# BuildComponent.pm # # created: 4/02/99 # 7/21/99 - return value is 2 if update build not needed
package main;
if (!$__IITBUILDPM ) { use iit::build; }
sub BuildComponent { my $cmdNMake = "nmake -nologo -x-"; my $rc = 1; my @buildlist = (); my $strTargets = ""; my $sName = ""; my $bNotNeeded = 0;
PrintL("buildcomp(@_)\n", PL_VERBOSE);
# process arguments foreach $i (@_) { if (uc($i) eq "-D" or uc($i) eq "DEBUG") { @buildlist = (@buildlist, "DEBUG"); } elsif (uc($i) eq "-P" or uc($i) eq "PROFILE") { # ignore profile requests on non-x86 machines if ($ENV{"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"} eq "x86") { @buildlist=(@buildlist, "PROFILE"); } } elsif (uc($i) eq "-S" or uc($i) eq "-R" or uc($i) eq "RELEASE") { @buildlist=(@buildlist, "RELEASE"); } elsif (uc($i) eq "BVT") { $strTargets .= " bvt"; } elsif ($i =~ /\=/) { $cmdNMake .= ' '.$i; } elsif ($i =~ /\w+.mak/) { $cmdNMake .= " -f ".$i; } elsif ($i eq "") { } elsif ($sName eq "") { $sName = $i; } else { $strTargets .= " $i"; } }
if ($bVerbose) { $strTargets .= " VERBOSE=1"; } if (not defined $sName) { $sName = "Unknown Component"; } if ($strLanguage ne "") { $cmdNMake .= " LANGUAGE=".uc($strLanguage); } local @faillist=();
if ($#buildlist < 0) { #if no targets, use a blank one @buildlist=(" "); }
foreach $buildtype (@buildlist) { $targetname = "$strLanguage $sName $buildtype";
PrintLTip("\n"."#" x (39 - ((length($targetname) + (length($targetname) % 2)) / 2)). ' '.$targetname.' '."#" x (39 - ((length($targetname) - (length($targetname) % 2)) / 2))."\n\n", "Build Directory: ".cwd(), PL_GREEN | PL_FLUSH);
BEGIN_DHTML_NODE("(click to expand)");
my $startTime = time(); my $strMsg = "";
PrintL($cmdNMake." BUILDTYPE=".$buildtype.$strTargets."\n", PL_BOLD); eval { if ($bUpdate) { open (NMAKEIN, $cmdNMake." BUILDTYPE=".$buildtype." -q".$strTargets.' 2>&1 |'); while(<NMAKEIN>) { PrintL($_); } close(NMAKEIN); if ($CHILD_ERROR) { PrintL("Clean build needed, at least one of dependency has changed\n (see $sUpdateLog for details)\n"); ExecuteAndOutputToFile($cmdNMake." BUILDTYPE=".$buildtype." -nd".$strTargets, $sUpdateLog, 0, 1); open (NMAKEIN, $cmdNMake." BUILDTYPE=".$buildtype." clean" . ' 2>&1 |'); while(<NMAKEIN>) { PrintL($_); } close(NMAKEIN); if ($CHILD_ERROR) #must not have a clean build, do it manually { Delnode($buildtype); } } else { $bNotNeeded = 1; PrintL("Skipping ".$targetname." - not needed\n"); END_DHTML_NODE(); next; # skip this build - not needed } }
$bNotNeeded = 0; $bNothingDone = 0; if ($bcStatus & BC_NOTHINGDONE) { $bcStatus -= BC_NOTHINGDONE; } ++$nTotalBuilds;
open (NMAKEIN, "$cmdNMake BUILDTYPE=$buildtype$strTargets" . ' 2>&1 |'); while(<NMAKEIN>) { PrintL($_); if ( /: (error|fatal error|info|information|assert)(,| )/i || (/: warning(,| )/i && !(/different attributes \(40000040\)/ || /glang\.cpp\(\d+\) : warning C410(1|2)/ || # gtran warnings from pccts stuff /LINK : warning LNK4089/ # discarded by /OPT:REF ) ) || /\*\*\* (Error|Warning|Info): /i || ( /WARNING: /i && !( /^mkdep: warning: ignoring line : \#include / # pccts stuff || m/OffInst: warning: The binary .* is emitted by BBT/ # can't do anything about this warning ) ) || # format of error from cmp / differ: char / || # c compiler has certain errors formatted like this /^error C[1-4]\d{3}: / ) { $strMsg .= $_; } } close(NMAKEIN); }; END_DHTML_NODE(); PrintL("\n");
my($stopTime) = time(); my($sDiff) = FmtDeltaTime($stopTime - $startTime);
if ($CHILD_ERROR) { $rc = 0; ++$nFailedBuilds;
PrintLTip($targetname." FAILED\n\n", "Build Time: ".$sDiff, PL_BIGERROR); @faillist=(@faillist, substr $buildtype, 0, 1); } else { PrintLTip($targetname." Succeeded\n\n", "Build Time: ".$sDiff, PL_NOTAG | PL_MSG | PL_GREEN); }
if ($strMsg ne "") { PrintMsgBlock(split(/\n/, $strMsg)); }
if (!$rc && IsCritical()) { $bcStatus |= &BC_FAILED; $bBuildFailed = 1; if ($bDieOnError) { BuildDie("\nBuild failed, exiting build ...\n(don't use HALT parameter if you wish to continue building after failures)\n\n"); } } } PrintL("BuildComponent returns $rc\n", PL_VERBOSE);
if ($rgstrBuildResults{$sName} ne "") { $rgstrBuildResults{$sName} .= ", "; } if ($bAddLanguageString) { $rgstrBuildResults{$sName} .= "$strLanguage: "; } $rgstrBuildResults{$sName} .= $rc ? "<font color=green>OK</font>" : "<b><font color=red>@faillist FAIL</font></b>"; if ($bNotNeeded) { $rc = 2; } return($rc); }