Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// MODULE: DirMonitor.h
// PURPOSE: Monitor changes to LST, DSC, HTI, BES files.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-17-98
// 1. It would be equally appropriate for CDirectoryMonitor to inherit from CTopicShop
// instead of having a member of type CDirectoryMonitor. Really an arbitrary choice.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-17-98 JM
#if !defined(AFX_DIRMONITOR_H__493CF34D_4E79_11D2_95F8_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_DIRMONITOR_H__493CF34D_4E79_11D2_95F8_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "TopicShop.h"
#include "FileTracker.h"
class CTopicFileTracker: public CFileTracker { private: CTopicInfo m_topicinfo; public: CTopicFileTracker(); ~CTopicFileTracker(); void AddTopicInfo(const CTopicInfo & topicinfo); const CTopicInfo & GetTopicInfo() const; };
class CTemplateFileTracker: public CFileTracker { private: CString m_strTemplateName; public: CTemplateFileTracker(); ~CTemplateFileTracker(); void AddTemplateName( const CString & strTemplateName ); const CString& GetTemplateName() const; };
const CString k_strErrorTemplateFileName = _T("ErrorTemplate.hti"); const CString k_strDefaultErrorTemplateBefore = _T("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>AP GTS Error</TITLE></HEAD>") _T("<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><H1>AP GTS reports an Error</H1>"); const CString k_strErrorTemplateKey = _T("$Error"); const CString k_strDefaultErrorTemplateAfter = _T("</BODY></HTML>");
class CDirectoryMonitor : public CStateless { public: enum ThreadStatus{eBeforeInit, eFail, eWaitDirPath, eWaitChange, eWaitSettle, eRun, eBeforeWaitChange, eExiting}; static CString ThreadStatusText(ThreadStatus ts); private: CTopicShop & m_TopicShop; CSimpleTemplate * m_pErrorTemplate; // template for reporting error messages (regardless
// of topic)
CString m_strDirPath; // Directory to monitor
bool m_bDirPathChanged; CString m_strLstPath; // LST file (always in directory m_strDirPath)
CString m_strErrorTemplatePath; // Error template file (always in directory m_strDirPath)
CFileTracker * m_pTrackLst; CFileTracker * m_pTrackErrorTemplate; vector<CTopicFileTracker> m_arrTrackTopic; vector<CTemplateFileTracker> m_arrTrackTemplate; CAPGTSLSTReader * m_pLst; // current LST file contents
HANDLE m_hThread; HANDLE m_hevMonitorRequested; // event to wake up DirectoryMonitorTask
// this allows it to be wakened other than
// by the directory change event. Currently used
// for shutdown or change of directory.
HANDLE m_hevThreadIsShut; // event just to indicate exit of DirectoryMonitorTask thread
bool m_bShuttingDown; // lets topic directory monitor thread know we're shutting down
DWORD m_secsReloadDelay; // number of second to let directory "settle down"
// before we start to update topics.
DWORD m_dwErr; // status from starting the thread
ThreadStatus m_ThreadStatus; time_t m_time; // time last changed ThreadStatus. Initialized
// to zero ==> unknown
CString m_strTopicName; // This string is ignored in the Online Troubleshooter.
// Done under the guise of binary compatibility.
public: CDirectoryMonitor(CTopicShop & TopicShop, const CString& strTopicName ); // strTopicName is ignored in the Online Troubleshooter.
// Done under the guise of binary compatibility.
~CDirectoryMonitor(); void SetReloadDelay(DWORD secsReloadDelay); void SetResourceDirectory(const CString & strDirPath); void CreateErrorPage(const CString & strError, CString& out) const; DWORD GetStatus(ThreadStatus &ts, DWORD & seconds) const; void AddTemplateToTrack( const CString& strTemplateName ); private: CDirectoryMonitor(); // do not instantiate
void SetThreadStatus(ThreadStatus ts);
// just for use by own destructor
void ShutDown();
// functions for use by the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
void Monitor(); void LstFileDrivesTopics(); void ReadErrorTemplate(); void AckShutDown();
// main function of the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
static UINT WINAPI DirectoryMonitorTask(LPVOID lpParams); };
#endif // !defined(AFX_DIRMONITOR_H__493CF34D_4E79_11D2_95F8_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)