// Editor for Text Objects
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
#include "precomp.h"
// WbTextBox
// This is a subclassed edit field
WbTextBox::WbTextBox(WbTextEditor * pEditor) { OSVERSIONINFO OsData;
m_hwnd = NULL; m_pfnEditPrev = NULL;
m_MaxRect.left = 0; m_MaxRect.top = 0; m_MaxRect.right = INT_MAX; m_MaxRect.bottom = INT_MAX;
m_bInIME = FALSE; m_bDontEscapeThisTime = FALSE;
// see if we need to make adjustments for NT.
m_ptNTBooger.x = 0; m_ptNTBooger.y = 0; OsData.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if( GetVersionEx( &OsData ) ) { if( OsData.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { // NT editboxes are offset from Win95 editboxes. We
// have to de-booger them
m_ptNTBooger.x = 3; } }
m_pEditor = pEditor; }
// ~WbTextBox()
WbTextBox::~WbTextBox() { if (m_hwnd != NULL) { ::DestroyWindow(m_hwnd); m_hwnd = NULL; } }
// Create()
// Creates an edit field then subclasses it with our window procedure
BOOL WbTextBox::Create(HWND hwndParent) { ASSERT(!m_hwnd);
if (!m_hwnd) { ERROR_OUT(("WbTextBox::Create failed to create edit window")); return(FALSE); }
// Init the data
::SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LPARAM)this);
// Subclass the window
m_pfnEditPrev = (WNDPROC)::SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)TextWndProc);
// TextWndProc()
// Message subclass handler for edit field
LRESULT CALLBACK TextWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lResult; WbTextBox * ptb;
ptb = (WbTextBox *)::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(ptb != NULL); ASSERT(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev != NULL);
lResult = 0;
switch( message ) { case WM_CLEAR: case WM_CUT: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnClearCut(); break;
case WM_UNDO: case WM_PASTE: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnUndoPaste(); break;
case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: { ptb->m_bInIME = TRUE; ptb->m_bDontEscapeThisTime = TRUE;
// let editbox take it from here
goto DefEditProc; break; }
case WM_IME_CHAR: { ptb->m_bDontEscapeThisTime = FALSE; goto DefEditProc; break; }
case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: { ptb->m_bInIME = FALSE; goto DefEditProc; break; }
case WM_KILLFOCUS: { if (ptb->m_bInIME && g_fnImmGetContext) { HIMC hImc = g_fnImmGetContext(hwnd); if ((hImc != NULL) && g_fnImmNotifyIME) { // we're loosing control, tell IME to wrap it up (bug 130)
g_fnImmNotifyIME( hImc, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0 ); } } // goto DefEditProc;
break; }
case WM_CHAR: ptb->OnChar((UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_KEYUP: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnKeyUp((UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnSysKeyDown((UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_TIMER: ptb->OnTimer(wParam); break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnMouseMove((UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_LBUTTONUP: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnLButtonUp((UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_MOVE: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); ptb->OnMove(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
default: DefEditProc: lResult = ::CallWindowProc(ptb->m_pfnEditPrev, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); break; }
return(lResult); }
// OnClearCut()
void WbTextBox::OnClearCut() { POINT ptCaret; POINT ptPos;
::GetCaretPos(&ptCaret); m_pEditor->GetPosition(&ptPos);
m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.x = ptCaret.x + ptPos.x; m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.y = ptCaret.y + ptPos.y; m_pEditor->m_bChanged = TRUE;
// OnUndoPaste()
void WbTextBox::OnUndoPaste(void) { FitBox(); AutoCaretScroll();
m_pEditor->m_bChanged = TRUE; }
// OnChar()
void WbTextBox::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { int nFirst; int nLast; int nPrevNumLines; int nPrevNumChars; LRESULT dwPosChar; POINT ptTop;
// clear ignore next escape (NM4db:456)
m_bDontEscapeThisTime = FALSE;
::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&nFirst, (LPARAM)&nLast); dwPosChar = ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, nFirst, 0); ptTop.x = (short)LOWORD(dwPosChar); ptTop.y = (short)HIWORD(dwPosChar);
nPrevNumLines = (int)::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0); nPrevNumChars = (int)::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_LINELENGTH, (WPARAM)-1, 0);
::CallWindowProc(m_pfnEditPrev, m_hwnd, WM_CHAR, nChar, MAKELONG(nRepCnt, nFlags));
SetupBackgroundRepaint( ptTop, (nPrevNumLines != ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0))|| (nPrevNumChars > ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_LINELENGTH, (WPARAM)-1, 0)));
m_pEditor->m_bChanged = TRUE; }
void WbTextBox::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { POINT ptCaret; POINT ptPos;
switch( nChar ) { case VK_MENU: case VK_SHIFT: case VK_CONTROL: break;
case VK_DELETE: SelectAtLeastOne(); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLEAR, 0, 0); break;
case VK_ESCAPE: if( !m_bInIME ) { if( m_bDontEscapeThisTime ) m_bDontEscapeThisTime = FALSE; else { // End the text entry abandoning the changes
g_pDraw->EndTextEntry(FALSE); return; // we don't exist anymore, bail out
} } break;
default: break; }
::GetCaretPos(&ptCaret); m_pEditor->GetPosition(&ptPos);
m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.x = ptCaret.x + ptPos.x; m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.y = ptCaret.y + ptPos.y; }
void WbTextBox::OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { switch( nChar ) { case VK_MENU: // ignore next escape (NM4db:456)
m_bDontEscapeThisTime = TRUE; break;
default: break; } }
BOOL WbTextBox::FitBox( void ) { RECT rectErase; RECT crEditRect; RECT crEditBox; RECT crEditWnd; RECT crDrawWnd; int nDeltaWidth, nDeltaHeight; HDC hDC = NULL; HDC hDrawDC = NULL; TCHAR *szBoxText; BOOL bNoChanges; POINT ptDrawLoc; HFONT hSaveFont; POINT ptBitmapTopLeft; LPTSTR pszText; int nTextLen; int textSize;
bNoChanges = TRUE;
hDC = ::GetDC(m_hwnd); if (hDC == NULL) { bNoChanges = TRUE; goto bail_out; }
hDrawDC = g_pDraw->GetCachedDC(); if (hDrawDC == NULL) { bNoChanges = TRUE; goto bail_out; }
hSaveFont = SelectFont(hDC, m_pEditor->GetFont());
textSize = ::GetWindowTextLength(m_hwnd); if (!textSize) { // Use a " " for a string, which is two characters.
szBoxText = new TCHAR[2]; if (!szBoxText) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocate TCHAR array for empty text")); goto bail_out; } else { lstrcpy(szBoxText, _T(" ")); } } else { szBoxText = new TCHAR[textSize+1]; if (!szBoxText) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocate TCHAR array for object text")); goto bail_out; } else { ::GetWindowText(m_hwnd, (LPTSTR)szBoxText, textSize+1); } }
// Have to check string length for NT. crEditRect comes back from
// DrawText giant-positive (i.e., still equal to m_MaxRect) if szBoxText
// is empty. This causes crEditRect to overflow to giant negative later
// resulting in very bizare painting problems. Win95 doesn't care because
// it returns 16bit results that look like -1 instead of giant positive.
::GetClientRect(g_pDraw->m_hwnd, &crDrawWnd );
// BUG 464 -DrawText doesn't calc widths involving tabs the same way a
// standard edit control does so replace it with DrawTextEx
// using the DT_EDITCONTROL format
crEditRect = m_MaxRect; pszText = szBoxText; nTextLen = lstrlen(szBoxText); ::DrawTextEx( hDC, pszText, nTextLen, &crEditRect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_EDITCONTROL, NULL );
// BUG 464 (continued) -DrawTextEx doesn't include blank-last-lines in its height
// calc like DrawText does so have to add an extra line
// height for blank lines to have same behavior as DrawText
if ((nTextLen >= 2) && !IsDBCSLeadByte(pszText[nTextLen-2]) && (pszText[nTextLen-1] == _T('\n')) ) crEditRect.bottom += m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmHeight;
// NT sanity check if this still fails
if ( ((crEditRect.right - crEditRect.left) == (m_MaxRect.right - m_MaxRect.left)) || ((crEditRect.right - crEditRect.left) <= 0) ) { crEditRect.right = crEditRect.left + crDrawWnd.right - crDrawWnd.left; }
if ( ((crEditRect.bottom - crEditRect.top) == (m_MaxRect.bottom - m_MaxRect.top)) || ((crEditRect.bottom - crEditRect.top) <= 0) ) { crEditRect.bottom = crEditRect.top + crDrawWnd.bottom - crDrawWnd.top; }
::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &crEditBox); ::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &crEditWnd); ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, g_pDraw->m_hwnd, (LPPOINT)&crEditWnd, 2);
// do min size check for IME's.
int nMinWidth; nMinWidth = MIN_FITBOX_CHARS*m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth; if ((crEditRect.right - crEditRect.left) < nMinWidth ) crEditRect.right = crEditRect.left + nMinWidth;
// must add some slop to prevent autoscroll from kicking in
crEditRect.right += 2*m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth; crEditRect.bottom += m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmHeight;
//pretend we had a right or bottom scroll
::OffsetRect(&crEditRect, -1, -1);
nDeltaWidth = (crEditRect.right - crEditRect.left) - (crEditBox.right - crEditBox.left); if (nDeltaWidth > 0) { bNoChanges = FALSE; if ( crEditRect.left < 0 ) { // right scroll, adjust right edge
crEditWnd.right += nDeltaWidth; } else { // left scroll, adjust left edge
crEditWnd.left -= nDeltaWidth; } }
nDeltaHeight = (crEditRect.bottom - crEditRect.top) - (crEditBox.bottom - crEditBox.top); if (nDeltaHeight > 0) { bNoChanges = FALSE; if( crEditRect.left < 0 ) { // bottom scroll, adjust bottom edge
crEditWnd.bottom += nDeltaHeight; } else { // top scroll, adjust top edge
crEditWnd.top -= nDeltaHeight; } }
if( bNoChanges ) goto bail_out;
// resize
::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, crEditWnd.left, crEditWnd.top, crEditWnd.right - crEditWnd.left, crEditWnd.bottom - crEditWnd.top, TRUE );
// update bounding box
::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &crEditBox); ::MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, g_pDraw->m_hwnd, (LPPOINT)&crEditBox, 2);
::OffsetRect(&crEditBox, g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cx+1 + m_ptNTBooger.x, g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cy + m_ptNTBooger.y );//+1 );
m_pEditor->m_boundsRect = crEditBox;
if (hDC != NULL ) { SelectFont(hDC, hSaveFont); ::ReleaseDC(m_hwnd, hDC ); }
delete szBoxText; return( !bNoChanges ); }
void WbTextBox::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) { TRACE_TIMER(("WbTextBox::OnTimer"));
// If the text object has not been added to the page before...
if (m_pEditor->Handle() == NULL) { // Add it now
m_pEditor->AddToPageLast(g_pDraw->Page()); } else { // Otherwise, replace the external copy
m_pEditor->Replace(); } }
// WbTextBox::OnLButtonUp()
void WbTextBox::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, int x, int y) { POINT ptCaret; POINT ptPos;
::GetCaretPos(&ptCaret); m_pEditor->GetPosition(&ptPos);
m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.x = ptCaret.x + ptPos.x; m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.y = ptCaret.y + ptPos.y; }
// WbTextBox::OnMouseMove()
void WbTextBox::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, int x, int y) { if (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON ) { // we're dragging
::HideCaret(m_hwnd); AutoCaretScroll(); ::ShowCaret(m_hwnd); } }
void WbTextBox::AutoCaretScroll( void ) { POINT ptCaret; POINT ptPos;
::GetCaretPos(&ptCaret); m_pEditor->GetPosition(&ptPos);
ptCaret.x += ptPos.x; ptCaret.y += ptPos.y;
g_pDraw->AutoScroll(ptCaret.x, ptCaret.y, FALSE, m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.x, m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos.y); m_pEditor->m_cursorXYPos = ptCaret; }
void WbTextBox::SetupBackgroundRepaint ( POINT ptTopPaint, BOOL bNumLinesChanged ) { RECT rectBox;
::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rectBox);
if (ptTopPaint.y == -1) { ::GetCaretPos(&ptTopPaint); }
rectBox.top = ptTopPaint.y; if( !bNumLinesChanged ) rectBox.bottom = rectBox.top + m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmHeight;
::InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, &rectBox, TRUE ); }
// Selects at least one (DBCS) char if there is not a selection already.
void WbTextBox::SelectAtLeastOne( void ) { int nFirst, nLast; TCHAR * szBoxText;
::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&nFirst, (LPARAM)&nLast); if( nFirst == nLast ) { int textSize = ::GetWindowTextLength(m_hwnd); szBoxText = new TCHAR[textSize + 1]; if (!szBoxText) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocate TCHAR array for object text")); } else { ::GetWindowText( m_hwnd, szBoxText, textSize+1);
if (nFirst < textSize) { nLast++;
if( IsDBCSLeadByte( (BYTE) szBoxText[ nFirst ] )|| (szBoxText[ nFirst ] == _T('\r')) ) nLast++;
::SendMessage(m_hwnd, EM_SETSEL, nFirst, nLast); }
delete szBoxText; } } }
void WbTextBox::OnMove(int x, int y) { if (m_pEditor->m_nLastShow == SW_SHOW) { FitBox(); ::ShowCaret(m_hwnd); } }
int WbTextBox::GetMaxCharHeight( void ) { return( m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmHeight ); }
int WbTextBox::GetMaxCharWidth( void ) { return( m_pEditor->m_textMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth ); }
// Aborts and shuts down text editor without hitting the cores. Call this
// to shutdown editing during a lock condition (that we don't own)
void WbTextBox::AbortEditGently( void ) { RECT boundsRect;
// have to be carefull how we bail out of this so we
// don't fall into an infinte exception loop (bugs 3550, 3556)
if (g_pDraw->m_pActiveText != NULL) { delete g_pDraw->m_pActiveText; // zap in memory original
g_pDraw->m_pActiveText = NULL; // text object, loose any current
// edits
// NOTE:
// Can't reread the text object from cores to update
// boundsrect because the code that does that
// (DCWbGraphic::ReadExternal()) tries to lock
// the object and off we go into another exception
// loop. SO, the boundsrect we use below might
// not be the right size and the text might
// appear to be clipped when we redraw it. This
// will correct itself as soon as another graphic
// update notice comes in from DCL (the lock owner
// types another char). I think we have to live
// with that.
// let go of core text object (see above)
// don't unlock if handle is NULL or we will blow up the cores (bug 4621)
if (g_pDraw->m_textEditor.Handle() != NULL ) { if (g_pDraw->m_textEditor.GotLock() ) { g_pDraw->m_textEditor.Unlock(); g_pDraw->m_textEditor.ForceUpdate(); } }
// shut down rejecting all edits
// Redraw any altered parts of the screen
g_pDraw->InvalidateSurfaceRect(&boundsRect); }
// Function: WbTextEditor
// Purpose: Constructor
WbTextEditor::WbTextEditor(void) { // Initialize the cursor position
m_cursorCharPos.x = 0; m_cursorCharPos.y = 0;
// set parent for editbox
m_pEditBox = NULL;
m_cursorXYPos.x = 0; m_cursorXYPos.y = 0;
m_bFirstSetFontCall = TRUE; m_nLastShow = -1; }
WbTextEditor::~WbTextEditor(void) { if (m_pEditBox != NULL) { delete m_pEditBox; m_pEditBox = NULL; } }
// Function: SetCursorPosFromPoint
// Purpose: Return the character position most closely matching a
// given co-ordinate position in the text object.
void WbTextEditor::SetCursorPosFromPoint(POINT pointXY) { int nCharPos;
if (::PtInRect(&m_boundsRect, pointXY)) { // make point relative to editbox
pointXY.x -= g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cx; pointXY.y -= g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cy;
::MapWindowPoints(g_pDraw->m_hwnd, m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, &pointXY, 1);
::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG( pointXY.x, pointXY.y ) ); ::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, MAKELONG( pointXY.x, pointXY.y ) );
// get char index in editbox
nCharPos = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM(pointXY.x, pointXY.y)); if( nCharPos < 0 ) return;
// Set the new cursor char co-ordinates
m_cursorCharPos.x = (short)LOWORD(nCharPos); m_cursorCharPos.y = (short)HIWORD(nCharPos);
// Move the cursor to the new position
GetXYPosition(m_cursorCharPos, &m_cursorXYPos); } }
// Function: GetCursorSize
// Purpose: Return the cursor size for the current font
void WbTextEditor::GetCursorSize(LPSIZE lpsize) { lpsize->cx = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER); lpsize->cy = m_textMetrics.tmHeight; }
// Function: XYPosition
// Purpose: Calculate the X,Y co-ordinates of a character position
void WbTextEditor::GetXYPosition(POINT pointChar, LPPOINT lpptXY) { int nCharIndex; LRESULT dwCharPos;
nCharIndex = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_LINEINDEX, pointChar.y, 0) + pointChar.x;
dwCharPos = ::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, nCharIndex, 0);
lpptXY->x += (short)LOWORD(dwCharPos); lpptXY->y += (short)HIWORD(dwCharPos); }
// Function: Clear
// Purpose: Clear the text editor
void WbTextEditor::Clear(void) { RECT cEWndRect;
// Remove all the current stored text
strTextArray.RemoveAll(); strTextArray.Add(_TEXT(""));
// Reset the cursor position
m_cursorCharPos.x = 0; m_cursorCharPos.y = 0;
// clear editbox
::SetWindowText(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, _TEXT(""));
// Show that the text has not been changed
m_bChanged = FALSE;
// init editbox size
m_boundsRect.right = m_boundsRect.left + 2*m_pEditBox->GetMaxCharWidth(); m_boundsRect.bottom = m_boundsRect.top + 2*m_pEditBox->GetMaxCharHeight();
cEWndRect = m_boundsRect; ::OffsetRect(&cEWndRect, -(g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cx+1 + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.x), -(g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cy + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.y) );
::BringWindowToTop(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); ::MoveWindow(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, cEWndRect.left, cEWndRect.top, cEWndRect.right - cEWndRect.left, cEWndRect.bottom - cEWndRect.top, TRUE); }
// Function: New
// Purpose: Clear the text editor and reset the graphic handle
BOOL WbTextEditor::New(void) { // create editbox
if (!Create()) { ERROR_OUT(("Error creating drawing area window")); return(FALSE); }
// Clear the object
// Show that the text has not been changed
m_bChanged = FALSE;
// Reset the graphic and page handles
m_hGraphic = NULL; m_hPage = WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL;
return(TRUE); }
// Function: SetTextObject
// Purpose: Attach a text object to the editor
BOOL WbTextEditor::SetTextObject(DCWbGraphicText* ptext) { // create editbox
if (!Create()) { ERROR_OUT(("Error creating drawing area window")); return(FALSE); }
// Clear and place the object
// setup font
DCWbGraphicText::SetFont( ptext->m_hFont );
// Copy the text object's attributes to the editor
SetText(ptext->strTextArray ); ptext->GetBoundsRect(&m_boundsRect);
SetColor(ptext->m_clrPenColor );
MoveTo(m_boundsRect.left, m_boundsRect.top); // avoid kerning offset correction in Position()(bug 469)
// Copy the page and handle of the graphic text object
m_hPage = ptext->m_hPage; m_hGraphic = ptext->m_hGraphic;
// copy the text to the editbox
// Say the text has changed so that all nodes will notice this thing
// is locked - bug 2185
m_bChanged = TRUE;
return(TRUE); }
// Function: IsEmpty
// Purpose: Return TRUE if there is no text in the object
BOOL WbTextEditor::IsEmpty(void) { return(::GetWindowTextLength(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd) <= 0 ); }
void WbTextEditor::PutText(void) { int nNumLines; int i; int nMaxLineLen, nLineLen; int nLine; TCHAR *cbuf; WbTextEditor *pThis;
pThis = (WbTextEditor *)this; // overide const declaration
if(m_pEditBox == NULL) { return; }
nNumLines = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0);
// figure out buf size
nMaxLineLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++) { nLine = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_LINEINDEX, i, 0); nLineLen = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_LINELENGTH, nLine, 0);
if (nMaxLineLen < nLineLen) nMaxLineLen = nLineLen; }
// make buf
nMaxLineLen += sizeof(WORD); cbuf = new TCHAR[nMaxLineLen]; if( cbuf == NULL ) { ERROR_OUT(("PutText failing; couldn't allocate TCHAR array")); return; }
// copy editbox innards to textbox string
// Again, we know in advance how many lines; use SetSize/SetAt()
strTextArray.RemoveAll(); strTextArray.SetSize(nNumLines);
for(i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++) { *(LPWORD)cbuf = (WORD)nMaxLineLen; nLineLen = (int)::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, EM_GETLINE, i, (LPARAM)cbuf); cbuf[nLineLen] = _T('\0'); strTextArray.SetAt(i, cbuf ); }
// clean up
delete cbuf; }
void WbTextEditor::GetText(void) { int nNumLines; int textSize = 0; int i; TCHAR * pText = NULL; TCHAR * pStartText;
nNumLines = strTextArray.GetSize();
// Calculate the buffer size we need
for (i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++ ) { textSize += lstrlen(strTextArray[i]);
if ((i + 1) < nNumLines) textSize += lstrlen(_T("\r\n")); }
// Get the lines, with \r\n separating them
pText = new TCHAR[textSize + 1]; if (!pText) { ERROR_OUT(("GetText failing; couldn't allocate TCHAR array")); } else { // Null this out in casae textSize is 0.
pStartText = pText; pStartText[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++) { lstrcpy(pStartText, strTextArray[i]); pStartText += lstrlen(strTextArray[i]);
if ((i + 1) < nNumLines) { lstrcpy(pStartText, _T("\r\n")); pStartText += lstrlen(_T("\r\n")); } }
::SetWindowText(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, pText); delete pText; } }
DWORD WbTextEditor::CalculateExternalLength( void ) {
// stick text in underlying text object
if( m_bChanged ) PutText();
// fix bounds to get rid off editbox slop
((WbTextEditor *)this)->DCWbGraphicText::CalculateBoundsRect();
// tell textbox to use it in length calculation
return( DCWbGraphicText::CalculateExternalLength() ); }
void WbTextEditor::CalculateBoundsRect( void ) { RECT cEWndRect;
::GetClientRect(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, &cEWndRect); ::MapWindowPoints(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, g_pDraw->m_hwnd, (LPPOINT)&cEWndRect, 2);
m_boundsRect = cEWndRect; ::OffsetRect(&m_boundsRect, g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cx+1 + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.x, g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cy + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.y);//+1 );
::BringWindowToTop(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); }
// set editbox visibility
void WbTextEditor::ShowBox( int nShow ) { if (m_nLastShow == nShow) { if( nShow == SW_SHOW) ::SetFocus(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd);
return; }
m_nLastShow = nShow;
if (nShow == SW_SHOW) { // show it
if (m_pEditBox != NULL) { ::ShowWindow(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, SW_SHOW); ::BringWindowToTop(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); ::SetFocus(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd);
::HideCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); m_pEditBox->FitBox(); ::ShowCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); } } else { if (m_pEditBox != NULL) { ::ShowWindow(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, SW_HIDE); m_bFirstSetFontCall = TRUE;
delete m_pEditBox; m_pEditBox = NULL; } } }
// Create()
// Creates the edit box window
BOOL WbTextEditor::Create( void ) { if (m_pEditBox == NULL) { m_pEditBox = new WbTextBox(this); if (m_pEditBox == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't create edit text box")); return(FALSE); }
if (!m_pEditBox->Create(g_pDraw->m_hwnd)) { ERROR_OUT(("WbTextEditor::Create failed; can't create edit field")); return(FALSE); } }
return(TRUE); }
void WbTextEditor::MoveBy(int cx, int cy) { RECT cEWndRect;
DCWbGraphicText::MoveBy(cx, cy);
::GetClientRect(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, &cEWndRect);
if ((m_boundsRect.right - m_boundsRect.left) < (cEWndRect.right - cEWndRect.left)) m_boundsRect.right = m_boundsRect.left + (cEWndRect.right - cEWndRect.left);
if ((m_boundsRect.bottom - m_boundsRect.top) < (cEWndRect.bottom - cEWndRect.top)) m_boundsRect.bottom = m_boundsRect.top + (cEWndRect.bottom - cEWndRect.top);
cEWndRect = m_boundsRect; ::OffsetRect(&cEWndRect, -(g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cx+1 + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.x), -(g_pDraw->m_originOffset.cy + m_pEditBox->m_ptNTBooger.y) );//+1) );
::BringWindowToTop(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); ::MoveWindow(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, cEWndRect.left, cEWndRect.top, cEWndRect.right - cEWndRect.left, cEWndRect.bottom - cEWndRect.top, TRUE); }
void WbTextEditor::SetFont( LOGFONT *pLogFont, BOOL bDummy ) { // Ignore bDummy. Had to add that so polymorph will work correctly
// for DCWbGraphicText::SetFont()
// Have to delay recalc of bounding rect because editbox will have a
// bogus (bad) font until SetFont is called. Can't call SetFont
// before this because new font hasn't been made yet.
DCWbGraphicText::SetFont( pLogFont, FALSE );
::SendMessage(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)m_hFont, TRUE);
// now do bounding rect
if( m_bFirstSetFontCall ) m_bFirstSetFontCall = FALSE; else { ::HideCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd);
m_pEditBox->FitBox(); m_pEditBox->AutoCaretScroll();
::ShowCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); } }
void WbTextEditor::WriteExtra( PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader ) { PutText();
DCWbGraphicText::WriteExtra( pHeader ); }
void WbTextEditor::SetTimer( UINT nElapse ) { ::SetTimer(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, TIMER_GRAPHIC_UPDATE, nElapse, NULL); }
void WbTextEditor::KillTimer( void ) { ::KillTimer(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, TIMER_GRAPHIC_UPDATE); }
// Resets editbox painting for a resized drawing window
void WbTextEditor::ParentResize( void ) { ::HideCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); m_pEditBox->FitBox(); ::ShowCaret(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd); }
void WbTextEditor::RedrawEditbox(void) { ::InvalidateRect(m_pEditBox->m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); m_pEditBox->FitBox(); }