if (!$__SPGBUILDPM ) { use spg::build; }
sub BuildCABs($$) { # SEDfile (no ext) => dropDirTarget # keep release and debug separate (order is important, watch the targetnames) @lCABs = ( # "voices => ", # "lexicons => ", "srd1033 => ".$sDropDir."\\srd1033.exe", "srd1041 => ".$sDropDir."\\srd1041.exe", "srd2052 => ".$sDropDir."\\srd2052.exe", # RELEASE: # "mscsr5r => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\mscsr5.exe", # "mscsr5rq => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\mscsr5q.exe", # "sapi5_r => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5sym.exe", # "sapi5sdk_r => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5sdk.exe", # "sapi5rt => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5.exe", # "sapi5all_r => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5all.exe", # "sapi5all_rq => ".$sDropDir."\\release\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5allq.exe", # DEBUG: # "mscsr5d => ".$sDropDir."\\debug\\cab\\".PROC."\\mscsr5.exe", # "sapi5_d => ".$sDropDir."\\debug\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5sym.exe", # "sapi5sdk_d => ".$sDropDir."\\debug\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5sdk.exe", # "sapi5all_d => ".$sDropDir."\\debug\\cab\\".PROC."\\sapi5all.exe", ); local($sIniFile, $sTargetDir) = @_; my($rc) = 1;
# ************* formerly precab.cmd ***************
local(%hRenamedCABFiles) = ParseCabIni($sIniFile);
foreach $key (keys(%hRenamedCABFiles)) { EchoedCopy($SAPIROOT."\\".$key, $SAPIROOT."\\".$hRenamedCABFiles{$key}); SetReadOnly($SAPIROOT."\\".$hRenamedCABFiles{$key}, 0); }
# ************* formerly bldcabs.cmd ***************
PrintL("\nBuilding SAPI 5 cabpacks\n\n", PL_LARGE | PL_BOLD);
PrintL("\nInitializing...\n\n", PL_BOLD);
Delnode($sTargetDir); EchoedMkdir($sTargetDir);
PrintL("\nMaking certification ...\n\n", PL_BOLD);
local($sCertFile) = $sTargetDir."\\sapikey.cer"; local($sSpcFile) = $sTargetDir."\\sapikey.spc";
unlink($sCertFile, $sSpcFile); $rc = Execute($cmdMakeCert.' -u:SAPIKey -n:CN="Microsoft Corporation" '.$sCertFile) && $rc; $rc = Execute($cmdCert2Spc.' '.$sCertFile.' '.$sSpcFile) && $rc;
PushD($sTargetDir); PrintL("\nBuilding and Digitally signing cabpacks ...\n\n", PL_BOLD);
local(@lSEDFiles) = ();
foreach $elem (@lCABs) { my($sSEDFile, $sDestFile) = split(/\s*=>\s*/, $elem); my($sCABName) = ""; my($fhIn) = OpenFile($SAPIROOT."\\build\\".$sSEDFile.".sed", "read"); if ($fhIn) { my($fhOut) = OpenFile($sTargetDir."\\".$sSEDFile.".sed", "write"); while(!$fhIn->eof()) { my($text) = $fhIn->getline(); if ($text =~ /^TARGETNAME=/i) { $text =~ s/d:\\sapi5\\build/$sTargetDir/i; my($tmp) = $text; $tmp =~ s/^TARGETNAME=//i; chomp($tmp); $sCABName = $tmp; } elsif ($text =~ /^FILE.*\.inf/) { my($inf) = $text; $inf =~ s/^[^\"]*\"([^\"]*)\"(.|\s)*$/$1/; EchoedCopy($SAPIROOT."\\build\\".$inf, $sTargetDir."\\".$inf); } else { $text =~ s/d:\\sapi5\\build/$sTargetDir/ig; $text =~ s/d:\\sapi5\\Src\\SR\\bin\\(\s)/$sTargetDir\\$1/ig; $text =~ s/d:\\sapi5/$SAPIROOT/ig; } $fhOut->print($text); } CloseFile($fhIn); CloseFile($fhOut); } else { PrintL("Error: could not read ".$sSEDFile.".sed, cannot create cab\n", PL_ERROR); } if (Execute($cmdIExpress.' /n /q '.$sTargetDir."\\".$sSEDFile.".sed")) { my($pDigSign) = SpawnProcess($cmdSignCode, '-spc "'.$sSpcFile.'" -'.(IsAlpha() ? 'v "'.$sCertFile.'"' : 'pvk "SAPIKey"'). ' -prog "'.$sCABName.'" -name "Microsoft SAPI 5.0" -info "http://www.microsoft.com/iit"'); if ($pDigSign) { $pDigSign->Wait(60000); #shouldn't take longer than 1 minute $pDigSign->Kill(1); }
if (!$bNoCopy) { if (($sCABName ne "") && ($sDestFile ne "")) { EchoedCopy($sCABName, $sDestFile); } } } else { $rc = 0; } }
PopD(); #$sTargetDir
# ************* formerly postcab.cmd ***************
foreach $key (keys(%hRenamedCABFiles)) { EchoedUnlink($SAPIROOT."\\".$hRenamedCABFiles{$key}); } PopD(); #$SAPIROOT
return($rc); }
sub ParseCabIni($) { my(%hIniHash) = ();
my($fhIni) = OpenFile($_[0], "read"); if ($fhIni) { my($curLine) = 0; my($curText) = ""; my($dir) = "";
while (!$fhIni->eof()) { $curText = $fhIni->getline(); ++$curLine; $curText =~ s/^\s*//; chomp($curText); if (($curText =~ /^#/) || ($curText eq "")) { } elsif ($curText =~ /^\[.*\]/) { $dir = $curText; $dir =~ s/^\[([^\]]*)\]/$1/; } else { local(@lFiles) = split(/\-\>/, $curText); if (scalar(@lFiles) != 2) { PrintL("Error parsing ".$_[0].", line ".$curLine.": Invalid syntax\n", PL_BIGERROR); } else { %hIniHash = (%hIniHash, $dir."\\".$lFiles[0] => $dir."\\".$lFiles[1]); } } } }
return(%hIniHash); }
$__BUILDCABSPM = 1; 1;