// This module is for reading binary files out of a compiled HTML file
#include "header.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "htmlhelp.h"
#include "strtable.h"
#include "fts.h"
#include "TCHAR.h"
#include "parserhh.h"
#include "collect.h"
#include "hhtypes.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "secwin.h" // Only included for SetWinType....
#include "sysnames.h"
CHmData** g_phmData; BOOL AddTitleToGlobalList(PCSTR pszITSSFile);
// Darwin Stuff
// REVIEW: These must be tied to the calling process. If we ever support
// multiple processes in a single OCX, this will break big time.
PSTR g_pszDarwinGuid; PSTR g_pszDarwinBackupGuid;
// CTitleInformation - read in the title informaton file (#SYSTEM) settings for each title
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define SEEK_SET 0
unsigned short CharsetFromLangID(unsigned short uLangID) { unsigned short uCharset;
switch (uLangID) { case LANG_RUSSIAN: uCharset = RUSSIAN_CHARSET; break; case LANG_ENGLISH: uCharset = ANSI_CHARSET; break; case LANG_JAPANESE: uCharset = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; break; case LANG_KOREAN: uCharset = HANGEUL_CHARSET; break; case LANG_ARABIC: uCharset = ARABIC_CHARSET; break; case LANG_GREEK: uCharset = GREEK_CHARSET; break; case LANG_THAI: uCharset = THAI_CHARSET; break; case LANG_HEBREW: uCharset = HEBREW_CHARSET; break; case LANG_TURKISH: uCharset = TURKISH_CHARSET; break; case LANG_VIETNAMESE: uCharset = VIETNAMESE_CHARSET; break;
default: uCharset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; } return uCharset; }
CTitleInformation::CTitleInformation( CFileSystem* pFileSystem ) { ClearMemory( this, sizeof( CTitleInformation ) ); m_pFileSystem = pFileSystem; m_iCharset = -1; }
CTitleInformation::~CTitleInformation() { if (m_pszCompilerVersion) lcFree (m_pszCompilerVersion); // leak fix
CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszDefToc ); CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszDefIndex ); CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszDefHtml ); CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszDefCaption ); CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszDefWindow ); CHECK_AND_FREE( m_pszShortName );
if( m_pdInfoTypes ) lcFree(m_pdInfoTypes ); if (m_paExtTabs) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_cExtTabs; i++) { lcFree(m_paExtTabs[i].pszTabName); lcFree(m_paExtTabs[i].pszProgId); } lcFree(m_paExtTabs); } if ( m_hFontAccessableContent && (m_hFontAccessableContent != m_hFont) ) DeleteObject(m_hFontAccessableContent);
if (m_hFont) DeleteObject(m_hFont); }
HRESULT CTitleInformation::Initialize() { if( !m_pFileSystem ) return S_FALSE;
// open the title information file (#SYSTEM)
CSubFileSystem* pSubFileSystem = new CSubFileSystem(m_pFileSystem); HRESULT hr = pSubFileSystem->OpenSub(txtSystemFile); if( FAILED(hr)) return S_FALSE;
// check the version of the title information file (#SYSTEM)
DWORD dwVersion; DWORD cbRead; hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub(&dwVersion, sizeof(dwVersion), &cbRead); if( FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(dwVersion) ) { delete pSubFileSystem; return STG_E_READFAULT; } if( dwVersion > VERSION_SYSTEM ) { // BUGBUG: This will fail if we allow more then one process to attach
// to us -- meaning we won't put up a warning for each process
static BOOL fWarned = FALSE; if (!fWarned) { MsgBox(IDS_NEWER_VERSION); fWarned = TRUE; } return STG_E_OLDDLL; }
// read in each and every item (skip those tags we don't care about)
SYSTEM_TAG tag; for(;;) {
// get the tag type
hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub(&tag, sizeof(SYSTEM_TAG), &cbRead); if( FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(SYSTEM_TAG)) break;
// handle each tag according to it's type
switch( tag.tag ) {
// where all of our simple settings are stored
case TAG_SYSTEM_FLAGS: { ZERO_STRUCTURE( m_Settings ); DWORD cbSettings = sizeof(m_Settings); DWORD cbTag = tag.cbTag; DWORD cbReadIn = 0; if( cbTag > cbSettings ) cbReadIn = cbSettings; else cbReadIn = cbTag; hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub( &m_Settings, cbReadIn, &cbRead ); if( cbTag > cbSettings ) hr = pSubFileSystem->SeekSub( cbTag-cbSettings, SEEK_CUR ); break; }
// where the short name of the title is stored
case TAG_SHORT_NAME: m_pszShortName = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszShortName, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_TOC: m_pszDefToc = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefToc, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_INDEX: m_pszDefIndex = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefIndex, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_HTML: m_pszDefHtml = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefHtml, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_CAPTION: m_pszDefCaption = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefCaption, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_WINDOW: m_pszDefWindow = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefWindow, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_HASH_BINARY_TOC: hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) &m_hashBinaryTocName, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_HASH_BINARY_INDEX: hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) &m_hashBinaryIndexName, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_INFO_TYPES: ASSERT(!m_pdInfoTypes); m_pdInfoTypes = (INFOTYPE_DATA*) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pdInfoTypes, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_COMPILER_VERSION: m_pszCompilerVersion = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszCompilerVersion, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_INFOTYPE_COUNT: hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*)&m_iCntInfoTypes, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
case TAG_IDXHEADER: hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*)&m_idxhdr, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); m_bGotHeader = TRUE; break;
case TAG_EXT_TABS: { ASSERT_COMMENT(!m_ptblExtTabs, "TAG_EXT_TABS appears in the system file twice."); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) &m_cExtTabs, sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); CMem mem(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) mem.pb, tag.cbTag - sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); PCSTR psz = (PCSTR) mem.pb; m_paExtTabs = (EXTENSIBLE_TAB*) lcMalloc(m_cExtTabs * sizeof(EXTENSIBLE_TAB)); for (DWORD iTab = 0; iTab < m_cExtTabs; iTab++) { m_paExtTabs[iTab].pszTabName = lcStrDup(psz); psz += strlen(psz) + 1; m_paExtTabs[iTab].pszProgId = lcStrDup(psz); psz += strlen(psz) + 1;
//--- Add the accelerator to the global accelerator list.
char* p = strchr(m_paExtTabs[iTab].pszTabName , '&') ; if (p != NULL) { _Resource.TabCtrlKeys(HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST + iTab, tolower(*(p+1))) ; } } } break;
case TAG_DEFAULT_FONT: m_pszDefaultFont = (PCSTR) lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub((void*) m_pszDefaultFont, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); ASSERT_COMMENT(!m_hFont, "Compiler should never allow two font tags"); m_hFont = (HFONT)1; // just to say we've been here before...
case TAG_NEVER_PROMPT_ON_MERGE: hr = pSubFileSystem->ReadSub( (void*) &m_bNeverPromptOnMerge, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); break;
// skip those we don't care about or don't know about
default: hr = pSubFileSystem->SeekSub( tag.cbTag, SEEK_CUR ); break;
if( FAILED(hr) ) { delete pSubFileSystem; return STG_E_READFAULT; } } delete pSubFileSystem; //
// Init title charset.
unsigned short uLangID = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(m_Settings.lcid)); m_iCharset = CharsetFromLangID(uLangID); //
// Init the title font...
_Module.SetCodePage(CodePageFromLCID(m_Settings.lcid)); #ifndef CHIINDEX
InitContentFont(m_pszDefaultFont); #endif
m_bInit = TRUE; return S_OK; }
void CTitleInformation::InitContentFont(PCSTR pszFontSpec) { TCHAR szLocal[MAX_PATH]; PSTR pszComma; LOGFONT lf; NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm;
// We're only going to trust the charset specification if it came from the title!
if ( !pszFontSpec || !(*pszFontSpec) ) { // if Win9X on Japaneese system. AsPer Achimru Bug# 7012
if ( (GetVersion() >= 0x80000000) && ( (_Module.m_Language.GetUiLanguage() & 0x00FF) == LANG_JAPANESE) ) pszFontSpec = "MS P Gothic,9,128"; else { #ifndef HHUTIL
pszFontSpec = (PSTR)GetStringResource(IDS_DEFAULT_CONTENT_FONT); #endif
// HH bugs 7859 and 7707:
// It turns out that on Win9x, using DEFAULT_CHARSET means I don't care about the char set. Soooo, the
// last thing we want to do is use a blank facename with default charset on Win9x. On NT, default_charset
// has a reasonable meaning, i.e. use an appropiate charset based on system locale. So, to fix the above
// bugs, I'm only going to execute this logic on NT. <mc>
if( g_fSysWinNT ) { // lang != english AND the resID charset does NOT match the .CHM charset then use a blank facename
// but retain the pointsize specified in the resource string.
char* pszFS = StrChr(pszFontSpec, ','); int iCharSet = Atoi(pszFontSpec + 1); if ( pszFontSpec && ((m_iCharset != ANSI_CHARSET) || (m_iCharset != DEFAULT_CHARSET)) && (iCharSet != m_iCharset) ) pszFontSpec = pszFS; } }
if ( !pszFontSpec ) { // nothing specified in the .res file. Go with hardcoded defaults?
lstrcpy(szLocal, "MS Shell Dlg,8"); } else lstrcpy(szLocal, pszFontSpec); } else { //
// We have a specification from the .HHP file, insure it matches the LCID specified in the .HHP
// The specification string is formatted as followes:
// Facename, point size, charset, (BOLD | ITALIC | UNDERLINE) | 0x???? colorspec | #rrggbb colorspec
// We'll override the charset selected from the title LCID if we have a valid one specified in the title font.
lstrcpy(szLocal, pszFontSpec); if ( (pszComma = StrChr(szLocal, ',')) ) { pszComma++; if ( (pszComma = StrChr(pszComma, ',')) ) { pszComma++; m_iCharset = atoi(pszComma); } } } // We (Doug and Mikecole) have decided to override the ANSI charset (english) with the current user charset
// in the event we find we're viweing an english chm on a non englist system on Win9X...
if ( (m_iCharset == ANSI_CHARSET) ) { LANGID lid = _Module.m_Language.GetUiLanguage(); m_iCharset = CharsetFromLangID(lid); } if(g_fSysWinNT) { char wchLocale[10];
// Check to see if the system understands the LCID of the title. If not, we have no way of
// accurately processing the text in szLocal (it's in an encoding the OS doesn't understand).
// The only safe thing we can do is to default to MS Shell Dlg and hope for the best.
if (!GetLocaleInfoA(m_Settings.lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, wchLocale, sizeof(wchLocale))) lstrcpy(szLocal, "MS Shell Dlg,8"); WCHAR *pwcLocal = MakeWideStr(szLocal,CodePageFromLCID(m_Settings.lcid)); if(pwcLocal) { m_hFont = CreateUserFontW(pwcLocal, NULL, NULL, m_iCharset); free(pwcLocal); } } else m_hFont = CreateUserFont(szLocal, NULL, NULL, m_iCharset); ASSERT(m_hFont); BOOL bRet1 = GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(lf), &lf) ; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS); BOOL bRet2 = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), (void*)&ncm, 0); if ( bRet1 && bRet2 && (ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight < lf.lfHeight) ) { lf.lfHeight = ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight; m_hFontAccessableContent = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } else m_hFontAccessableContent = m_hFont; }
// CTitleInformation2 - get title informaton without going through the file system
CTitleInformation2::CTitleInformation2( LPCTSTR pszPathName ) { ClearMemory( this, sizeof(CTitleInformation2) ); m_pszPathName = pszPathName; }
CTitleInformation2::~CTitleInformation2() { if( m_pszShortName ) delete [] (PSTR) m_pszShortName; }
if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return S_FALSE;
DWORD dwFileStamp = 0; LCID FileLocale = 0; DWORD dwRead = 0;
SetFilePointer( hFile, 4*sizeof(UINT), NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &dwFileStamp, sizeof( dwFileStamp ), &dwRead, NULL ); ReadFile( hFile, (void*) &FileLocale, sizeof( FileLocale ), &dwRead, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile );
m_FileTime.dwLowDateTime = dwFileStamp; m_FileTime.dwHighDateTime = dwFileStamp; m_lcid = FileLocale;
TCHAR szShortName[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszShortName = szShortName;
GetFullPathName( m_pszPathName, MAX_PATH, szShortName, &pszShortName ); LPTSTR pszShortNameEnd = StrRChr( pszShortName, '.' ); *pszShortNameEnd = 0;
m_pszShortName = new char[ strlen(pszShortName)+1 ]; strcpy( (PSTR) m_pszShortName, pszShortName );
m_bInit = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// CHmData
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef struct tagHH_DISK_WINTYPE { int cbStruct; // IN: size of this structure including all Information Types
BOOL fUniCodeStrings; // IN/OUT: TRUE if all strings are in UNICODE
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszType;// IN/OUT: Name of a type of window
DWORD fsValidMembers; // IN: Bit flag of valid members (HHWIN_PARAM_)
DWORD fsWinProperties; // IN/OUT: Properties/attributes of the window (HHWIN_)
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszCaption;// IN/OUT: Window title
DWORD dwStyles; // IN/OUT: Window styles
DWORD dwExStyles; // IN/OUT: Extended Window styles
RECT rcWindowPos; // IN: Starting position, OUT: current position
int nShowState; // IN: show state (e.g., SW_SHOW)
LONG /*HWND*/ hwndHelp; // OUT: window handle
LONG /*HWND*/ hwndCaller; // OUT: who called this window
DWORD /*HH_INFOTYPE* */ paInfoTypes; // IN: Pointer to an array of Information Types
// The following members are only valid if HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE is set
LONG /*HWND*/ hwndToolBar; // OUT: toolbar window in tri-pane window
LONG /*HWND*/ hwndNavigation; // OUT: navigation window in tri-pane window
LONG /*HWND*/ hwndHTML; // OUT: window displaying HTML in tri-pane window
int iNavWidth; // IN/OUT: width of navigation window
RECT rcHTML; // OUT: HTML window coordinates
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszToc; // IN: Location of the table of contents file
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszIndex; // IN: Location of the index file
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszFile; // IN: Default location of the html file
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszHome; // IN/OUT: html file to display when Home button is clicked
DWORD fsToolBarFlags; // IN: flags controling the appearance of the toolbar
BOOL fNotExpanded; // IN: TRUE/FALSE to contract or expand, OUT: current state
int curNavType; // IN/OUT: UI to display in the navigational pane
int idNotify; // IN: ID to use for WM_NOTIFY messages
BYTE tabOrder[HH_MAX_TABS + 1]; // IN/OUT: tab order: Contents, Index, Search, History, Favorites, Reserved 1-5, Custom tabs
int cHistory; // IN/OUT: number of history items to keep (default is 30)
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszJump1; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszJump2; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2
RECT rcMinSize; // Minimum size for window (ignored in version 1)
int cbInfoTypes; // size of paInfoTypes;
DWORD /*LPCTSTR*/ pszCustomTabs; // multiple zero-terminated strings
static void ConvertToWin64HHWinType( HH_WINTYPE& rWinType , const HH_DISK_WINTYPE& rDiskWinType ) { rWinType.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_WINTYPE); // ???
rWinType.fUniCodeStrings = rDiskWinType.fUniCodeStrings; // LPCTSTR pszType; // IN/OUT: Name of a type of window
rWinType.fsValidMembers = rDiskWinType.fsValidMembers; rWinType.fsWinProperties = rDiskWinType.fsWinProperties;
// LPCTSTR pszCaption; // IN/OUT: Window title
rWinType.dwStyles = rDiskWinType.dwStyles; rWinType.dwExStyles = rDiskWinType.dwExStyles; CopyRect( &rWinType.rcWindowPos, &rDiskWinType.rcWindowPos ); rWinType.nShowState = rDiskWinType.nShowState;
// HWND hwndHelp; // OUT: window handle
// HWND hwndCaller; // OUT: who called this window
// HH_INFOTYPE* paInfoTypes; // IN: Pointer to an array of Information Types
// HWND hwndToolBar; // OUT: toolbar window in tri-pane window
// HWND hwndNavigation; // OUT: navigation window in tri-pane window
// HWND hwndHTML; // OUT: window displaying HTML in tri-pane window
rWinType.iNavWidth = rDiskWinType.iNavWidth; CopyRect( &rWinType.rcHTML, &rDiskWinType.rcHTML );
// LPCTSTR pszToc; // IN: Location of the table of contents file
// LPCTSTR pszIndex; // IN: Location of the index file
// LPCTSTR pszFile; // IN: Default location of the html file
// LPCTSTR pszHome; // IN/OUT: html file to display when Home button is clicked
rWinType.fsToolBarFlags = rDiskWinType.fsToolBarFlags; rWinType.fNotExpanded = rDiskWinType.fNotExpanded; rWinType.curNavType = rDiskWinType.curNavType; rWinType.tabpos = rDiskWinType.tabpos; rWinType.idNotify = rDiskWinType.idNotify; memcpy( rWinType.tabOrder, rDiskWinType.tabOrder, sizeof(rWinType.tabOrder) ); rWinType.cHistory = rDiskWinType.cHistory; // LPCTSTR pszJump1; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1
// LPCTSTR pszJump2; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2
CopyRect( &rWinType.rcMinSize, &rDiskWinType.rcMinSize ); rWinType.cbInfoTypes = rDiskWinType.cbInfoTypes; // LPCTSTR pszCustomTabs; // multiple zero-terminated strings
} #endif
CHmData::CHmData() { ClearMemory(this, sizeof(CHmData)); }
CHmData::~CHmData() { if( m_pszDefToc ) lcFree( m_pszDefToc );
if( m_pszDefIndex ) lcFree( m_pszDefIndex );
if (m_pTitleCollection) delete m_pTitleCollection;
if (m_pdSubSets) lcFree(m_pdSubSets);
if (m_pszITSSFile) lcFree(m_pszITSSFile);
int CHmData::Release(void) { if ( cRef ) cRef--; if (! cRef ) { delete this; return 0; } else return cRef; }
HFONT CHmData::GetContentFont() { return (m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo()->GetContentFont()); }
// BUGBUG: This is broken! We cannot pass in any random offset and use GetFirstTitle() to fetch a string. <mc>
PCSTR CHmData::GetString(DWORD offset) { ASSERT(m_pTitleCollection); ASSERT(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()); ASSERT(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString(offset)); return m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString(offset); }
CExTitle* CHmData::GetExTitle(void) { ASSERT(m_pTitleCollection); ASSERT(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()); return m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle(); }
BOOL CHmData::ReadSubSets( CExTitle *pTitle ) { ULONG cbRead; HRESULT hr; SYSTEM_TAG tag;
CFSClient fsclient(pTitle->GetFileSystem(), txtSubSetFile); if (!fsclient.isStreamOpen()) return TRUE; hr = fsclient.Read(&tag, sizeof(SYSTEM_TAG), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(SYSTEM_TAG)) { fsclient.CloseStream(); return STG_E_READFAULT; } m_pdSubSets = (SUBSET_DATA *)lcMalloc(tag.cbTag); hr = fsclient.Read(m_pdSubSets, tag.cbTag, &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != tag.cbTag) { fsclient.CloseStream(); return STG_E_READFAULT; }
return S_OK; }
BOOL CHmData::ReadSystemFiles(PCSTR pszITSSFile) { TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; m_pTitleCollection = new CExCollection(this, pszITSSFile, !IsCollectionFile(pszITSSFile)); if (m_pTitleCollection->InitCollection() == FALSE) return FALSE;
CTitleInformation *pInfo = m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo(); LANGID MasterLangId;
if (pInfo) MasterLangId = LANGIDFROMLCID(pInfo->GetLanguage()); else return FALSE; //
// Determine if we are running a bidi title or collection
// This is the place where we turn on/off bi-di settings for the help system
// Turn on the Bi-Di "Mirroring" style when running on Bi-Di system and Win98 or NT5
if(g_bWinNT5 || g_bWin98) { // MessageBox(NULL,"Bidi Enabled NT5/Win98","Notice",MB_OK);
g_RTL_Mirror_Style = WS_EX_LAYOUT_RTL | WS_EX_LTRREADING | WS_EX_RIGHT; g_RTL_Style = WS_EX_RTLREADING | WS_EX_RIGHT; } else { // MessageBox(NULL,"Bidi Under NT4/Win95","Notice",MB_OK);
g_RTL_Mirror_Style = 0; g_RTL_Style = WS_EX_RTLREADING | WS_EX_RIGHT; }
g_fBiDi = TRUE; } else { // MessageBox(NULL,"Bidi Not Enabled","Notice",MB_OK);
g_fuBiDiMessageBox = 0; g_RTL_Style = 0; g_fBiDi = FALSE; }
CExTitle* pTitle = m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle(); CStr cszCompiledFile(pTitle->GetIndexFileName()); if (ReadSystemFile(pTitle) == FALSE) return FALSE; m_pInfo = pTitle->GetInfo();
// init fts and keyword
// init structural subsetting if appropiate.
// Read the SubSets
ReadSubSets ( pTitle ); //from the #SUBSETS subfile
// Init the Infotypes and predefined subsets objects from the master title...
if ( pTitle && pTitle->GetInfo() ) { int iCntITBytes = ((pTitle->GetInfo()->GetInfoTypeCount() / 8) + 1);
if ( ( m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets = new CSubSets(iCntITBytes, this, FALSE)) ) m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->CopyTo(this); //
// Add "Entire Collection" to the list since all subset users (FTS, TOC and Index) use it.
CSubSet* pS = m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->AddSubSet(); pS->m_bIsEntireCollection = TRUE; pS->m_cszSubSetName = (PCSTR)GetStringResource(IDS_ADVSEARCH_SEARCHIN_ENTIRE); memset(pS->m_pInclusive, 0xFF, pS->m_pIT->InfoTypeSize()); // Mask out all the hidden ITs from entire contents.
INFOTYPE HiddenIT; for ( int i=0; i< pS->m_pIT->m_itTables.m_cITSize; i++) { HiddenIT = (*pS->m_pInclusive)+i & ~(*pS->m_pIT->m_itTables.m_pHidden)+i; memcpy( &(*pS->m_pInclusive)+i, &HiddenIT, sizeof(INFOTYPE) ); // flip the Hidden bits in the filter mask
} pS->m_bPredefined = TRUE; //
// Restore persisted subset selections for FTS, Index anf TOC.
CState* pstate = m_pTitleCollection->GetState(); DWORD cb; if ( SUCCEEDED(pstate->Open(g_szFTSKey,STGM_READ)) && SUCCEEDED(pstate->Read(szScratch,MAX_PATH,&cb)) && cb > 0 ) m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetFTSMask(szScratch); else m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetFTSMask(pS->m_cszSubSetName); // Entire Collection.
if ( SUCCEEDED(pstate->Open(g_szIndexKey,STGM_READ)) && SUCCEEDED(pstate->Read(szScratch,MAX_PATH,&cb)) && cb > 0 ) m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetIndexMask(szScratch); else m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetIndexMask(pS->m_cszSubSetName); // Entire Collection.
if ( SUCCEEDED(pstate->Open(g_szTOCKey,STGM_READ)) && SUCCEEDED(pstate->Read(szScratch,MAX_PATH,&cb)) && cb > 0 ) m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetTocMask(szScratch, NULL); else m_pTitleCollection->m_pSubSets->SetTocMask(pS->m_cszSubSetName, NULL); // Entire Collection.
pstate->Close(); }
// Read all the window definitions
CFSClient fsclient(pTitle->GetFileSystem(), txtWindowsFile); if (!fsclient.isStreamOpen()) return TRUE; DWORD cWindows; DWORD cbStruct; ULONG cbRead; CStr csz; HRESULT hr = fsclient.Read(&cWindows, sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(DWORD)) goto ForgetIt; hr = fsclient.Read(&cbStruct, sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(DWORD)) goto ForgetIt;
HH_WINTYPE hhWinType; #ifdef _WIN64
HH_DISK_WINTYPE hhDiskWinType; #else
#define hhDiskWinType hhWinType
DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < cWindows; i++) { ZERO_STRUCTURE(hhWinType); #ifdef _WIN64
ZERO_STRUCTURE(hhDiskWinType); #endif
hr = fsclient.Read(&hhDiskWinType, cbStruct, &cbRead); #ifdef _WIN64
ConvertToWin64HHWinType( hhWinType, hhDiskWinType ); #endif
if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != cbStruct) goto ForgetIt;
if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszType, &csz))) csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszType); if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszCaption, &csz))) csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszCaption); if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszJump1, &csz))) csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszJump1); if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszJump2, &csz))) csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszJump2);
// BUGBUG: needs to match compiler which should be using URL store
if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString((DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszToc, &csz))) { if (csz.IsNonEmpty()) // BUGBUG: GetString should fail on Empty strings.
{ if (!m_pszDefToc) m_pszDefToc = lcStrDup(csz.psz); if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszToc); } else csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszToc); } } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString((DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszIndex, &csz))) { if (csz.IsNonEmpty()) // BUGBUG: GetString should fail on Empty strings.
{ if (!m_pszDefIndex) m_pszDefIndex = lcStrDup(csz.psz); if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszIndex); } else csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszIndex); } } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszFile, &csz))) { #if 0
if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszFile); } else #endif
csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszFile); } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszHome, &csz))) { if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszHome); } else csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszHome); } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszUrlJump1, &csz))) { if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszUrlJump1); } else csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszUrlJump1); } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTitleCollection->GetFirstTitle()->GetString( (DWORD) hhDiskWinType.pszUrlJump2, &csz))) { if (!stristr(csz, txtDoubleColonSep) && !stristr(csz, txtFileHeader) && !stristr(csz, txtHttpHeader)) { cszCompiledFile = GetCompiledFile(); cszCompiledFile += txtSepBack; cszCompiledFile += csz.psz; cszCompiledFile.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszUrlJump2); } else csz.TransferPointer(&hhWinType.pszUrlJump2); }
// Set the window type, but don't call FindCurFileData...
SetWinType(pszITSSFile, &hhWinType, this);
CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszType) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszCaption) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszToc) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszIndex) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszFile) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszHome) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszJump1) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszJump2) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszUrlJump1) ; CHECK_AND_FREE(hhWinType.pszUrlJump2) ;
} #ifndef _WIN64
#undef hhDiskWinType
ForgetIt: fsclient.CloseStream(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CHmData::ReadSystemFile(CExTitle* pTitle) { ASSERT(pTitle);
CTitleInformation *pInfo = pTitle->GetInfo();
if (!pInfo) return FALSE; m_sysflags = pInfo->GetSystemFlags();
m_pszDefToc = lcStrDup( pInfo->GetDefaultToc() ); m_pszDefIndex = lcStrDup( pInfo->GetDefaultIndex() ); m_pszDefHtml = pInfo->GetDefaultHtml(); m_pszDefCaption = pInfo->GetDefaultCaption(); m_pszDefWindow = pInfo->GetDefaultWindow(); m_pszShortName = pInfo->GetShortName();
m_hashBinaryTocName = pInfo->GetBinaryTocNameHash(); m_hashBinaryIndexName = pInfo->GetBinaryIndexNameHash(); m_pdInfoTypes = pInfo->GetInfoTypeData();
return TRUE; }
void CHmData::PopulateUNICODETables( void ) { if ( !m_ptblIT ) { ASSERT(!m_ptblIT_Desc); ASSERT(!m_ptblCat); ASSERT(!m_ptblCat_Desc); if ( !m_pInfoType ) { m_pInfoType = new CInfoType(); m_pInfoType->CopyTo( this ); } // populate the unicode CTables for Info Type and Catagory strings.
m_ptblIT = new CTable(16 * 1024 * 2); m_ptblIT_Desc = new CTable(64 * 1024 * 2); m_ptblCat = new CTable(16 * 1024 * 2); m_ptblCat_Desc = new CTable(64 * 1024 * 2); for ( int i=1; i <= m_pInfoType->HowManyInfoTypes(); i++ ) { CWStr cwsz( (PCSTR)m_pInfoType->GetInfoTypeName(i) ); m_ptblIT->AddString( cwsz.pw ); cwsz = (PCSTR)m_pInfoType->GetInfoTypeDescription(i); m_ptblIT_Desc->AddString( cwsz.pw ); } for ( i=1; i <= m_pInfoType->HowManyCategories(); i++ ) { CWStr cwsz( (PCSTR)m_pInfoType->GetCategoryString(i) ); m_ptblCat->AddString( cwsz.pw ); cwsz = (PCSTR)m_pInfoType->GetCategoryDescription(i); m_ptblCat_Desc->AddString( cwsz.pw ); } } }
// CHmData Helper functions
void DeleteAllHmData() { for (int i = 0; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) { if (g_phmData[i]) { CHmData* p = g_phmData[i]; g_phmData[i] = NULL; delete p; } } }
CHmData* FindCurFileData(PCSTR pszITSSFile) { CStr csz; if (!FindThisFile(NULL, pszITSSFile, &csz, FALSE)) return NULL; if (!g_phmData) goto NeverSeen;
if (IsCollectionFile(csz)) { // Check current system data first
if (g_phmData[g_curHmData] && g_phmData[g_curHmData]->m_pTitleCollection && lstrcmpi(csz, g_phmData[g_curHmData]->m_pTitleCollection->m_csFile) == 0) { return g_phmData[g_curHmData]; }
// Not current, so check our cache
for (int i = 0; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) { if (g_phmData[i] && g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection && lstrcmpi(csz,g_phmData[i]->m_pTitleCollection->m_csFile) == 0) { return g_phmData[i]; } } } else { if (g_phmData[g_curHmData] && lstrcmpi(csz, g_phmData[g_curHmData]->GetCompiledFile()) == 0) { return g_phmData[g_curHmData]; }
// Not current, so check our cache
for (int i = 0; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) { if (g_phmData[i] && lstrcmpi(csz, g_phmData[i]->GetCompiledFile()) == 0) { return g_phmData[i]; } } }
// If we get here, then either we haven't seen the file before, or it
// isn't cached.
if (!AddTitleToGlobalList(csz)) return NULL; else { return g_phmData[g_curHmData]; } }
FUNCTION: AddTitleToGlobalList
PURPOSE: Read the various system files into memory
MODIFICATION DATES: 30-Apr-1997 [ralphw] 03-Mar-1998 [dalero] no more process ids
BOOL AddTitleToGlobalList(PCSTR pszITSSFile) { // HH BUG 2428
// Make sure that we can read the file in before we put it in the array.
if (IsFile(pszITSSFile) == FALSE) return FALSE;
CHmData* pHmData = new CHmData;
BOOL bResult = pHmData->ReadSystemFiles(pszITSSFile); if (!bResult) { // The ReadSystemFiles call failed. Cleanup and get out.
delete pHmData ; } else { // We have valid data. Get us a place to store it.
if (!g_phmData) { g_cHmSlots = 5; g_phmData = (CHmData**) lcCalloc(g_cHmSlots * sizeof(CHmData*)); for (int i = 0; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) // just in case
g_phmData[i] = NULL; }
// Find an open slot to store the file data
for (int pos = 0; pos < g_cHmSlots; pos++) { if (!g_phmData[pos]) break; } if (pos == g_cHmSlots) { g_cHmSlots += 5; g_phmData = (CHmData**) lcReAlloc(g_phmData, g_cHmSlots * sizeof(CHmData*)); for (int i = pos; i < g_cHmSlots; i++) g_phmData[i] = NULL; }
// Store the new data.
g_phmData[pos] = pHmData;
// Change the current global data pointer.
g_curHmData = pos ; } return bResult ; }