// PURPOSE: CAB File Support Class
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Richard Meadows
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8/7/97
// 1.
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.2 6/4/97 RM Local Version for Memphis
// V0.3 04/09/98 JM/OK+ Local Version for NT5
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "CabUnCompress.h"
#include "chmread.h"
#include "apgts.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define PRINT_OUT ::AfxTrace
//#define PRINT_OUT 1 ? (void)0 : ::AfxTrace
#define PRINT_OUT 1 ? (void)0 : ::AfxTrace
#define PRINT_OUT 1 ? (void)0 : ::AfxTrace
// Need this to compile unicode builds.
bool TcharToChar(char szOut[], LPCTSTR szIn, int &OutLen) { int x = 0; while(NULL != szIn[x] && x < OutLen) { szOut[x] = (char) szIn[x]; x++; } if (x < OutLen) szOut[x] = NULL; return x < OutLen; }
// Call back functions needed to use the fdi library.
* Memory allocation function */ FNALLOC(mem_alloc) { return malloc(cb); }
* Memory free function */ FNFREE(mem_free) { free(pv); }
FNOPEN(file_open) { return _open(pszFile, oflag, pmode); }
FNREAD(file_read) { return _read(hf, pv, cb); }
FNWRITE(file_write) { return _write(hf, pv, cb); }
FNCLOSE(file_close) { return _close(hf); }
FNSEEK(file_seek) { return _lseek(hf, dist, seektype); }
* Function prototypes */ BOOL test_fdi(TCHAR *cabinet_file); int get_percentage(unsigned long a, unsigned long b); TCHAR *return_fdi_error_string(FDIERROR err);
* Destination directory for extracted files */ char dest_dir[MAX_PATH];
// Last file to be extracted.
char last_extracted[MAX_PATH];
FNFDINOTIFY(notification_function) { switch (fdint) { case fdintCABINET_INFO: // general information about the cabinet
PRINT_OUT( _T("fdintCABINET_INFO\n") _T(" next cabinet = %s\n") _T(" next disk = %s\n") _T(" cabinet path = %s\n") _T(" cabinet set ID = %d\n") _T(" cabinet # in set = %d (zero based)\n") _T("\n"), pfdin->psz1, pfdin->psz2, pfdin->psz3, pfdin->setID, pfdin->iCabinet);
return 0;
case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: // first file in cabinet is continuation
PRINT_OUT( _T("fdintPARTIAL_FILE\n") _T(" name of continued file = %s\n") _T(" name of cabinet where file starts = %s\n") _T(" name of disk where file starts = %s\n"), pfdin->psz1, pfdin->psz2, pfdin->psz3); return 0;
case fdintCOPY_FILE: // file to be copied
{ int handle; char destination[MAX_PATH];
PRINT_OUT( _T("fdintCOPY_FILE\n") _T(" file name in cabinet = %s\n") _T(" uncompressed file size = %d\n") _T(" copy this file? (y/n): y"), pfdin->psz1, pfdin->cb);
strcpy(last_extracted, pfdin->psz1);
sprintf( destination, "%s%s", dest_dir, pfdin->psz1 );
handle = file_open( destination, _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY | _O_SEQUENTIAL, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE );
return handle; }
case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: // close the file, set relevant info
{ HANDLE handle; DWORD attrs; char destination[MAX_PATH];
PRINT_OUT( _T("fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO\n") _T(" file name in cabinet = %s\n") _T("\n"), pfdin->psz1);
sprintf( destination, "%s%s", dest_dir, pfdin->psz1);
* Set date/time * * Need Win32 type handle for to set date/time */ handle = CreateFileA( destination, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME datetime;
if (TRUE == DosDateTimeToFileTime( pfdin->date, pfdin->time, &datetime)) { FILETIME local_filetime;
if (TRUE == LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &datetime, &local_filetime)) { (void) SetFileTime( handle, &local_filetime, NULL, &local_filetime); } }
CloseHandle(handle); }
* Mask out attribute bits other than readonly, * hidden, system, and archive, since the other * attribute bits are reserved for use by * the cabinet format. */ attrs = pfdin->attribs;
attrs &= (_A_RDONLY | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM | _A_ARCH);
(void) SetFileAttributesA( destination, attrs);
return TRUE; }
case fdintNEXT_CABINET: // file continued to next cabinet
PRINT_OUT( _T("fdintNEXT_CABINET\n") _T(" name of next cabinet where file continued = %s\n") _T(" name of next disk where file continued = %s\n") _T(" cabinet path name = %s\n") _T("\n"), pfdin->psz1, pfdin->psz2, pfdin->psz3); return 0; }
return 0; }
TCHAR *return_fdi_error_string(FDIERROR err) { switch (err) { case FDIERROR_NONE: return _T("No error");
case FDIERROR_CABINET_NOT_FOUND: return _T("Cabinet not found"); case FDIERROR_NOT_A_CABINET: return _T("Not a cabinet"); case FDIERROR_UNKNOWN_CABINET_VERSION: return _T("Unknown cabinet version"); case FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET: return _T("Corrupt cabinet"); case FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL: return _T("Memory allocation failed"); case FDIERROR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE: return _T("Unknown compression type"); case FDIERROR_MDI_FAIL: return _T("Failure decompressing data"); case FDIERROR_TARGET_FILE: return _T("Failure writing to target file"); case FDIERROR_RESERVE_MISMATCH: return _T("Cabinets in set have different RESERVE sizes"); case FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET: return _T("Cabinet returned on fdintNEXT_CABINET is incorrect"); case FDIERROR_USER_ABORT: return _T("User aborted"); default: return _T("Unknown error"); } }
CCabUnCompress::CCabUnCompress() { m_strError = _T(""); m_nError = NO_ERROR; return; }
BOOL CCabUnCompress::ExtractCab(CString &strCabFile, CString &strDestDir, const CString& strFile) { HFDI hfdi; ERF erf; FDICABINETINFO fdici; int hf; char *p; char cabinet_name[MAX_PATH]; char cabinet_path[MAX_PATH]; bool bUseCHM = strFile.GetLength() != 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bWasRenamed = FALSE;
char sznCabFile[MAX_PATH]; char sznDestDir[MAX_PATH * 3]; int Len = MAX_PATH; TcharToChar(sznCabFile, (LPCTSTR) strCabFile, Len); Len = MAX_PATH * 3; TcharToChar(sznDestDir, (LPCTSTR) strDestDir, Len);
ASSERT(strDestDir.GetLength() < MAX_PATH); strcpy(dest_dir, sznDestDir);
hfdi = FDICreate( mem_alloc, mem_free, file_open, file_read, file_write, file_close, file_seek, cpu80386, &erf );
if (hfdi == NULL) { m_strError.Format(_T("FDICreate() failed: code %d [%s]\n"), erf.erfOper, return_fdi_error_string(erf.erfOper));
return FALSE; }
if (bUseCHM) { /*
* If strCabFile is CHM file - extract data from *.dsz file inside CHM * and save this data in strDestDir directory as temperary file * It means that we are copying *.dsz file in temp directory, then * decode it to *.dsc file. * *.dsz file fill be removed in this function, *.dsc file will be renoved * later. */
// modify sznCabFile from path\*.chm to temp_path\network.dsz
strcpy(sznCabFile, strDestDir); strcat(sznCabFile, strFile);
hf = file_open( sznCabFile, _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | /*_O_TEMPORARY |*/ _O_BINARY | _O_RDWR | _O_SEQUENTIAL , _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); if (hf != -1) { // write in temp file now
void* buf =NULL; DWORD size =0;
if (S_OK == ::ReadChmFile(strCabFile, strFile, &buf, &size)) { int ret = _write(hf, buf, size); delete [] buf; if (-1 == ret) { FDIDestroy(hfdi); _close(hf); return FALSE; } } else { FDIDestroy(hfdi); _close(hf); return FALSE; } } else { FDIDestroy(hfdi); return FALSE; }
_close(hf); } /*
* Is this file really a cabinet? */ hf = file_open( sznCabFile, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY | _O_SEQUENTIAL, 0 );
if (hf == -1) { (void) FDIDestroy(hfdi);
m_strError.Format(_T("Unable to open '%s' for input\n"), (LPCTSTR) strCabFile); return FALSE; }
bRet = FDIIsCabinet(hfdi, hf, &fdici);
_close(hf); if (FALSE == bRet) { /*
* No, it's not a cabinet! */ if (bUseCHM) { // But if we were using CHM -
// we have extracted this *.dsz (that has *.dsc format)
// in TEMP directory and all we heed - just rename it to
// *.dsc.
// This would EMULATE case where we have *.dsz compressed.
CString strUncompressedFile, strCabFile(sznCabFile); strUncompressedFile = strCabFile.Left(strCabFile.GetLength() - 4); strUncompressedFile += DSC_UNCOMPRESSED; remove(strUncompressedFile); // remove if exists
if (0 != rename(strCabFile, strUncompressedFile)) { FDIDestroy(hfdi); goto AWAY; } CString strJustUncompressedFileName = ::ExtractFileName(strUncompressedFile); strcpy(last_extracted, strJustUncompressedFileName); bWasRenamed = TRUE; bRet = TRUE; } else { m_strError.Format( _T("FDIIsCabinet() failed: '%s' is not a cabinet\n"), (LPCTSTR) strCabFile); m_nError = NOT_A_CAB; } (void) FDIDestroy(hfdi); goto AWAY; } else { PRINT_OUT( _T("Information on cabinet file '%s'\n") _T(" Total length of cabinet file : %d\n") _T(" Number of folders in cabinet : %d\n") _T(" Number of files in cabinet : %d\n") _T(" Cabinet set ID : %d\n") _T(" Cabinet number in set : %d\n") _T(" RESERVE area in cabinet? : %s\n") _T(" Chained to prev cabinet? : %s\n") _T(" Chained to next cabinet? : %s\n") _T("\n"), (LPCTSTR) strCabFile, fdici.cbCabinet, fdici.cFolders, fdici.cFiles, fdici.setID, fdici.iCabinet, fdici.fReserve == TRUE ? _T("yes") : _T("no"), fdici.hasprev == TRUE ? _T("yes") : _T("no"), fdici.hasnext == TRUE ? _T("yes") : _T("no") ); }
p = strchr(sznCabFile, '\\');
if (p == NULL) { strcpy(cabinet_name, sznCabFile); strcpy(cabinet_path, ""); } else { strcpy(cabinet_name, p+1);
char *pCab = sznCabFile;
strncpy(cabinet_path, sznCabFile, (int) (p-pCab)+1); cabinet_path[ (int) (p-pCab)+1 ] = 0; }
if (TRUE != FDICopy( hfdi, cabinet_name, cabinet_path, 0, notification_function, NULL, NULL)) { m_strError.Format( _T("FDICopy() failed: code %d [%s]\n"), erf.erfOper, return_fdi_error_string(erf.erfOper));
(void) FDIDestroy(hfdi); bRet = FALSE; goto AWAY; }
if (FDIDestroy(hfdi) != TRUE) { m_strError.Format( _T("FDIDestroy() failed: code %d [%s]\n"), erf.erfOper, return_fdi_error_string(erf.erfOper));
bRet = FALSE; goto AWAY; }
AWAY: if (bUseCHM && !bWasRenamed) remove(sznCabFile);
return bRet; }
CString CCabUnCompress::GetLastFile() { CString str = last_extracted; return str; }