Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: tssec.hxx
Abstract: This file declares security related classes and functions
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 11-Oct-1995
Win32 User Mode
Internet Services Common DLL
Revision History:
# ifndef _TSSEC_HXX_
# define _TSSEC_HXX_
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
# define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <sspi.h> // Security Support Provider APIs
#include <schnlsp.h>
#include <pudebug.h>
// forward declaration
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
// Globals
extern HANDLE g_hProcessImpersonationToken; extern HANDLE g_hProcessPrimaryToken; extern BOOL g_fUseSingleToken;
// The TCP_AUTHENT_INFO structure is used as a shorthand to convey
// a bunch of authentication related information to a few routines that
// need it.
class TCP_AUTHENT_INFO { public: TCP_AUTHENT_INFO( VOID ) : fDontUseAnonSubAuth( FALSE ), dwLogonMethod ( LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE ), cbAnonAcctDesc ( 0 ) { }
STR strAnonUserName; STR strAnonUserPassword; STR strDefaultLogonDomain; DWORD dwLogonMethod; BOOL fDontUseAnonSubAuth;
// Stores the anonymous account descriptor
BUFFER bAnonAcctDesc; DWORD cbAnonAcctDesc; };
// Security functions.
#define IIS_DNLEN 256
class CACHED_CREDENTIAL { public: CACHED_CREDENTIAL() { _ListEntry.Flink = NULL; _fHaveCredHandle = FALSE; } ~CACHED_CREDENTIAL(); BOOL static CACHED_CREDENTIAL::GetCredential( LPSTR pszPackage, PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE psi, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI, CredHandle* prcred, ULONG* pcbMaxToken ); LIST_ENTRY _ListEntry;
private: STR _PackageName; STR _DefaultDomain; CredHandle _hcred; BOOL _fHaveCredHandle; ULONG _cbMaxToken; // Used for SSP, max message token size
} ;
class CACHED_TOKEN { public: CACHED_TOKEN( VOID ) : _hToken( NULL ), _cRef ( 1 ), _TTL ( 2 ), m_hImpersonationToken( NULL ), m_fGuest ( FALSE ), m_dwLogonMethod ( 0 ) { _ListEntry.Flink = NULL; _liExpiry.HighPart = 0x7fffffff; _liExpiry.LowPart = 0xffffffff; }
~CACHED_TOKEN( VOID ) { if ( !g_fUseSingleToken ) { DBG_ASSERT( _ListEntry.Flink == NULL );
if ( m_hImpersonationToken) {
DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( m_hImpersonationToken )); m_hImpersonationToken = NULL; }
if ( _hToken ) { DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( _hToken ) ); _hToken = NULL; } } }
static VOID Reference( CACHED_TOKEN * pct ) { DBG_ASSERT( pct->_cRef > 0 ); InterlockedIncrement( &pct->_cRef ); }
static VOID Dereference( CACHED_TOKEN * pct ) { DBG_ASSERT( pct->_cRef > 0 );
if ( !InterlockedDecrement( &pct->_cRef ) ) { delete pct; } }
HANDLE QueryImpersonationToken(VOID) const { return g_fUseSingleToken ? g_hProcessImpersonationToken : m_hImpersonationToken; }
HANDLE QueryPrimaryToken(VOID) const { return g_fUseSingleToken ? g_hProcessImpersonationToken : m_hImpersonationToken; }
VOID SetImpersonationToken(IN HANDLE hImpersonation) { DBG_ASSERT( m_hImpersonationToken == NULL); if ( g_fUseSingleToken ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); } else { m_hImpersonationToken = hImpersonation; } }
VOID SetExpiry( LARGE_INTEGER* pE ) { if ( g_fUseSingleToken ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); }
if ( NULL != pE ) { memcpy( &_liExpiry, pE, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER) ); } else { _liExpiry.HighPart = 0x7fffffff; _liExpiry.LowPart = 0xffffffff; } }
LARGE_INTEGER* QueryExpiry() { return &_liExpiry; }
BOOL IsGuest(VOID) const { return (m_fGuest); } VOID SetGuest(IN BOOL fGuest) { m_fGuest = fGuest; }
HANDLE _hToken; // Must be first data member
LIST_ENTRY _ListEntry; LONG _cRef; DWORD _TTL; // Gets decremented on each timeout, when zero,
// remove this item from the cache
BOOL m_fGuest; // Is this token a guest user?
HANDLE m_hImpersonationToken;
CHAR _achAcctDesc[MAX_ACCT_DESC_LEN]; DWORD m_dwAcctDescLen; LARGE_INTEGER _liExpiry; DWORD m_dwLogonMethod; CHAR m_achUserName[ UNLEN ]; CHAR m_achDomainName[ IIS_DNLEN ]; };
typedef CACHED_TOKEN* TS_TOKEN; // Choose an incompatible type so warnings
// are produced
// NT Authentication support
// TCP Authenticator flags passed to init
#define TCPAUTH_SERVER 0x00000001 // This is the server side
#define TCPAUTH_CLIENT 0x00000002 // This is the client side
#define TCPAUTH_UUENCODE 0x00000004 // Input buffers are uudecoded,
// output buffers are uuencoded
#define TCPAUTH_BASE64 0x00000008 // uses base64 for uuenc/dec
#define CRED_STATUS_INVALID_TIME 0x00001000
#define CRED_STATUS_REVOKED 0x00002000
class TCP_AUTHENT { public:
dllexp TCP_AUTHENT( DWORD AuthFlags ); dllexp ~TCP_AUTHENT();
// Server side only: For clients that pass clear text, the server should
// authenticate with this method
dllexp BOOL ClearTextLogon( CHAR * pszUser, CHAR * pszPassword, BOOL * pfAsGuest, BOOL * pfAsAnonymous, IIS_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI, CHAR * pszWorkstation = NULL );
#if 0
// Server side only : Digest logon
dllexp BOOL LogonDigestUser( PSTR pszUserName, PSTR pszRealm, PSTR pszUri, PSTR pszMethod, PSTR pszNonce, PSTR pszServerNonce, PSTR pszDigest, DWORD dwAlgo, LPTSVC_INFO psi ); #endif
// Server side only: For filters that set access tokens
dllexp BOOL SetAccessToken( HANDLE hPrimaryToken, HANDLE hImpersonationToken );
// Client calls this first to get the negotiation message which
// it then sends to the server. The server calls this with the
// client result and sends back the result. The conversation
// continues until *pcbBuffOut is zero and *pfNeedMoreData is FALSE.
// On the first call, pszPackage must point to the zero terminated
// authentication package name to be used and pszUser and pszPassword
// should point to the user name and password to authenticated with
// on the client side (server side will always be NULL).
dllexp BOOL Converse( VOID * pBuffIn, DWORD cbBuffIn, BUFFER * pbuffOut, DWORD * pcbBuffOut, BOOL * pfNeedMoreData, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI, CHAR * pszPackage = NULL, CHAR * pszUser = NULL, CHAR * pszPassword = NULL, PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE psi = NULL );
dllexp BOOL TCP_AUTHENT::ConverseEx( SecBufferDesc* pInSecBufDesc, // passed in by caller
BUFFER * pDecodedBuffer, // passed in by caller
BUFFER * pbuffOut, DWORD * pcbBuffOut, BOOL * pfNeedMoreData, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI, CHAR * pszPackage, CHAR * pszUser, CHAR * pszPassword, PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE psi );
// Server side only. Impersonates client after successful authentication
dllexp BOOL Impersonate( VOID ); dllexp BOOL RevertToSelf( VOID ); dllexp BOOL IsForwardable( VOID ) const;
dllexp BOOL StartProcessAsUser( LPCSTR lpApplicationName, LPSTR lpCommandLine, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFOA lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation );
// Gives the name of all authentication packages in a double null
// terminated list. i.e.:
// NTLM\0
// MSKerberos\0
// \0
dllexp BOOL EnumAuthPackages( BUFFER * pBuff );
// Returns the user name associated with this context, not supported for
// clear text
dllexp BOOL QueryUserName( STR * pBuff, BOOL fImpersonated = FALSE ); dllexp BOOL QueryExpiry( PTimeStamp pExpiry );
dllexp TS_TOKEN GetToken( VOID ) const { return _hToken; }
// Gets actual impersonation token handle
dllexp HANDLE QueryPrimaryToken( VOID ); dllexp HANDLE QueryImpersonationToken( VOID );
dllexp HANDLE GetUserHandle( VOID ) { return QueryPrimaryToken(); }
dllexp BOOL QueryFullyQualifiedUserName( LPSTR pszUser, STR * strU, IIS_SERVER_INSTANCE * psi, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI );
dllexp BOOL IsGuest( BOOL );
dllexp BOOL Reset( BOOL fSessionReset = TRUE );
dllexp CredHandle * QueryCredHandle( VOID ) { return (_fHaveCredHandle ? &_hcred : NULL); }
dllexp CtxtHandle * QueryCtxtHandle( VOID ) { return (_fHaveCtxtHandle ? &_hctxt : NULL); }
dllexp CtxtHandle * QuerySslCtxtHandle( VOID ) { return _phSslCtxt; }
dllexp BOOL SetSecurityContextToken( CtxtHandle* pCtxt, HANDLE hImpersonationToken, SECURITY_CONTEXT_DELETE_FUNCTION pFn, PVOID pArg, IIS_SSL_INFO *pSslInfo );
dllexp BOOL IsSslCertPresent();
dllexp BOOL DeleteCachedTokenOnReset( VOID );
dllexp BOOL QueryCertificateIssuer( LPSTR ppIssuer, DWORD, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryCertificateSubject( LPSTR ppSubject, DWORD, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryCertificateFlags( LPDWORD pdwFlags, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryCertificateSerialNumber( LPBYTE* pSerialNumber, LPDWORD pdwLen, LPBOOL );
dllexp BOOL QueryServerCertificateIssuer( LPSTR* ppIssuer, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryServerCertificateSubject( LPSTR* ppSubject, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryEncryptionKeySize( LPDWORD, LPBOOL ); dllexp BOOL QueryEncryptionServerPrivateKeySize( LPDWORD, LPBOOL );
dllexp BOOL GetClientCertBlob( IN DWORD cbAllocated, OUT DWORD * pdwCertEncodingType, OUT unsigned char * pbCertEncoded, OUT DWORD * pcbCertEncoded, OUT DWORD * pfCertificateVerified);
dllexp BOOL UpdateClientCertFlags( DWORD dwFlags, LPBOOL pfCert, LPBYTE pbCa, DWORD dwCa );
dllexp BOOL PackageSupportsEncoding( LPSTR pszPackage );
dllexp BOOL SetTargetName( LPSTR pszTarget );
private: BOOL QueryCertificateInfo( LPBOOL ); BOOL QueryServerCertificateInfo( LPBOOL );
protected: DWORD _fClient:1; // TRUE if client side, FALSE if SERVER side
DWORD _fNewConversation:1; // Forces initialization params for client side
DWORD _fUUEncodeData:1; // uuencode/decode input and output buffers
DWORD _fClearText:1; // Use the Gina APIs rather then the SSP APIs
DWORD _fHaveCredHandle:1; // _hcred contains a credential handle
DWORD _fHaveCtxtHandle:1; // _hctxt contains a context handle
DWORD _fBase64:1; // uses base64 for uuenc/dec
DWORD _fKnownToBeGuest:1; // TRUE if SSPI flag access token as "Guest"
DWORD _fHaveAccessTokens:1;// TRUE if access token set by caller
DWORD _fHaveExpiry:1; // TRUE if clear text logon has pwd expiry time
DWORD _fDelegate:1; // TRUE if security context forwardable
DWORD _fCertCheckForRevocation:1; // TRUE if we should revocation check
DWORD _fCertCheckCacheOnly:1; // TRUE if we should not go on wire
TS_TOKEN _hToken; // Used for clear text
CredHandle _hcred; // Used for SSP
ULONG _cbMaxToken; // Used for SSP, max message token size
HANDLE _hSSPToken; // Used for SSP, caches real token
HANDLE _hSSPPrimaryToken;// Used for SSP, caches duplicated token
CtxtHandle _hctxt; // Used for SSP
PCERT_CONTEXT _pClientCertContext; DWORD _dwX509Flags; IIS_SSL_INFO * _pSslInfo; PX509Certificate _pServerX509Certificate; DWORD _dwServerX509Flags; DWORD _dwServerBitsInKey; CtxtHandle * _phSslCtxt; // ptr to SSL sec context
STR _strTarget; };
DWORD InitializeSecurity( HINSTANCE hDll );
VOID TerminateSecurity( VOID );
dllexp BOOL TsImpersonateUser( TS_TOKEN hToken );
dllexp HANDLE TsTokenToHandle( TS_TOKEN hToken );
dllexp HANDLE TsTokenToImpHandle( TS_TOKEN hToken );
dllexp DWORD TsApiAccessCheck( ACCESS_MASK maskDesiredAccess );
dllexp BOOL TsDeleteUserToken( TS_TOKEN hToken );
dllexp TS_TOKEN TsLogonUser( CHAR * pszUser, CHAR * pszPassword, BOOL * pfAsGuest, BOOL * pfAsAnonymous, IIS_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance, PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI, CHAR * pszWorkstation = NULL, LARGE_INTEGER * pExpiry = NULL, BOOL * pfExpiry = NULL );
dllexp BOOL TsGetSecretW( WCHAR * pszSecretName, BUFFER * pbufSecret );
dllexp DWORD TsSetSecretW( IN LPWSTR SecretName, IN LPWSTR pSecret, IN DWORD cbSecret );
#ifdef CHICAGO
dllexp BOOL TsIsUserLevelPresent(VOID); #endif
dllexp BOOL uudecode( char * bufcoded, BUFFER * pbuffdecoded, DWORD * pcbDecoded = NULL, BOOL fBase64 = FALSE );
dllexp BOOL uuencode( BYTE * pchData, DWORD cbData, BUFFER * pbuffEncoded, BOOL fBase64 = FALSE );
dllexp BOOL BuildAnonymousAcctDesc( PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO pTAI );
dllexp QuerySingleAccessToken( VOID );
extern TS_TOKEN g_pctProcessToken;
#include <tslogon.hxx>
#include <wintrust.h>
typedef LONG (WINAPI *PFN_WinVerifyTrust)(IN OPTIONAL HWND hwnd, IN GUID *pgActionID, IN LPVOID pWintrustData);
extern HINSTANCE g_hWinTrust; extern PFN_WinVerifyTrust g_pfnWinVerifyTrust;
/************************ End of File ***********************/