Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
This module defines member functions for ODBC_CONNECTION object.
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 16-Feb-1995
User Mode - Win32.
Internet Services Common DLL
Functions Exported:
ODBC_STATEMENT::~ODBC_STATEMENT() ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatement( IN LPCSTR pszStatement) ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatement( IN LPCWSTR pwszStatement) ODBC_STATEMENT::BindParameter( IN PODBC_PARAMETER pOdbcParam) ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecuteStatement( VOID) ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect( IN LPCSTR pwszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cch) ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect( IN LPCWSTR pwszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cch) ODBC_STATEMENT::QueryColNames( OUT STRA * * apstrCols, OUT DWORD * cCols, IN DWORD cchMaxFieldSize = 0 ); ODBC_STATEMENT::QueryValuesAsStr( OUT STR * * apstrValues, OUT DWORD * * apcbValues, OUT BOOL * pfLast );
Revision History:
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#define TCP_ALLOC(cb) (VOID *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cb )
#define TCP_FREE(p) LocalFree( (HLOCAL) p )
// Since the ODBC does not support UNICODE APIs, we convert unicode to
// ANSI to call the APIs. This will have to go away once we find some
// other better way to do manage the same
// Constants for display widths
// Constant for all non string and non binary data. 40 is chosen to
// account for things such as Oracle's numeric types, which can have
// up to 38 digits of precision
// If no default maximum field size is specified, then use this value
// as the maximum
* Local Functions ************************************************************/
static inline VOID CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( IN ODBC_CONNECTION * poc, IN RETCODE rc ) {
# if DBG
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) {
STRA str; poc->GetLastErrorText( &str, NULL, rc );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "ODBC Error Code( %d). Text: %s\n", rc, str.QueryStr() )); } # endif // DBG
} // CheckAndPrintErrorMessage()
static inline VOID CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( IN ODBC_STATEMENT * pos, IN RETCODE rc) {
# if DBG
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) {
STRA str; pos->GetLastErrorText( &str );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "ODBC Error Code( %d). Text: %s\n", rc, str.QueryStr() )); } # endif // DBG
} // CheckAndPrintErrorMessage()
# if DBG
static VOID PrintMultiString( IN char * pszMsg, IN DWORD cbLen, IN char * pmsz ) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Values of %s. %d bytes.\n", pszMsg, cbLen)); for( char * psz = pmsz; *psz != '\0'; psz += (strlen( psz) + 1)) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "%s\n", psz)); }
return; } // PrintMultiString()
static VOID AuxOdbcFunctions( IN HENV henv, IN HDBC hdbc) /*++
Function useful in walking throug a few additional ODBC functions to find out the ODBC setup information. Not to be part of the shipped code. Useful for development purposes. - MuraliK --*/ { RETCODE rc;
// Set the trace file to a standard file.
rc = pSQLSetConnectOption( hdbc, SQL_OPT_TRACE, SQL_OPT_TRACE_ON); DBG_ASSERT( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc));
rc = pSQLSetConnectOption( hdbc, SQL_OPT_TRACEFILE, ( SQLULEN )"%systemroot%\\system32\\gophsql.log" ); DBG_ASSERT( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc));
UCHAR szDriverDesc[ 300]; UCHAR szDriverAttrib[ 300]; SWORD cbDD = 300; SWORD cbDA = 300; SWORD cbDDCur = 0; SWORD cbDACur = 0;
szDriverDesc[0] = szDriverAttrib[0] = '\0'; rc = pSQLDrivers( henv, SQL_FETCH_FIRST, szDriverDesc, cbDD, &cbDDCur, szDriverAttrib, cbDA, &cbDACur); DBG_ASSERT( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc));
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " SQLDrivers( %08x) ==> RetCode = %d." " Driver Desc. = ( %d bytes) %s. ", henv, rc, cbDDCur, szDriverDesc)); PrintMultiString( " Driver Attributes", cbDACur, (char *) szDriverAttrib);
szDriverDesc[0] = szDriverAttrib[0] = '\0'; cbDDCur = cbDACur = 0; rc = pSQLDataSources( henv, SQL_FETCH_FIRST, szDriverDesc, cbDD, &cbDDCur, szDriverAttrib, cbDA, &cbDACur); DBG_ASSERT( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc));
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " SQLDataSources( %08x) ==> RetCode = %d." " Data Sources. = ( %d bytes) %s. ", henv, rc, cbDDCur, szDriverDesc)); PrintMultiString( " Data Source Description", cbDACur, (char *) szDriverAttrib);
return; } // AuxOdbcFunctions()
# endif // DBG
* Member Functions of ODBC_PARAMETER ************************************************************/
Description: This function copies the given Unicode string as the value into current parameter marker to be used for future insertion.
Arguments: pwszValue - pointer to null-terminated string containing Unicode value to be copied into the parameter marker.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there is any error.
Note: Since ODBC does not support Unicode directly right now, we convert string value to be ANSI before copying the value over. --*/ { HRESULT hr; STRA strValue;
hr = strValue.CopyW( pwszValue ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
return this->CopyValue( strValue.QueryStr() );
} // ODBC_PARAMETER::CopyValue()
Description: This function copies the given system time into the ODBC timestamp structure for the current parameter marker to be used for future insertion.
Arguments: lpSystemTime - pointer to System Time structure containing current time.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there is any error.
--*/ { TIMESTAMP_STRUCT * ptsOdbc;
ptsOdbc = ( TIMESTAMP_STRUCT * ) m_pValue;
DBG_ASSERT( m_pValue != NULL);
// Copy the individual fields over properly
// The types used in ODBC/Win32 are different
// So do a type specific copy of the values.
ptsOdbc->year = (SWORD ) lpst->wYear; ptsOdbc->month = (UWORD ) lpst->wMonth; ptsOdbc->day = (UWORD ) lpst->wDay; ptsOdbc->hour = (UWORD ) lpst->wHour; ptsOdbc->minute = (UWORD ) lpst->wMinute; ptsOdbc->second = (UWORD ) lpst->wSecond; ptsOdbc->fraction = (UDWORD ) lpst->wMilliseconds;
return S_OK;
} // ODBC_PARAMETER::CopyValue()
This functions binds the data about the parameter marker 'this' ( this object) represents to the statement provided.
Arguments: hStmt HANDLE for the statement to which this parameter is to be bound.
Returns: RETCODE value returned by SQLBindParamater(). --*/ { RETCODE rc; DBG_ASSERT( hStmt != SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
rc = pSQLBindParameter( hStmt, // statement
QueryParamNumber(), QueryParamType(), QueryCType(), QuerySqlType(), QueryPrecision(), QueryScale(), QueryValue(), QueryMaxCbValue(), &(QueryCbValueRef()) );
return ( rc);
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::BindParameter()
# if DBG
VOID ODBC_PARAMETER::Print( VOID ) const { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Printing ODBC_PARAMETER ( %08x).\n" " Num=%u; Type=%d; CType=%d; SqlType=%d; Prec=%u;" " Scale=%d; CbMax=%d; Cb=%d.\n", this, QueryParamNumber(), QueryParamType(), QueryCType(), QuerySqlType(), QueryPrecision(), QueryScale(), QueryMaxCbValue(), QueryCbValue()));
switch ( QuerySqlType() ) { case SQL_INTEGER: { DWORD dwValue = *(DWORD *) QueryValue(); DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Integer Value = %u\n", dwValue ) ); break; } case SQL_CHAR: { LPCSTR pszValue = (LPCSTR ) QueryValue(); DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "String Value( %08x) = %s\n", pszValue, pszValue ) ); break; } default: DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Type=%d. Unknown value at %08x\n", QuerySqlType(), QueryValue() ) ); break;
} // switch
} // ODBC_PARAMETER::Print()
# endif // DBG
* ODBC_STATEMENT member functions ************************************************************/
// Free the statement handle
if ( m_hStmt != SQL_NULL_HSTMT) {
m_rc = pSQLFreeStmt( m_hStmt, SQL_DROP); m_hStmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT;
// Ignore the error code here.
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SqlFreeStmt() return code %d.\n", m_rc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); } }
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect( IN LPCSTR pszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cchSqlCommand ) { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
BOOL fReturn;
IF_DEBUG( ODBC ) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Executing the SQL command (%d bytes) %s.\n", cchSqlCommand * sizeof( CHAR), pszSqlCommand)); }
// SQLExecDirect only likes Unsigned chars !
m_rc = pSQLExecDirect( m_hStmt, (UCHAR FAR *) pszSqlCommand, cchSqlCommand);
fReturn = ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc);
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " SQLExecDirect() returns code %d\n", m_rc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if( fReturn ) { return S_OK; } return E_FAIL;
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect()
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect( IN LPCWSTR pszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cchSqlCommand ) { HRESULT hr; STRA strCommand;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
hr = strCommand.CopyW( pszSqlCommand ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying sql command, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
return ExecDirect( strCommand.QueryStr(), strCommand.QueryCCH() );
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecDirect()
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatement( IN LPCSTR pszStatement ) /*++
This function prepares the SQL statement for future execution.
Arguments: pszStatement - pointer to null terminated string containing the statement.
Returns: HRESULT --*/ { BOOL fReturn;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
DBG_ASSERT( QueryErrorCode() == SQL_SUCCESS && pszStatement != NULL);
m_rc = pSQLPrepare( m_hStmt, (UCHAR FAR *) pszStatement, SQL_NTS);
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " SQLPrepare( %s) returns ErrorCode = %d.\n", pszStatement, m_rc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
m_fPreparedStmt = ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc );
if( m_fPreparedStmt ) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL;
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatment()
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatement( IN LPCWSTR pwszCommand ) /*++
This function prepares an ODBC statement for execution. Since ODBC does not support UNICODE, we convert the statement into ANSI before calling the APIs.
Arguments: pwszCommand - pointer to null-terminated string containing the statement to be prepared.
Returns: HRESULT --*/ { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; STRA strCommand; HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
hr = strCommand.CopyW( pwszCommand ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying command, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
return PrepareStatement( strCommand.QueryStr() );
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::PrepareStatement()
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
DBG_ASSERT( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc) && pOdbcParameter != NULL);
m_rc = pOdbcParameter->Bind( m_hStmt);
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc ); }
if( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL;
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::BindParameter()
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecuteStatement( VOID ) /*++
This function executes a prepared ODBC statement. At the end of execution, the transaction is also committed to ensure that the record is automatically written to the database.
Arguments: None
Returns: HRESULT
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
DBG_ASSERT( m_fPreparedStmt != FALSE);
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( QueryErrorCode()) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "!!WARNING!! - Attempting to use Invalid ODBC Connection!\n" )); }
m_rc = pSQLExecute( m_hStmt);
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL;
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::ExecuteStatement()
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::QueryRowCount( OUT DWORD * pcRows ) /*++
Calls SQLRowCount on the current result set.
NOTE: Not all database implementations support this!!
pcRows - Receives count of rows
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any failures.
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
m_rc = pSQLRowCount( m_hStmt, (SDWORD *) pcRows );
if( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::QueryColNames( STRA * * pastrCols, DWORD * cCols, DWORD cchMaxFieldSize, BOOL * pfHaveResultSet ) /*++
This method returns the list of column names from the result table
pastrCols - Receives an array of STRAs containing the column names cCols - Count of columns returned (zero for no result set) cchMaxFieldSize - Maximum buffer size to allocate for any data fields, zero means use the default value. pfHaveResultSet - Set to TRUE if the current query was a SELECT and thus has rows that can be enumerated
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any failures.
--*/ { HRESULT hr; SWORD nresultcols; SWORD i; CHAR achColName[64]; SWORD cchColName; SWORD ColType; DWORD cchColLength; SWORD scale; SWORD nullable;
*pastrCols = NULL; *cCols = 0; *pfHaveResultSet = TRUE;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// Return the old binding info if we already have it
if ( m_astrColNames ) { *pastrCols = m_astrColNames; *cCols = m_cCols;
return S_OK; }
// Provide a default maximum field size if none was specified
if ( !cchMaxFieldSize ) { cchMaxFieldSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_SIZE; }
// See what kind of statement it was. If there are no result
// columns, the statement is not a SELECT statement.
m_rc = pSQLNumResultCols( m_hStmt, &nresultcols );
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
if ( nresultcols > 0 ) { //
// Allocate an array of strings for the column names and
// the column values
m_cCols = nresultcols; *cCols = m_cCols;
m_astrColNames = new STRA[m_cCols]; m_astrValues = new STRA[m_cCols]; m_acbValue = new LONG[m_cCols];
if( m_astrColNames == NULL || m_astrValues == NULL || m_acbValue == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
// Otherwise, get the column names of the result set and
// use the display_size() function to compute the length
// needed by each data type. Next, bind the columns and
// specify all data will be converted to char.
for (i = 0; i < m_cCols; i++ ) { m_rc = pSQLDescribeCol( m_hStmt, i + 1, (UCHAR *) achColName, (SWORD)sizeof(achColName), &cchColName, &ColType, &cchColLength, &scale, &nullable );
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
// Select the buffer size for the retrieved data for
// this column
cchColLength = ODBC_CONNECTION::DisplaySize( ColType, min( cchColLength, cchMaxFieldSize ) );
// Copy the column name and set the column data size
hr = m_astrColNames[i].Copy( achColName ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying colume name, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = m_astrValues[i].Resize( cchColLength + 1 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing string buffer, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
m_rc = pSQLBindCol( m_hStmt, i + 1, SQL_C_CHAR, m_astrValues[i].QueryStr(), cchColLength, &m_acbValue[i] );
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return E_FAIL; } }
*pastrCols = m_astrColNames; *cCols = m_cCols; } else { *pfHaveResultSet = FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::QueryValuesAsStr( STRA * * pastrValues, OUT DWORD * * pacbValues, BOOL * pfLast ) /*++
This method gets the data at the current position.
pastrValues - Receives a pointer to an array of strings that contains the alphanumeric representation of that field pacbValues - Receives pointer to array of DWORDs that contain the length of the field pfLast - Set to TRUE if there are no more values to retrieve
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
*pastrValues = NULL;
// Build the bindings if we haven't already
if ( !m_astrColNames ) { STRA * astrCols; DWORD cCols; BOOL fHaveResultSet;
hr = QueryColNames( &astrCols, &cCols, 0, &fHaveResultSet ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } }
// If there are columns to enumerate, get them now
if ( m_astrColNames ) { DWORD i;
// Zero terminate the columns as some drivers don't write
// anything for NULL fields
for ( i = 0; i < m_cCols; i++ ) { *((CHAR *) m_astrValues[i].QueryStr()) = '\0'; m_acbValue[i] = 0; }
// Fill in the binding values
m_rc = pSQLFetch( m_hStmt );
if ( m_rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) { *pfLast = TRUE; } else { if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
*pfLast = FALSE; }
*pastrValues = m_astrValues; *pacbValues = ( DWORD * ) m_acbValue; } else { *pfLast = TRUE; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_STATEMENT::MoreResults( BOOL * pfMoreResults ) /*++
Determines if there are any more results sets to return to the user
pfMoreResults - Set to TRUE if there are more results in the result set
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
*pfMoreResults = TRUE;
m_rc = pSQLMoreResults( m_hStmt );
if ( m_rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) { *pfMoreResults = FALSE; return S_OK; }
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc )) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
VOID ODBC_STATEMENT::FreeColumnMemory( VOID ) /*++
This method frees memory allocated by the QueryColNames and QueryValuesAsStr methods.
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
if ( m_astrColNames ) delete [] m_astrColNames; if ( m_astrValues ) delete [] m_astrValues; if ( m_acbValue ) delete [] m_acbValue;
m_astrColNames = NULL; m_astrValues = NULL; m_acbValue = NULL; }
Routine Description:
Initialize ODBC_STATEMENT lookaside
Return Value:
acConfig.nConcurrency = 1; acConfig.nThreshold = 100; acConfig.cbSize = sizeof( ODBC_STATEMENT );
DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachOdbcStatements == NULL ); sm_pachOdbcStatements = new ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER( "ODBC_STATEMENT", &acConfig );
if ( sm_pachOdbcStatements == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } return NO_ERROR; }
Routine Description:
Terminate ODBC_STATEMENT lookaside
Return Value:
--*/ { if ( sm_pachOdbcStatements != NULL ) { delete sm_pachOdbcStatements; sm_pachOdbcStatements = NULL; } }
# if DBG
VOID ODBC_STATEMENT::Print( VOID) const { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Printing ODBC_STATEMENT( %08x)." " HStmt = %08x. OdbcConn=%08x. RetCode = %d\n", m_hStmt, m_pOdbcConnection, m_rc));
} // ODBC_STATEMENT::Print()
# endif // DBG
* Member Functions of class ODBC_CONNECTION **************************************************/
This function closes the odbc connection ( if open) and cleans up.
--*/ { DBG_REQUIRE( SUCCEEDED( Close() ) );
HRESULT ODBC_CONNECTION::Open( IN LPCSTR pszDataSource, IN LPCSTR pszUserName, IN LPCSTR pszPassword ) /*++
This function opens a new odbc connection to given data source using the user name and password supplied.
Arguments: pszDataSource - pointer to null-terminated string containing ODBC data source name pszUserName - pointer to null-terminated string containing UserName pszPassword - pointer to null-terminated string containing Password
HRESULT --*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( pszDataSource != NULL && pszUserName != NULL && pszPassword != NULL );
// Allocate an ODBC environment
m_rc = pSQLAllocEnv( &m_henv ); fReturn = Success( m_rc );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLAllocEnv() returned ErrorCode %d. henv = %08x\n", m_rc, m_henv));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if ( fReturn ) {
// Establish memory for connection handle within the environment
m_rc = pSQLAllocConnect( m_henv, &m_hdbc); fReturn = Success( m_rc);
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLAllocConnect() returns code %d. hdbc = %08x\n", m_rc, m_hdbc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); } }
if ( fReturn) {
// Use Following call to just printout the dynamic values for ODBC
// AuxOdbcFunctions( m_henv, m_hdbc);
#if 0
{ STRA str; STRA strOut; SWORD swStrOut;
if ( FAILED( str.Append( pszDataSource ) ) || FAILED( str.Append( ";UID=" ) ) || FAILED( str.Append( pszUserName ) ) || FAILED( str.Append( ";PWD=" ) ) || FAILED( str.Append( pszPassword ) ) || FAILED( str.Append( ";APP=Internet Services") ) || FAILED( strOut.Resize( 255 ) ) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
m_rc = pSQLDriverConnect( m_hdbc, NULL, (UCHAR *) str.QueryStr(), SQL_NTS, (UCHAR *) strOut.QueryStr(), strOut.QuerySize(), &swStrOut, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT ); } #else
{ m_rc = pSQLConnect( m_hdbc, (UCHAR FAR *) pszDataSource, SQL_NTS, (UCHAR FAR *) pszUserName, SQL_NTS, (UCHAR FAR *) pszPassword, SQL_NTS ); } #endif
fReturn = Success( m_rc);
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLConnect( %s, %s, %s) returns code %d.\n", pszDataSource, pszUserName, pszPassword, m_rc ) );
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc ); } }
m_fValid = fReturn;
if ( !fReturn ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ); }
return hr;
HRESULT ODBC_CONNECTION::Open( IN LPCWSTR pwszDataSource, IN LPCWSTR pwszUserName, IN LPCWSTR pwszPassword ) /*++
This function opens a new odbc connection to given data source using the user name and password supplied.
Arguments: pwszDataSource - pointer to null-terminated string containing ODBC data source name pwszUserName - pointer to null-terminated string containing UserName pwszPassword - pointer to null-terminated string containing Password
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there is an error.
Note: Poor me. ODBC Does not take UNICODE strings :(. 2/15/95 So we will explicitly convert parameters to ANSI on stack. --*/ { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; STRA strDataSource; STRA strUserName; STRA strPassword;
// Convert all parameters from UNICODE to ANSI
hr = strDataSource.CopyW( pwszDataSource ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
hr = strUserName.CopyW( pwszUserName ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
hr = strPassword.CopyW( pwszPassword ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
// Make an ANSI open call.
hr = Open( strDataSource.QueryStr(), strUserName.QueryStr(), strPassword.QueryStr() );
// Zero the password for security reasons.
memset( strPassword.QueryStr(), 0, strPassword.QueryCB() );
return hr;
This function closes the connection established with the ODBC and frees up and dynamic memory used.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any failures.
Note: Intermediate failures are ignored. Normally they should not occur.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Disconnect and free the connection.
if ( m_hdbc != SQL_NULL_HDBC) { m_rc = pSQLDisconnect( m_hdbc );
// Disconnect is allowed to fail w/o being fatal so don't set
// fReturn
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Warning: SQLDisconnect() returns code %d.\n", m_rc)); CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
m_rc = pSQLFreeConnect( m_hdbc);
m_hdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC;
fReturn = fReturn && Success( m_rc);
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLFreeConnect() returns code %d.\n", m_rc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if( !fReturn ) { return E_FAIL; } }
// Free the ODBC environment handle.
if ( m_henv != SQL_NULL_HENV) {
m_rc = pSQLFreeEnv( m_henv); m_henv = SQL_NULL_HENV; fReturn = fReturn && Success( m_rc);
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLFreeEnv() returns code %d.\n", m_rc));
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if( !fReturn ) { return E_FAIL; } }
return S_OK;
Description: This function allocates a new ODBC statement object and also calls SQLAllocStatement to create the state required for establishing the statement in the ODBC Manager.
Arguments: None
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there is any failure. --*/ { PODBC_STATEMENT pOdbcStmt = NULL; HSTMT hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT;
DBG_ASSERT( Success( m_rc));
// Allocate a statement handle and associate it with the connection.
m_rc = pSQLAllocStmt( m_hdbc, &hstmt);
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SqlAllocStmt() returns code %d." " New Hstmt is : %08x\n", m_rc, hstmt)); CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, m_rc); }
if ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( m_rc)) {
pOdbcStmt = new ODBC_STATEMENT( this, hstmt); }
return ( pOdbcStmt );
} // ODBC_CONNECTION::AllocStatement()
Sets various options on this connection
Option - Option to set Param - Option value (32 bit dword or pointer to null terminated string )
Returns: HRESULT. Failures are considered to be soft errors as the problem may be the driver doesn't support the option etc.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; RETCODE rc;
if ( m_hdbc != SQL_NULL_HDBC) { rc = pSQLSetConnectOption( m_hdbc, Option, Param );
fReturn = Success( rc );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLSetConnectOption( %d, %d ) returns code %d.\n", Option, Param, rc ) );
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, rc); } } else { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "[SetConnectOption] Warning: " "Setting option on closed connection\n" )); }
if( fReturn ) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
BOOL ODBC_CONNECTION::GetLastErrorText( OUT STRA * pstrError, IN HSTMT hstmt, IN RETCODE rc ) const /*++
This method returns the textual representation of the last ODBC or windows error that occurred. Even though the ODBC methods return FALSE on failure, if it was an ODBC call that failed, then GetLastError won't return the needed error code. Clients of this class should call this method to get a descriptive text string of the failure.
TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any failures.
Note: If this function returns FALSE, then a client should call GetLastError for the error code.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
if ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) {
fReturn = SUCCEEDED(pstrError->LoadString( GetLastError() ));
} else { CHAR rgchMsg[ SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 10]; CHAR achState[30]; CHAR rgchFullMsg[ sizeof(rgchMsg) + sizeof(achState) + 60]; SWORD cbMsg; LONG lError; DWORD dwError;
// If we're formatting as HTML, we bullet list the items
// Loop to pick up all of the errors
rc = pSQLError( m_henv, m_hdbc, hstmt, (UCHAR *) achState, &lError, (UCHAR *) rgchMsg, cbMsg, &cbMsg );
if ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) { wsprintfA( rgchFullMsg, "[State=%s][Error=%d]%s\n", achState, lError, rgchMsg);
if ( FAILED( pstrError->Append( rgchFullMsg ) ) ) {
fReturn = FALSE; break; } } else { //
// This is indicates there are no more error strings
// to pick up so we should get out
if ( rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) { //
// Append the end of unorder list marker
rc = SQL_SUCCESS; break; } }
} while ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc ) );
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc ) ) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetLastErrorText] SqlError() returned error %d.\n", rc));
SetLastError( ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ); fReturn = FALSE; } }
return ( fReturn);
} // ODBC_CONNECTION::GetLastErrorText()
BOOL ODBC_CONNECTION::GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( OUT STRA * pstrError, IN HSTMT hstmt, IN RETCODE rc ) const /*++
This method returns the textual representation of the last ODBC or windows error that occurred. Even though the ODBC methods return FALSE on failure, if it was an ODBC call that failed, then GetLastError won't return the needed error code. Clients of this class should call this method to get a descriptive text string of the failure.
TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any failures.
Note: If this function returns FALSE, then a client should call GetLastError for the error code.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; HRESULT hr;
if ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) {
fReturn = SUCCEEDED(pstrError->LoadString( GetLastError()));
} else {
CHAR rgchMsg[ SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 10]; CHAR achState[30]; CHAR rgchFullMsg[ sizeof(rgchMsg) + sizeof(achState) + 60]; SWORD cbMsg; LONG lError; DWORD dwError;
// If we're formatting as HTML, we bullet list the items
if ( FAILED( hr = pstrError->Copy( "<UL>" ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying error data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return FALSE; }
// Loop to pick up all of the errors
rc = pSQLError( m_henv, m_hdbc, hstmt, (UCHAR *) achState, &lError, (UCHAR *) rgchMsg, cbMsg, &cbMsg );
if ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc)) { wsprintfA( rgchFullMsg, "<LI>[State=%s][Error=%d]%s\n", achState, lError, rgchMsg);
if ( FAILED( hr = pstrError->Append( rgchFullMsg ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending error msg, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
fReturn = FALSE; break; } } else { //
// This is indicates there are no more error strings
// to pick up so we should get out
if ( rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) { //
// Append the end of unorder list marker
if ( FAILED( hr = pstrError->Append( "</UL>" ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending error, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return FALSE; }
rc = SQL_SUCCESS; break; } }
} while ( ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc ) );
if ( !ODBC_CONNECTION::Success( rc) ) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetLastErrorText] SqlError() returned error %d.\n", rc ) );
SetLastError( ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ); fReturn = FALSE; } }
return ( fReturn);
} // ODBC_CONNECTION::GetLastErrorTextAsHtml()
BOOL ODBC_CONNECTION::GetInfo(IN DWORD fInfoType, IN PVOID rgbInfoValue, IN DWORD cbInfoValueMax, IN OUT DWORD * pcbInfoValue) /*++
This function obtains the value of the fInfoType for a specific ODBC Connection. It mimicks the SQLGetInfo() and uses it to obtain this value. On successful return the pointer rgbInfoValue contains the requested value and pcbInfoValue contains the size in bytes of data.
Arguments: fInfoType - flag containing the Information Type (name) to be fetched. rgbInfoValue - pointer to buffer which will contain the return data. cbInfoValue - size of rgbInfoValue in bytes. pcbInfoValue - pointer to location that will contain the size of information stored in rgbInfoValue, on successful return. If buffer is insufficient, this location will contain the required number of bytes.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there is any failure.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if ( m_hdbc != SQL_NULL_HDBC) { RETCODE rc;
rc = pSQLGetInfo( m_hdbc, (UWORD ) fInfoType, (PTR) rgbInfoValue, (SWORD) cbInfoValueMax, (SWORD FAR *) pcbInfoValue );
fReturn = Success( rc );
IF_DEBUG( ODBC) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "SQLGetInfo( %08x, %d, %08x, %d, %08x) returns %d.\n", m_hdbc, fInfoType, rgbInfoValue, cbInfoValueMax, pcbInfoValue, rc ) );
CheckAndPrintErrorMessage( this, rc ); } } else { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "[SQLGetInfo] Invalid Connection to ODBC\n")); }
return ( fReturn );
// Note that we always set the size to at least four bytes.
// This prevents any possible problems if the column to be
// bound is NULLable, which can cause a NULL to be written
// for the data during a fetch
switch ( coltype ) { case SQL_CHAR: case SQL_VARCHAR: case SQL_LONGVARCHAR: case SQL_BINARY: case SQL_VARBINARY: case SQL_LONGVARBINARY: cbSize = max(collen + sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(PVOID)); break;
default: break; }
return ( cbSize);
} // ODBC_CONNECTION::DisplaySize()
# if DBG
VOID ODBC_CONNECTION::Print( VOID ) const { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Printing ODBC_CONNECTION ( %08x). fValid = %d\n" " HENV = %08x. HDBC = %08x. ReturnCode =%d\n", this, m_fValid, m_henv, m_hdbc, m_rc)); return;
# endif // DBG