// Copyright 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "header.h"
#include "..\hhctrl\infowiz.h"
BOOL CInfoTypePageContents::OnNotify(UINT code) { switch (code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: MakeCheckedList(IDLB_INFO_TYPES); SetWizButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK); FillInfoTypeListBox(); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: SaveInfoTypes(); if (m_InfoParam.idPreviousPage > 0) { SetResult(m_InfoParam.idPreviousPage); return TRUE; } break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: SaveInfoTypes(); if (m_InfoParam.idNextPage > 0) { SetResult(m_InfoParam.idNextPage); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; }
void CInfoTypePageContents::SaveInfoTypes(void) { int bitflag = 1; INFOTYPE* pInfoType = m_InfoParam.pInfoTypes; int type;
if ( m_InfoParam.iCategory >= 0 ) { // Exclusive IT in category
if ( m_InfoParam.fExclusive ) { CStr csz; csz.ReSize(MAX_PATH); m_pCheckBox->GetText(csz.psz); type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetFirstCategoryType( m_InfoParam.iCategory ); while ( type != -1 ) { if ((m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetInfoType(csz.psz) == type) && !m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type)) AddIT( type, pInfoType ); else DeleteIT(type, pInfoType); type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetNextITinCategory(); } } else { // Inclusive Category
int ordinal_IT=0; type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetFirstCategoryType( m_InfoParam.iCategory ); while ( type != -1 ) { if ( m_pCheckBox->GetItemData(ordinal_IT) && !m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type)) AddIT( type, pInfoType ); else DeleteIT( type, pInfoType ); if (!m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type)) ordinal_IT++; type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetNextITinCategory(); } } } else { // no category
if ( m_InfoParam.fExclusive ) { // set of exclusive IT's
CStr csz; csz.ReSize(MAX_PATH); m_pCheckBox->GetText(csz.psz); for (type=1; type <= m_InfoParam.pInfoType->HowManyInfoTypes(); type++ ) { if ( (m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetInfoType(csz.psz) == type) && !m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type) ) AddIT( type, pInfoType ); else DeleteIT( type, pInfoType ); } } else { // set of inclusive IT's
for ( type=1; type <= m_InfoParam.pInfoType->HowManyInfoTypes(); type++ ) { if ( m_pCheckBox->GetItemData(type-1) && !m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type) ) AddIT( type, pInfoType ); else DeleteIT( type, pInfoType ); } } } }
void CInfoTypePageContents::FillInfoTypeListBox(void) { int bitflag = 1; INFOTYPE* pInfoType = m_InfoParam.pInfoTypes; int type; int lbpos; m_pCheckBox->Reset();
if ( m_InfoParam.iCategory >= 0 ) { type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetFirstCategoryType( m_InfoParam.iCategory ); while ( (type != -1) && !m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type) ) { lbpos = (int)m_pCheckBox->AddString(m_InfoParam.pInfoType->m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes->GetPointer(type)); m_pCheckBox->SetItemData(lbpos, type); type = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetNextITinCategory(); } SetWindowText(IDTXT_DESCRIPTION, m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetCategoryDescription(m_InfoParam.iCategory+1) ); }else { for (type = 1; type <= m_InfoParam.pInfoType->HowManyInfoTypes(); type++) { if ( m_InfoParam.pInfoType->IsHidden(type) ) continue; lbpos = (int)m_pCheckBox->AddString(m_InfoParam.pInfoType->m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes->GetPointer(type)); m_pCheckBox->SetItemData(lbpos, type); } } }
void CInfoTypePageContents::OnSelChange(UINT id) { int posType;
if (id == IDLB_INFO_TYPES) { m_pCheckBox->OnSelChange(); int pos = (int)m_pCheckBox->GetCurSel(); if (pos != LB_ERR) { ASSERT(m_InfoParam.pInfoType->m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypeDescriptions);
CStr cszItem; cszItem.ReSize(MAX_PATH); m_pCheckBox->GetText(cszItem, MAX_PATH, pos);
posType = m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetITIndex(cszItem.psz); SetWindowText(IDTXT_DESCRIPTION, m_InfoParam.pInfoType->GetInfoTypeDescription(posType)); } } }
BOOL CWizardIntro::OnNotify(UINT code) { switch (code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: SetWizButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT); if (m_pInfoParam->fCustom) SetCheck(IDRADIO_CUSTOM); else if (m_pInfoParam->fAll) SetCheck(IDRADIO_ALL); else SetCheck(IDRADIO_ALL ); //IDRADIO_TYPICAL);
case PSN_WIZNEXT: if (GetCheck(IDRADIO_TYPICAL)) { m_pInfoParam->fTypical = TRUE; m_pInfoParam->fAll = FALSE; m_pInfoParam->fCustom = FALSE; if (m_pInfoParam->pInfoType->m_pTypicalInfoTypes) { ASSERT(lcSize(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes) == lcSize(m_pInfoParam->pInfoType->m_pTypicalInfoTypes)); memcpy(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes, m_pInfoParam->pInfoType->m_pTypicalInfoTypes, lcSize(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes)); } SetResult(IDWIZ_INFOTYPE_FINISH); return TRUE; } if (GetCheck(IDRADIO_ALL)) { m_pInfoParam->fTypical = FALSE; m_pInfoParam->fAll = TRUE; m_pInfoParam->fCustom = FALSE; memset(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes, 0xFF, lcSize(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes)); SetResult(IDWIZ_INFOTYPE_FINISH); return TRUE; } else { m_pInfoParam->fTypical = FALSE; m_pInfoParam->fAll = FALSE; m_pInfoParam->fCustom = TRUE; memset(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes, 0xFF, lcSize(m_pInfoParam->pInfoTypes)); } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
void CWizardIntro::OnButton(UINT id) { if (GetCheck(id)) { SetCheck(IDRADIO_ALL, FALSE); SetCheck(IDRADIO_TYPICAL, FALSE); SetCheck(IDRADIO_CUSTOM, FALSE); SetCheck(id, TRUE); } }
BOOL CInfoWizFinish::OnNotify(UINT code) { switch (code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: SetWizButtons(PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: if (m_pInfoParam->fAll || m_pInfoParam->fTypical) { SetResult(CWizardIntro::IDD); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; }