* * satellite.h * * Support for satellite resource DLLs. * * Owner: cthrash * * Copyright � 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved. * *****************************************************************************/ #pragma once
//--- Includes --------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sphelper.h>
//--- Forward and External Declarations -------------------------------------
//--- TypeDef and Enumeration Declarations ----------------------------------
//--- Constants -------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Class, Struct and Union Definitions -----------------------------------
class CSpSatelliteDLL { private:
enum LoadState_t { LoadState_NotChecked, LoadState_Loaded, LoadState_NotFound };
#pragma pack(push, LANGANDCODEPAGE, 2)
struct LangAndCodePage_t { WORD wLanguage; WORD wCodePage; }; #pragma pack(pop, LANGANDCODEPAGE)
LoadState_t m_eLoadState; HINSTANCE m_hinstRes; // cached so FreeLibrary can be called;
CSpSatelliteDLL() { m_eLoadState = LoadState_NotChecked; m_hinstRes = 0; } ~CSpSatelliteDLL() { if (m_hinstRes) { FreeLibrary(m_hinstRes); } }
BOOL Checked() const { return LoadState_NotChecked != m_eLoadState; } public:
HINSTANCE Load( HINSTANCE hinstModule, // [in] Instance handle of core DLL
LPCTSTR lpszSatelliteName) // [in] Satellite DLL name
{ HINSTANCE hinstRes = hinstModule; LANGID langidUI = SpGetUserDefaultUILanguage(); LANGID langidModule = 0; TCHAR achPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cch = GetModuleFileName(hinstModule, achPath, sp_countof(achPath));
if (cch) { //
// First check the locale of the module;
// If it's the same as the UI, assume it contains language-appropriate resources
DWORD dwHandle; DWORD dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(achPath, &dwHandle);
if (dwVerInfoSize) { void * lpBuffer = malloc(dwVerInfoSize);
if (lpBuffer) { if (GetFileVersionInfo(achPath, dwHandle, dwVerInfoSize, lpBuffer)) { LangAndCodePage_t *pLangAndCodePage; UINT cch;
if (VerQueryValue(lpBuffer, TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"), (LPVOID *)&pLangAndCodePage, &cch) && cch) { // pay attention only to first entry
langidModule = (LANGID)pLangAndCodePage->wLanguage; } }
free(lpBuffer); } }
// If the languages don't match, look for a resource DLL
if (langidUI != langidModule) { DWORD cchDir; HINSTANCE hinst;
// Look for {path}\{lcid}\{dll-name}
while (cch && achPath[--cch] != TEXT('\\'));
hinst = CheckDLL(achPath, achPath + cch + 1, langidUI, lpszSatelliteName);
if (hinst) { hinstRes = hinst; // Found!
} else { //
// Couldn't find for specified UI langid; try default/netural sublangs.
if (SUBLANGID(langidUI) != SUBLANG_DEFAULT) { hinst = CheckDLL(achPath, achPath + cch + 1, MAKELANGID(PRIMARYLANGID(langidUI), SUBLANG_DEFAULT), lpszSatelliteName); }
if (hinst) { hinstRes = hinst; // Found for SUBLANG_DEFAULT!
} else if (SUBLANGID(langidUI) != SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) { hinst = CheckDLL(achPath, achPath + cch + 1, MAKELANGID(PRIMARYLANGID(langidUI), SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), lpszSatelliteName);
if (hinst) { hinstRes = hinst; // Found for SUBLANG_NEUTRAL!
} } } } }
if (hinstModule != hinstRes) { m_hinstRes = hinstRes; // Cache it so the dtor can call FreeLibrary
} return hinstRes; }
HINSTANCE Detach(void) { HINSTANCE hinstRes = m_hinstRes; m_hinstRes = NULL; return hinstRes; }
// Check if satellite DLL exist for a particular LANGID
HINSTANCE CheckDLL( TCHAR * achPath, // [in] Complete path of module
TCHAR * pchDir, // [in] Path to directory of module (including backslash)
LANGID langid, // [in] Language of Satellite DLL
LPCTSTR lpszSatelliteName) // [in] Satellite DLL name
{ TCHAR * pchSubDir;
size_t cch;
// TODO: Verify that the versions are in sync with core DLL?
_itot(langid, pchDir, 10);
pchSubDir = pchDir + _tcslen(pchDir);
*pchSubDir++ = TEXT('\\');
_tcscpy(pchSubDir, lpszSatelliteName);
return LoadLibrary(achPath); }
//--- Function Declarations -------------------------------------------------
//--- Inline Function Definitions -------------------------------------------