// DataSrc.cpp - Implementation of DataSource and Folder shared base methods.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include <afx.h>
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DataSrc.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "resrc1.h"
#include "FileIO.h"
#include "msicab.h"
LPCTSTR cszRootName = _T("");
* CDataSource - Default data source constructor. * * History: a-jsari 10/15/97 Initial version */ CDataSource::CDataSource(LPCTSTR szMachineName) :m_RootFolder(NULL), m_pPrintContent(NULL), m_pDC(NULL), m_pPrintInfo(NULL), m_pprinterFont(NULL), m_strPath(_T("")), m_iLine(0), m_fCanceled(FALSE), m_strHeaderLeft(szMachineName), m_pfLast(NULL) { }
* ~CDataSource - Default data source destructor. * * History: a-jsari 10/15/97 Initial version. */ CDataSource::~CDataSource() { delete m_RootFolder; delete m_pPrintContent; delete m_pDC; delete m_pprinterFont; #pragma warning(disable:4150)
// C++ warns us that no destructor is called for m_pPrintInfo.
// This is intended behavior
delete m_pPrintInfo; #pragma warning(default:4150)
* GetNodeName - Return the default node name (if not overridden in subclasses. * * History: a-jsari 1/16/98 Initial version. */ BOOL CDataSource::GetNodeName(CString &strNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); VERIFY(strNode.LoadString(IDS_EXTENSIONNODENAME)); return TRUE; }
* SetDataComplexity - Set the global complexity of this source. * * History: a-jsari 12/22/97 Initial version. */ BOOL CDataSource::SetDataComplexity(enum DataComplexity Complexity) { m_Complexity = Complexity; return TRUE; }
* ResultFromFileException - Return the HRESULT which corresponds to the * * History: a-jsari 3/26/98 Initial version. */ static inline HRESULT ResultFromFileException(CFileException *e) { HRESULT hrReturn;
switch (e->m_cause) { case CFileException::badPath: hrReturn = STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND; break; case CFileException::accessDenied: hrReturn = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; break; case CFileException::tooManyOpenFiles: hrReturn = STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES; break; case CFileException::sharingViolation: hrReturn = STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION; break; case CFileException::hardIO: hrReturn = STG_E_WRITEFAULT; break; case CFileException::directoryFull: case CFileException::diskFull: hrReturn = STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; break; default: // Return the default error code.
hrReturn = E_UNEXPECTED; break; } return hrReturn; }
* SaveFile - Save, starting from the root passed in, as a binary file. * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ HRESULT CDataSource::SaveFile(LPCTSTR cszFilename, CFolder *pSaveRoot) { HRESULT hrReturn;
if (cszFilename == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; try { CMSInfoFile msfSave(cszFilename);
hrReturn = WriteOutput(&msfSave, pSaveRoot); } catch (CFileException *e) { // Remove the incomplete file.
if (::_taccess(cszFilename, A_EXIST) == 0) { (void)_tunlink(cszFilename); } hrReturn = ::ResultFromFileException(e); } return hrReturn; }
* ReportWrite - Create a text file and write output to it. (Automatically * writes data in the text file [report] format.) * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ HRESULT CDataSource::ReportWrite(LPCTSTR cszFilename, CFolder *pSaveRoot) { HRESULT hrReturn;
if (cszFilename == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
try { CMSInfoTextFile msfSave( cszFilename);
hrReturn = WriteOutput(&msfSave, pSaveRoot); } catch (CFileException *e) { // Remove the incomplete file.
if (::_taccess(cszFilename, A_EXIST) == 0) (void)_tunlink(cszFilename);
hrReturn = ::ResultFromFileException(e); }
return hrReturn; }
* WriteOutput - Traverse a sub-tree of our internal storage, saving * each node, ending when we return to the original CFolder. If * our parameter is NULL, start from the root (write the entire * tree). * * Note: This function calls FileSave, which writes text data automatically * when the CMSInfoFile passed in is a text file and binary data when * it is a binary file. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version */ HRESULT CDataSource::WriteOutput(CMSInfoFile * pFile, CFolder * pRootNode) { CFolder *pFolder; CFolder *pNext; enum DataComplexity Complexity; HRESULT hrReturn = S_OK;
ASSERT(pFile != NULL); try { // When we save, always save the advanced information. Note, even if the
// complexity is currently ADVANCED, we should make the call to SetDataComplexity.
// If WriteOutput is being called because of a COM call to MSInfo (e.g. when
// WinRep creates an NFO using MSInfo without launching MSInfo), the data
// gatherer object might not have had a complexity set yet.
Complexity = m_Complexity; m_Complexity = ADVANCED; SetDataComplexity(m_Complexity); if (pRootNode) VERIFY(pRootNode->Refresh(TRUE)); else VERIFY(Refresh()); // Ensure that we have the most current data.
if (pRootNode == NULL) pFolder = GetRootNode(); else pFolder = pRootNode; ASSERT(pFolder != NULL);
// Traverse the tree structure, writing the nodes in order.
do { // Write the data for each folder as it is encountered.
// Depth-first: If we have a child, traverse it next.
pNext = pFolder->GetChildNode(); if (pNext != NULL) { pFile->WriteChildMark(); pFolder = pNext; continue; }
// If we are at our root folder, don't traverse to the next node..
if (pFolder == pRootNode) break;
// If we have reached the bottom of our list, traverse
// our siblings.
pNext = pFolder->GetNextNode(); if (pNext != NULL) { pFile->WriteNextMark(); pFolder = pNext; continue; }
// If we have no more siblings, find our nearest parent's
// sibling, traversing upwards until we find the node we
// started with.
pNext = pFolder->GetParentNode(); ASSERT(pNext != NULL); unsigned uParentCount = 0; while (pNext != pRootNode) { ++uParentCount; pFolder = pNext->GetNextNode(); // Our Parent has a sibling, continue with it.
if (pFolder != NULL) { pFile->WriteParentMark(uParentCount); break; } // No siblings; check the next parent..
pNext = pNext->GetParentNode(); } // If we've returned to our root node, we're done.
if (pNext == pRootNode) break; } while (pFolder); pFile->WriteEndMark(); } catch (CFileException *e) { if (Complexity == BASIC) SetDataComplexity(Complexity); throw e; } catch (...) { ASSERT(FALSE); hrReturn = E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Restore the original complexity.
if (Complexity != m_Complexity) { m_Complexity = Complexity; SetDataComplexity(m_Complexity); }
return hrReturn; }
* CreateFromIStream - Return the appropriate CDataSource pointer the exists * on the IStream. * * History: a-jsari 11/13/97 Initial version */ CDataSource *CDataSource::CreateFromIStream(IStream *pStm) { unsigned wType; unsigned wLength; ULONG dwSize; HRESULT hResult; CDataSource *pSource = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszBuffer;
ASSERT(pStm != NULL); ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pStm, sizeof(IStream))); if (pStm == NULL || IsBadReadPtr(pStm, sizeof(IStream))) return NULL; do { hResult = pStm->Read(&wType, sizeof(wType), &dwSize); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hResult)); ASSERT(dwSize == sizeof(wType)); if (FAILED(hResult) || dwSize != sizeof(wType)) break; hResult = pStm->Read(&wLength, sizeof(wLength), &dwSize); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hResult)); ASSERT(dwSize == sizeof(wLength)); ASSERT(wLength <= MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hResult) || (dwSize != sizeof(wLength)) || wLength > MAX_PATH) break; szBuffer[wLength] = (WCHAR)0; wLength *= sizeof(WCHAR); if (wLength != 0) { hResult = pStm->Read(szBuffer, wLength, &dwSize); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hResult)); ASSERT(dwSize == wLength); if (FAILED(hResult) || dwSize != wLength) break; pszBuffer = szBuffer; } else { pszBuffer = NULL; } switch (wType) { case V500FILE: try { ASSERT(pszBuffer != NULL); CMSInfoFile msiFile(pszBuffer, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary); VERIFY(CBufferV500DataSource::VerifyFileVersion(&msiFile)); pSource = new CBufferV500DataSource(&msiFile); } catch (...) { if (pSource != NULL) delete pSource; return NULL; } break; case GATHERER: try { pSource = new CWBEMDataSource(pszBuffer); } catch (...) { if (pSource != NULL) delete pSource; return NULL; } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } while (FALSE); return pSource; }
* CFolder - Default folder constructor. Initializes the pointers * to NULL. * * History: a-jsari 10/15/97 Initial version */ CFolder::CFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParentNode) :m_ChildFolder(NULL), m_NextFolder(NULL), m_ParentFolder(pParentNode), m_pDataSource(pDataSource), fChildTested(FALSE), fNextTested(FALSE), m_nLine(-1) { }
* ~CFolder - Default folder destructor. Deletes the saved pointers. * * History: a-jsari 10/15/97 Initial version */ CFolder::~CFolder() { if (m_ChildFolder) { delete m_ChildFolder; m_ChildFolder = NULL; }
if (m_NextFolder) { delete m_NextFolder; m_NextFolder = NULL; }
// Don't delete m_ParentFolder, since it won't necessarily go
// away when its child Folder goes away (and if it does, it's
// already in the process of going away).
* InternalName - Return our internal name, just the amalgam of all parent * internal names and our name. * * History: a-jsari 12/12/97 Initial version */ void CFolder::InternalName(CString &strName) const { if (m_ParentFolder == NULL) { strName = cszRootName; return; } m_ParentFolder->InternalName(strName); strName += _T("\\"); CString strLocalName; GetName(strLocalName); strName += strLocalName; }
* SaveTitle - Save the folder's title as a string to binary save file pFile * * History: a-jsari 10/29/97 Initial version */ void CListViewFolder::SaveTitle(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { CString szName;
GetName(szName); pFile->WriteString(szName); }
* SaveElements - Write the list of elements to a binary save file * * History: a-jsari 10/29/97 Initial version */ void CListViewFolder::SaveElements(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { CString szWriteString; MSIColumnSortType stColumn; unsigned iCol = GetColumns(); DataComplexity dcAdvanced; CArray <unsigned, unsigned &> aColumnValues;
pFile->WriteUnsignedInt(iCol); if (iCol == 0) return; while (iCol--) { unsigned uWidth;
GetColumnTextAndWidth(iCol, szWriteString, uWidth); GetSortType(iCol, stColumn); dcAdvanced = GetColumnComplexity(iCol); if (stColumn == BYVALUE) { aColumnValues.Add(iCol); } pFile->WriteUnsignedInt(uWidth); pFile->WriteString(szWriteString); pFile->WriteUnsignedInt((unsigned) stColumn); pFile->WriteByte((BYTE)dcAdvanced); }
unsigned cRow = GetRows(); int wNextColumn = -1; unsigned iArray = 0; unsigned iRow;
// Set wNextColumn to the next column which is sorted BYVALUE.
// BYVALUE columns require that each row
if (aColumnValues.GetSize() != 0) wNextColumn = aColumnValues[iArray++]; pFile->WriteUnsignedInt(cRow); iCol = GetColumns(); iRow = cRow; while (iRow--) { dcAdvanced = GetRowComplexity(iRow); pFile->WriteByte((BYTE)dcAdvanced); } // Iterate over columns, writing sort indices for BYVALUE columns.
while (iCol--) { iRow = cRow; while (iRow--) { GetSubElement(iRow, iCol, szWriteString); pFile->WriteString(szWriteString); } if (wNextColumn == (int)iCol) { iRow = cRow; while (iRow--) { pFile->WriteUnsignedLong(GetSortIndex(iRow, iCol)); } if (aColumnValues.GetSize() > (int)iArray) wNextColumn = aColumnValues[iArray++]; } } }
* FileSave - Save all elements associated with a CListViewFolder. * Automatically writes the correct version of the file, based * on the type of CMSInfoFile passed in. * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ BOOL CListViewFolder::FileSave(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { #if 0
try { #endif
// If our file is a text file, we must be writing a report file.
// Call our report write functions.
if (pFile->GetType() != CMSInfoFile::BINARY) { ReportWriteTitle(pFile); ReportWriteElements(pFile); } else { // Binary file, write binary data.
SaveTitle(pFile); SaveElements(pFile); } #if 0
} catch (...) { return FALSE; } #endif
return TRUE; }
* ReportWriteTitle - Write the title of the folder * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version */ void CListViewFolder::ReportWriteTitle(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { CString szWriteValue = _T("["); CString szName;
GetName(szName); szWriteValue += szName + _T("]\r\n\r\n"); pFile->WriteString(szWriteValue); }
* ReportWriteElements - Write the Column headers and row and column data. * * History: a-jsari 10/29/97 Initial version */ void CListViewFolder::ReportWriteElements(CMSInfoFile *pFile) { CString strWriteString; CString strTab = _T("\t"); CString strNewLine = _T("\r\n"); unsigned cColumns = GetColumns(); CString strTest; CString strReplacement;
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); VERIFY(strTest.LoadString(IDS_REPORT_CATEGORY)); VERIFY(strReplacement.LoadString(IDS_REPORT_REPLACEMENT)); for (unsigned iCol = 0 ; iCol < cColumns ; ++iCol) { unsigned uWidth; GetColumnTextAndWidth(iCol, strWriteString, uWidth); // Replace the category string with a more informative equivalent..
if (!strTest.Compare(strWriteString)) strWriteString = strReplacement; pFile->WriteString(strWriteString); if (iCol < cColumns - 1) { pFile->WriteString(strTab); } } pFile->WriteString(strNewLine);
unsigned cRows = GetRows(); for (unsigned iRow = 0 ; iRow < cRows ; ++iRow) { for (iCol = 0 ; iCol < cColumns ; ++iCol) { GetSubElement(iRow, iCol, strWriteString); pFile->WriteString(strWriteString); if (iCol < cColumns - 1) { pFile->WriteString(strTab); } } pFile->WriteString(strNewLine); } pFile->WriteString(strNewLine); }
* CBufferDataSource - pFileSink is assumed to be a new'd CMSInfoFile * pointer. (See CMSInfoFile::CreateCBufferDataSource function, * the only constructor of CBufferDataSource.) * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ CBufferDataSource::CBufferDataSource(CMSInfoFile *pFileSink) :m_strUserName(_T("")), m_strMachine(_T("")), m_strCabDirectory(_T("")), CDataSource(_T("LocalMachine")) { if (pFileSink) m_strFileName = pFileSink->GetFileName(); }
* ~CBufferDataSource - Do nothing. * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ CBufferDataSource::~CBufferDataSource() { }
* CreateDataSourceFromFile - Based on the magic number and version number, * return a new'd pointer to the appropriate CBufferDataSource. * * Note: The caller is responsible for deleting the pointer returned by * this function. * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version */
CBufferDataSource *CBufferDataSource::CreateDataSourceFromFile(LPCTSTR szFileName) { CBufferDataSource * pSource = NULL;
// Enclose this in a scope so that the file will close when we've checked it.
unsigned uMagicNumber; { try { CMSInfoFile FileWrapper(szFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary);
// Check the first int in the file to see if it's the magic number
// for a version 5 NFO file.
FileWrapper.ReadUnsignedInt(uMagicNumber); if (uMagicNumber == CMSInfoFile::VERSION_500_MAGIC_NUMBER) { unsigned uVersion; FileWrapper.ReadUnsignedInt(uVersion); ASSERT(uVersion == 0x500); pSource = new CBufferV500DataSource(&FileWrapper); return pSource; } } catch (CFileException * e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); return NULL; } catch (CFileFormatException * e) { CString strTitle, strError;
strError.LoadString( IDS_CORRUPTEDFILE); strTitle.LoadString(IDS_DESCRIPTION); ::MessageBox( ::AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), strError, strTitle, MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL);
return NULL; } catch (...) { return NULL; } }
// Next, check to see if this is a version 4.10 file. If it is, it
// will be an OLE compound file with specific streams.
HRESULT hr = StgOpenStorage(szFileName, NULL, grfMode, NULL, 0, &pStorage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { OLECHAR FAR * szMSIStream = _T("MSInfo"); IStream * pStream;
if (SUCCEEDED(pStorage->OpenStream(szMSIStream, NULL, grfMode, 0, &pStream))) { // Things are looking good. This is a compound doc, and it has a
// stream named MSInfo. Now we have to read the contents of the
// MSInfo stream.
pSource = new CBufferV410DataSource(pStorage, pStream); pStream->Release(); pStorage->Release(); return pSource; } pStorage->Release(); }
// It wasn't a 4.10 or a 5.0 NFO file. Check to see if it's a CAB file.
// Use of FileWrapper.FileHandle() is not recommended in case we have
// a subclass of CFile which does not use file handles. This function
// always uses standard file-based CFile pointers.
// There's a problem with using an MFC derived file class. The handle
// in the class isn't recognized by the CAB code as belonging to a CAB
// file. We need to open the file using the CRT file routines, and pass
// that file handle.
FILE *pfile = _wfopen(szFileName, _T("r")); if (pfile != NULL && ::isCabFile(pfile->_file, NULL)) { fclose(pfile);
// If our file is a cab file, explode it.
CString strFile = szFileName; CString strCabDirectory; CString strDontDelete = _T("");
USES_CONVERSION; ::GetCABExplodeDir(strCabDirectory, TRUE, strDontDelete); fCABOpened = ::OpenCABFile(strFile, strCabDirectory);
// Get our NFO file's name.
if (::FindFileToOpen(strCabDirectory, strFile) != FALSE) { pSource = CreateDataSourceFromFile(strFile); pSource->m_strCabDirectory = strCabDirectory; return pSource; } return NULL; } else { // Unidentified format.
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString strError, strTitle;
strTitle.LoadString(IDS_DESCRIPTION); strError.Format(IDS_UNRECOGNIZED_FILE, szFileName); ::MessageBox( ::AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), strError, strTitle, MB_OK); pSource = NULL; } return pSource; }
* FileName - * * History: a-jsari 11/17/97 Initial version */ LPCTSTR CBufferDataSource::FileName() { return m_strFileName; }
* CBufferSortData - Construct our sort object * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ CBufferSortData::CBufferSortData() :m_cRows(0), m_cColumns(0) { }
* ~CBufferSortData - Do-nothing destructor * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version. */ CBufferSortData::~CBufferSortData() { }
* SetSortType - Set the sort type for an iColumn * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version. */ BOOL CBufferSortData::SetSortType(unsigned iColumn, unsigned stColumn) { if (stColumn > BYVALUE) return FALSE; m_SortTypes[iColumn] = (MSIColumnSortType) stColumn; if (stColumn == BYVALUE) { m_ValueColumns.Add(iColumn); } return TRUE; }
* GetSortType - Return the sort type for iColumn * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferSortData::GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const { stColumn = m_SortTypes[iColumn]; return TRUE; }
* ValueIndexFromColumn - Return the sparse array index corresponding * to the column index passed in. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ int CBufferSortData::ValueIndexFromColumn(unsigned iColumn) const { int iType = (int)m_ValueColumns.GetSize(); while (iType--) { if (m_ValueColumns[iType] == iColumn) break; } ASSERT(iType >= 0); return iType; }
* ReadSortValues - Read SortValue values from the pFile for iColumn * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferSortData::ReadSortValues(CMSInfoFile *pFile, unsigned iColumn) { // There is only data to be read if the column is sorted by value.
if (m_SortTypes[iColumn] == BYVALUE) { int iType = ValueIndexFromColumn(iColumn); unsigned iRow = m_cRows; while (iRow--) { pFile->ReadUnsignedLong(m_dwSortIndices[iType][iRow]); } } return TRUE; }
* GetSortValue - Return the sort value corresponding with iRow and iColumn * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ DWORD CBufferSortData::GetSortValue(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn) const { // No value is necessary if we are not sorting based on Sort Values.
if (m_SortTypes[iColumn] != BYVALUE) return 0;
// Every BYVALUE type should have data.
int iType = ValueIndexFromColumn(iColumn); return m_dwSortIndices[iType][iRow]; }
* SetColumns - Set the number of columns of data we are sorting over. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version. */ BOOL CBufferSortData::SetColumns(unsigned cColumns) { m_SortTypes.SetSize(cColumns); m_cColumns = cColumns; return TRUE; }
* SetRows - Set the number of rows we are sorting over. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version. */ BOOL CBufferSortData::SetRows(unsigned cRows) { m_cRows = cRows;
unsigned iColumn = (unsigned)m_ValueColumns.GetSize(); m_dwSortIndices.SetSize(iColumn); while (iColumn--) { m_dwSortIndices[iColumn].SetSize(cRows); } return TRUE; }
* CBufferFolder - Trivial constructor * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ CBufferFolder::CBufferFolder(CDataSource *pDataSource, CFolder *pParent) :CListViewFolder(pDataSource, pParent), m_cRows(0), m_cColumns(0) { }
* ~CBufferFolder - Do-nothing destructor. * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ CBufferFolder::~CBufferFolder() { }
* GetColumnTextAndWidth - Return formatting information for the wCol'th column. * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferFolder::GetColumnTextAndWidth(unsigned wCol, CString &szName, unsigned &wWidth) const { // Adjust to the Basic-indexed column.
if (GetComplexity() == BASIC) wCol = BasicColumn(wCol); szName = m_szColumns[(int)wCol]; wWidth = m_uWidths[wCol]; return TRUE; }
* BasicColumn - Return the index into the advanced columns of the basic column * index iBasicColumn * * History: a-jsari 12/23/97 Initial version */ unsigned CBufferFolder::BasicColumn(unsigned iBasicColumn) const { ASSERT(GetComplexity() == BASIC); for (unsigned iColumn = 0 ; iColumn < iBasicColumn ; ++iColumn) { // If any of our columns are advanced, skip them.
if (m_dcColumns[iColumn] == ADVANCED) ++iBasicColumn; } ASSERT(iBasicColumn < m_cColumns); return iBasicColumn; }
* BasicRow - Return the index into the advanced rows of the basic row index * iBasicRow * * History: a-jsari 12/23/97 Initial version */ unsigned CBufferFolder::BasicRow(unsigned iBasicRow) const { ASSERT(GetComplexity() == BASIC); for (unsigned iRow = 0 ; iRow < iBasicRow ; ++iRow) { // If any of our rows are advanced, skip them.
if (m_dcRows[iRow] == ADVANCED) ++iBasicRow; } ASSERT(iBasicRow < m_cRows); return iBasicRow; }
* GetColumns - Read the columns value from the current file. * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ unsigned CBufferFolder::GetColumns() const { // If Complexity is advanced, the number of columns is equal to our stored value.
if (GetComplexity() == ADVANCED) return m_cColumns; // We are in basic mode; remove all advanced columns.
unsigned cColumns = m_cColumns; unsigned iColumn = m_cColumns; while (iColumn--) { if (m_dcColumns[iColumn] == ADVANCED) --cColumns; } return cColumns; }
* GetRows - Read the rows value from the current file * * History: a-jsari 10/17/97 Initial version */ unsigned CBufferFolder::GetRows() const { // If Complexity is advanced, the number of rows is equal to our stored value.
if (GetComplexity() == ADVANCED) return m_cRows; // Otherwise, we are basic; remove all Advanced rows.
unsigned cRows = m_cRows; unsigned iRow = m_cRows; while (iRow--) { if (m_dcRows[iRow] == ADVANCED) --cRows; } return cRows; }
* GetName - Return the category's name. * * History: a-jsari 10/27/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferFolder::GetName(CString &szName) const { szName = m_szName; return TRUE; }
* GetSubElement - Return the Element stored at iRow and iCol. * * History: a-jsari 10/27/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferFolder::GetSubElement(unsigned iRow, unsigned iCol, CString &szName) const { if (GetComplexity() == BASIC) { iRow = BasicRow(iRow); iCol = BasicColumn(iCol); } szName = m_szElements[iRow][iCol]; return TRUE; }
* GetSortType - Return the sort method for the column numbered iColumn * in this folder. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ BOOL CBufferFolder::GetSortType(unsigned iColumn, MSIColumnSortType &stColumn) const { if (GetComplexity() == BASIC) { iColumn = BasicColumn(iColumn); } m_SortData.GetSortType(iColumn, stColumn); return TRUE; }
* GetSortIndex - Return the iColumn numbered column's internal sort index * for the element at row iRow compared to other rows in this column. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ DWORD CBufferFolder::GetSortIndex(unsigned iRow, unsigned iColumn) const { if (GetComplexity() == BASIC) { iColumn = BasicColumn(iColumn); iRow = BasicRow(iRow); }
return m_SortData.GetSortValue( iRow, iColumn); }
* GetColumnComplexity - Return the complexity of the iColumn'th column * * History: a-jsari 12/23/97 Initial version */ DataComplexity CBufferFolder::GetColumnComplexity(unsigned iColumn) { // We are only concerned with Complexity when we are saving the data
// and we must be in Advanced mode to save.
ASSERT(GetComplexity() == ADVANCED); return m_dcColumns[iColumn]; }
* GetRowComplexity - Return complexity of this folder's iRow'th row. * * History: a-jsari 12/23/97 Initial version */ DataComplexity CBufferFolder::GetRowComplexity(unsigned iRow) { // We are only concerned with Complexity when we are saving the data
// and we must be in Advanced mode to do a save.
ASSERT(GetComplexity() == ADVANCED); return m_dcRows[iRow]; }