if (!$__IITPRINTLPM ) { use iit::printl; } if (!$__IITUTILPM ) { use iit::util; }
use Win32::File; use File::Copy; #allows use of built in copy() and move() functions use File::Path; #allows use of built in mkpath() and rmtree() functions use File::Compare; use FileHandle; #allows use of activeperl filehandle layer use Cwd; #allows use of cwd() to get current working directory use English; #allows use of english names for $(*) variables
# DelAll()
# deletes all files in a first argument directory name (recursively deletes if argument 2 is non-null) # report number of files in what directory deleted to screen and log # returns total number (including recursively) of deleted files
# a-jbilas, 04/10/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/11/99 - check if PushD() fails, don't remove directories after delete # a-jbilas, 07/20/99 - remove directories after deletion, don't delete files or dirs containing slm.ini
sub DelAll($;$$) { my($sDirectory, $bRecurse, $bIgnoreIni) = @_; my($fileNum) = 0; if ((-e $sDirectory) && PushD($sDirectory)) { my($bNoRemove) = 0; my(@lFiles) = GetFiles();
if ($bIgnoreIni || !IsMemberOf("slm.ini", @lFiles)) { local(@lDeletedFiles) = (); foreach $file (@lFiles) { if (!unlink($file)) { PrintL("Could not delete ".$file." ($!)\n", PL_ERROR); $rc = 0; } else { push(@lDeletedFiles, $file); } }
PrintLTip(" - deleted ".scalar(@lDeletedFiles)." files in ".cwd()."\n", join(", ", @lDeletedFiles), PL_BLUE); $fileNum += scalar(@lDeletedFiles); } else { $bNoRemove = 1; } if (defined $bRecurse) { foreach $dir (GetSubdirs()) { if (-d cwd()."\\$dir") { $fileNum += DelAll(cwd()."\\$dir", 1, $bIgnoreIni); #recurse each directory } } }
PopD(); #$sDirectory if (!$bNoRemove) { if (!rmdir($sDirectory)) { PrintL("Could not remove directory: ".$sDirectory." (".$!.")\n", PL_ERROR); } } }
return($fileNum); }
# DelOld()
# search recursively for directory names matching elements in @lBuilds and call DelOld # to delete their contents
# a-jbilas, 04/10/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/11/99 - check if PushD() fails
sub DelOld { carp("Usage: bool DelOld(directory, listBuildsPtr) ") unless(@_ == 2);
local($sDirectory, *m_lBuilds) = @_; my($nDelFiles) = 0;
if ((-d $sDirectory) && PushD($sDirectory)) { opendir(SRC, $sDirectory); #must be directories as all files are deleted local(@lDirectories) = grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir(SRC)); #(ignore .. .) foreach $dir (@lDirectories) { if ((-d cwd()."\\$dir") && (IsMemberOf($dir, @m_lBuilds))) { $nDelFiles += DelAll(cwd()."\\$dir", 1); #recursively delete target and object dirs } elsif (-d cwd()."\\$dir") { $nDelFiles += DelOld(cwd()."\\$dir", *m_lBuilds); #recursively look for target and object dirs } } PopD(); #$sDirectory } closedir($sDirectory);
return($nDelFiles); }
# EchoedCopy()
# copy file1 to file2 and echo results to screen and log # returns 1 for success, 0 for failure
# a-jbilas, 04/10/99 - created # a-jbilas, 08/04/99 - use wildcards
sub EchoedCopy($;$) { my($sFile1, $sFile2) = @_; my($rc) = 1;
if ($bVerbose) { PrintL(" - Called EchoedCopy (".$_[0].", ".$_[1].")\n", PL_PURPLE); }
if ($sFile2 eq "") #copy to current directory (no directory or filename given) { $sFile2 = cwd(); } if (IsDirectory($sFile2) && ($sFile1 !~ /(\*|\?)/)) #copy to path (no filename given) { $sFile2 .= "\\".RemovePath($sFile1); }
if ($sFile2 =~ /(\*|\?)/) { PrintL("EchoedCopy() Error: destination does not support wildcards\n", (IsCritical() ? PL_BIGERROR : PL_ERROR) | PL_SETERROR); return(0); }
$sFile1 =~ s/\//\\/g; $sFile2 =~ s/\//\\/g;
if ($sFile1 =~ /(\*|\?)/) # if file contains wildcards { if ($sFile1 =~ /\?/) { my($tmp) = $sFile1; $tmp =~ s/\?/ /g; if (($tmp =~ /\*/) || (-e $tmp)) { $rc = EchoedCopy($tmp, $sFile2) && $rc; } }
foreach $file (glob($sFile1)) { $rc = EchoedCopy($file, $sFile2) && $rc; } } else { PrintL(" - Copying ".$sFile1." --> ".$sFile2."\n", PL_BLUE); if ($sFile2 =~ /\\/ && !IsDirectory(GetPath($sFile2))) { PrintL("EchoedCopy() Warning : Destination directory does not exist, creating ...\n", (IsCritical() ? PL_BIGWARNING : PL_WARNING) | PL_SETERROR); EchoedMkdir(GetPath($sFile2)); } if (!copy($sFile1, $sFile2)) { $rc = 0; my($err) = $!; PrintL("Copy of ".$sFile1." --> ".$sFile2." <b>FAILED</b>", (IsCritical() ? PL_BIGERROR : PL_ERROR) | PL_SETERROR); PrintL("\n$err\n\n", PL_RED | PL_BOLD | PL_SETERROR); if (IsCritical()) { PrintMsgBlock(split(/\n/, $err)); } } }
if (!$rc && IsCritical()) { $bCopyFailed = 1; $bcStatus |= BC_COPYFAILED } return($rc); }
# EchoedCompare()
# compare file1 to file2 and echo results to screen and log # returns 1 for identical, 0 for differ (or not exist)
# a-jbilas, 08/01/99 - created # a-jbilas, 09/17/99 - add file diff (third arg non-null to enable) # a-jbilas, 10/20/99 - if second arg is null, file will be tested for zerolength
sub EchoedCompare($$;$) { my($rc) = 1;
my($f1, $f2) = @_; my($bRemoteDiff) = ((scalar(@_) == 3) ? 1 : 0);
if ($f1 eq "") { PrintL(' - Comparing '.$f2.' against an empty file'."\n", PL_BLUE); if (!-e $f2) { PrintL($f2.' does not exist'."\n", PL_BLUE); return(1); } else { $f1 = "null"; if (!-e "null") { PrintToFile($f1, ""); } } } if ($f2 eq "") { PrintL(' - Comparing '.$f1.' against an empty file'."\n", PL_BLUE); if (!-e $f1) { PrintL($f1.' does not exist'."\n", PL_BLUE); return(1); } else { $f2 = "null"; if (!-e "null") { PrintToFile($f2, ""); } } # swap the files (better for first file to be null) my($temp) = $f1; $f1 = $f2; $f2 = $temp; } else { PrintL(' - Comparing '.$f1.' against '.$f2."\n", PL_BLUE); if (!-e $f1) { PrintL($f1." does not exist\n", PL_WARNING); $rc = 0; } if (!-e $f2) { PrintL($f2." does not exist\n", PL_WARNING); $rc = 0; } }
if ($rc) { if (compare($f1, $f2) != 0) { $rc = 0;
if ($bRemoteDiff && (($sDropDir && $bOfficialBuild) || (!$bOfficialBuild && ($TEMP ne "")))) { my($sDiffDir) = $sDropDir."\\dif"; if (!$bOfficialBuild) { $sDiffDir = $TEMP."\\".$PROJ."dif"; }
my($sDiffFile1) = $sDiffDir."\\".time().".".RemovePath($f1); my($sDiffFile2) = $sDiffDir."\\".(time() + 1).".".RemovePath($f2); my($sDiffBat) = $sDiffDir."\\".(time() + 2).".ViewDiff.bat";
if (EchoedMkdir($sDiffDir) && EchoedCopy($f1, $sDiffFile1) && EchoedCopy($f2, $sDiffFile2) && PrintToFile($sDiffBat, "start windiff.exe ".$sDiffFile1." ".$sDiffFile2."\n")) { PrintL(" - ".$f1." and ".$f2." differ (<a href=\"".TranslateToHTTP($sDiffBat)."\">" ."click and run to view diff<\/a>)\n", PL_BLUE | PL_SETERROR | PL_NOTAG); } else { PrintL(" - ".$f1." and ".$f2." differ\n", PL_BLUE | PL_SETERROR); } } else { PrintL(" - ".$f1." and ".$f2." differ\n", PL_BLUE | PL_SETERROR); } } else { PrintL(" - files are identical\n", PL_BLUE); } }
return($rc); }
# EchoedMkdir()
# make a directory from passed argument and echo results to screen and log # returns 1 for success, 0 for failure
# a-jbilas, 04/20/99 - created
sub EchoedMkdir($) { my($sPath) = @_; my($rc) = 1;
if (!-d $sPath) { PrintL(" - Creating path ".$sPath."\n", PL_BLUE);
my($sMsg) = ""; eval { PrintL("mkdir ".$sPath."\n", PL_VERBOSE); if ($bWin98) { open(FPIN, 'md '.$sPath.' |'); } else { open(FPIN, 'mkdir '.$sPath.' 2>&1 |'); }
while (<FPIN>) { PrintL($_); $sMsg .= "<dd>".$_; } close (FPIN); }; if ($CHILD_ERROR) { $rc = 0; PrintL("Creation of path ".$sPath." <b>FAILED</b>\n", (IsCritical() ? PL_BIGERROR : PL_ERROR) | PL_SETERROR); if ($sMsg ne "") { PrintMsgBlock(split(/\n/, $sMsg)); } } } else { PrintL("EchoedMkdir($sPath): directory already exists\n", PL_VERBOSE); } return($rc); }
# EchoedUnlink()
# delete multiple or single files passed by string, echo results # returns 1 on all deletions successful, 0 if any deletions fail
# a-jbilas, 08/01/99 - created
sub EchoedUnlink { my($rc) = 1; local(@lDeletedFiles) = ();
for ($index = 0 ; $index < scalar(@_) ; ++$index) { $! = ""; if ($_[$index] =~ /(\*|\?)/) # if file contains wildcards { my($temp) = $_[$index]; $temp =~ s/\//\\/g; $rc = EchoedUnlink(glob($temp)) && $rc; } elsif (!unlink($_[$index])) { if ($! eq "No such file or directory") { PrintL("Warning: Could not delete ".$_[$index]." ($!)\n", PL_WARNING | PL_VERBOSE); } else { PrintL("Could not delete ".$_[$index]." ($!)\n", PL_ERROR); } $rc = 0; } else { push(@lDeletedFiles, $_[$index]); } } if (@lDeletedFiles != ()) { PrintL(" - Deleted ".join(", ", @lDeletedFiles)."\n", PL_BLUE); } return($rc); }
# EchoedMove()
# rename a file and echo results # returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
# a-jbilas, 08/01/99 - created
sub EchoedMove($$) { my($rc) = 1; my($file1, $file2) = @_;
$file1 =~ s/\//\\/g; $file2 =~ s/\//\\/g;
if (($file1 =~ /(\*|\?)/) || ($file2 =~ /(\*|\?)/)) # if files contain wildcards { $rc = Execute("move /Y ".$file1." ".$file2) && $rc; #REVIEW: win9x compatibility? } else { PrintL(" - Renaming ".$file1." --> ".$file2."\n", PL_BLUE);
if (!-e $file1) { my($err) = $!; if (IsCritical()) { PrintL("Rename of ".$file1." --> ".$file2." <b>FAILED</b>", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($err); } else { PrintL("Rename of ".$file1." --> ".$file2." <b>FAILED</b>\n$err", PL_ERROR); } $rc = 0; } else { EchoedUnlink($file2); if (!move($file1, $file2)) { my($err) = $!; if (IsCritical()) { PrintL("Rename of ".$file1." --> ".$file2." <b>FAILED</b>", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($err); } else { PrintL("Rename of ".$file1." --> ".$file2." <b>FAILED</b>\n$err", PL_ERROR); } $rc = 0; } } }
if (!$rc && IsCritical()) { $bCopyFailed = 1; } return($rc); }
# PopD()
# perl version of DOS pushd # differences: # will warn user if empty directory stack popped instead of simply doing nothing # returns 1 on success, 0 on error
# a-jbilas, 03/10/99 - created
sub PopD { $sNewDir = pop(@__sDirStack) || PrintL("Error: Trying to pop an empty directory stack!\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); #TODO: break? # if (($_[0] ne "") && (lc($sNewDir) ne lc($_[0]))) # { # PrintL("PopD() Warning : dir verification fails (expected: ".$_[0].", actual: ".$sNewDir.")\n", PL_BIGWARNING); # } if (!chdir($sNewDir)) { PrintL("PopD() ERROR : $!\n", PL_BIGERROR); return 0; } PrintL("Popped to $sNewDir\n", PL_VERBOSE); return 1; }
# PushD()
# perl version of DOS pushd # differences: # will create directory (and warn user) if pushed directory doesn't exist instead of simply doing nothing # returns 1 on success, 0 on error
# a-jbilas, 03/10/99 - created
sub PushD($) { carp("Usage: PushD(directory) ") unless(@_ == 1); if (!defined @__sDirStack) { @__sDirStack = (); } my($sNewDir) = @_;
$sCurDir = cwd(); if (!-d $sNewDir) { EchoedMkdir($sNewDir); PrintL("PushD() Warning: creating new directory: ".$sNewDir."\n", PL_BIGWARNING | PL_SETERROR); } if (!chdir($sNewDir) && !chdir("$sCurDir\\$sNewDir")) { PrintL("PushD() Error: Cannot open directory $sNewDir (".$!.")\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); return(0); } push(@__sDirStack, $sCurDir); PrintL("Pushed to $sNewDir\n", PL_VERBOSE);
return(1); }
# OpenFile()
# wrapper for filehandle->open # when passed a filename and a accesstype (read/write/append/full), function will # return a filehandle associated with the given filename (returns 0 for failure)
# a-jbilas, 03/10/99 - created
sub OpenFile($$) { # TODO: add combined opens my($__OpenFileFH) = 0;
local($sFileName, $sFileAccessType) = @_; if ($sFileAccessType =~ /^r(ead)?$/i) { $__OpenFileFH = new FileHandle; if ($__OpenFileFH->open("<".$sFileName)) { PrintL("$sFileName successfully opened for input\n", PL_VERBOSE); } elsif (IsCritical()) { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for input\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($!); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } else { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for input\n", PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } } elsif ($sFileAccessType =~ /^w(rite)?$/i) { $__OpenFileFH = new FileHandle; if ($__OpenFileFH->open(">".$sFileName)) { PrintL("$sFileName successfully opened for output\n", PL_VERBOSE); } elsif (IsCritical()) { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for output\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } else { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for output\n", PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } } elsif ($sFileAccessType =~ /^a(ppend)?$/i) { $__OpenFileFH = new FileHandle; if ($__OpenFileFH->open(">>".$sFileName)) { PrintL("$sFileName successfully opened for output (appended)\n", PL_VERBOSE); } elsif (IsCritical()) { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for append\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } else { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for append\n", PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } } elsif ($sFileAccessType =~ /^f(ull)?$/i) { $__OpenFileFH = new FileHandle; if ($__OpenFileFH->open("+>".$sFileName)) { PrintL("$sFileName successfully opened for input and output\n", PL_VERBOSE); } elsif (IsCritical()) { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for input and output\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } else { PrintL("OpenFile() Error: could not open $sFileName for input and output\n", PL_ERROR | PL_SETERROR); $__OpenFileFH = 0; } } else { $__OpenFileFH = 0; } return($__OpenFileFH); }
# CloseFile()
# wrapper for $filehandle->close (just closes the file) # return 1 for success, 0 for failure
# a-jbilas, 03/10/99 - created
sub CloseFile { local($fh) = @_; $rc = 0;
if ($fh) { if($fh->close) { PrintL($fh." successully closed\n", PL_VERBOSE); $rc = 1; } else { PrintL("CloseFile() Error: could not close filehandle\n", PL_BIGWARNING | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($!); $rc = 0; } } else { PrintL("CloseFile() Error: could not close filehandle\n", PL_BIGWARNING | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($!); $rc = 0; } return($rc); }
# Delnode()
# quietly delete a directory and all subdirectories of passed directory name
# dougp, 03/10/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/09/99 - calls rmdir instead of delnode (name doesn't make too much # sense anymore, oh well) # a-jbilas, 07/21/99 - calls DelAll() instead of rmdir (note that it no longer # deletes files in directories containing slm.ini)
sub Delnode($) { my ($fname) = $_[0]; if (-d $fname) { DelAll($fname, 1); } }
# Append()
# append file1 with file2
# a-jbilas, 03/20/99 - created # a-jbilas, 06/29/99 - echo event to log
sub Append($$) { local($file1, $file2) = @_;
PrintL(" - Appending $file1 with $file2\n", PL_BLUE);
if (!-e $file1) { PrintL(" - Append Warning: $file1 does not exist, just copying file to be appended\n", PL_WARNING); return(EchoedCopy($file2, $file1)); } elsif (!-e $file2) { PrintL(" - Append Error: $file2 does not exist ($file1 can not be appended)\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); return(0); }
$f1h = OpenFile($file1, "append"); $f2h = OpenFile($file2, "read");
if (!$f1h) { my($oldErr) = $ERROR; PrintL(" - Append Error: $file1 failed to open ($file1 can not be appended)\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($oldErr); return(0); } if (!$f2h) { my($oldErr) = $ERROR; PrintL(" - Append Error: $file2 failed to open ($file1 can not be appended)\n", PL_BIGERROR | PL_SETERROR); PrintMsgBlock($oldErr); return(0); }
@lFile2Buffer = $f2h->getlines(); foreach $i (@lFile2Buffer) { print($f1h $i); }
close($f1h); close($f2h);
return(1); }
# GetFiles()
# When passed a directory, it will return a list of all absolute path filenames contained # within. Returns an empty list upon failure (either to open dir or find subdirs) # if no dir passed as argument, will assume current directory and do relative path filenames
# adding a non-null second argument will recurse subdirectories (to recurse current # directory subdirectories, pass either "" (relative paths) or cwd() (absolute paths) # as first argument). subdirs .. and . are ignored
# a-jbilas, 07/08/99 - created # a-jbilas, 07/16/99 - added recurse option
sub GetFiles { my(@lFiles) = (); my($sRelDir) = (($_[0] eq "") ? "" : $_[0]."\\");
opendir(SRCDIR, (($_[0] eq "") ? cwd() : $_[0])); foreach $file (readdir(SRCDIR)) { if (!-d $sRelDir.$file) { push(@lFiles, $sRelDir.$file); } elsif ((-d $sRelDir.$file) && ($_[1] ne "") && ($file !~ /^\.\.?$/)) { push(@lFiles, GetFiles($sRelDir.$file, 1)); } } closedir(SRCDIR);
if ($bVerbose && (@lFiles == ()) && ($_[1] eq "")) { PrintToLogErr("GetFiles() Warning: no files found in ".(($_[0] eq "") ? cwd() : $_[0])."\n"); }
return(@lFiles); }
# GetSubdirs()
# When passed a directory, it will return a list of all absolute path subdirs contained # within. Returns an empty list upon failure (either to open dir or find subdirs) # if no dir passed as argument, will assume current directory and do relative paths
# adding a non-null second argument will recurse subdirectories (to recurse current # directory subdirectories, pass either "" for relative paths or cwd() for absolute paths # as first argument). subdirs .. and . are ignored
# a-jbilas, 07/08/99 - created # a-jbilas, 07/16/99 - added recurse option
sub GetSubdirs { my(@lDirs) = (); my($sRelDir) = (($_[0] eq "") ? "" : $_[0]."\\");
opendir(SRCDIR, (($_[0] eq "") ? cwd() : $_[0])); foreach $dir (readdir(SRCDIR)) { if ((-d $sRelDir.$dir) && ($dir !~ /^\.\.?$/)) { push(@lDirs, $sRelDir.$dir); if ($_[1] ne "") { push(@lDirs, GetSubdirs($sRelDir.$dir, 1)); } } } closedir(SRCDIR);
if ($bVerbose && (@lDirs == ()) && ($_[1] eq "")) { PrintToLogErr("GetSubdirs() Warning: no subdirs found in ".(($_[0] eq "") ? cwd() : $_[0])."\n"); }
return(@lDirs); }
#### DougP 7/19/99 #### return full path of a program found on the path.
sub FindOnPath($) { my ($strProgram) = $_[0]; foreach $dir (split (';', $ENV{"PATH"})) { my $strFullPath = $dir."\\".$strProgram; if (-e $strFullPath) { return($strFullPath); } } PrintL("couldn't find path for ".$strProgram."\n", PL_WARNING); return(0); }
# GlobalReplaceInFile()
# Performs a global string replacement in file specified
# a-jbilas, 07/26/99 - created
sub GlobalReplaceInFile($$$) { # NOTE: entire file buffered in memory, not for use w/ extremely large files my($sFileName, $sSrc, $sTgt) = @_; my($buf) = ""; my($acc) = ""; my($bFound) = 0;
my($fhIn) = OpenFile($sFileName, "read");
if (!$fhIn) { return(0); } else { while (!$fhIn->eof()) { $buf = $fhIn->getline(); if (!$bFound && ($buf =~ /$sSrc/)) { $bFound = 1; } $buf =~ s/$sSrc/$sTgt/g; $acc .= $buf; } CloseFile($fhIn); if ($bFound) { unlink($fhIn); my($fhOut) = OpenFile($sFileName, "write"); $fhOut->print($acc); CloseFile($fhOut); return(1); } } }
# two routines to track disk space
# return the space left on a directory (in Mb) # DougP 7/6/99 sub SpaceLeft($) { my ($strDir) = $_[0]; open (FPIN, "dir /-C $strDir |"); my $iSpace = -1; while (<FPIN>) { if (/(\d+) bytes free/) { $iSpace = $1; } } close (FPIN); $iSpace /= (1 << 20); # convert to Mb return int $iSpace; }
# return an html message if disk space available is below the set limit (in Mb) # warning if below 5 times set limit # DougP 7/6/99 sub SpaceLeftAlarm($$) { my ($strDir, $iAlarmLevel) = @_; my $iSpaceLeft = SpaceLeft $strDir; print "Space left on $strDir is ${iSpaceLeft}M\n"; if ($iSpaceLeft < $iAlarmLevel) { return "<strong><font color=red>Space left on $strDir is ${iSpaceLeft}M</font></strong><br>\n"; } if ($iSpaceLeft < 5*$iAlarmLevel) { return "<font color=orange>Space left on $strDir is ${iSpaceLeft}M</font><br>\n"; } return ""; }
sub GetDLLVersion($) { local($_Execute) = 1; my($version) = ""; if (Execute($cmdShowVer." $_[0]")) { $_Execute =~ s/.*Version: \"([^\"]*)\".*\n.*/$1/; $version = $_Execute; } undef $_Execute;
return($version); }
sub IsDLLVersionHigher($$) { my($rc) = 0; local(@file1ver) = split(/\./, GetDLLVersion($_[0])); local(@file2ver) = split(/\./, GetDLLVersion($_[1]));
if (@file1ver != 4) { PrintL("WARNING: ".$_[0]." DLL does not contain version info, cannot get latest DLL\n", PL_BIGWARNING | PL_SETERROR); } elsif (@file2ver != 4) { PrintL("WARNING: ".$_[1]." DLL does not contain version info, cannot get latest DLL\n", PL_BIGWARNING | PL_SETERROR); } else { my($latestFound) = 0; for ($index = 0 ; !$latestFound && ($index < 4) ; ++$index) { if ($file1ver[$index] > $file2ver[$index]) { ++$latestFound; $rc = 1; } elsif ($file1ver[$index] < $file2ver[$index]) { ++$latestFound; } } }
return($rc); }
sub GetLatestDLL($$) { if (IsDLLVersionHigher($_[1], $_[0])) { return($_[1]); } elsif (IsDLLVersionHigher($_[0], $_[1])) { return($_[0]); } else { return(""); } }
sub IsDirectory($) { local($rc) = 0; if (Win32::File::GetAttributes($_[0], $rc)) { return($rc & DIRECTORY); } else { return(0); } }
sub IsReadOnly($) { local($rc) = 0; if (Win32::File::GetAttributes($_[0], $rc)) { return($rc & READONLY); } else { return(0); } }
sub SetReadOnly($$) { local($attr) = 0; if (Win32::File::GetAttributes($_[0], $attr)) { if ($_[1] && !($attr & READONLY)) { PrintL(" - Adding read only flag to ".$_[0]."\n", PL_BLUE); $attr = $attr | READONLY; return(Win32::File::SetAttributes($_[0], $attr)); } elsif (!$_[1] && ($attr & READONLY)) { PrintL(" - Removing read only flag from ".$_[0]."\n", PL_BLUE); $attr = $attr - READONLY; return(Win32::File::SetAttributes($_[0], $attr)); } else { return(1); } } else { return(0); } }
sub PrintToFile { my($fileName) = $_[0]; shift(@_); my($rc) = 1;
my($fhOut) = OpenFile($fileName, "append"); if ($fhOut) { foreach $elem (@_) { $fhOut->print($elem); } CloseFile($fhOut); } else { $rc = 0; }
return($rc); }
sub GetAllTextFromFile($) { my($fileName) = $_[0]; my($data) = "";
my($fhIn) = OpenFile($fileName, "read"); if ($fhIn) { while (!$fhIn->eof()) { $data .= $fhIn->getline(); } CloseFile($fhIn); }
return($data); }
# given a remote UNC filename, will return the network server name # (if given a local filename, will return the local computer name)
sub GetServerName($) { my($file) = $_[0]; if ($file !~ /^\\\\/) { return(uc($COMPUTERNAME)); } $file =~ s/^\\\\([^\\]+).*/$1/; return(uc($file)); }
sub KillOpenFiles { my($sServer) = $_[0]; shift(@_); local(@lFiles) = @_;
local($_Execute) = 1; Execute($cmdKillOpen." \\\\".$sServer); my(@lOpenFiles) = (); my($bFilesReached) = 0; foreach $line (split("\n", $_Execute)) { if ($bFilesReached) { push(@lOpenFiles, join(" ", split(/ +/, $line))); } elsif ($line =~ /ID User Name File Name/) { $bFilesReached = 1; } } undef($_Execute);
foreach $openfile (@lOpenFiles) { my($id, $user, $file) = split(" ", $openfile); print($id." : ".$user." : ".$file."\n"); } }
$__IITFILEPM = 1; 1;