// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: MemUtil.h
// Author: Charles Ma, 10/13/2000
// Revision History:
// Description:
// IU memory utility library
#ifndef __MEM_UTIL_HEADER__
#include <ole2.h>
// declare a class that handles the heap memory smartly, free itself.
// you should not use this class directly. Use the macros defined
// below this class instead.
class CSmartHeapMem { public:
// constructor/destructor
CSmartHeapMem(); ~CSmartHeapMem();
LPVOID Alloc( size_t nBytes, DWORD dwFlags = HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY );
LPVOID ReAlloc( LPVOID lpMem, size_t nBytes, DWORD dwFlags = HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY ); size_t Size( LPVOID lpMem );
void FreeAllocatedMem( LPVOID lpMem );
private: HANDLE m_Heap; LPVOID* m_lppMems; size_t m_ArraySize; int GetUnusedArraySlot(); inline int FindIndex(LPVOID pMem); };
// *******************************************************************************
// MACROs to utlize class CSmartHeapMem to provide you a "smart pointer"
// type of memory management based on Heap memory.
// Restriction:
// *******************************************************************************
// similar to ATL USES_CONVERSION, this macro declares
// that within this block you want to use CSmartHeapMem feature
#define USES_MY_MEMORY CSmartHeapMem mem;
// allocate a pc of memory, e.g.:
// LPTSTR t = (LPTSTR) MemAlloc(30*sizeof(TCHAR));
#define MemAlloc mem.Alloc
// re-allocate a pc of memory, e.g.:
// t = (LPTSTR) MemReAlloc(t, MemSize(t) * 2, HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY);
#define MemReAlloc mem.ReAlloc
// macro to return the memory size allocated:
// size_t nBytes = MemSize(t);
#define MemSize mem.Size
// macro to free a pc of memory allocated by MemAlloc or MemReAlloc, e.g.:
// MemFree(t);
// You only need to do this when you want to re-use this pointer to
// call MemAlloc() repeatedly, such as, in a loop. In normal cases,
// memory allocated by these two macros will be freed automatically
// when control goes out of the current scope.
#define MemFree mem.FreeAllocatedMem
#define SafeMemFree(p) if (NULL != p) { MemFree(p); p = NULL; }
// *******************************************************************************
// Duplicate USES_CONVERSION, but remove dependency on
// CRT memory function_alloca()
// *******************************************************************************
#define USES_IU_CONVERSION int _convert = 0; \
_convert; UINT _acp = CP_ACP; _acp; \ USES_MY_MEMORY; \ LPCWSTR _lpw = NULL; _lpw; LPCSTR _lpa = NULL; _lpa
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-260079-2001/03/08-waltw PREFIX: Dereferencing NULL lpw.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-260080-2001/03/08-waltw PREFIX: Dereferencing NULL lpw.
inline LPWSTR WINAPI AtlA2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars, UINT acp) { //
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
// don't worry about the number of chars
if (lpw) { lpw[0] = '\0'; MultiByteToWideChar(acp, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars); } return lpw; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-260083-2001/03/08-waltw PREFIX: Dereferencing NULL lpa.
inline LPSTR WINAPI AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars, UINT acp) { //
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
if (lpa) { lpa[0] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte(acp, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL); } return lpa; }
inline LPWSTR WINAPI AtlA2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars) { return AtlA2WHelper(lpw, lpa, nChars, CP_ACP); }
inline LPSTR WINAPI AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars) { return AtlW2AHelper(lpa, lpw, nChars, CP_ACP); }
#define ATLA2WHELPER AtlA2WHelper
#define ATLW2AHELPER AtlW2AHelper
#define ATLA2WHELPER AtlA2WHelper
#define ATLW2AHELPER AtlW2AHelper
#define A2W(lpa) (\
((_lpa = lpa) == NULL) ? NULL : (\ _convert = (lstrlenA(_lpa)+1),\ AtlA2WHelper((LPWSTR)MemAlloc(_convert*2), _lpa, _convert, CP_ACP)))
#define W2A(lpw) (\
((_lpw = lpw) == NULL) ? NULL : (\ _convert = (lstrlenW(_lpw)+1)*2,\ AtlW2AHelper((LPSTR)MemAlloc(_convert), _lpw, _convert, CP_ACP)))
#define A2CW(lpa) ((LPCWSTR)A2W(lpa))
#define W2CA(lpw) ((LPCSTR)W2A(lpw))
#ifdef OLE2ANSI
inline LPOLESTR A2OLE(LPSTR lp) { return lp;} inline LPSTR OLE2A(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp;} #define W2OLE W2A
#define OLE2W A2W
inline LPCOLESTR A2COLE(LPCSTR lp) { return lp;} inline LPCSTR OLE2CA(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp;} #define W2COLE W2CA
#define OLE2CW A2CW
inline LPOLESTR W2OLE(LPWSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPWSTR OLE2W(LPOLESTR lp) { return lp; } #define A2OLE A2W
#define OLE2A W2A
inline LPCOLESTR W2COLE(LPCWSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPCWSTR OLE2CW(LPCOLESTR lp) { return lp; } #define A2COLE A2CW
#define OLE2CA W2CA
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define T2A W2A
#define A2T A2W
inline LPWSTR T2W(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPTSTR W2T(LPWSTR lp) { return lp; } #define T2CA W2CA
#define A2CT A2CW
inline LPCWSTR T2CW(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPCTSTR W2CT(LPCWSTR lp) { return lp; } #else
#define T2W A2W
#define W2T W2A
inline LPSTR T2A(LPTSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPTSTR A2T(LPSTR lp) { return lp; } #define T2CW A2CW
#define W2CT W2CA
inline LPCSTR T2CA(LPCTSTR lp) { return lp; } inline LPCTSTR A2CT(LPCSTR lp) { return lp; } #endif
#define OLE2T W2T
#define OLE2CT W2CT
#define T2OLE T2W
#define T2COLE T2CW
inline BSTR A2WBSTR(LPCSTR lp, int nLen = -1) { USES_IU_CONVERSION; BSTR str = NULL; int nConvertedLen = MultiByteToWideChar(_acp, 0, lp, nLen, NULL, NULL)-1; str = ::SysAllocStringLen(NULL, nConvertedLen); if (str != NULL) { MultiByteToWideChar(_acp, 0, lp, -1, str, nConvertedLen); } return str; }
inline BSTR OLE2BSTR(LPCOLESTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);}
#if defined(_UNICODE)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);} inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {USES_IU_CONVERSION; return A2WBSTR(lp);} inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);} #elif defined(OLE2ANSI)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);} inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);} inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {USES_IU_CONVERSION; return ::SysAllocString(W2COLE(lp));} #else
inline BSTR T2BSTR(LPCTSTR lp) {USES_IU_CONVERSION; return A2WBSTR(lp);} inline BSTR A2BSTR(LPCSTR lp) {USES_IU_CONVERSION; return A2WBSTR(lp);} inline BSTR W2BSTR(LPCWSTR lp) {return ::SysAllocString(lp);} #endif
// *******************************************************************************
// Other memory related functions
// *******************************************************************************
// implemenation of CRT memcpy() function
LPVOID MyMemCpy(LPVOID dest, const LPVOID src, size_t nBytes);
// allocate heap mem and copy
LPVOID HeapAllocCopy(LPVOID src, size_t nBytes);
#define __MEM_UTIL_HEADER__
#endif //__MEM_UTIL_HEADER__