* * spuser.cpp * * Dev applet to change the default speech user * * Owner: cthrash * Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved. * *****************************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "spuser.h"
* main * *------* * * Description: * * Main entry point. * * Return: * * S_OK, E_INVALIDARG * ************************************************************* cthrash */
BOOL g_fVerbose = FALSE;
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { SearchArgument_t SearchArgument; SearchOption_t SearchOption = ParseCmdLine(lpCmdLine, &SearchArgument); HRESULT hr;
if (SearchOption != eHelp) { hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SearchOption == eNone) { hr = ShowDefaultUser(); } else { hr = SwitchDefaultUser(SearchOption, &SearchArgument); } CoUninitialize(); } } else { hr = Report("Usage:\tspuser [-v] {user-name}\n" "\tspuser [-v] -{local-id}\n" "\tspuser -?\n", E_INVALIDARG); }
return (int)hr; }
* ParseCmdLine * *--------------* * * Description: * * Parse the command line. Argument can be a name, or a locale * specification preceeded by a dash. Locale specifications can * be one of the stock names, or a a numeric LCID. * * Return: * * One of the SearchOption_t enumerated types * ************************************************************* cthrash */
const struct NameValuePair aNameValuePair[] = { { "ameng", 1033 }, { "enu", 1033 }, { "japanese", 1041 }, { "jpn", 1041 }, { "chs", 2051 } };
SearchOption_t ParseCmdLine( LPSTR pszCmdLine, SearchArgument_t *pSearchArgument) { SearchOption_t SearchOption;
if (*pszCmdLine) { // Check first for the 'verbose' option.
if (0 == strnicmp(pszCmdLine, "-v", 2)) { g_fVerbose = TRUE; for (pszCmdLine += 2;isspace((unsigned)(unsigned char)*pszCmdLine); pszCmdLine++); }
// A dash means the user specified a locale.
if (*pszCmdLine == '-') { if (pszCmdLine[1] == '?') { SearchOption = eHelp; } else { LCID lcid = 0;
// first check the names we recognize
for (int i=sizeof(aNameValuePair) / sizeof(aNameValuePair[0]); i--;) { if (0 == lstrcmpA(aNameValuePair[i].pszName, pszCmdLine)) { lcid = aNameValuePair[i].lcid; break; } }
// next see if it was specified numerically
if (!lcid) { lcid = atoi(pszCmdLine); }
pSearchArgument->lcid = lcid; SearchOption = pSearchArgument->lcid ? eSearchByLcid : eHelp; } } else { USES_CONVERSION;
pSearchArgument->dstrName = A2W(pszCmdLine); SearchOption = eSearchByName; } } else { SearchOption = eNone; }
return SearchOption; }
* ShowDefaultUser * *-----------------* * * Description: * * Show the default user's name. * * Return: * * HRESULT * ************************************************************* cthrash */
HRESULT ShowDefaultUser() { HRESULT hr;
CComPtr<ISpResourceManager> cpResMgr; CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> cpToken; CSpDynamicString dstrName;
hr = cpResMgr.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SpResourceManager);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpResMgr->GetObjectToken(SPCAT_SPEECHUSER, &cpToken); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SpGetDescription(cpToken, &dstrName); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ShowUserName(dstrName); } return hr; }
* SwitchDefaultUser * *-------------------* * * Description: * * Parse the command line. Argument can be a name, or a locale * specification preceeded by a dash. Locale specifications can * be one of the stock names, or a a numeric LCID. * * Return: * * One of the SearchOption_t enumerated types * ************************************************************* cthrash */
HRESULT SwitchDefaultUser( SearchOption_t SearchOption, SearchArgument_t * pSearchArgument) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<ISpResourceManager> cpResMgr; CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> cpEnum; ULONG celtFetched; BOOL fFoundMatch = 0; CSpDynamicString dstrName;
hr = cpResMgr.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SpResourceManager);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpResMgr->EnumTokens(SPCAT_SPEECHUSER, NULL, NULL, &cpEnum); } if(hr == S_FALSE) { hr = SPERR_NOT_FOUND; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpEnum->GetCount(&celtFetched); }
while (!fFoundMatch && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ISpRegistryObjectToken *pRegToken = 0; CSpDynamicString dstrID; ISpUser * pSpUser = 0;
hr = cpEnum->Next(1, (ISpObjectToken**)&pRegToken, &celtFetched);
if (hr != S_OK) { break; }
hr = pRegToken->GetID(&dstrID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pRegToken->CreateInstance(NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISpUser, (void**)&pSpUser); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL fSwitch; CSpDynamicString dstrNameT;
hr = SpGetDescription(pRegToken, &dstrNameT);
switch (SearchOption) { case eSearchByName: { fSwitch = SUCCEEDED(hr) && (0 == wcsicmp(pSearchArgument->dstrName, dstrNameT)); } break;
case eSearchByLcid: { SPUSERINFO UserInfo;
hr = pSpUser->GetInfo(&UserInfo);
fSwitch = SUCCEEDED(hr) && (UserInfo.cLanguages > 0) && (UserInfo.aLanguage[0] == pSearchArgument->lcid); } break;
default: fSwitch = FALSE; // in case somebody adds an enum
break; }
if (fSwitch) { dstrName = dstrNameT; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpResMgr->SetDefault(pRegToken); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fFoundMatch = 1; } } }
if (pSpUser) { pSpUser->Release(); }
if (pRegToken) { pRegToken->Release(); } }
hr = SUCCEEDED(hr) ? (fFoundMatch ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG) : hr; if (FAILED(hr)) { Report("Couldn't find an appropriate user", E_INVALIDARG); } else if (g_fVerbose) { ShowUserName(dstrName); }
return hr; }
void ShowUserName(WCHAR * pszName) { USES_CONVERSION;
CSpDynamicString dstrOutput;
dstrOutput = "Current default user: "; dstrOutput.Append(pszName);
g_fVerbose = TRUE;
Report(W2T(dstrOutput), S_FALSE); }
* Report * *--------* * * Description: * * Show a message box, possibly indicating an error. * * Return: * * The HRESULT passed in is returned, for the convenience of * the caller. * ************************************************************* cthrash */
HRESULT Report(char * lpMsg, HRESULT hr) { if (hr != S_OK || g_fVerbose) { const UINT uType = MB_OK | (FAILED(hr) ? MB_ICONERROR : MB_ICONINFORMATION);
MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, lpMsg, "spuser.exe", uType); }
return hr; }