<% SUB CheckRefreshItemCache
rem check cache validity once per session per database
if 0 = VarType( Session("cache" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")) ) ) then RefreshItemCache Session("cache" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE"))) = true end if
SUB IncludeItemCache
CheckRefreshItemCache Response.Write Application("cache" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")))
SUB RefreshItemCache
Dim Conn,Comm,RS,cache,cnfg,crlf,Ver,v,Values,i,j,CheckFields,fld,pos,fDoUpd
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Conn.Open Session("DSN") Set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn Set RS.Source = Comm RS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
cache = "cache" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")) cnfg = "cnfg" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")) crlf = chr(13) & chr(10)
rem check revision # for field item cache
Comm.CommandText = "Select FldItemsRev,DefaultVersionNumber from RaidSys where id=1" RS.Open Ver = RS.GetRows() RS.Close
if 0 = VarType(Application("fld" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")))) then Comm.CommandText = "Select DBColName,FriendlyName,XPos,YPos,Width,Height,HelpText,Type,fForcedEntry from flds" RS.Open FldArray = RS.GetRows() RS.Close Application("fld" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE"))) = FldArray end if
if 0 = VarType(Application(cnfg)) then fDoUpd = TRUE else if Application(cnfg)(0,0) <> Ver(0,0) then fDoUpd = TRUE end if end if if fDoUpd then
Application(cnfg) = Ver
rem generate cache file for field items
Comm.CommandText = "Select DBColName,FldID,Type,fForcedEntry from flds" RS.Open FldArray = RS.GetRows() RS.Close
CheckFields = Array("Status","IssueType","Severity","Priority","Accessibility","Source","HowFound","Lang","Resolution","Cause","CodeChange", "Component", "Software", "Urgency", "Regression", "LangSup", "Processor", "NumCPU")
v = "<script language=" & chr(34) & "JavaScript" & chr(34) & ">" & crlf & "// FldItemsRev:" & Ver(0,0) & crlf
for each fld in CheckFields v = v & "var ck" & fld & "=new Array("
for i = 0 to UBound(FldArray,2) if FldArray(0,i) = fld then exit for end if next
Comm.CommandText = "Select Name from flditems where fDeleted=0 AND FldID=" & FldArray(1,i) Set RS.Source = Comm RS.CursorType = adOpenStatic RS.Open Values = RS.GetRows() RS.Close
for j = 0 to UBound(Values,2) if j > 0 then v = v & "," else rem if not mandatory then allow empty string if FldArray(3,i) = 0 then v = v & chr(34) & chr(34) & "," end if end if v = v & chr(34) & Values(0,j) & chr(34) next
v = v & ");" & crlf
i = i + 1 next
rem checks[] is array of value arrays
v = v & "var checks=new Array(" j = 0 for each fld in CheckFields if j > 0 then v = v & "," end if v = v & "ck" & fld j = j + 1 next v = v & ");" & crlf
rem checkfields[] is array of field names
v = v & "var checkfields=new Array(" j = 0 for each fld in CheckFields if j > 0 then v = v & "," end if v = v & chr(34) & fld & chr(34) j = j + 1 next v = v & ");" & crlf & "</script>" & crlf
Application(cache) = v
end if