#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dcomperm.h"
// Check whether we are running as administrator on the machine
// or not
BOOL RunningAsAdministrator(void) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; PSID psidAdmin; DWORD err; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SystemSidAuthority= SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; if ( AllocateAndInitializeSid ( &SystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidAdmin) ) { if (!CheckTokenMembership( NULL, psidAdmin, &fReturn )) { err = GetLastError(); }
FreeSid ( psidAdmin); } return ( fReturn ); }
if (0 == IsValidAcl(OldACL)) { returnValue = ERROR_INVALID_ACL; return returnValue; }
if (0 == GetAclInformation (OldACL, (LPVOID) &aclSizeInfo, (DWORD) sizeof (aclSizeInfo), AclSizeInformation)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
// Copy all of the ACEs to the new ACL
for (i = 0; i < aclSizeInfo.AceCount; i++) { //
// Get the ACE and header info
if (!GetAce (OldACL, i, &ace)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
aceHeader = (ACE_HEADER *) ace;
// Add the ACE to the new list
if (!AddAce (NewACL, ACL_REVISION, 0xffffffff, ace, aceHeader->AceSize)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; } }
return returnValue; }
DWORD GetPrincipalSID ( LPCTSTR Principal, PSID *Sid, BOOL *pbWellKnownSID ) {
*pbWellKnownSID = TRUE; memset(&(dwRID[0]), 0, 8 * sizeof(DWORD));
wcscpy(pszPrincipal, Principal); _wcslwr(pszPrincipal); if ( wcsstr(pszPrincipal, TEXT("administrators")) != NULL ) { // Administrators group
pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; Count = 2; dwRID[0] = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; dwRID[1] = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS; } else if ( wcsstr(pszPrincipal, TEXT("system")) != NULL) { // SYSTEM
pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; Count = 1; dwRID[0] = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID; } else if ( wcsstr(pszPrincipal, TEXT("interactive")) != NULL) { // INTERACTIVE
pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; Count = 1; dwRID[0] = SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID; } else if ( wcsstr(pszPrincipal, TEXT("everyone")) != NULL) { // Everyone
pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierWORLDAuthority; Count = 1; dwRID[0] = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; } else { *pbWellKnownSID = FALSE; }
if (*pbWellKnownSID) { if ( !AllocateAndInitializeSid(pSidIdentifierAuthority, (BYTE)Count, dwRID[0], dwRID[1], dwRID[2], dwRID[3], dwRID[4], dwRID[5], dwRID[6], dwRID[7], Sid) ) { returnValue = GetLastError(); } } else { // get regular account sid
DWORD sidSize; TCHAR refDomain [256]; DWORD refDomainSize; SID_NAME_USE snu;
sidSize = 0; refDomainSize = 255;
LookupAccountName (NULL, pszPrincipal, *Sid, &sidSize, refDomain, &refDomainSize, &snu);
returnValue = GetLastError();
if (returnValue == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { *Sid = (PSID) malloc (sidSize); if (!*Sid) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return GetLastError(); } refDomainSize = 255;
if (!LookupAccountName (NULL, pszPrincipal, *Sid, &sidSize, refDomain, &refDomainSize, &snu)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); } else { returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
return returnValue; }
DWORD AddAccessDeniedACEToACL ( PACL *Acl, DWORD PermissionMask, LPTSTR Principal ) { ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION aclSizeInfo; int aclSize; DWORD returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSID principalSID = NULL; PACL oldACL, newACL; BOOL bWellKnownSID = FALSE; oldACL = *Acl;
returnValue = GetPrincipalSID (Principal, &principalSID, &bWellKnownSID); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
GetAclInformation (oldACL, (LPVOID) &aclSizeInfo, (DWORD) sizeof (ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), AclSizeInformation);
aclSize = aclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse + sizeof (ACL) + sizeof (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE) + GetLengthSid (principalSID) - sizeof (DWORD);
newACL = (PACL) new BYTE [aclSize];
if (!InitializeAcl (newACL, aclSize, ACL_REVISION)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
if (!AddAccessDeniedAce (newACL, ACL_REVISION2, PermissionMask, principalSID)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
returnValue = CopyACL (oldACL, newACL); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
*Acl = newACL; newACL = NULL;
// BugFix: 57654 Whistler
// Prefix bug leaking memory in error condition.
// By setting the newACL to NULL above if we have
// relinquished the memory to *Acl, we avoid releasing
// memory we have passed back to the caller.
// EBK 5/5/2000
if (newACL) { delete[] newACL; newACL = NULL; }
if (principalSID) { if (bWellKnownSID) FreeSid (principalSID); else free (principalSID); }
return returnValue; }
DWORD AddAccessAllowedACEToACL ( PACL *Acl, DWORD PermissionMask, LPTSTR Principal ) { ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION aclSizeInfo; int aclSize; DWORD returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; PSID principalSID = NULL; PACL oldACL = NULL; PACL newACL = NULL; BOOL bWellKnownSID = FALSE;
oldACL = *Acl;
// check if the acl we got passed in is valid!
if (0 == IsValidAcl(oldACL)) { returnValue = ERROR_INVALID_ACL; goto cleanup; }
returnValue = GetPrincipalSID (Principal, &principalSID, &bWellKnownSID); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return returnValue; }
if (0 == GetAclInformation (oldACL, (LPVOID) &aclSizeInfo, (DWORD) sizeof (ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), AclSizeInformation)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
aclSize = aclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse + sizeof (ACL) + sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid (principalSID) - sizeof (DWORD);
newACL = (PACL) new BYTE [aclSize];
if (!InitializeAcl (newACL, aclSize, ACL_REVISION)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
returnValue = CopyACL (oldACL, newACL); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
//if (!AddAccessAllowedAce (newACL, ACL_REVISION2, PermissionMask, principalSID))
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce (newACL, ACL_REVISION, PermissionMask, principalSID)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// check if the acl is valid!
if (0 == IsValidAcl(newACL)) { returnValue = ERROR_INVALID_ACL; goto cleanup; } */
// cleanup old memory whose pointer we're replacing
// okay to leak in setup... (need to comment out or else av's)
//if (*Acl) {delete(*Acl);}
*Acl = newACL; newACL = NULL;
cleanup: if (principalSID) { if (bWellKnownSID) FreeSid (principalSID); else free (principalSID); } if (newACL) { delete [] newACL; newACL = NULL; }
return returnValue; }
DWORD RemovePrincipalFromACL ( PACL Acl, LPTSTR Principal ) { ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION aclSizeInfo; ULONG i; LPVOID ace; ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *accessAllowedAce; ACCESS_DENIED_ACE *accessDeniedAce; SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE *systemAuditAce; PSID principalSID = NULL; DWORD returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; ACE_HEADER *aceHeader; BOOL bWellKnownSID = FALSE;
returnValue = GetPrincipalSID (Principal, &principalSID, &bWellKnownSID); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
GetAclInformation (Acl, (LPVOID) &aclSizeInfo, (DWORD) sizeof (ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), AclSizeInformation);
for (i = 0; i < aclSizeInfo.AceCount; i++) { if (!GetAce (Acl, i, &ace)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); break; }
aceHeader = (ACE_HEADER *) ace;
if (aceHeader->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) { accessAllowedAce = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *) ace;
if (EqualSid (principalSID, (PSID) &accessAllowedAce->SidStart)) { DeleteAce (Acl, i); break; } } else
if (aceHeader->AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE) { accessDeniedAce = (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE *) ace;
if (EqualSid (principalSID, (PSID) &accessDeniedAce->SidStart)) { DeleteAce (Acl, i); break; } } else
if (aceHeader->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE) { systemAuditAce = (SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE *) ace;
if (EqualSid (principalSID, (PSID) &systemAuditAce->SidStart)) { DeleteAce (Acl, i); break; } } }
if (principalSID) { if (bWellKnownSID) FreeSid (principalSID); else free (principalSID); }
return returnValue; }
DWORD GetCurrentUserSID ( PSID *Sid ) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; TOKEN_USER *tokenUser = NULL; HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL; DWORD tokenSize; DWORD sidLength;
if (OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &tokenHandle)) { GetTokenInformation (tokenHandle, TokenUser, tokenUser, 0, &tokenSize);
tokenUser = (TOKEN_USER *) malloc (tokenSize); if (!tokenUser) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return GetLastError(); }
if (GetTokenInformation (tokenHandle, TokenUser, tokenUser, tokenSize, &tokenSize)) { sidLength = GetLengthSid (tokenUser->User.Sid); *Sid = (PSID) malloc (sidLength); if (*Sid) { memcpy (*Sid, tokenUser->User.Sid, sidLength); } CloseHandle (tokenHandle); } else dwReturn = GetLastError();
if (tokenUser) free(tokenUser);
} else dwReturn = GetLastError();
return dwReturn; }
DWORD CreateNewSD ( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR **SD ) { PACL dacl = NULL; DWORD sidLength; PSID sid; PSID groupSID; PSID ownerSID; DWORD returnValue;
returnValue = GetCurrentUserSID (&sid); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (sid) free(sid);
return returnValue; }
sidLength = GetLengthSid (sid);
*SD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) malloc ( (sizeof (ACL)+sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sidLength) + (2 * sidLength) + sizeof (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR));
if (!*SD) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
groupSID = (SID *) (*SD + 1); ownerSID = (SID *) (((BYTE *) groupSID) + sidLength); dacl = (ACL *) (((BYTE *) ownerSID) + sidLength);
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor (*SD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
if (!InitializeAcl (dacl, sizeof (ACL)+sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sidLength, ACL_REVISION2)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce (dacl, ACL_REVISION2, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, sid)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (*SD, TRUE, dacl, FALSE)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
memcpy (groupSID, sid, sidLength); if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup (*SD, groupSID, FALSE)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
memcpy (ownerSID, sid, sidLength); if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner (*SD, ownerSID, FALSE)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = GetLastError(); return returnValue; }
// check if everything went ok
if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(*SD)) { free (*SD); free (sid); returnValue = ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR; return returnValue; } if (sid) free(sid); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD MakeSDAbsolute ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR OldSD, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewSD ) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd = NULL; DWORD descriptorSize; DWORD daclSize; DWORD saclSize; DWORD ownerSIDSize; DWORD groupSIDSize; PACL dacl = NULL; PACL sacl = NULL; PSID ownerSID = NULL; PSID groupSID = NULL; BOOL present; BOOL systemDefault;
// Get SACL
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorSacl (OldSD, &present, &sacl, &systemDefault)) return GetLastError();
if (sacl && present) { saclSize = sacl->AclSize; } else saclSize = 0;
// Get DACL
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl (OldSD, &present, &dacl, &systemDefault)) return GetLastError();
if (dacl && present) { daclSize = dacl->AclSize; } else daclSize = 0;
// Get Owner
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner (OldSD, &ownerSID, &systemDefault)) return GetLastError();
ownerSIDSize = GetLengthSid (ownerSID);
// Get Group
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorGroup (OldSD, &groupSID, &systemDefault)) return GetLastError();
groupSIDSize = GetLengthSid (groupSID);
// Do the conversion
descriptorSize = 0;
MakeAbsoluteSD (OldSD, sd, &descriptorSize, dacl, &daclSize, sacl, &saclSize, ownerSID, &ownerSIDSize, groupSID, &groupSIDSize);
sd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) new BYTE [SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH]; if (!sd) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return GetLastError(); } if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor (sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) return GetLastError();
if (!MakeAbsoluteSD (OldSD, sd, &descriptorSize, dacl, &daclSize, sacl, &saclSize, ownerSID, &ownerSIDSize, groupSID, &groupSIDSize)) return GetLastError();
*NewSD = sd; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD SetNamedValueSD ( HKEY RootKey, LPTSTR KeyName, LPTSTR ValueName, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *SD ) { DWORD returnValue; DWORD disposition; HKEY registryKey;
// Create new key or open existing key
returnValue = RegCreateKeyEx (RootKey, KeyName, 0, _T(""), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, ®istryKey, &disposition); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
// Write the security descriptor
returnValue = RegSetValueEx (registryKey, ValueName, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE) SD, GetSecurityDescriptorLength (SD)); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
RegCloseKey (registryKey);
DWORD GetNamedValueSD ( HKEY RootKey, LPTSTR KeyName, LPTSTR ValueName, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR **SD, BOOL *NewSD ) { DWORD returnValue; HKEY registryKey; DWORD valueType; DWORD valueSize = 0;
// Get the security descriptor from the named value. If it doesn't
// exist, create a fresh one.
returnValue = RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, KeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, ®istryKey);
if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (returnValue == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { *SD = NULL; returnValue = CreateNewSD (SD); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (*SD) free(*SD); return returnValue; }
*NewSD = TRUE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else return returnValue; }
returnValue = RegQueryValueEx (registryKey, ValueName, NULL, &valueType, NULL, &valueSize);
if (returnValue && returnValue != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { *SD = NULL; returnValue = CreateNewSD (SD); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (*SD) free(*SD); return returnValue; }
*NewSD = TRUE; } else { *SD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) malloc (valueSize); if (!*SD) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return GetLastError(); }
returnValue = RegQueryValueEx (registryKey, ValueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE) *SD, &valueSize); if (returnValue) { if (*SD) free (*SD);
*SD = NULL; returnValue = CreateNewSD (SD); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (*SD) free(*SD); return returnValue; }
*NewSD = TRUE; } }
RegCloseKey (registryKey);
DWORD AddPrincipalToNamedValueSD ( HKEY RootKey, LPTSTR KeyName, LPTSTR ValueName, LPTSTR Principal, BOOL Permit ) { DWORD returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sd = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdSelfRelative = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdAbsolute = NULL; DWORD secDescSize; BOOL present; BOOL defaultDACL; PACL dacl; BOOL newSD = FALSE; BOOL fFreeAbsolute = TRUE;
returnValue = GetNamedValueSD (RootKey, KeyName, ValueName, &sd, &newSD);
// Get security descriptor from registry or create a new one
if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl (sd, &present, &dacl, &defaultDACL)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
if (newSD) { AddAccessAllowedACEToACL (&dacl, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, TEXT("SYSTEM")); AddAccessAllowedACEToACL (&dacl, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, TEXT("INTERACTIVE")); }
// Add the Principal that the caller wants added
if (Permit) returnValue = AddAccessAllowedACEToACL (&dacl, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, Principal); else returnValue = AddAccessDeniedACEToACL (&dacl, GENERIC_ALL, Principal);
if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
// Make the security descriptor absolute if it isn't new
if (!newSD) { MakeSDAbsolute ((PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) sd, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) &sdAbsolute); fFreeAbsolute = TRUE; } else { sdAbsolute = sd; fFreeAbsolute = FALSE; }
// Set the discretionary ACL on the security descriptor
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (sdAbsolute, TRUE, dacl, FALSE)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Make the security descriptor self-relative so that we can
// store it in the registry
secDescSize = 0; MakeSelfRelativeSD (sdAbsolute, sdSelfRelative, &secDescSize); sdSelfRelative = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) malloc (secDescSize); if (!sdSelfRelative) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
if (!MakeSelfRelativeSD (sdAbsolute, sdSelfRelative, &secDescSize)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Store the security descriptor in the registry
SetNamedValueSD (RootKey, KeyName, ValueName, sdSelfRelative);
Cleanup: if (sd) free (sd); if (sdSelfRelative) free (sdSelfRelative); if (fFreeAbsolute && sdAbsolute) free (sdAbsolute);
return returnValue; }
DWORD RemovePrincipalFromNamedValueSD ( HKEY RootKey, LPTSTR KeyName, LPTSTR ValueName, LPTSTR Principal ) { DWORD returnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sd = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdSelfRelative = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdAbsolute = NULL; DWORD secDescSize; BOOL present; BOOL defaultDACL; PACL dacl = NULL; BOOL newSD = FALSE; BOOL fFreeAbsolute = TRUE;
returnValue = GetNamedValueSD (RootKey, KeyName, ValueName, &sd, &newSD);
// Get security descriptor from registry or create a new one
if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) return returnValue;
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl (sd, &present, &dacl, &defaultDACL)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// If the security descriptor is new, add the required Principals to it
if (newSD) { AddAccessAllowedACEToACL (&dacl, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, TEXT("SYSTEM")); AddAccessAllowedACEToACL (&dacl, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, TEXT("INTERACTIVE")); }
// Remove the Principal that the caller wants removed
returnValue = RemovePrincipalFromACL (dacl, Principal); if (returnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
// Make the security descriptor absolute if it isn't new
if (!newSD) { MakeSDAbsolute ((PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) sd, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) &sdAbsolute); fFreeAbsolute = TRUE; } else { sdAbsolute = sd; fFreeAbsolute = FALSE; }
// Set the discretionary ACL on the security descriptor
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (sdAbsolute, TRUE, dacl, FALSE)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Make the security descriptor self-relative so that we can
// store it in the registry
secDescSize = 0; MakeSelfRelativeSD (sdAbsolute, sdSelfRelative, &secDescSize); sdSelfRelative = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) malloc (secDescSize); if (!sdSelfRelative) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
if (!MakeSelfRelativeSD (sdAbsolute, sdSelfRelative, &secDescSize)) { returnValue = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Store the security descriptor in the registry
SetNamedValueSD (RootKey, KeyName, ValueName, sdSelfRelative);
Cleanup: if (sd) free (sd); if (sdSelfRelative) free (sdSelfRelative); if (fFreeAbsolute && sdAbsolute) free (sdAbsolute);
return returnValue; }
DWORD ChangeAppIDAccessACL ( LPTSTR AppID, LPTSTR Principal, BOOL SetPrincipal, BOOL Permit ) { TCHAR keyName [256]; DWORD err;
wcscpy(keyName, TEXT("APPID\\")); wcscat(keyName, AppID);
if (SetPrincipal) { err = RemovePrincipalFromNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("AccessPermission"), Principal); err = AddPrincipalToNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("AccessPermission"), Principal, Permit); } else { err = RemovePrincipalFromNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("AccessPermission"), Principal); }
return err; }
DWORD ChangeAppIDLaunchACL ( LPTSTR AppID, LPTSTR Principal, BOOL SetPrincipal, BOOL Permit ) {
TCHAR keyName [256]; DWORD err;
wcscpy(keyName, TEXT("APPID\\")); wcscat(keyName, AppID);
if (SetPrincipal) { err = RemovePrincipalFromNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("LaunchPermission"), Principal); err = AddPrincipalToNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("LaunchPermission"), Principal, Permit); } else { err = RemovePrincipalFromNamedValueSD (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyName, TEXT("LaunchPermission"), Principal); }
return err; }