Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : servervar.cxx
Abstract: Server Variable evaluation goo Author: Bilal Alam (balam) 20-Feb-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: ULW3.DLL --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
// Hash table mapping variable name to a PFN_SERVER_VARIABLE_ROUTINE
SERVER_VARIABLE_RECORD SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::sm_rgServerRoutines[] = { { "ALL_HTTP", GetServerVariableAllHttp, NULL }, { "ALL_RAW", GetServerVariableAllRaw, NULL }, { "APPL_MD_PATH", GetServerVariableApplMdPath, GetServerVariableApplMdPathW }, { "APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH", GetServerVariableApplPhysicalPath, GetServerVariableApplPhysicalPathW }, { "AUTH_PASSWORD", GetServerVariableAuthPassword, NULL }, { "AUTH_TYPE", GetServerVariableAuthType, NULL }, { "AUTH_USER", GetServerVariableRemoteUser, GetServerVariableRemoteUserW }, { "CERT_COOKIE", GetServerVariableClientCertCookie, NULL }, { "CERT_FLAGS", GetServerVariableClientCertFlags, NULL }, { "CERT_ISSUER", GetServerVariableClientCertIssuer, NULL }, { "CERT_KEYSIZE", GetServerVariableHttpsKeySize, NULL }, { "CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE", GetServerVariableHttpsSecretKeySize, NULL }, { "CERT_SERIALNUMBER", GetServerVariableClientCertSerialNumber, NULL }, { "CERT_SERVER_ISSUER", GetServerVariableHttpsServerIssuer, NULL }, { "CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT", GetServerVariableHttpsServerSubject, NULL }, { "CERT_SUBJECT", GetServerVariableClientCertSubject, NULL }, { "CONTENT_LENGTH", GetServerVariableContentLength, NULL }, { "CONTENT_TYPE", GetServerVariableContentType, NULL }, { "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", GetServerVariableGatewayInterface, NULL }, { "LOGON_USER", GetServerVariableLogonUser, GetServerVariableLogonUserW }, { "HTTPS", GetServerVariableHttps, NULL }, { "HTTPS_KEYSIZE", GetServerVariableHttpsKeySize, NULL }, { "HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE", GetServerVariableHttpsSecretKeySize, NULL }, { "HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER", GetServerVariableHttpsServerIssuer, NULL }, { "HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT", GetServerVariableHttpsServerSubject, NULL }, { "INSTANCE_ID", GetServerVariableInstanceId, NULL }, { "INSTANCE_META_PATH", GetServerVariableInstanceMetaPath, NULL }, { "PATH_INFO", GetServerVariablePathInfo, GetServerVariablePathInfoW }, { "PATH_TRANSLATED", GetServerVariablePathTranslated, GetServerVariablePathTranslatedW }, { "QUERY_STRING", GetServerVariableQueryString, NULL }, { "REMOTE_ADDR", GetServerVariableRemoteAddr, NULL }, { "REMOTE_HOST", GetServerVariableRemoteHost, NULL }, { "REMOTE_USER", GetServerVariableRemoteUser, GetServerVariableRemoteUserW }, { "REQUEST_METHOD", GetServerVariableRequestMethod, NULL }, { "SCRIPT_NAME", GetServerVariableUrl, GetServerVariableUrlW }, { "SERVER_NAME", GetServerVariableServerName, NULL }, { "LOCAL_ADDR", GetServerVariableLocalAddr, NULL }, { "SERVER_PORT", GetServerVariableServerPort, NULL }, { "SERVER_PORT_SECURE", GetServerVariableServerPortSecure, NULL }, { "SERVER_PROTOCOL", GetServerVariableHttpVersion, NULL }, { "SERVER_SOFTWARE", GetServerVariableServerSoftware, NULL }, { "UNMAPPED_REMOTE_USER", GetServerVariableRemoteUser, GetServerVariableRemoteUserW }, { "URL", GetServerVariableUrl, GetServerVariableUrlW }, { "HTTP_URL", GetServerVariableHttpUrl, NULL }, { "HTTP_METHOD", GetServerVariableRequestMethod, NULL }, { "HTTP_VERSION", GetServerVariableHttpVersion, NULL }, { "APP_POOL_ID", GetServerVariableAppPoolId, GetServerVariableAppPoolIdW }, { "SCRIPT_TRANSLATED", GetServerVariableScriptTranslated, GetServerVariableScriptTranslatedW }, { "UNENCODED_URL", GetServerVariableUnencodedUrl, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } };
Routine Description:
Initialize global server variable hash table
Return Value:
--*/ { SERVER_VARIABLE_RECORD * pRecord; LK_RETCODE lkrc = LK_SUCCESS; sm_pRequestHash = new SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH; if ( sm_pRequestHash == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } //
// Add every string->routine mapping
pRecord = sm_rgServerRoutines; while ( pRecord->_pszName != NULL ) { lkrc = sm_pRequestHash->InsertRecord( pRecord ); if ( lkrc != LK_SUCCESS ) { break; } pRecord++; } //
// If any insert failed, then fail initialization
if ( lkrc != LK_SUCCESS ) { delete sm_pRequestHash; sm_pRequestHash = NULL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lkrc ); // ARGH
} else { return NO_ERROR; } }
Routine Description:
Cleanup global server variable hash table
Return Value:
--*/ { if ( sm_pRequestHash != NULL ) { delete sm_pRequestHash; sm_pRequestHash = NULL; } }
Routine Description:
Lookup the hash table for a routine to evaluate the given variable
pszName - Name of server variable ppfnRoutine - Set to the routine if successful
Return Value:
--*/ { LK_RETCODE lkrc; SERVER_VARIABLE_RECORD* pServerVariableRecord = NULL; if ( pszName == NULL || ppfnRoutine == NULL || ppfnRoutineW == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } DBG_ASSERT( sm_pRequestHash != NULL ); lkrc = sm_pRequestHash->FindKey( pszName, &pServerVariableRecord ); if ( lkrc != LK_SUCCESS ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( pServerVariableRecord != NULL ); *ppfnRoutine = pServerVariableRecord->_pfnRoutine; *ppfnRoutineW = pServerVariableRecord->_pfnRoutineW; return NO_ERROR; } }
HRESULT SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::GetServerVariable( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, CHAR * pszVariableName, CHAR * pszBuffer, DWORD * pcbBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get server variable
pW3Context - W3_CONTEXT with request state. Can be NULL if we are just determining whether the server variable requested is valid. pszVariable - Variable name to retrieve pszBuffer - Filled with variable on success pcbBuffer - On input, the size of input buffer. On out, the required size
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
if (pszVariableName[0] == 'U' && strncmp(pszVariableName, "UNICODE_", 8) == 0) { STACK_STRU (strValW, MAX_PATH);
if (FAILED( hr = GetServerVariableW( pW3Context, pszVariableName + 8, &strValW ) ) || FAILED( hr = strValW.CopyToBuffer( (LPWSTR)pszBuffer, pcbBuffer ) ) ) { return hr; } } else { STACK_STRA (strVal, MAX_PATH);
if (FAILED( hr = GetServerVariable( pW3Context, pszVariableName, &strVal ) ) || FAILED( hr = strVal.CopyToBuffer( pszBuffer, pcbBuffer ) ) ) { return hr; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::GetServerVariable( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, CHAR * pszVariableName, STRA * pstrVal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get server variable
pW3Context - W3_CONTEXT with request state. Can be NULL if we are just determining whether the server variable requested is valid. If NULL, we will return an empty string (and success) if the variable requested is valid. pszVariable - Variable name to retrieve pstrVal - Filled with variable on success
Return Value:
// First: Is this a server variable we know about? If so handle it
// by calling the appropriate server variable routine
hr = SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::GetServerVariableRoutine( pszVariableName, &pfnRoutine, &pfnRoutineW ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { DBG_ASSERT( pfnRoutine != NULL );
if ( pW3Context != NULL ) { return pfnRoutine( pW3Context, pstrVal ); } else { //
// Just return empty string to signify that the variable is
// valid but we just don't know the value at this time
return pstrVal->Copy( "", 0 ); } }
// Second: Is this a header name (prefixed with HTTP_)
if ( pW3Context != NULL && pszVariableName[ 0 ] == 'H' && !strncmp( pszVariableName, "HTTP_" , 5 ) ) { STACK_STRA( strVariable, 256 );
hr = strVariable.Copy( pszVariableName + 5 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
// Change '_' to '-'
PCHAR pszCursor = strchr( strVariable.QueryStr(), '_' ); while ( pszCursor != NULL ) { *pszCursor++ = '-'; pszCursor = strchr( pszCursor, '_' ); }
return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetHeader( strVariable, pstrVal ); }
HRESULT SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::GetServerVariableW( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, CHAR * pszVariableName, STRU * pstrVal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get server variable
pW3Context - W3_CONTEXT with request state. Can be NULL if we are just determining whether the server variable requested is valid. If NULL, we will return an empty string (and success) if the variable requested is valid. pszVariable - Variable name to retrieve pstrVal - Filled with variable on success
Return Value:
hr = SERVER_VARIABLE_HASH::GetServerVariableRoutine( pszVariableName, &pfnRoutine, &pfnRoutineW ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if (pW3Context == NULL) { //
// Just return empty string to signify that the variable is
// valid but we just don't know the value at this time
return pstrVal->Copy( L"", 0 ); }
if (pfnRoutineW != NULL) { //
// This server-variable contains real unicode data and there
// is a unicode ServerVariable routine for this
return pfnRoutineW( pW3Context, pstrVal ); } else { //
// No unicode version, use the ANSI version and just wide'ize it
STACK_STRA( straVal, 256);
DBG_ASSERT( pfnRoutine != NULL );
if (FAILED(hr = pfnRoutine( pW3Context, &straVal )) || FAILED(hr = pstrVal->CopyA( straVal.QueryStr(), straVal.QueryCCH() ))) { return hr; }
return S_OK; } }
// Server variable functions
HRESULT GetServerVariableQueryString( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetQueryStringA(pstrVal); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAllHttp( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetAllHeaders( pstrVal, TRUE ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAllRaw( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetAllHeaders( pstrVal, FALSE ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableContentLength( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); PCHAR pszContentLength; CHAR szMinusOne[33]; // Max documented size of _ultoa
if ( pW3Context->QueryRequest()->IsChunkedRequest() ) { _ultoa( (unsigned long) -1, szMinusOne, 10 ); pszContentLength = szMinusOne; } else { pszContentLength = pW3Context->QueryRequest()-> GetHeader( HttpHeaderContentLength ); }
if ( pszContentLength == NULL ) { pszContentLength = "0"; }
return pstrVal->Copy( pszContentLength ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableContentType( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); PCHAR pszContentType = pW3Context->QueryRequest()-> GetHeader( HttpHeaderContentType ); if ( pszContentType == NULL ) { pszContentType = ""; }
return pstrVal->Copy( pszContentType ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableInstanceId( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); CHAR pszId[16]; _itoa( pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QuerySiteId(), pszId, 10 );
return pstrVal->Copy( pszId ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableRemoteHost( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { HRESULT hr; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
// If we have a resolved DNS name, then use it. Otherwise just
// return the address
hr = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->GetRemoteDNSName( pstrVal ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ) { hr = GetServerVariableRemoteAddr( pW3Context, pstrVal ); } return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableRemoteAddr( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DWORD dwAddr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryRemoteAddress();
// The dwAddr is reverse order from in_addr...
in_addr inAddr; inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0xff000000 ) >> 24); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = (u_char) ( dwAddr & 0x000000ff );
LPSTR pszAddr = inet_ntoa( inAddr ); if ( pszAddr == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return pstrVal->Copy( pszAddr ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableServerName( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
// If the client send a host name, use it.
CHAR *szHost = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetHeader( HttpHeaderHost );
if ( szHost ) { CHAR *pszColon = strchr( szHost, ':' );
if (pszColon == NULL) { return pstrVal->Copy( szHost ); } else { return pstrVal->Copy( szHost, DIFF( pszColon - szHost ) ); } }
// No host from the client, so populate the buffer with
// the IP address.
DWORD dwAddr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryLocalAddress();
// The dwAddr is reverse order from in_addr...
in_addr inAddr; inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0xff000000 ) >> 24); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = (u_char) ( dwAddr & 0x000000ff );
LPSTR pszAddr = inet_ntoa( inAddr ); if ( pszAddr == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return pstrVal->Copy( pszAddr ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableServerPort( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
USHORT port = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryLocalPort();
CHAR szPort[8]; _itoa( port, szPort, 10 );
return pstrVal->Copy( szPort ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariablePathInfo( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext; pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext();
// We might be called in an early filter where URL context isn't available
if ( pUrlContext == NULL ) { pstrVal->Reset(); return NO_ERROR; }
W3_URL_INFO *pUrlInfo; DBG_REQUIRE( pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo() );
W3_SITE *pSite; DBG_REQUIRE( pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite() );
W3_HANDLER *pHandler; pHandler = pW3Context->QueryHandler();
// In the case of script maps, if AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings
// is not set for the site, we ignore path info, it is
// just the URL
if ( pHandler != NULL && pHandler->QueryScriptMapEntry() && !pSite->QueryAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings() ) { STACK_STRU (strUrl, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( &strUrl )) || FAILED(hr = pstrVal->CopyW( strUrl.QueryStr() ))) { return hr; }
return S_OK; } else { // BUGBUG: do real conversion?
return pstrVal->CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryPathInfo()->QueryStr() ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariablePathInfoW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext; pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext();
// We might be called in an early filter where URL context isn't available
if ( pUrlContext == NULL ) { pstrVal->Reset(); return NO_ERROR; }
W3_URL_INFO *pUrlInfo; DBG_REQUIRE( pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo() );
W3_SITE *pSite; DBG_REQUIRE( pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite() );
W3_HANDLER *pHandler; pHandler = pW3Context->QueryHandler();
// In the case of script maps, if AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings
// is not set for the site, we ignore path info, it is
// just the URL
if ( pHandler != NULL && pHandler->QueryScriptMapEntry() && !pSite->QueryAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings() ) { return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( pstrVal ); } else { return pstrVal->Copy( pUrlInfo->QueryPathInfo()->QueryStr() ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariablePathTranslated( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext; pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext();
W3_URL_INFO *pUrlInfo; DBG_REQUIRE( pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo() );
W3_SITE *pSite; DBG_REQUIRE( pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite() );
W3_HANDLER *pHandler; pHandler = pW3Context->QueryHandler();
BOOL fUsePathInfo; if ( pHandler != NULL && pHandler->QueryScriptMapEntry() && !pSite->QueryAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings() ) { fUsePathInfo = FALSE; } else { fUsePathInfo = TRUE; }
STACK_STRU (struPathTranslated, 256); //
// This is a new virtual path to have filters map
hr = pUrlInfo->GetPathTranslated( pW3Context, fUsePathInfo, &struPathTranslated );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // BUGBUG: do proper conversion?
hr = pstrVal->CopyW( struPathTranslated.QueryStr() ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariablePathTranslatedW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext; pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext();
W3_URL_INFO *pUrlInfo; DBG_REQUIRE( pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo() );
W3_SITE *pSite; DBG_REQUIRE( pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite() );
W3_HANDLER *pHandler; pHandler = pW3Context->QueryHandler();
BOOL fUsePathInfo; if ( pHandler != NULL && pHandler->QueryScriptMapEntry() && !pSite->QueryAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings() ) { fUsePathInfo = FALSE; } else { fUsePathInfo = TRUE; }
// This is a new virtual path to have filters map
return pUrlInfo->GetPathTranslated( pW3Context, fUsePathInfo, pstrVal ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableRequestMethod( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetVerbString( pstrVal ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableServerPortSecure( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); if ( pW3Context->QueryRequest()->IsSecureRequest() ) { return pstrVal->Copy("1", 1); }
return pstrVal->Copy("0", 1); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableServerSoftware( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
// BUGBUG - probably don't want this hardcoded...
return pstrVal->Copy( SERVER_SOFTWARE_STRING ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableUrl( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext; W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo; STACK_STRU( strUrl, 256 ); HRESULT hr; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); //
// URL context can be NULL if an early filter is called GetServerVar()
pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); if ( pUrlContext != NULL ) { pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlInfo != NULL ); return pstrVal->CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryProcessedUrl()->QueryStr() ); } else { hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( &strUrl ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } return pstrVal->CopyW( strUrl.QueryStr() ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableUrlW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext; W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); //
// URL context can be NULL if an early filter is called GetServerVar()
pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); if ( pUrlContext != NULL ) { pUrlInfo = pUrlContext->QueryUrlInfo(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlInfo != NULL ); return pstrVal->Copy( pUrlInfo->QueryProcessedUrl()->QueryStr() ); } else { return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableInstanceMetaPath( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
STRU *pstrMetaPath = pW3Context->QuerySite()->QueryMBPath(); DBG_ASSERT( pstrMetaPath );
// BUGBUG: do proper conversion?
return pstrVal->CopyW( pstrMetaPath->QueryStr() ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableLogonUser( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); W3_USER_CONTEXT *pUserContext; pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext(); if ( pUserContext == NULL ) { return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetRequestUserName( pstrVal ); } else { return pstrVal->CopyW( pUserContext->QueryUserName() ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableLogonUserW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); W3_USER_CONTEXT *pUserContext; pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext(); if ( pUserContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->CopyA( pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryRequestUserName()->QueryStr() ); } else { return pstrVal->Copy( pUserContext->QueryUserName() ); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableRemoteUser( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { HRESULT hr; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetRequestUserName( pstrVal ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } if ( pstrVal->IsEmpty() ) { W3_USER_CONTEXT *pUserContext; pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext(); if ( pUserContext != NULL ) { hr = pstrVal->CopyW( pUserContext->QueryRemoteUserName() ); } else { hr = NO_ERROR; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableRemoteUserW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); STRA *pstrUserName = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryRequestUserName(); if ( pstrUserName->IsEmpty() ) { W3_USER_CONTEXT *pUserContext; pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext(); if ( pUserContext != NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( pUserContext->QueryRemoteUserName() ); } } else { return pstrVal->CopyA( pstrUserName->QueryStr() ); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAuthType( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pstrVal != NULL );
W3_USER_CONTEXT *pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext();
if ( pUserContext != NULL ) { if ( pUserContext->QueryAuthType() == MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT ) { pstrVal->Copy( "SSL/PCT" ); } else if ( pUserContext->QueryAuthType() == MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS ) { pstrVal->Copy( "" ); } else { hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetAuthType( pstrVal ); } } else { DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAuthPassword( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { W3_USER_CONTEXT * pUserContext; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); pUserContext = pW3Context->QueryUserContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUserContext != NULL );
return pstrVal->CopyW( pUserContext->QueryPassword() ); }
// GetServerVariableApplMdPath & GetServerVariableApplPhysicalPath
// both try to deal with missing or invalid MD_APP_PATH data. In IIS5
// they never had to, because MD_APP_PATH was used by wam when
// initiallizing the CWamInfo object. If/When we include applications
// into the isapi handler, these functions should be simplified.
// TaylorW 3-27-00
HRESULT GetServerVariableApplMdPath( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { //
// CODEWORK - Child Execute
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); if (pUrlContext == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
W3_METADATA *pMetaData = pUrlContext->QueryMetaData(); if (pMetaData == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
STRU * pstrAppMetaPath = pMetaData->QueryAppMetaPath(); HRESULT hr;
if( pstrAppMetaPath->IsEmpty() ) { //
// This really shouldn't be necessary, because we should not
// even start up if there is no application defined, but we
// do right now and stress does not property call AppCreate.
W3_SITE * pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite(); DBG_ASSERT( pSite );
STRU * pstrSiteMetaRoot = pSite->QueryMBRoot(); hr = pstrVal->CopyW( pstrSiteMetaRoot->QueryStr() ); } else { hr = pstrVal->CopyW( pstrAppMetaPath->QueryStr() ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableApplMdPathW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); if (pUrlContext == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
W3_METADATA *pMetaData = pUrlContext->QueryMetaData(); if (pMetaData == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
STRU * pstrAppMetaPath = pMetaData->QueryAppMetaPath(); HRESULT hr;
if( pstrAppMetaPath->IsEmpty() ) { //
// This really shouldn't be necessary, because we should not
// even start up if there is no application defined, but we
// do right now and stress does not property call AppCreate.
W3_SITE * pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite(); DBG_ASSERT( pSite );
STRU * pstrSiteMetaRoot = pSite->QueryMBRoot(); hr = pstrVal->Copy( pstrSiteMetaRoot->QueryStr() ); } else { hr = pstrVal->Copy( pstrAppMetaPath->QueryStr() ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableApplPhysicalPath( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pstrVal );
hr = GetServerVariableApplMdPath( pW3Context, &strAppMetaPath );
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// pstrAppMetaPath is a full metabase path:
// /LM/W3SVC/<site>/Root/...
// To convert it to a physical path we will use
// W3_STATE_URLINFO::MapPath, but this requires
// that we remove the metabase prefixes and build
// a Url string.
// Get the metabase path for the site root
W3_SITE *pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite(); DBG_ASSERT( pSite );
STRU *pstrSiteRoot = pSite->QueryMBRoot(); DBG_ASSERT( pstrSiteRoot );
// Make some assumptions about the site path and the AppMetaPath
// being well-formed. The AppMetaPath may not have a terminating
// /, but the site root will.
DBG_ASSERT( pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() >= sizeof("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/") - 1 );
if( strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() < pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1 ) { //
// This indicates an invalid value for MD_APP_ROOT is sitting
// around. We need to bail if this is the case.
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Invalid MD_APP_ROOT detected (%s)\n", strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() )); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
DBG_ASSERT( strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() >= sizeof("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/") - 2 );
// The AppUrl will be the metabase path -
// all the /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT goo
CHAR * pszStartAppUrl = strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() + (pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1);
// The AppMetaPath may not have a terminating /, so if it is
// a site root pszStartAppUrl will be empty.
if( *pszStartAppUrl != '\0' ) { if( *pszStartAppUrl != '/' ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Invalid MD_APP_ROOT detected (%s)\n", strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() )); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
hr = strAppUrl.CopyA( pszStartAppUrl, strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() - (pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1) ); } else { hr = strAppUrl.Copy( L"/", 1 ); }
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { STACK_STRU (strAppPath, MAX_PATH); //
// Convert to a physical path
hr = W3_STATE_URLINFO::MapPath( pW3Context, strAppUrl, &strAppPath, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pstrVal->CopyW(strAppPath.QueryStr());
// Ensure that the last character in the path
// is '\\'. There are legacy scripts that will
// concatenate filenames to this path, and many
// of them will break if we don't do this.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && *(pstrVal->QueryStr()+pstrVal->QueryCCH()-1) != '\\' ) { hr = pstrVal->Append( "\\" ); } } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableApplPhysicalPathW( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRU *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pstrVal );
hr = GetServerVariableApplMdPathW( pW3Context, &strAppMetaPath );
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// pstrAppMetaPath is a full metabase path:
// /LM/W3SVC/<site>/Root/...
// To convert it to a physical path we will use
// W3_STATE_URLINFO::MapPath, but this requires
// that we remove the metabase prefixes and build
// a Url string.
// Get the metabase path for the site root
W3_SITE *pSite = pW3Context->QuerySite(); DBG_ASSERT( pSite );
STRU *pstrSiteRoot = pSite->QueryMBRoot(); DBG_ASSERT( pstrSiteRoot );
// Make some assumptions about the site path and the AppMetaPath
// being well-formed. The AppMetaPath may not have a terminating
// /, but the site root will.
DBG_ASSERT( pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() >= sizeof("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/") - 1 );
if( strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() < pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1 ) { //
// This indicates an invalid value for MD_APP_ROOT is sitting
// around. We need to bail if this is the case.
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Invalid MD_APP_ROOT detected (%S)\n", strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() )); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
DBG_ASSERT( strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() >= sizeof("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/") - 2 );
// The AppUrl will be the metabase path -
// all the /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT goo
WCHAR * pszStartAppUrl = strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() + (pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1);
// The AppMetaPath may not have a terminating /, so if it is
// a site root pszStartAppUrl will be empty.
if( *pszStartAppUrl != L'\0' ) { if( *pszStartAppUrl != L'/' ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Invalid MD_APP_ROOT detected (%s)\n", strAppMetaPath.QueryStr() )); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
hr = strAppUrl.Copy( pszStartAppUrl, strAppMetaPath.QueryCCH() - (pstrSiteRoot->QueryCCH() - 1) ); } else { hr = strAppUrl.Copy( L"/", 1 ); }
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = W3_STATE_URLINFO::MapPath( pW3Context, strAppUrl, pstrVal, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Ensure that the last character in the path
// is '\\'. There are legacy scripts that will
// concatenate filenames to this path, and many
// of them will break if we don't do this.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && *(pstrVal->QueryStr()+pstrVal->QueryCCH()-1) != L'\\' ) { hr = pstrVal->Append( L"\\" ); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetServerVariableGatewayInterface( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
return pstrVal->Copy("CGI/1.1", 7); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableLocalAddr( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
DWORD dwAddr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QueryLocalAddress();
// The dwAddr is reverse order from in_addr...
in_addr inAddr; inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0xff000000 ) >> 24); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = (u_char)(( dwAddr & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8); inAddr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = (u_char) ( dwAddr & 0x000000ff );
LPSTR pszAddr = inet_ntoa( inAddr ); if ( pszAddr == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return pstrVal->Copy( pszAddr ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttps( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, STRA *pstrVal) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
if (pW3Context->QueryRequest()->IsSecureRequest()) { return pstrVal->Copy("on", 2); }
return pstrVal->Copy("off", 3); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpsKeySize( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { HTTP_SSL_INFO * pSslInfo; CHAR achNum[ 64 ]; pSslInfo = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QuerySslInfo(); if ( pSslInfo == NULL ) { achNum[ 0 ] = '\0'; } else { _itoa( pSslInfo->ConnectionKeySize, achNum, 10 ); } return pstrVal->Copy( achNum ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableClientCertIssuer( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT * pCertContext; pCertContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryCertificateContext(); if ( pCertContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( "", 0 ); } else { return pCertContext->GetIssuer( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableClientCertSubject( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT * pCertContext; pCertContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryCertificateContext(); if ( pCertContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( "", 0 ); } else { return pCertContext->GetSubject( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableClientCertCookie( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT * pCertContext; pCertContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryCertificateContext(); if ( pCertContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( "", 0 ); } else { return pCertContext->GetCookie( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableClientCertSerialNumber( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT * pCertContext; pCertContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryCertificateContext(); if ( pCertContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( "", 0 ); } else { return pCertContext->GetSerialNumber( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableClientCertFlags( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT * pCertContext; pCertContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryCertificateContext(); if ( pCertContext == NULL ) { return pstrVal->Copy( "0", 1 ); } else { return pCertContext->GetFlags( pstrVal ); } }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpsSecretKeySize( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { HTTP_SSL_INFO * pSslInfo; CHAR achNum[ 64 ];
pSslInfo = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QuerySslInfo(); if ( pSslInfo == NULL ) { achNum[ 0 ] = '\0'; } else { _itoa( pSslInfo->ServerCertKeySize, achNum, 10 ); } return pstrVal->Copy( achNum ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpsServerIssuer( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { HTTP_SSL_INFO * pSslInfo; CHAR * pszVariable; pSslInfo = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QuerySslInfo(); if ( pSslInfo == NULL ) { pszVariable = ""; } else { DBG_ASSERT( pSslInfo->pServerCertIssuer != NULL ); pszVariable = pSslInfo->pServerCertIssuer; } return pstrVal->Copy( pszVariable ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpsServerSubject( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { HTTP_SSL_INFO * pSslInfo; CHAR * pszVariable; pSslInfo = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->QuerySslInfo(); if ( pSslInfo == NULL ) { pszVariable = ""; } else { DBG_ASSERT( pSslInfo->pServerCertSubject != NULL ); pszVariable = pSslInfo->pServerCertSubject; } return pstrVal->Copy( pszVariable ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpUrl( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { //
// HTTP_URL gets the raw url for the request. If a filter has
// modified the url the request object handles redirecting the
// RawUrl variable
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetRawUrl( pstrVal ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableHttpVersion( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { //
// HTTP_VERSION returns the client version string
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
return pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetVersionString( pstrVal ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAppPoolId( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { //
// APP_POOL_ID returns the AppPoolId WAS started us with
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
return pstrVal->CopyW( (LPWSTR)UlAtqGetContextProperty(NULL, ULATQ_PROPERTY_APP_POOL_ID) ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableAppPoolIdW( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRU * pstrVal ) { //
// APP_POOL_ID returns the AppPoolId WAS started us with
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
return pstrVal->Copy( (LPWSTR)UlAtqGetContextProperty(NULL, ULATQ_PROPERTY_APP_POOL_ID) ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableScriptTranslated( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlContext != NULL );
return pstrVal->CopyW( pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath()->QueryStr() ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableScriptTranslatedW( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRU * pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
URL_CONTEXT *pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlContext != NULL );
return pstrVal->Copy( *pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath() ); }
HRESULT GetServerVariableUnencodedUrl( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRA * pstrVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
W3_REQUEST *pW3Request = pW3Context->QueryRequest(); DBG_ASSERT( pW3Request != NULL );
return pW3Request->GetRawUrl(pstrVal); }