// HIGHLITE.CPP : implementation file
// by DougO
#include "header.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "TCHAR.h"
//#include "cprint.h"
#include "secwin.h"
#include "contain.h"
#include "collect.h"
#include "hhtypes.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "fts.h"
#include "highlite.h"
#include "hhctrl.h"
// CSearchHighlight HighlightTerm
BOOL CSearchHighlight::HighlightTerm(IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument2, WCHAR *pTerm) { HRESULT hr;
if(!pTerm || !*pTerm) return FALSE;
BSTR pSearchTerm = SysAllocString(pTerm);
IHTMLBodyElement* pBodyElement; IHTMLElement *pElement;
// get the document element from the document
if(FAILED(hr = pHTMLDocument2->get_body(&pElement))) return FALSE;
if(FAILED(hr = pElement->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLBodyElement, (void **)&pBodyElement))) { pElement->Release(); return FALSE; }
IHTMLTxtRange *pBeginRange = NULL;
// Create the initial text range
if(FAILED(hr = pBodyElement->createTextRange(&pBeginRange))) { pBodyElement->Release(); pElement->Release(); return FALSE; }
BSTR bstrCmd = SysAllocString(L"BackColor"); BSTR bstrCmd2 = SysAllocString(L"ForeColor");
vBackColor.vt = vForeColor.vt = VT_I4; vForeColor.lVal = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); vBackColor.lVal = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
long lret = 0;
DWORD dwStartTickCount = GetTickCount();
while(vbRet == VARIANT_TRUE) { if(FAILED(hr = pBeginRange->findText(pSearchTerm,1000000,2,&vbRet))) break;
if(vbRet == VARIANT_TRUE) { if(FAILED(hr = pBeginRange->execCommand(bstrCmd2, VARIANT_FALSE, vForeColor, &bUI))) { dwRet = FALSE; break; }
if(GetTickCount() > (dwStartTickCount + HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT)) { dwRet = FALSE; break; }
if(FAILED(hr = pBeginRange->execCommand(bstrCmd, VARIANT_FALSE, vBackColor, &bUI))) { dwRet = FALSE; break; }
if(GetTickCount() > (dwStartTickCount + HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT)) { dwRet = FALSE; break; }
if(FAILED(hr = pBeginRange->collapse(FALSE))) { dwRet = FALSE; break; }
if(GetTickCount() > (dwStartTickCount + HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT)) { dwRet = FALSE; break; } } }
SysFreeString(bstrCmd); SysFreeString(bstrCmd2); SysFreeString(pSearchTerm);
pBodyElement->Release(); pElement->Release(); pBeginRange->Release();
return TRUE; }
// CSearchHighlight
CSearchHighlight::CSearchHighlight(CExCollection *pTitleCollection) {
m_pTitleCollection = pTitleCollection; m_iJumpIndex = 0; m_pTermList = NULL; m_bHighlightEnabled = !g_fIE3; m_Initialized = TRUE;
// CSearchHighlight constructor
CSearchHighlight::~CSearchHighlight() { }
// CSearchHighlight HighlightDocument
int CSearchHighlight::HighlightDocument(LPDISPATCH lpDispatch) { CHourGlass wait;
if(!m_bHighlightEnabled) return FALSE;
if ( lpDispatch != NULL ) { // request the "document" object from the object
IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument2;
// If this fails, then we are probably running on IE3
if(FAILED(lpDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void **)&pHTMLDocument2))) return FALSE;
int i, cTerms = m_pTitleCollection->m_pFullTextSearch->GetHLTermCount();
DWORD dwStartTickCount = GetTickCount();
for(i=0;i<cTerms;++i) { if(!HighlightTerm(pHTMLDocument2,m_pTitleCollection->m_pFullTextSearch->GetHLTermAt(i))) { pHTMLDocument2->Release(); return TRUE; }
if(GetTickCount() > (dwStartTickCount + HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT)) break; }
pHTMLDocument2->Release(); }
return TRUE; }
// CSearchHighlight enable highlight
// bStatus:
// TRUE = Highlighting Enabled
// FALSE = Highlighting Disabled
void CSearchHighlight::EnableHighlight(BOOL bStatus) { m_bHighlightEnabled = bStatus; }
// CSearchHighlight jump to first highlight term
HRESULT CSearchHighlight::JumpFirst(void) { // DOUG TODO
return S_OK; }
// CSearchHighlight jump to next highlight term
HRESULT CSearchHighlight::JumpNext(void) { // DOUG TODO
return S_OK; }
// DoF1Lookup
// Get current selection in mshtml and perform a F1 lookup
void DoF1Lookup(IWebBrowserAppImpl* pWBApp) { LPDISPATCH lpDispatch;
if ( pWBApp && (lpDispatch = pWBApp->GetDocument()) ) { WCHAR *pText = GetSelectionText(lpDispatch); if(pText) { char szTerm[512] = "";
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pText, -1, szTerm, sizeof(szTerm), NULL, NULL); SysFreeString(pText); //
// <mc> Find a CExCollection pointer...
CExCollection* pExCollection = NULL; CStr cstr;
pWBApp->GetLocationURL(&cstr); pExCollection = GetCurrentCollection(NULL, (PCSTR)cstr);
OnWordWheelLookup(szTerm, pExCollection); } lpDispatch->Release(); } }
WCHAR * GetSelectionText(LPDISPATCH lpDispatch) { if(lpDispatch) { HRESULT hr;
IHTMLSelectionObject *pSelection;
// request the "document" object from the object
IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument2;
// If this fails, then we are probably running on IE3
if(FAILED(lpDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void **)&pHTMLDocument2))) return NULL;
if(FAILED(hr = pHTMLDocument2->get_selection(&pSelection))) { pHTMLDocument2->Release(); return NULL; } IHTMLTxtRange *pBeginRange = NULL; LPDISPATCH lpRangeDispatch; BSTR bstr = NULL;
if ( (hr = pSelection->get_type( &bstr )) != S_OK ) { pHTMLDocument2->Release(); pSelection->Release(); return NULL; }
if( (bstr == NULL) || wcscmp(bstr,L"Text") ) { pHTMLDocument2->Release(); pSelection->Release(); SysFreeString( bstr ); return NULL; } SysFreeString( bstr );
// Create the initial text range
if(FAILED(hr = pSelection->createRange(&lpRangeDispatch))) { pSelection->Release(); pHTMLDocument2->Release(); return NULL; }
if(FAILED(lpRangeDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLTxtRange, (void **)&pBeginRange))) { pSelection->Release(); pHTMLDocument2->Release(); return NULL; }
BSTR pSelectedText;
pSelection->Release(); pHTMLDocument2->Release(); pBeginRange->Release();
if(!pSelectedText) return NULL;
if(*pSelectedText == NULL) { SysFreeString(pSelectedText); return NULL; }
return pSelectedText; } else return NULL; }