead;
::ZeroMemory(&m_WriteOverlapped, sizeof(m_WriteOverlapped)); m_WriteOverlapped.hEvent = m_hevtPendingWrite;
** Initialize internal variables */ Byte_Count = 0; Last_Byte_Count = 0;
m_pbReadBuffer = NULL; Read_Active = FALSE; m_nReadBufferOffset = 0; Read_Event_Object = NULL;
Write_Active = FALSE; Write_Event_Object = NULL;
DCB dcb; ::ZeroMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb)); if (::GetCommState(m_hCommLink, &dcb)) // address of communications properties structure
{ Baud_Rate = dcb.BaudRate; } else { Baud_Rate = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; }
// default settings
// get new parameters
if (NULL != pParams) { if (PSTN_PARAM__CALL_CONTROL & pParams->dwFlags) { Call_Control_Type = pParams->eCallControl; } if (PSTN_PARAM__READ_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE & pParams->dwFlags) { if (1024 <= pParams->cbReadFileBufferSize) { m_cbReadBufferSize = pParams->cbReadFileBufferSize; } } if (PSTN_PARAM__PHYSICAL_LAYER_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE & pParams->dwFlags) { if (DEFAULT_TX_BUFFER_SIZE <= pParams->cbPhysicalLayerSendBufferSize) { Tx_Buffer_Size = pParams->cbPhysicalLayerSendBufferSize; } } if (PSTN_PARAM__PHSYICAL_LAYER_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE & pParams->dwFlags) { if (1024 <= pParams->cbPhysicalLayerReceiveBufferSize) { Rx_Buffer_Size = pParams->cbPhysicalLayerReceiveBufferSize; } } } }
* ComPort::~ComPort (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This is the destructor for the Comport class. It releases all memory * that was used by the class and deletes all timers. It also closes the * com port */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPFN_CANCEL_IO) (HANDLE); ComPort::~ComPort(void) { // hopefully the worker thread is able to clean up all the read and write operations
delete [] m_pbReadBuffer; m_pbReadBuffer = NULL; }
LONG ComPort::Release(void) { Close ();
HINSTANCE hLib = ::LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (NULL != hLib) { LPFN_CANCEL_IO pfnCancelIo = (LPFN_CANCEL_IO) ::GetProcAddress(hLib, "CancelIo"); if (NULL != pfnCancelIo) { (*pfnCancelIo)(m_hCommLink2); } ::FreeLibrary(hLib); }
COMMTIMEOUTS com_timeouts, com_timeouts_save; if (::GetCommTimeouts(m_hCommLink2, &com_timeouts_save)) { /*
** We are setting these timeout values to 0 because we were ** getting a VxD fault under Windows 95 when they were set to ** their normal values. */ ::ZeroMemory(&com_timeouts, sizeof(com_timeouts)); ::SetCommTimeouts(m_hCommLink2, &com_timeouts);
** Abort any ReadFile() or WriteFile() operations */ ::PurgeComm(m_hCommLink2, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT);
** Set the timeouts to their original state */ ::SetCommTimeouts(m_hCommLink2, &com_timeouts_save); }
// decrement the reference count
if (! ::InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef)) { delete this; return 0; } return m_cRef; }
* ComPortError ComPort::Open (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function opens the comm port and configures it with the values * found in the configuration object. */ ComPortError ComPort::Open(void) { BOOL fRet; ComPortError rc;
TRACE_OUT(("ComPort:: TX size = %d RX size = %d Int Rx Size = %d", Tx_Buffer_Size, Rx_Buffer_Size, m_cbReadBufferSize));
if (NULL == m_hevtPendingRead || NULL == m_hevtPendingWrite) { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort: Error create pending read/write events")); ReportInitializationFailure(COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); return (COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); }
// allocate read buffer
TRACE_OUT(("Comport: Internal Rx Buffer Size = %ld", m_cbReadBufferSize)); DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_pbReadBuffer = new BYTE[m_cbReadBufferSize]; m_nReadBufferOffset = 0; if (m_pbReadBuffer == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort: Error allocating memory = %d", ::GetLastError())); ReportInitializationFailure(COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); return (COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); }
** Issue a read to the com port. ** We are going to continue to issue Readfile() calls ** until we get into a wait state. 99.9999% of the ** time, we will only issue the first ReadFile() and ** it will immediately block waiting for data. */ while (1) { m_cbRead = 0; fRet = ::ReadFile(m_hCommLink, m_pbReadBuffer, m_cbReadBufferSize, &m_cbRead, &m_ReadOverlapped); if (! fRet) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { Read_Active = TRUE; break; } else { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort: Error on ReadFile = %d", dwErr)); ReportInitializationFailure(COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); return (COMPORT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } } }
** If this is a synchronous read, wait for the event object to be ** set before returning. */ if (Call_Control_Type == PLUGXPRT_PSTN_CALL_CONTROL_MANUAL) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtPendingRead, SYNCHRONOUS_WRITE_TIMEOUT*10); fRet = GetOverlappedResult(m_hCommLink, &m_ReadOverlapped, &m_cbRead, FALSE); if (! fRet) { ::PurgeComm(m_hCommLink, PURGE_RXABORT); } }
** Create and fill in the EventObject. It is then ** appended to the PSTN Event_List so that the EventManager ** can wait for the event to occur. */ DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE Read_Event_Object = new EventObject; Read_Event_Object -> event = m_hevtPendingRead; Read_Event_Object -> delete_event = FALSE; Read_Event_Object -> comport = this; Read_Event_Object -> hCommLink = m_hCommLink; Read_Event_Object -> event_type = READ_EVENT; g_pPSTNEventList->append((DWORD_PTR) Read_Event_Object); g_fEventListChanged = TRUE;
Write_Active = FALSE;
** Create and fill in the EventObject. It is then ** appended to the PSTN Event_List so that the EventManager ** can wait for the event to occur. */ DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE Write_Event_Object = new EventObject; Write_Event_Object -> event = m_hevtPendingWrite; Write_Event_Object -> delete_event = FALSE; Write_Event_Object -> comport = this; Write_Event_Object -> hCommLink = m_hCommLink; Write_Event_Object -> event_type = WRITE_EVENT; g_pPSTNEventList->append((DWORD_PTR) Write_Event_Object); g_fEventListChanged = TRUE;
return (COMPORT_NO_ERROR); }
* ComPortError ComPort::Close (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function makes the necessary Windows calls to close the Com * port. It first clears the DTR signal to notify the modem. */ ComPortError ComPort::Close(void) { if (! m_fClosed) { m_fClosed = TRUE;
** Reset the Activity flags. */ Write_Active = FALSE; Read_Active = FALSE;
// we do not close the handle here, T.120 will do it.
m_hCommLink2 = m_hCommLink; m_hCommLink = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
** Notify the event manager that these events need to be deleted. ** It is important for the event manager to realize that when the ** delete_event is set to TRUE, he can no longer access this object. */ if (Write_Event_Object != NULL) { ::CloseHandle(Write_Event_Object->event); g_pPSTNEventList->remove((DWORD_PTR) Write_Event_Object); delete Write_Event_Object; }
if (Read_Event_Object != NULL) { Read_Event_Object -> delete_event = TRUE; ::SetEvent(m_hevtPendingRead); }
// let the worker thread to pick up the work
::Sleep(50); }
* ComPortError ComPort::Reset (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function clears the DTR signal on the Com port. */ ComPortError ComPort::Reset(void) { return COMPORT_NO_ERROR; }
* ComPortError ComPort::ReleaseReset (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function releases the previous reset. It set the DTR signal on * the com port. */ ComPortError ComPort::ReleaseReset(void) { return COMPORT_NO_ERROR; }
* ULONG ComPort::GetBaudRate (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function returns the baud rate of the port */
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataRequest ( * ULONG, * LPBYTE buffer_address, * ULONG length, * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called to send data out the port in an asynchronous * manner. In other words, we will return from the function before all * of the bytes are actually written to the modem. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataRequest(ULONG_PTR, LPBYTE buffer_address, ULONG length, ULONG *bytes_accepted) { return WriteData(FALSE, buffer_address, length, bytes_accepted); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::SynchronousDataRequest ( * LPBYTE buffer_address, * ULONG length, * PULong bytes_accepted) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called to send data out the port in a synchronous * manner. In other words, we will not return from the function until * all of the bytes are actually written to the modem or a timeout occurs. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::SynchronousDataRequest( LPBYTE buffer_address, ULONG length, ULONG *bytes_accepted) { return WriteData(TRUE, buffer_address, length, bytes_accepted); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::WriteData ( * BOOL synchronous, * LPBYTE buffer_address, * ULONG length, * PULong bytes_accepted) * * Functional Description * This function makes the Win32 calls to write data to the port. * * Formal Parameters * synchronous - (i) TRUE, if we should wait for the write to * complete before returning. * buffer_address - (i) Address of the data to write. * length - (i) Length of the data to write. * bytes_accepted - (i) Actually number of bytes written. * * Return Value * PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR - Port not open * PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR - No error occured * * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::WriteData ( BOOL synchronous, LPBYTE buffer_address, ULONG length, PULong bytes_accepted ) { COMSTAT com_status; ULONG com_error;
ULONG byte_count; ULONG bytes_written; BOOL fRet;
*bytes_accepted = 0; if (m_hCommLink == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); }
if (Write_Active) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR); }
** Determine the amount of space left in the buffer */ ::ZeroMemory(&com_status, sizeof(com_status)); ::ClearCommError(m_hCommLink, &com_error, &com_status);
if (length > (Tx_Buffer_Size - com_status.cbOutQue)) { byte_count = Tx_Buffer_Size - com_status.cbOutQue; } else { byte_count = length; }
::ZeroMemory(&m_WriteOverlapped, sizeof(m_WriteOverlapped)); m_WriteOverlapped.hEvent = m_hevtPendingWrite; fRet = ::WriteFile(m_hCommLink, buffer_address, byte_count, &bytes_written, &m_WriteOverlapped);
** If this is a synchronous write, wait for the event object to be ** set before returning. */ if (synchronous) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtPendingWrite, SYNCHRONOUS_WRITE_TIMEOUT); fRet = ::GetOverlappedResult(m_hCommLink, &m_WriteOverlapped, &bytes_written, FALSE); if (! fRet) { WARNING_OUT(("ComPort::WriteData: purge comm")); ::PurgeComm(m_hCommLink, PURGE_TXABORT); } ::ResetEvent(m_WriteOverlapped.hEvent); }
if (! fRet) { if (::GetLastError () == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { Write_Active = TRUE; *bytes_accepted = byte_count; Byte_Count += byte_count; } else { TRACE_OUT(("ComPort: DataRequest: Error on WriteFile = %d", ::GetLastError())); } } else { if (bytes_written != byte_count) { TRACE_OUT(("ComPort: DataRequest: Error on WriteFile bytes written != bytes requested")); } *bytes_accepted = byte_count;
** Increment Byte_Count */ Byte_Count += bytes_written; }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::RegisterHigherLayer ( * ULONG, * PMemoryManager, * IProtocolLayer * higher_layer) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called by an object that wants to receive the data * read from the com port. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::RegisterHigherLayer(ULONG_PTR, PMemoryManager, IProtocolLayer *pMux) { m_pMultiplexer = pMux; return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::RemoveHigherLayer ( * USHORT) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called by an object that no longer wants to receive * the data from the com port. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::RemoveHigherLayer(ULONG_PTR) { m_pMultiplexer = NULL; return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::PollReceiver ( * ULONG) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called to take the data that we have received from * the port and pass it on up to the registered layer. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::PollReceiver(void) { BOOL issue_read = FALSE; ULONG bytes_accepted; BOOL fRet;
if (m_pMultiplexer == NULL || m_hCommLink == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); }
** This event can occur if we have completed a read but the higher layers ** have not accepted all of the data. So, before we issue another ** ReadFile() we are going to send the pending data on up. */ if (! Read_Active) { if (m_cbRead) { m_pMultiplexer->DataIndication(m_pbReadBuffer, m_cbRead - m_nReadBufferOffset, &bytes_accepted); if (bytes_accepted > (m_cbRead - m_nReadBufferOffset)) { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort: PollReceiver1: ERROR: Higher layer accepted too many bytes")); }
m_nReadBufferOffset += bytes_accepted; if (m_nReadBufferOffset == m_cbRead) { issue_read = TRUE; m_cbRead = 0; m_nReadBufferOffset = 0; } } else { issue_read = TRUE; } }
** Issue a ReadFile () and process any data received. */ while (issue_read) { m_cbRead = 0; m_nReadBufferOffset = 0; ::ZeroMemory(&m_ReadOverlapped, sizeof(m_ReadOverlapped)); m_ReadOverlapped.hEvent = m_hevtPendingRead; fRet = ::ReadFile(m_hCommLink, m_pbReadBuffer, m_cbReadBufferSize, &m_cbRead, &m_ReadOverlapped); if (! fRet) { if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { Read_Active = TRUE; } else { WARNING_OUT(("ComPort: Error on ReadFile = %d", ::GetLastError())); if (Count_Errors_On_ReadFile++ == DEFAULT_COUNT_OF_READ_ERRORS) { WARNING_OUT(("ComPort: %d Errors on ReadFile, closing the connection", Count_Errors_On_ReadFile)); Close(); return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); } } issue_read = FALSE; } else { if (m_pMultiplexer != NULL) { m_pMultiplexer->DataIndication(m_pbReadBuffer, m_cbRead, &bytes_accepted); if (bytes_accepted > m_cbRead) { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort: PollReceiver: ERROR: Higher layer accepted too many bytes")); } m_nReadBufferOffset += bytes_accepted; if (m_nReadBufferOffset != m_cbRead) { issue_read = FALSE; } } else { issue_read = FALSE; } } } return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_NO_ERROR); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::GetParameters ( * ULONG, * USHORT * max_packet_size, * USHORT * prepend, * USHORT * append) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called by an object to determine the maximum packet * size that this object expects. It also queries the number of bytes * it should skip on the front of a packet and append to the end of a * packet. The ComPort object is a stream device, so these parameters * don't really matter. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::GetParameters ( USHORT * max_packet_size, USHORT * prepend, USHORT * append ) { /*
** max_packet_size set to 0xffff means that this object receives ** data in a stream format rather than a packet format. It does ** group data into packets, it handles data a byte at a time. ** Therefore, when a higher layer issues a DataRequest() to this ** object, it may not accept the whole data block, it may only ** accept part of it. ** ** prepend is set to 0 because this object does not prepend any ** data to the beginning of a DataRequest() packet. ** ** append is set to 0 because this object does not append any ** data to the end of a DataRequest() packet. */ *max_packet_size = 0xffff; *prepend = 0; *append = 0;
* void ComPort::ReportInitializationFailure ( * PChar error_message) * * Functional Description * This routine simply reports an error to the user and closes the * Windows comm port. It does absolutely nothing if the Physical * API is disabled. * * Formal Parameters * error_message (i) - Pointer to error message * * Return Value * None * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None */ void ComPort::ReportInitializationFailure(ComPortError rc) { ERROR_OUT(("ComPort:: IO failure, rc=%d", rc)); }
* BOOL ComPort::ProcessReadEvent (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called when a READ event is actually set. This means * that the read operation has completed or an error occured. */ BOOL ComPort::ProcessReadEvent(void) { BOOL fRet;
if (Read_Active) { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtPendingRead, 0)) { fRet = GetOverlappedResult(m_hCommLink, &m_ReadOverlapped, &m_cbRead, FALSE); if (fRet && m_cbRead == 0) { fRet = FALSE; }
Read_Active = FALSE; ::ResetEvent(m_hevtPendingRead); } } else { ::ResetEvent(m_hevtPendingRead); }
return fRet; }
* BOOL ComPort::ProcessWriteEvent (void) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is called when a WRITE event is actually set. This means * that the write operation has completed or an error occured. */ BOOL ComPort::ProcessWriteEvent(void) { ULONG bytes_written; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (Write_Active) { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtPendingWrite, 0)) { fRet = ::GetOverlappedResult(m_hCommLink, &m_WriteOverlapped, &bytes_written, FALSE); if (! fRet) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == dwErr) { TRACE_OUT(("ProcessWriteEvent: still pending")); } else { WARNING_OUT(("ProcessWriteEvent: ERROR = %d", dwErr)); } } Write_Active = FALSE; ::ResetEvent(m_hevtPendingWrite); } } else { ::ResetEvent(m_hevtPendingWrite); }
return fRet; }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataIndication ( * LPBYTE, * ULONG, * PULong) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is not used. It is only here because we inherit from * ProtocolLayer. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataIndication(LPBYTE, ULONG, PULong) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataRequest ( * ULONG, * PMemory, * PULong) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is not used. It is only here because we inherit from * ProtocolLayer. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::DataRequest(ULONG_PTR, PMemory, PULong) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); }
* ProtocolLayerError ComPort::PollTransmitter ( * ULONG, * USHORT, * USHORT *, * USHORT *) * * Public * * Functional Description: * This function is not used. It is only here because we inherit from * ProtocolLayer. */ ProtocolLayerError ComPort::PollTransmitter(ULONG_PTR, USHORT, USHORT *, USHORT *) { return (PROTOCOL_LAYER_ERROR); }