// PURPOSE: Class header file
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach, Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V3.0 7-22-98 JM Major revision, deprecate IDH.
// V3.1 1-06-99 JM Extract APGTSEXT.H
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "apgtslog.h"
#include "LogString.h"
#include "apgtspl.h"
#include "maxbuf.h"
#include "apgts.h"
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// string constants involved in commands from sysop to take various actions.
#define SZ_OP_ACTION "TSHOOOT" // Preface to all operator actions. Note the extra "O".
#define SZ_RELOAD_TOPIC "E1" // Reload one topic
#define SZ_KILL_THREAD "E2" // Kill (and restart) one pool thread
#define SZ_RELOAD_ALL_TOPICS "E3" // Reload all monitored files.
#define SZ_SET_REG "E4" // Set a registry value.
#define SZ_KILL_STUCK_THREADS "E8" // Kill (and restart) all stuck pool threads
#define SZ_EMERGENCY_REBOOT "E9" // want to reboot this DLL.
// The product version is loaded from the resource file upon DLL startup.
// Used for APGTS logging and status page reporting.
extern CString gstrProductVersion;
// HTTP spec for document type. For validation of incoming HTTP POST request.
#define CONT_TYPE_STR "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
class CHttpQuery { public: CHttpQuery(); ~CHttpQuery();
BOOL GetFirst(LPCTSTR szInput, TCHAR *pchName, TCHAR *pchValue); BOOL GetNext(TCHAR *pchName, TCHAR *pchValue); void Push(LPCTSTR szPushed);
protected: BOOL LoopFind(TCHAR *pchName, TCHAR *pchValue); void AddBuffer( TCHAR ch, TCHAR *tostr); void PutStr(LPCTSTR instr, TCHAR *addtostr); static void CleanStr(TCHAR *str);
protected: enum decstates { ST_GETNEXT, ST_FINDNAME, ST_GETDATA, ST_DECODEHEX1, ST_DECODEHEX2, ST_GETFIRST, }; decstates m_state; // used to track where we are in putting together
// characters while deciphering HTTP encoding.
CString m_strInput; // The original input buffer, containing name/value pairs.
// It is also possible to "push" a pair onto the front of
// this buffer
int m_nIndex; // index into the string of m_strInput. Keeps track of
// where we are in the parse.
// forward declaration
class CDBLoadConfiguration; class CTopic; class CSniffConnector; //
class APGTSContext { private: //
// this nested class is an internal manager if nid-value pairs container
class CCommandsAddManager; class CCommands { friend class CCommandsAddManager;
private: //
// this nested class represent name/value pairs we get from an HTML form
class NID_VALUE_PAIR { friend class CCommands; private: NID nid; // Note two special values:
// nidProblem: value is a node
// nidNil: ignore value
int value; // typically a node state, but for nidProblem, it's
// problem node NID
public: bool operator<(const NID_VALUE_PAIR & pair)const {return nid<pair.nid || value<pair.value;}; bool operator==(const NID_VALUE_PAIR & pair)const {return nid==pair.nid || value==pair.value;}; };
private: vector<NID_VALUE_PAIR>m_arrPair;
private: // CAddManager is managing addition to object of this class
int Add( NID nid, int value );
public: CCommands() {} ~CCommands() {}
int GetSize() const; void RemoveAll(); bool GetAt( int nIndex, NID &nid, int &value ) const; void RotateProblemPageToFront(); }; //
// this nested class is an internal manager of additions to
// "Commands: and "Sniffed" objects of CCommands class
class CCommandsAddManager { CCommands& m_Commands; CCommands& m_Sniffed;
public: CCommandsAddManager(CCommands& commands, CCommands& sniffed) : m_Commands(commands), m_Sniffed(sniffed) {} ~CCommandsAddManager() {}
public: void Add(NID nid, int value, bool sniffed); }; //
// this nested class is an internal manager if name-value pairs container
// carrying additional imformation from HTMP form
class CAdditionalInfo { private: //
// this nested class represent name/value pairs we get from an HTML form
class NAME_VALUE_PAIR { friend class CAdditionalInfo; private: CString name; CString value;
public: bool operator<(const NAME_VALUE_PAIR & pair)const {return name<pair.name;}; bool operator==(const NAME_VALUE_PAIR & pair)const {return name==pair.name;}; };
private: vector<NAME_VALUE_PAIR>m_arrPair;
public: CAdditionalInfo() {} ~CAdditionalInfo() {}
int GetSize() const; void RemoveAll(); bool GetAt( int nIndex, CString& name, CString& value ) const; int Add( const CString& name, const CString& value ); };
protected: enum eOpAction {eNoOpAction, eReloadTopic, eKillThread, eReloadAllTopics, eSetReg};
public: APGTSContext( CAbstractECB *pECB, CDBLoadConfiguration *pConf, CHTMLLog *pLog, GTS_STATISTIC *pStat, CSniffConnector* pSniffConnector); ~APGTSContext();
void ProcessQuery();
static BOOL StrIsDigit(LPCTSTR pSz);
CString RetCurrentTopic() const;
protected: void CheckAndLogCookie(); void DoContent();
DWORD ProcessCommands(LPTSTR pszCmd, LPTSTR pszValue); VOID ClearCommandList(); VOID ClearSniffedList(); VOID ClearAdditionalInfoList(); //bool PlaceNodeInCommandList(NID nid, IST ist);
//bool PlaceNodeInSniffedList(NID nid, IST ist);
//bool PlaceInAdditionalInfoList(const CString& name, const CString& value);
VOID SetNodesPerCommandList(); VOID SetNodesPerSniffedList(); VOID ProcessAdditionalInfoList(); VOID ReadPolicyInfo(); VOID LogNodesPerCommandList(); CString GetStartOverLink(); bool StripSniffedNodePrefix(LPTSTR szName);
DWORD DoInference( LPTSTR pszCmd, LPTSTR pszValue, CTopic * pTopic, bool bUsesIDH);
DWORD NextCommand(LPTSTR pszCmd, LPTSTR pszValue, bool bUsesIDH); DWORD NextAdditionalInfo(LPTSTR pszCmd, LPTSTR pszValue); DWORD NextIgnore(LPTSTR pszCmd, LPTSTR pszValue); NID NIDFromSymbolicName(LPCTSTR szNodeName); char *GetCookieValue(char *pszName, char *pszNameValue); void asctimeCookie(const struct tm &gmt, char * szOut);
void SetError(LPCTSTR szMessage);
// Operator actions
eOpAction IdentifyOperatorAction(CAbstractECB *pECB); eOpAction ParseOperatorAction(CAbstractECB *pECB, CString & strArg); void ExecuteOperatorAction( CAbstractECB *pECB, eOpAction action, const CString & strArg);
// Status pages: code is in separate StatusPage.cpp
void DisplayFirstPage(bool bHasPwd); void DisplayFurtherGlobalStatusPage(); void DisplayThreadStatusOverviewPage(); void DisplayTopicStatusPage(LPCTSTR topic_name); bool ShowFullFirstPage(bool bHasPwd); void InsertPasswordInForm(); void BeginSelfAddressingForm(); protected: CAbstractECB *m_pECB; // effectively, everything that came in from
// the user in a submitted HTML form
DWORD m_dwErr; // The next 2 are arrays of TCHAR rather than being CString, because it's easier
// for when they need to be passed to methods of EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK
TCHAR m_ipstr[MAXBUF]; // Remote IP address (who submitted the form)
TCHAR m_resptype[MAXBUF]; // HTTP response type e.g. "200 OK",
// "302 Object Moved"
CString m_strHeader; // header for response file (indicates whether
// we're sending HTML, setting a cookie, etc.)
// >>> $UNICODE Is it OK that this is CString (based
// on TCHAR) or should it always be char? JM 10/27/98
CString m_strText; // this is where we build the string to pass
// back over the net.
// >>> $UNICODE Is it OK that this is CString (based
// on TCHAR) or should it always be char? JM 10/27/98
CString m_strLocalIPAddress; // IP address (in the dotted form) for the local machine
// If not defined: GetLength() == 0
CLogString m_logstr; // We log to this object & when we're all done
// destructor writes it to the log.
CHttpQuery m_Qry; // takes in raw URL-encoded string, gives us
// functions to get back scanned pairs.
CDBLoadConfiguration *m_pConf; // contains support-file data structures
CString m_strVRoot; // Local URL to this DLL
TCHAR *m_pszQuery; // a copy of what came in via GET or POST
CInfer m_infer; // belief-network handler, unique to this request
// This works out what node to show and builds HTML
// fragments for the HTI template to render.
CHTMLLog *m_pLog; // access to writing to the log.
bool m_bPostType; // TRUE = post, FALSE = get
DWORD m_dwBytes; // length of query string in chars, excluding
// terminating null.
CCommandsAddManager m_CommandsAddManager; // manages adding data to m_Commands and m_Sniffed
CCommands m_Commands; // name/value pairs we get from an HTML form
CCommands m_Sniffed; // name/value pairs (for sniffed nodes) we get
// from an HTML form; "SNIFFED_" already stripped out.
CAdditionalInfo m_AdditionalInfo; // name/value pairs we get from HTML. They represent
// additional info. Additional info is name/value
// pair other then command pair (C_TYPE, C_TOPIC or C_PRELOAD),
// though first in name/value pair's sequence
// will be a command.
bool m_bPreload; // TRUE = name/value pairs aren't really from a
// user, they're from a sniffer.
bool m_bNewCookie; // true = we had to create a new cookie for this
// query: they didn't already have one.
CHourlyDailyCounter * const m_pcountUnknownTopics; // count requests where the topic is not known in
// the LST file.
CHourlyDailyCounter * const m_pcountAllAccessesFinish; // Each time we finish with any sort of request,
// successful or not, this gets incremented.
CHourlyDailyCounter * const m_pcountStatusAccesses; // Each time we finish a request for system status
CHourlyDailyCounter * const m_pcountOperatorActions; // Count operator action requests.
CString m_TopicName; // You can compile with the NOPWD option to suppress all password checking.
// This is intended mainly for creating test versions with this feature suppressed.
#ifndef NOPWD
CString m_strTempPwd; // temporary password (if this is a status request)
#endif // ifndef NOPWD
// You can compile with the SHOWPROGRESS option to get a report on the progress of this page.
time_t timeCreateContext; time_t timeStartInfer; time_t timeEndInfer; time_t timeEndRender; #endif // SHOWPROGRESS
private: // Functions to set and retrieve an alternate HTI file name.
void SetAltHTIname( const CString& strHTIname ); CString GetAltHTIname() const;
CString m_strAltHTIname; // name of the alternate HTI template file if specified.
typedef map<CString,CString> CCookiePairs; CCookiePairs m_mapCookiesPairs; // Map of command line cookie name-value pairs.
// global prototypes
//UINT PoolTask(LPVOID);
UINT WINAPI PoolTask( LPVOID lpParams ); bool ProcessRequest(CPoolQueue & PoolQueue);
DWORD WINAPI DirNotifyTask( LPDWORD lpParams );