// PURPOSE: template file reading classes
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-12-98
// 1. CTemplateReader has no public methods to apply the template. These must be supplied
// by classes which inherit from CTemplateReader, and these must be supplied in a
// suitably "stateless" manner.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 08-04-98 OK
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "templateread.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
// CTemplateInfo
// Manages a pair consisting of a key and a string to substitute for each occurrence of
// that key.
CTemplateInfo::CTemplateInfo() { }
CTemplateInfo::CTemplateInfo(const CString& key, const CString& substitution) : m_KeyStr(key), m_SubstitutionStr(substitution) { }
CTemplateInfo::~CTemplateInfo() { }
// INPUT/OUTPUT target
// Replace all instances of m_KeyStr in target with m_SubstitutionStr
bool CTemplateInfo::Apply(CString& target) const { int start =0, end =0; bool bRet = false;
while (-1 != (start = target.Find(m_KeyStr))) { end = start + m_KeyStr.GetLength(); target = target.Left(start) + m_SubstitutionStr + target.Mid(end); bRet = true; } return bRet; }
// CTemplateReader
CTemplateReader::CTemplateReader(CPhysicalFileReader * pPhysicalFileReader, LPCTSTR szDefaultContents /*= NULL */) : CTextFileReader(pPhysicalFileReader, szDefaultContents) { }
CTemplateReader::~CTemplateReader() { }
// For all instances of a key, substitute the appropriate value
CTemplateReader& CTemplateReader::operator << (CTemplateInfo& info) { CString str; vector<CString> str_arr;
LOCKOBJECT(); SetPos(m_StreamOutput, 0);
try { // put whole content of m_StreamOutput, line by line, into str_arr
while (GetLine(m_StreamOutput, str)) str_arr.push_back(str); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
vector<CString>::iterator i; // Replace all instances of m_KeyStr in str_arr elements with m_SubstitutionStr
for (i = str_arr.begin(); i < str_arr.end(); i++) info.Apply(*i);
vector<CString>::iterator iLastElement = str_arr.end(); iLastElement--;
for (i = str_arr.begin(); i < str_arr.end(); i++) { m_StreamOutput << (LPCTSTR)*i; if (i != iLastElement) m_StreamOutput << _T('\r') << _T('\n'); } m_StreamOutput << ends;
SetPos(m_StreamOutput, 0); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return *this; }
// undo substitution with this argument
// As of 11/98, not used in Online Troubleshooter, hence totally untested.
CTemplateReader& CTemplateReader::operator >> (CTemplateInfo& info) { LOCKOBJECT();
// remove this element from substitution list
vector<CTemplateInfo>::iterator res = find(m_arrTemplateInfo.begin(), m_arrTemplateInfo.end(), info); if (res != m_arrTemplateInfo.end()) m_arrTemplateInfo.erase(res); // perform all substitutions all over again
Parse(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return *this; }
// Perform all substitutions
void CTemplateReader::Parse() { SetOutputToTemplate(); for (vector<CTemplateInfo>::iterator i = m_arrTemplateInfo.begin(); i < m_arrTemplateInfo.end(); i++) *this << *i; }
void CTemplateReader::GetOutput(CString& out) { out = _T(""); // clear
LOCKOBJECT(); out = m_StreamOutput.rdbuf()->str().c_str(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// In m_StreamData we always have pure template
// This function is discarding all changes in m_StreamOutput
// and setting it back to template
void CTemplateReader::SetOutputToTemplate() { LOCKOBJECT(); tstring tstr; m_StreamOutput.str(GetContent(tstr)); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// CSimpleTemplate
CSimpleTemplate::CSimpleTemplate(CPhysicalFileReader * pPhysicalFileReader, LPCTSTR szDefaultContents /*= NULL*/) : CTemplateReader(pPhysicalFileReader, szDefaultContents) { }
CSimpleTemplate::~CSimpleTemplate() { }
// Given a vector of substitutions to make, perform them all (on the template) and return
// the resulting string.
void CSimpleTemplate::CreatePage( const vector<CTemplateInfo> & arrTemplateInfo, CString& out) { LOCKOBJECT(); m_arrTemplateInfo = arrTemplateInfo; Parse(); out = m_StreamOutput.rdbuf()->str().c_str(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }