Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="" -->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file=""--> <% else %> <% dim quote quote = chr(34) %> <!--#include file="iimimehd.str"--> <!--#include file=""--> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#000000" TOPMARGIN=10 TEXT="#000000" onLoad="loadList();loadHelp();"> <FORM name="hiddenform"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="index" VALUE=-1> </FORM> <FORM NAME="userform">
<P> <TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" WIDTH=99% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING = 0> <TR><TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_REGTYPES_TEXT %> </TD></TR> </TABLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--#include file=""--> <!--#include file=""--> function loadList(){ parent.list.location.href = "iimimels.asp"; } function loadHelp(){ top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipxrdir"; }
function moveItem(dir){ }
function buildListForm(){ numrows = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cachedList.length; i++) { if ((!cachedList[i].deleted) && ((cachedList[i].ext + cachedList[i].app) != "")){ numrows = numrows + 1; } } qstr = "numrows="+numrows; qstr = qstr+"&cols=ext&cols=app"
parent.parent.hlist.location.href = "iihdn.asp?"+qstr; <% 'the list values will be grabbed by the hiddenlistform script... %> }
function SetListVals(){ listForm = parent.parent.hlist.document.hiddenlistform; j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cachedList.length; i++) { if ((!cachedList[i].deleted) && ((cachedList[i].ext + cachedList[i].app) != "")){ listForm.elements[j++].value = cachedList[i].ext; listForm.elements[j++].value = cachedList[i].app; cachedList[i].updated = false; } } }
openedby = top.opener.location.href; if (openedby.indexOf("comp") > -1){ top.poptools.toolFunc.mainframe =; mf =; } else { mf =; } listFunc = new listFuncs("ext","",mf);
// Override the addItem method of the listFunc object function addItemOverload() { var i=cachedList.length; if( this.sel > -1 ) { // Validate the current selected item if( cachedList[this.sel].ext == "" || cachedList[this.sel].app == "" ) { alert( "<%= L_EMPTYFIELDERROR_TEXT %>" ); return; } }
// Add the new item listFunc.noupdate = true; cachedList[i]=new listObj(i); cachedList[i].newitem=true; cachedList[i].updated=true; listFunc.sel=i;
loadList(); } listFunc.addItem = addItemOverload;
function listObj(i,e,a){ = i; this.deleted = false; this.newitem = false; this.updated = false; this.ext = initParam(e,"");,""); } cachedList = new Array();
<% On Error Resume Next
Dim path, currentobj, aMimeMap, Map, i, mapsize, mext, mtype
path = Session("dpath") Session("path") = path Session("SpecObj") = path & "/MimeMap" if Session("vtype") = "comp" then Set currentobj=GetObject(path & "/MimeMap") else Set currentobj=GetObject(path) end if Session("SpecProps")=""
i = 0 aMimeMap = currentobj.GetEx("MimeMap")
for each Map in aMimeMap mext = Map.Extension mtype = Map.MimeType if mext <> "" and mtype <> "" then %>cachedList[<%= i %>] = new listObj(<%= i %>,"<%= mext %>","<%= mtype %>");<% i = i+1 end if Next %> </SCRIPT>
<% end if %>