<% Response.Expires = 0 Dim i,j,ix,typeFl,mx,filn,opn %> <html> <!-- display expression builder list
QueryString : as necessary for updcnfg.asp invocation if configuration is to be updated and window refreshed ( e.g. when raid2.asp window updates configuration )
--> <head> <style type="text/css"> .st1 {color:red} .act {color:menutext; background:menu; cursor:default;} .fltl {position:relative; left:-8pt; top:-14pt;} .db {} </style> <script language="JavaScript"> var OpName = new Array("Equals","Not Equal","Greater Than","Greater Than or Equals","Less Than","Less Than or Equals","Contains","Not Contains"); var OpOp = new Array("=","<>",">",">=","<","<=","LIKE","NOT LIKE"); var OpType = new Array(1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,4,4); var CombType = new Array("AND","OR"); </script> <!--#include virtual="/scripts/raid/cache.asp"--> <!--#include virtual="/scripts/raid/updcnfg.asp"--> <% IncludeItemCache
Response.Write "<script language=" & chr(34) & "JavaScript" & chr(34) & ">"
FldArray = Application("fld" & Application("dbCache")(Session("DBSOURCE")))
FltArray = Session("FltArray")
Response.Write "var FldDBName = new Array(" mx = UBound(FldArray,2) for i = 0 to mx if FldArray(7,i) < 12 then if i > 0 then Response.Write "," end if Response.Write chr(34) & FldArray(0,i) & chr(34) end if next
Response.Write "); var FldName = new Array(" for i = 0 to mx if FldArray(7,i) < 12 then if i > 0 then Response.Write "," end if Response.Write chr(34) & FldArray(1,i) & chr(34) end if next
Response.Write "); var FldType = new Array(" for i = 0 to mx if FldArray(7,i) < 12 then if i > 0 then Response.Write "," end if Response.Write chr(34) & FldArray(7,i) & chr(34) end if next Response.Write ");" %>
function delrow() { event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.deleteRow(event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex); }
function FList() { s = window.showModalDialog( "/scripts/raid/raid4.asp?type=list", "list", "dialogWidth:300pt; dialogHeight:200pt" ); if ( s != null ) { document.all.fieldlist.value = s; document.all.save.action = "/scripts/raid/raid2.asp?upd=list"; document.all.save.target = "raid2"; document.all.save.method = "POST"; document.all.save.submit(); } }
function FSort() { s = window.showModalDialog( "/scripts/raid/raid4.asp?type=sort", "sort", "dialogWidth:300pt; dialogHeight:200pt" ); if ( s != null ) { document.all.fieldsort.value = s; document.all.save.action = "/scripts/raid/raid2.asp?upd=sort"; document.all.save.target = "raid2"; document.all.save.method = "POST"; document.all.save.submit(); } }
function updch(where) { nameFl = event.srcElement.value;
for ( i = 0 ; i < FldDBName.length ; ++i ) if ( FldDBName[i] == nameFl ) { typeFl = FldType[i]; break; }
s = "<select name=\"relop\">" for ( i = 0 ; i < OpName.length ; ++i ) if ( OpType[i] & (1<<typeFl-1) ) s = s + "<option value=\"" + OpOp[i] + "\">" + OpName[i]; event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.cells[2].innerHTML = s;
for ( j = 0 ; j < checkfields.length ; ++j ) { if ( checkfields[j] == nameFl ) { s = "<select class=\"inp\" name=\"cnt\" id=\"cnt\">"; for ( k = 0 ; k < checks[j].length ; ++k ) { s = s + "<option value=\"" + checks[j][k] + "\"" s = s + ">" + checks[j][k]; } s = s + "</select>"; break; } }
if ( j == checkfields.length ) { s = "<input name=\"cnt\" id=\"cnt\" size=40></input>"; }
event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.cells[3].innerHTML = s; }
function addrow(tbl,flddbname,relop,cnt,andor) { tbl = event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; la = tbl.insertRow(); for ( var i = 0 ; i < tbl.rows[0].cells.length ; ++i ) la.insertCell(); la.cells[1].innerText="Add"; la.cells[1].className="act"; la.cells[1].onclick = new Function("addrow(fl);");
iNe = la.rowIndex-1; ne = tbl.rows[iNe]; ne.cells[0].innerText = "Del"; ne.cells[0].className = "act"; ne.cells[0].onclick = new Function("delrow();");
// fldname : value is DB field name
ne.cells[1].className=""; typeFl = 1; s = "<select id=\"dbname\" name=\"dbname\" onchange=\"updch(this)\">"; for ( i = 0 ; i < FldDBName.length ; ++i ) { s = s + "<option value=\"" + FldDBName[i] + "\""; if ( flddbname != null && flddbname == FldDBName[i]) { s = s + " SELECTED"; typeFl = FldType[i]; } s = s + ">" + FldDBName[i]; } ne.cells[1].innerHTML = s; ne.cells[1].className=""; ne.cells[1].onclick = null;
// relop : value SQL relop ( '=', '<>' ... )
s = "<select id=\"relop\" name=\"relop\">"; for ( i = 0 ; i < OpName.length ; ++i ) if ( OpType[i] & typeFl ) { s = s + "<option value=\"" + OpOp[i] + "\""; if ( relop != null && OpOp[i] == relop ) { s = s + " SELECTED"; } s = s + ">" + OpName[i]; } ne.cells[2].innerHTML = s;
ne.cells[3].innerHTML = "<input type=text id=\"cnt\" name=\"cnt\" size=40></input>" if ( cnt != null ) ne.cells[3].innerText = cnt;
// and/or : Value is And/Or
s = "<select id=\"andor\" name=\"andor\"><option value=\"And\""; if ( andor != null && andor == "And" ) s = s + " SELECTED"; s = s + ">And<option value=\"Or\""; if ( andor != null && andor == "Or" ) s = s + " SELECTED"; s = s + ">Or</select>"; ne.cells[4].innerHTML = s; }
function BuildExp() { if ( document.all.item("dbname") == null ) nb = 0; else if ( document.all.item("dbname").tagName == "SELECT" ) nb = 1; else // this is a collection nb = document.all.item("dbname").length;
s = "";
for ( i = 0 ; i < nb ; ++i ) { dbname = document.all.item("dbname",i); relop = document.all.item("relop",i); andor = document.all.item("andor",i);
for ( idbname = 0 ; idbname < dbname.length ; ++idbname ) { if ( dbname.item(idbname).selected ) { break; } } for ( irelop = 0 ; irelop < relop.length ; ++irelop ) { if ( relop.item(irelop).selected ) { break; } } for ( iandor = 0 ; iandor < andor.length ; ++iandor ) { if ( andor.item(iandor).selected ) { break; } }
s = s + FldDBName[idbname] + " " + OpOp[irelop] + " " if ( FldType[idbname] == 2 ) // numeric s = s + document.all.item("cnt",i).value; else if ( FldType[idbname] == 4 ) { // date d = document.all.item("cnt",i).value.split("/"); s = s + "{d'" + (d[2].length < 3 ? new Number(d[2])+1900 : d[2]) + "-" + (d[0].length==1 ? "0" : "") + d[0] + "-" + (d[1].length==1 ? "0" : "") + d[1] + "'}"; } else { if ( OpOp[irelop] == "LIKE" || OpOp[irelop] == "NOT LIKE" ) s = s + "'%" + document.all.item("cnt",i).value + "%'"; else s = s + "'" + document.all.item("cnt",i).value + "'"; } if ( i < nb-1 ) s = s + " " + CombType[iandor] + " "; }
document.all.fltexp.value = s; }
function showexp() { BuildExp(); s = prompt( "SQL expression: ", document.all.fltexp.value ); if ( s != null ) { document.all.fltexp.value = s; } }
function ExecQuery() { BuildExp(); document.all.save.action = "/scripts/raid/raid2.asp?upd=flt"; document.all.save.target = "raid2"; document.all.save.method = "POST"; document.all.save.submit(); }
function GoBug() { bugno = prompt( "Enter Bug number", "" ); if ( bugno != null ) { window.open( "raid3.asp?BugID=" + bugno, "ntbug", "toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no, directories=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizetab=yes" ); } }
function LoadQuery() { fname = prompt( "Enter filename", document.all.savename.value ); if ( fname != null ) { if ( fname.indexOf(".") == -1 ) fname = fname + ".asp"; document.all.savename.value = fname; parent.window.location = "/scripts/raid/" + fname; parent.window.reload; } }
function SaveQuery() { BuildExp(); fname = prompt( "Enter filename where to store configuration", document.all.savename.value ); if ( fname != null ) { if ( fname.indexOf(".") == -1 ) fname = fname + ".asp"; document.all.savename.value = fname; document.all.save.action = "/scripts/raid/save.asp?upd=sort,list,dbsource,flt,name"; document.all.save.method = "POST"; document.all.save.target = "raid1"; document.all.save.submit(); parent.window.location = "/scripts/raid/" + fname; } }
function NewBug() { window.open( "raid3.asp?BugID=CREATE", "ntbug", "" ); }
</script> </head>
<body bgcolor=#c0c0c0> <button onclick="ExecQuery()" id="ex" title="Execute query"><img src="exeq.gif"></button> <button onclick="NewBug()" title="New bug"><img src="donew.gif"></button> <input type=button id="go" OnClick="GoBug()" value="Goto"></input> <input type=button id="fl" OnClick="FList()" value="Define query field List"></input> <input type=button id="so" OnClick="FSort()" value="Define query sort order"></input> <input type=button id="ex" OnClick="showexp()" value="Edit SQL query"></input> <button id="lo" onclick="LoadQuery()" title="Load query"><img src="loadq.gif"></button> <button id="sa" onclick="SaveQuery()" title="Save query"><img src="saveq.gif"></button> <br> <form id="save" action="/scripts/raid/save.asp" method=POST> <input type=hidden name="savename" id="savename" value="<%=Session("Config")%>"></input> <input type=hidden name = "fltexp" id="fltexp""></input> <input type=hidden name = "fieldlist" id="fieldlist" value="<%=Session("FieldList")%>"></input> <input type=hidden name = "fieldsort" id="fieldsort" value="<%=Session("FieldSort")%>"></input> <table id="fl" class="fltl"><thead> <tr> <th align=left> </th> <th align=left>Field Name</th> <th align=left>Operator</th> <th align=left width=300>Value</th> <th align=left>And/Or</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="act"> <tr><td></td><td><select><option value="Database" class="db">Database</select></td><td><select><option value="Equals" selected>Equals</select></td> <td><select id="dbsource" name="dbsource"> <% mx = UBound(Application("dbFriendlyName")) for i = 0 to mx Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & i & chr(34) if i = Session("DBSOURCE") then Response.Write "selected" end if Response.Write ">" & Application("dbFriendlyName")(i) next %> </td><td><select><option value="And" selected>And</select></td></tr> <% if vbNull <> VarType(FltArray) then mx1 = UBound(FltArray,1) for i = 0 to mx1%> <tr><td class="act" onclick="delrow()">Del</td><td><select id="dbname" name="dbname" onchange="updch(this)"> <% OpName = Array("Equals","Not Equal","Greater Than","Greater Than or Equals","Less Than","Less Than or Equals","Contains","Not Contains") OpOp = Array("=","<>",">",">=","<","<=","LIKE","NOT LIKE") OpType = Array(1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,4,4)
ix = 0 filn = FltArray(i,0) opn = FltArray(i,1) mx = UBound(FldArray,2) for j = 0 to mx if FldArray(7,j) < 12 then Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & FldArray(0,j) & chr(34) if filn = FldArray(0,j) then Response.Write "SELECTED" typeFl = FldArray(7,j) end if Response.Write ">" & FldArray(0,j) ix = ix + 1 end if next Response.Write "</select></td>"
Response.Write "<td><select id=" & chr(34) & "relop" & chr(34) & " name=" & chr(34) & "relop" & chr(34) & ">" mx = UBound(OpName) for j = 0 to mx if TRUE then Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & OpOp(j) & chr(34) if opn = OpOp(j) then Response.Write "SELECTED" end if end if Response.Write ">" & OpName(j) next Response.Write "</select></td>"
Response.Write "<td><input type=text id=" & chr(34) & "cnt" & chr(34) & " name=" & chr(34) & "cnt" & chr(34) & " size=40 " Response.Write " value=" & chr(34) & FltArray(i,2) & chr(34) & "></input></td>"
Response.Write "<td><select id=" & chr(34) & "andor" & chr(34) & " name=" & chr(34) & "andor" & chr(34) & ">" if FltArray(i,3) = "And" then Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & "And" & chr(34) & " SELECTED>And<option value=" & chr(34) & "Or" & chr(34) & ">Or" else Response.Write "<option value=" & chr(34) & "And" & chr(34) & ">And<option value=" & chr(34) & "Or" & chr(34) & " SELECTED>Or" end if Response.Write "</select></td>"
next Response.Write "</tr>" end if %> <tr><td></td><td class="act" onclick="addrow(fl)">Add</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> </tbody> </table></form> <% rem Response.Write "<script language=" & chr(34) & "JavaScript" & chr(34) & ">"
rem mx = UBound(FltArray,1) rem for i = 0 to mx rem Response.Write "//addrow( fl," & chr(34) & FltArray(i,0) & chr(34) & "," rem Response.Write chr(34) & FltArray(i,1) & chr(34) & "," rem Response.Write chr(34) & FltArray(i,2) & chr(34) & "," rem Response.Write chr(34) & FltArray(i,3) & chr(34) & ");" rem next
rem Response.Write "</script>" %> <script FOR=window EVENT=onload() language="JavaScript"> BuildExp(); </script> </body> </html>