Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains class declarations/definitions for
CHashMap CMsgArtMap CHistory
**** Schedule ****
Hash function Free (ripped out from INN code)
Core Hash Engine: 2 weeks Initialization/Setup Collision resolution Double hashing/ linear probing
Insertion Page Splitting Search Deletion Directory setup
Article Mapping 1 week Leaf Page Setup Leaf Page Compaction Recovery Statistics
History 1 week Leaf Page Setup Insertion Crawler/Expiration/Deletion Statistics
Unit Testing 2 weeks Get a large set of msg ids Write an app to try out hash fn and make sure distribution is acceptable test page splitting and directory growing operations test compaction code test multithreaded operations get raw speed of table lookup (lookup/sec) detect map file corruption rebuilding of map file test history crawler delete and compaction operations
Misc design stuff At startup, figure out the system page size Regkey for size of mapping file Add collision info to statistics Backup history file
**** Hash algorithm ****
The hashing mechanism is made up of 2 structures: the directory, and the leaf pages. The directory is made up of 2**n entries, where n is the first n bits of a hash value. Each directory entry points to a leaf page. (A leaf page can be pointed to by more than one entry).
A leaf page contains up to x entries. When the page is about to be full (determined by number of entries or by space remaining), the page is split into two. After the page is split, the directory pointers will also have to be modified to account for the new page.
This scheme ensures that we take at most 2 page faults for each search.
Implementation details:
The leaf page can accomodate up to 128 entries. The last m=7 bits of the hash value is used to hash into the list. We will use linear probing with p=1 to resolve collisions.
The leaf page has fields called HashPrefix and PageDepth. The HashPrefix contains the first PageDepth bits of a hash value which this page represents. PageDepth <= n. If PageDepth < n, then that means that more than one entry points to it.
If PageDepth == n and we need to split the page, then this would necessitate rebuilding the directory structure so the condition PageDepth <= n will still be true after the split.
We are using the first page of the mapping file as a reserved page. Here, we will store statistics information etc.
**** Recovery strategy ****
The first page of the map file will be reserved. This will contain timestamps and statistics. There will be an entry to indicate whether a clean shutdown took place. If during startup, this flag indicates otherwise, we need to do a possible rebuild.
** We can also think of putting something in the registry to indicate this. Maybe we'll do both. **
There will be a LastWrite timestamp in this page. After each flush, the timestamp will be updated. This will give us an indication on when the last complete write took place.
Rebuilding the mapping file:
There are three levels of map file rebuilding. This can be specified by the operator.
Level 1 rebuild
Using the timestamp, find all the articles file time stamps which were created after this and add them to the lookup table.
Level 2 rebuild
A cursory rebuild assumes that all the XOver files in each newsgroup is valid. The rebuilding will involve going over each XOver file (about 10000 of them), and rebuild the table with xover entries.
Level 3 rebuild
The more extensive rebuild involves going through each and every article in every newsgroup. This will probably involve at least a million files and would substantially take longer to do.
How do we know if we need to upgrade to a higher level?
Well, the hash table will know how many article entries it has and there should be some way of figuring out how many articles are stored in the disk. If they don't match, then it's time to upgrade.
**** Registry Keys ****
MappingFileSize DWORD Size of mapping files HashFileName REG_SZ Name of hash files InitialPageDepth DWORD Initial depth of leaf nodes Did they existed ?
Johnson Apacible (JohnsonA) 07-Sept-1995
Revision History:
Alex Wetmore (awetmore) 27-Aug-1996 - seperated from nntp server - removed dependencies for this include file on others...
#ifndef _HASHMAP_
#define _HASHMAP_
#include "smartptr.h"
#ifdef _USE_RWNH_
#include "rwnew.h"
typedef class CShareLockNH _RWLOCK ; #else
#include "rw.h"
typedef class CShareLock _RWLOCK ; #endif
// type declarations
// manifest constants for hash stuff
#define KB 1024
#define HASH_PAGE_SIZE (4 * KB)
#define NUM_PAGES_PER_IO 64
#define MAX_MSGID_LEN 255
#define MAX_XPOST_GROUPS 255
// Num of entries, bytes, and size of fragments to trigger page split.
#define FRAG_THRESHOLD 400
#define NUM_PAGE_LOCKS 256
#define NUM_TOP_DIR_BITS 9
#define OFFSET_FLAG_DELETED 0x8000
#define OFFSET_VALUE_MASK 0x7fff
#define ART_HEAD_SIGNATURE 0xaaaaaaaa
#define HIST_HEAD_SIGNATURE 0xbbbbbbbb
#define XOVER_HEAD_SIGNATURE 0xcccccccc
#define DEF_HEAD_SIGNATURE 0xdefa1234
#define CACHE_INFO_SIGNATURE 0xbeef0205
#define GROUP_LINK_MASK 0x80000000
// history map stuff (should be reg settable)
#define DEF_EXPIRE_INTERVAL (3 * SEC_PER_WEEK) // 1 week
#define DEF_CRAWLER_WAKEUP_TIME (30) // 30 secs
// what fraction of total pages to crawl. 1/128 means
// we could cover all the pages in 2 hours. This is
// expressed in terms of shifts. 7 right shift is 128
// Indicates that the space used for this entry has been reclaimed
#define ENTRY_DEL_RECLAIMED ((WORD)0xffff)
// Get pointer given the offset and base
#define GET_ENTRY( _base, _offset ) \
((PCHAR)(_base) + (_offset))
// See if we need to update the stats in the header page
#define UPDATE_HEADER_STATS( ) { \
if ( (m_nInsertions + m_nDeletions) >= STAT_FLUSH_THRESHOLD ) { \ FlushHeaderStats( ); \ } \ }
// Current hash table valid version numbers
// Significant Versions:
// 000 - old table
// 300 - Removed duplicates from the xover table
// 310 - Remove xposting from article table
// - add articleid/groupid coding into xover table
// 320 - Change XOVER table to hold offsets into articles
// 330 - Change hash table to use two tier directory
// 340 - Change Xover Table to remove most data and place in index files !
// 350 - Change the number of top level directories used to 512 !
// Disable auto alignments
#pragma pack(1)
// doubly linked list
typedef struct _HASH_LIST_ENTRY {
WORD Flink; WORD Blink;
// Entry headers - this is the structure of each hash entry header
typedef struct _ENTRYHEADER {
// hash value
// *** Must be first entry ***
DWORD HashValue;
// Size of this entry
// *** Must be second entry ***
WORD EntrySize;
#ifdef _WIN64
// Alignment word. This makes data align-8 instead of align-2, without
// it the compiler would look at the type "BYTE" figure align-1 is good
// enough and then place it right after EntrySize at an align-2 slot. With
// this word we cause the slot to be 8 bytes into the struct and hence align-8.
// Data will hold larger objects and hence must be aligned better.
WORD Reserved; #endif
// Member variable for var length data
BYTE Data[1] ;
// headers for deleted entries
typedef struct _DELENTRYHEADER {
// doubly linked list
// Size of this entry
WORD EntrySize;
// ???
WORD Reserved;
// Handle for caching entry information
typedef struct _HASH_CACHE_INFO {
// Signature to verify this structure
DWORD Signature;
// Cache of hash and msg id length
// This is the structure for the head page.
typedef struct _HASH_RESERVED_PAGE {
// Signature to identify the hash file
DWORD Signature;
// Version number of the hash table
DWORD VersionNumber;
// Has this file been initialized?
BOOL Initialized;
// Is this file active
BOOL TableActive;
// Number of pages that are being used including the reserved page
DWORD NumPages;
// Max dir depth of the directory
DWORD DirDepth;
// Statistics
DWORD InsertionCount; DWORD DeletionCount; DWORD SearchCount; DWORD PageSplits; DWORD DirExpansions; DWORD TableExpansions; DWORD DupInserts;
// This is the structure of each entry in the leaf pages of the hash table.
typedef struct _MAP_PAGE {
// Prefix of hash values currently mapped into this page
DWORD HashPrefix;
// Number of bits of the hash value that is mapped to this page
BYTE PageDepth;
// Number of active indices in the page (includes deletes)
BYTE EntryCount;
// Number of real entries in this page
BYTE ActualCount;
// Flags
BYTE Flags;
// Location to add new entry
WORD ReservedWord; WORD NextFree;
// Location of the page ending
WORD LastFree;
// Number of bytes left by deleted entries
WORD FragmentedBytes;
// Reserved, can be used for anything. !QWA
WORD Reserved1; WORD Reserved2; WORD Reserved3; WORD Reserved4;
// List of deleted entries
// Offset of entry from beginning of page. Deleted entries
// will have the high bit set.
// Start of Entries
DWORD StartEntries;
// Page header flags
#define XOVER_MAP_PRIMARY ((BYTE)0x01)
#pragma pack()
class CDirectory; class PageEntry; class CPageCache ;
typedef CRefPtr< CPageCache > CCACHEPTR ;
// Helper class for managing all of the locks that must be manipulated
// to access something within the Hash Tables.
// There are two principal locks that must almost always be held :
// A Lock on the directory which references a hash table page
// (this can be either exclusive or shared)
// A CDirectory object contains and manages this lock.
// A Lock on the page which contains the hash table page -
// A PageEntry structure contains and manages this lock.
// What we do is co-ordinate the use of these two locks, whenever
// hash table data is accessed we keep track of both the Directory
// that refers to the hash page and the hash table page containing the
// data. (through pointers to these objects). When we are created
// we always have NULL pointers, and we accumulate these pointers
// as CHashMap
class CPageLock { private:
friend class CPageCache ; friend class CDirectory ; friend class CHashMap ;
// Copy constructor is private - because we don't want people making copies !!
CPageLock( CPageLock& ) ; CPageLock& operator=( CPageLock& ) ;
// The PageEntry object which has read our page into memory, and which
// has the critical section guaranteeing exclusive access to the page
PageEntry* m_pPage ;
// The directory we used to lookup the page - we have grabbed
// the directory either exclusively, or shared - The caller must
// keep track of which and use the appropriate API's
CDirectory* m_pDirectory ;
// Used to figure out whether we got the page shared or exclusive !
BOOL m_fPageShared ;
// Secondary page - used when we are doing page splits !
PageEntry* m_pPageSecondary ;
#ifdef DEBUG
// This is used in debug builds to make sure the caller is using
// the correct API's and keeping track of shared/exclusive usage
// correctly !
BOOL m_fExclusive ; #endif
// Only public members are constructor and destructor -
// everything else is used by our friends - CHashMap only !
public :
// Initialize to a NULL state
inline CPageLock() ;
#ifdef DEBUG
// In debug builds - _ASSERT check that all our members
// are set to NULL before we are destroyed - as we release locks
// we will set these to NULL !
inline ~CPageLock() ; #endif
private : //
// Lock a specific directory for shared access, and
// remember what directory we grabbed so we can release it later !
inline void AcquireDirectoryShared( CDirectory* pDirectory ) ;
// Lock a specific directory for EXCLUSIVE access, and remember what
// directory we grabbed so we can release it later !
inline void AcquireDirectoryExclusive( CDirectory* pDirectory ) ;
// Release the directory !
inline void ReleaseDirectoryExclusive() ;
// Release a ShareLock from the directory !
public: void ReleaseDirectoryShared() ;
// Lock a page - and remember who we locked for later release !
private: inline PMAP_PAGE AcquirePageShared( PageEntry *page, HANDLE hFile, DWORD PageNumber, BOOL fDropDirectory ) ; inline PMAP_PAGE AcquirePageExclusive( PageEntry *page, HANDLE hFile, DWORD PageNumber, BOOL fDropDirectory ) ; //
// Lock the secondary page Exclusive !
inline BOOL AddPageExclusive( PageEntry* page, HANDLE hFile, DWORD PageNumber ) ;
// Release all of our locks - we were holding a shared lock before !
inline void ReleaseAllShared( PMAP_PAGE page ) ;
// Release all of our locks - we had an exclusive lock on the directory !
inline void ReleaseAllExclusive( PMAP_PAGE page ) ;
// Check that all of the members are legally setup !
BOOL IsValid() ;
} ;
typedef CPageLock HPAGELOCK ;
extern DWORD LeafMask[];
// Size of our directory view
#define DIR_VIEW_SIZE (64 * KB)
// Number of entries per view
#define DIR_VIEW_ENTRIES (16 * KB)
#define DIR_VIEW_SHIFT 14
#define DIR_VIEW_MASK 0x00003fff
// Number of inserts and deletes before stats are flushed
DWORD WINAPI CrawlerThread( LPVOID Context );
// This is a protototype for the function pointer the hash tables
// can call in case of critical errors.
// This function is called when the hash table gets an error from
// the O.S. which will seriously affect the usablility of the hash table.
// For instance, if we fail to allocate more memory when expanding a
// directory, the hash table will most likely to start to fail the
// majority of attempts to insert new items.
// This is probably non recoverable, and the function would be called
// with fRecoverable set to FALSE.
// If the hash table fails due to a more temporary condition, ie. out
// of disk space, then the function will be called with fRecoverable
// set to TRUE.
// This function pointer is registered on the call to the hash tables
// Initialize() function.
typedef void (* HASH_FAILURE_PFN)( LPVOID lpv, BOOL fRecoverable ) ;
// This interface defines the interface used by both Key's and Entry's
// to save and restore their data into the hash table.
class ISerialize { public : //
// Save the data into a serialized form, and return a pointer
// to where the next block of data can be placed !
// This can be called IFF IsDataSet() == TRUE
virtual LPBYTE Serialize( LPBYTE pbPtr ) const = 0 ;
// Restore data from a serialized block of data !
// This can be called IF IsDataSet() == TRUE || IsDataSet() == FALSE
// If the return value is NULL the call failed, and cbOut contains
// the number of bytes required to hold the data in unserialized form !
virtual LPBYTE Restore( LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD &cbOut ) = 0 ;
// Return the number of bytes required to serialize the object !
// This can be called IFF IsDataSet() == TRUE
virtual DWORD Size( ) const = 0 ;
// This function verifies that the serialized block of data is valid !
// This can be called IF IsDataSet() == TRUE || IsDataSet() == FALSE
// NOTE : pbContainer - will point to the start of the entire block
// of data containing both serialized Key and Data blocks !
virtual BOOL Verify( LPBYTE pbContainer, LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD cb ) const = 0 ; } ;
// This interface defines the extra interface members a Key must support
// in order to be used by the hash tables
class IKeyInterface : public ISerialize { protected : //
// Default parameter for EntryData() when we wish to discard
// the size output !
static DWORD cbJunk ; public: //
// Compute the hash value of this key !
// this must be called IFF IsDataSet() == TRUE !
virtual DWORD Hash() const = 0 ;
// Compare a Key to a Serialized Key this must
// be called IFF IsDataSet() == TRUE
virtual BOOL CompareKeys( LPBYTE pbPtr ) const = 0 ;
// Given some serialized Key Data find the Start of
// the serialized Entry Data. The resulting pointer
// must be suitable to be passed to an Entry object's
// Restore() method.
virtual LPBYTE EntryData( LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD& cbKeyOut = IKeyInterface::cbJunk ) const = 0 ;
} ;
class IStringKey : public IKeyInterface { private : //
// Pointer to the String We are concerned with !
LPBYTE m_lpbKey ; //
// Number of bytes available !
DWORD m_cbKey ;
// The structure we serialize to.
struct SerializedString { WORD cb ; BYTE Data[1] ; } ;
typedef SerializedString* PDATA ;
public : //
// Construct a Key object !
IStringKey( LPBYTE pbKey = 0, DWORD cbKey = 0 ) ;
// Required by ISerialize Interface - save key data into memory
LPBYTE Serialize( LPBYTE pbPtr ) const ;
// Required by ISerialize Interface - restore key data from buffer
LPBYTE Restore( LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD &cbOut ) ;
// Return the number of bytes required by Serialize()
DWORD Size() const ;
// Check that a serialized version of the data looks legal !
BOOL Verify( LPBYTE pbContainer, LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD cb ) const ;
// Compute the hash value of the key
DWORD Hash( ) const ;
// Compare the Key contained in an instance to a serialized one !
BOOL CompareKeys( LPBYTE pbPtr ) const ;
// Get a pointer to where the Entry should have been serialized
// following the Key
LPBYTE EntryData( LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD &cbOut ) const;
} ;
// Interface to be used to access the reserved words within the hash table
class IEnumInterface { public :
// This interface is passed to the GetFirstMapEntry, GetNextMapEntry routines !
// This function is called to determine if there is anything on this
// page we wish to deal with !!
virtual BOOL ExaminePage( PMAP_PAGE page ) = 0 ;
// This function is called to determine if we wish to examine an
// a particular entry within a page !!
virtual BOOL ExamineEntry( PMAP_PAGE page, LPBYTE pbPtr ) = 0 ;
} ;
// an entry in the hash table
// this is an interface used for writing to data in the hashmaps.
// to store data in the hashmap a class must derive from this that
// implements all of the methods
// NOTE : This interface handles the serialization of keys and puts them
// automagically as the first element of the structure. This is laid out
// as specified by _KEY_ENTRY below !
typedef struct _KEY_ENTRY { // length of key
// CHashEntry is an old interface used by the hash tables.
// we define a
class CHashEntry : public ISerialize { public:
LPBYTE Serialize( LPBYTE pbPtr ) const {
SerializeToPointer( pbPtr ) ; return pbPtr ; }
LPBYTE Restore( LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD& cbOut ) {
cbOut = 0 ; RestoreFromPointer( pbPtr ) ; return pbPtr ; }
DWORD Size( ) const {
return GetEntrySize() ;
BOOL Verify( LPBYTE pbContainer, LPBYTE pbPtr, DWORD cbData ) const {
return Verify( pbContainer, (DWORD)(pbPtr-pbContainer), pbPtr) ; }
// take data and store it into a pointer. no more then
// CHashEntry::GetEntrySize() bytes should be stored here
virtual void SerializeToPointer(LPBYTE pbPtr) const=0; //
// unserialize data at pbPtr into this class
virtual void RestoreFromPointer(LPBYTE pbPtr)=0; //
// the number of bytes required to store the data in this
// hash entry
virtual DWORD GetEntrySize() const=0; //
// make sure that data is valid in its marshalled format
virtual BOOL Verify(LPBYTE pKey, DWORD cKey, LPBYTE pbPtr) const = 0; };
class CHashWalkContext { private: //
// variables needed for GetFirstMapEntry/GetNextMapEntry
// buffer containing the data in the current page
BYTE m_pPageBuf[HASH_PAGE_SIZE]; // the current page that we are examining
DWORD m_iCurrentPage; // the current entry in the current page
DWORD m_iPageEntry;
friend class CHashMap; };
// Flags returned from VerifyHashMapFile in *pdwErrorFlags. anything that fits
// in the mask 0x0000ffff is a fatal error (so the hashmap is invalid)
// invalid directory link
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_LINK 0x00000001
// invalid hash file signature
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_SIGNATURE 0x00000002
// invalid hash file size
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_SIZE 0x00000004
// corrupt page prefix
// file init flag not set
#define HASH_FLAG_NOT_INIT 0x00000010
// page entry count doesn't match number of page entries
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_ENTRY_COUNT 0x00000020
// invalid page count
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_PAGE_COUNT 0x00000040
// bad directory depth
#define HASH_FLAG_BAD_DIR_DEPTH 0x00000080
// invalid entry size or offset
#define HASH_FLAG_ENTRY_BAD_SIZE 0x00000100
// invalid entry hash value
#define HASH_FLAG_ENTRY_BAD_HASH 0x00000200
// Verify() function on entry data failed
#define HASH_FLAG_ENTRY_BAD_DATA 0x00000400
// hash file couldn't be found
#define HASH_FLAG_NO_FILE 0x00010000
// If this is set, then no rebuilding is to take place
// because of a fatal error.
#define HASH_FLAG_ABORT_SCAN 0x00020000
// flags that can be passed into the verify functions to specify how
// strict they should be (more flags means longer checks and slower
// runs).
// build a directory and check it for integrity. this is also done in
// Initialize, so it is not needed in general
// do basic checks for for valid offsets, page lengths, and hash values
// for each entry (this needs to be there for anything to get checked in
// pages)
// call the CHashEntry::Verify method to check the data of each entry
#define HASH_VFLAG_PAGE_VERIFY_DATA 0x00020000
// check for overlapping entries
#define HASH_VFLAG_ALL 0xffffffff
// These flags indicate that the file is corrupt and should
// be rebuilt.
#define HASH_FLAGS_CORRUPT 0x0000ffff
// CHashMap - pure virtual base class for NNTP hash table
// The algorithm we are using is similar to the Extendible Hashing
// Technique specified in "Extendible Hashing - A Fast Access Method for
// Dynamic Files" ACM Transaction on Database, 1979 by Fagin,
// Nievergelt, et.al. This algorithm guarantees at most 2 page faults
// to locate a given key.
class CHashMap {
CHashMap(); virtual ~CHashMap( );
// verify that a hash file isn't corrupted (fsck/chkdsk for hashmap
// files). this should be called before init
static BOOL VerifyHashFile( LPCSTR HashFileName, DWORD Signature, DWORD dwCheckFlags, DWORD *pdwErrorFlags, IKeyInterface* pIKey, ISerialize *pHashEntry);
// Initialize the hash table but specify what cache to use !
BOOL Initialize( IN LPCSTR HashFileName, IN DWORD Signature, IN DWORD MinimumFileSize, IN DWORD Fraction, IN CCACHEPTR pCache, IN DWORD dwCheckFlags = HASH_VFLAG_PAGE_BASIC_CHECKS, IN HASH_FAILURE_PFN HashFailurePfn = 0, IN LPVOID lpvFailureCallback = 0, IN BOOL fNoBuffering = FALSE ); //
// Initialize the hash table
// this needs to be called before the hash table is used.
BOOL Initialize( IN LPCSTR HashFileName, IN DWORD Signature, IN DWORD MinimumFileSize, IN DWORD cPageEntry = 256, IN DWORD cNumLocks = 64, IN DWORD dwCheckFlags = HASH_VFLAG_PAGE_BASIC_CHECKS, IN HASH_FAILURE_PFN HashFailurePfn = 0, IN LPVOID lpvFailureCallback = 0, IN BOOL fNoBuffering = FALSE );
// Lookup an entry
// helper functions for some of the non-obvious uses of this are below
BOOL LookupMapEntry( const IKeyInterface* pIKey, ISerialize* pHashEntry, BOOL bDelete = FALSE, BOOL fDirtyOnly = FALSE );
// Delete an entry
BOOL DeleteMapEntry( const IKeyInterface* pIKey, BOOL fDirtyOnly = FALSE ) { return LookupMapEntry(pIKey, 0, TRUE, fDirtyOnly); }
// Lookup and Delete and entry in one step
BOOL LookupAndDelete( const IKeyInterface* pIKey, ISerialize *pHashEntry) { return LookupMapEntry(pIKey, pHashEntry, TRUE); }
// See if the entry is here
BOOL Contains( const IKeyInterface* pIKey ) { return LookupMapEntry(pIKey, 0, FALSE); }
// Insert or update a map entry
BOOL InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(const IKeyInterface* pIKey, const ISerialize* pHashEntry, BOOL bUpdate = FALSE, BOOL fDirtyOnly = FALSE);
// Insert new entry
BOOL InsertMapEntry(const IKeyInterface* pIKey, const ISerialize* pHashEntry, BOOL fDirtyOnly = FALSE) { return InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(pIKey, pHashEntry, FALSE, fDirtyOnly); }
// Update Map Entry
BOOL UpdateMapEntry(const IKeyInterface* pIKey, const ISerialize* pHashEntry) { return InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(pIKey, pHashEntry, TRUE); }
// returns the current number of entries in the hash table
DWORD GetEntryCount() const { return(m_nEntries); }
// see if the hash table is active
inline BOOL IsActive() { return m_active; }
// methods for walking the entries in the hashtable. order should be
// considered random.
BOOL GetFirstMapEntry( IKeyInterface* pIKey, DWORD& cbKeyRequried, ISerialize* pHashEntry, DWORD& cbEntryRequried, CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext, IEnumInterface* pEnum );
// Get the next entry
BOOL GetNextMapEntry( IKeyInterface* pIKey, DWORD& cbKeyRequried, ISerialize* pHashEntry, DWORD& cbEntryRequried, CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext, IEnumInterface *pEnum );
// Get the next entry in the next page
BOOL GetNextPageEntry( IKeyInterface* pIKey, DWORD& cbKeyRequried, ISerialize* pHashEntry, DWORD& cbEntryRequried, CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext, IEnumInterface *pEnum );
// make a backup copy of the hashmap suitable
BOOL MakeBackup(LPCSTR pszBackupFilename);
// CRCHash function (which is the default, but can be overridden by
// overriding the Hash method below)
static DWORD CRCHash(IN const BYTE * Key, IN DWORD KeyLength); static void CRCInit(void);
protected :
// Close the hash table
virtual VOID Shutdown(BOOL fLocksHeld = FALSE);
// Create the initial set of directory objects !!!
DWORD InitializeDirectories( WORD cBitDepth ) ;
// verify that the page structure is valid
static BOOL VerifyPage( PMAP_PAGE Page, DWORD dwCheckFile, DWORD *pdwErrorFlags, IKeyInterface* pIKey, ISerialize *pHashEntry );
// Allocates and initialize the directory
DWORD I_BuildDirectory( BOOL SetupHashFile = TRUE );
// Cleans up the mapping
VOID I_DestroyPageMapping( VOID );
// Additional work that needs to be done by the derived class
// for an entry during an insertion
virtual VOID I_DoAuxInsertEntry( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD EntryOffset ) {}
// Additional work that needs to be done by the derived class
// for an entry during a delete
virtual VOID I_DoAuxDeleteEntry( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD EntryOffset ) {}
// Additional work that needs to be done by the derived class
// for an entry during a page split
virtual VOID I_DoAuxPageSplit( IN PMAP_PAGE OldPage, IN PMAP_PAGE NewPage, IN PVOID NewEntry ) {}
// Find next available slot for an entry
DWORD I_FindNextAvail( IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage );
// Initializes a brand new hash file
DWORD I_InitializeHashFile( VOID );
// Initialize a new leaf
VOID I_InitializePage( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD HashPrefix, IN DWORD PageDepth );
// link the deleted entry to the delete list
VOID I_LinkDeletedEntry( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD Offset );
// When re-loading a hash table, we need to increase our directory
// depth on the fly without grabbing any locks etc...
BOOL I_SetDirectoryDepthAndPointers( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD PageNum ) ;
// Set up links for the given page
BOOL I_SetDirectoryPointers( IN HPAGELOCK& hLock, IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD PageNumber, IN DWORD MaxDirEntries );
// Open the hash file and set up file mappings
DWORD I_SetupHashFile( IN BOOL &NewTable );
// Find a page we can use within the hash table.
DWORD I_AllocatePageInFile(WORD Depth) ;
// loads/unloads the correct page view
inline PDWORD LoadDirectoryPointerShared( DWORD HashValue, HPAGELOCK& hLock );
inline PDWORD LoadDirectoryPointerExclusive( DWORD HashValue, HPAGELOCK& hLock );
// Compare if reserved pages are same
BOOL CompareReservedPage( HASH_RESERVED_PAGE* page1, HASH_RESERVED_PAGE* page2 );
// Current depth of directory
WORD m_dirDepth;
// Number of bits we use to select a CDirectory object !
WORD m_TopDirDepth ;
// Initial depth of leaves
WORD m_initialPageDepth;
// Maximum number of entries per leaf page before we split
WORD m_pageEntryThreshold;
// Maximum number of bytes used before we split
WORD m_pageMemThreshold;
// Name of the hash file
CHAR m_hashFileName[MAX_PATH];
// handle to the hash file
HANDLE m_hFile;
// Do we want to let NT do buffering of this file !
BOOL m_fNoBuffering ;
// pages allocated
DWORD m_maxPages;
// Long that we use to synchronize FlushHeaderStats() call -
// whoever InterlockExchange's and gets a 0 back should go
// ahead and assume they have the lock !
long m_UpdateLock ;
// Critical section for managing allocation of new pages
CRITICAL_SECTION m_PageAllocator ;
// Boolean to indicate whether we've had a critical
// failure in allocating memory, and will be unable
// to recover simply !
// ie. If we fail a VirtualAlloc() call, then we set this to
// TRUE, as we will probably not recover. However, if we have
// run out of Disk Space, we leave this as FALSE as we will
// probably be able to recover.
BOOL m_fCriticalFailure ;
// A pointer of a function to call in case of severe failures
// which will crimp the hash tables functionality.
HASH_FAILURE_PFN m_HashFailurePfn ;
// An opaque LPVOID we will pass to the m_HashFailurePfn when
// we call it.
LPVOID m_lpvHashFailureCallback ;
// handle to file mapping
HANDLE m_hFileMapping;
// pointer to the reserved page
#if 0
// pointer to the hash file
//PMAP_PAGE m_hashPages;
LPVOID m_lpvBuffers ; #endif
// Handle to the directory mapping
HANDLE m_hDirMap;
// Locks the directory
_RWLOCK *m_dirLock;
// Top level directory
// DWORD *m_pTopDirectory ;
// Array of CDirectory objects - used to find out what hash
// table pages have the data we want !
CDirectory *m_pDirectory[(1<< MAX_NUM_TOP_DIR_BITS)] ;
// Pointer to the Cache which holds all of our pages
CCACHEPTR m_pPageCache ;
// A power of 2 fraction which indicates what
// purportion of the cache pages we can occupy !
DWORD m_Fraction ;
// Head page signature
DWORD m_HeadPageSignature;
// whether the hash table is active or not
BOOL m_active;
// methods for GetFirstMapEntry/GetNextMapEntry
BOOL LoadWalkPage(CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext);
// the flags to pass into VerifyPage when loading pages (0 disables
// calling VerifyPage)
DWORD m_dwPageCheckFlags;
// Set to TRUE if we successfully returned from Initialize(). If this
// occurs then on shutdown we should be able to save the Directory
// structure
BOOL m_fCleanInitialize;
// Hash function
virtual DWORD Hash(IN LPBYTE Key, IN DWORD KeyLength);
// acquire directory lock
VOID AcquireBackupLockShared( ); VOID AcquireBackupLockExclusive( );
// acquires the lock for the given directory entry index
// returns a handle to the actual lock
PMAP_PAGE AcquireLockSetShared( IN DWORD DirEntry, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock, BOOL fDropDirectory = FALSE );
PMAP_PAGE AcquireLockSetExclusive( IN DWORD DirEntry, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock, BOOL fDropDirectory = FALSE );
// Add a secondary page to the pagelock !
BOOL AddLockSetExclusive( IN DWORD DirEntry, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock );
BOOL AddPageExclusive( IN DWORD PageNum, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
// Get the page addresss,
// Get a shared lock on the directory AND
// an exclusive lock on the page !
PMAP_PAGE GetPageExclusive( IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
// Get the page address and also get a shared lock
// on both the directory and page objects !
PMAP_PAGE GetDirAndPageShared( IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock );
// Get the page address, an exclusive lock on the page
// and an exclusive lock on the directory !
PMAP_PAGE GetDirAndPageExclusive( IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock );
// Get the page address and also lock the directory and page
// given the page number
PMAP_PAGE GetAndLockPageByNumber( IN DWORD PageNumber, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock );
// Get the page address, and do not lock the directory, but
// do lock the page. Caller must have directory lock already !
PMAP_PAGE GetAndLockPageByNumberNoDirLock( IN DWORD PageNumber, OUT HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
// See if the next bit is one
BOOL I_NextBitIsOne( IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, IN DWORD PageDepth ) { return (BOOL)(HashValue & LeafMask[PageDepth]); }
// Releases the directory lock
VOID ReleaseBackupLockShared( ); VOID ReleaseBackupLockExclusive();
// releases the lock
#if 0
VOID ReleaseLock( PMAP_PAGE page, HPAGELOCK& hLock ) { hLock.ReleasePage( page ) ; } #endif
// releases both the page lock and the backup lock
inline VOID ReleasePageShared( PMAP_PAGE page, HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
inline VOID ReleasePageExclusive( PMAP_PAGE page, HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
// Page compaction
BOOL CompactPage( IN HPAGELOCK& HLock, PMAP_PAGE Page );
// Expand hash file
BOOL ExpandHashFile( DWORD NumPagesToAdd = DEF_PAGE_INCREMENT );
// Expands the directory. Directory will grow by
// a multiple of 2**nBitsExpand.
BOOL ExpandDirectory( HPAGELOCK& hPageLock, WORD nBitsExpand = DEF_DEPTH_INCREMENT );
// Find an existing entry
BOOL FindMapEntry( IN const IKeyInterface* pIKey, IN HASH_VALUE HashValue, IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN const ISerialize* pIEntryInterface, OUT PDWORD AvailIndex OPTIONAL, OUT PDWORD MatchedIndex OPTIONAL );
// Updates the header statistics
VOID FlushHeaderStats( BOOL fLockHeld = FALSE );
// flush a page
BOOL FlushPage( HPAGELOCK& hLock, PVOID Base, BOOL fDirtyOnly = FALSE );
// Get the remaining bytes in the system
DWORD GetBytesAvailable( PMAP_PAGE MapPage ) { return((DWORD)(MapPage->LastFree - MapPage->NextFree)); }
// Given the hash value, get the index to the directory
// NOTE: m_dirDepth must never be == 0 or else this computation
// will not work. It is initialized to 2 in the hash table so
// can never be 0 by design.
DWORD GetDirIndex( HASH_VALUE HashValue ) { return (HashValue >> (32 - m_dirDepth )); }
// Get the leaf entry index
DWORD GetLeafEntryIndex( HASH_VALUE HashValue ) { return (DWORD)(HashValue & LEAF_ENTRY_MASK); }
// Increment global stats
VOID IncrementInsertCount( VOID ) { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_nInsertions); ++m_nEntries;} VOID IncrementDeleteCount( VOID ) { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_nDeletions); --m_nEntries;}
VOID IncrementSearchCount( VOID ) { m_nSearches++; } VOID IncrementSplitCount( VOID ) { m_nPageSplits++; } VOID IncrementDirExpandCount( VOID ) { m_nDirExpansions++; } VOID IncrementTableExpandCount( VOID ) { m_nTableExpansions++; } VOID IncrementDupInsertCount( VOID ) { m_nDupInserts++; }
// link the deleted entry to the delete list
VOID LinkDeletedEntry( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN DWORD Offset );
// Allocate a deleted buffer, if possible
PVOID ReuseDeletedSpace( IN PMAP_PAGE MapPage, IN HPAGELOCK& HLock, IN DWORD & NeededEntrySize );
// Sets a page flag bit
VOID SetPageFlag( PMAP_PAGE MapPage, HPAGELOCK& HLock, WORD Mask ) { MapPage->Flags |= (WORD)(Mask); FlushPage( HLock, MapPage ) ; }
// Splits a page
BOOL SplitPage( IN PMAP_PAGE Page, HPAGELOCK& hLock, OUT BOOL & Expand );
// get the size of an entry
DWORD GetEntrySize( const ISerialize* pIKey, const ISerialize* pHashEntry );
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
// number of Map pages
DWORD m_nPagesUsed;
// number of insertions
DWORD m_nInsertions;
// number of deletions
DWORD m_nDeletions;
// number of entries in the hash table
DWORD m_nEntries;
// number of searches
DWORD m_nSearches;
// number of duplicate insertions
DWORD m_nDupInserts;
// number of pages plits
DWORD m_nPageSplits;
// number of times we had to expand the directory
DWORD m_nDirExpansions;
// number of times we had to remap the file
DWORD m_nTableExpansions;
}; // CHashMap
// This class defines a hash table which uses LPSTR's as the
// key !
class CStringHashMap : private CHashMap { public : //
// verify that a hash file isn't corrupted (fsck/chkdsk for hashmap
// files). this should be called before init
static BOOL VerifyHashFile( LPCSTR HashFileName, DWORD Signature, DWORD dwCheckFlags, DWORD *pdwErrorFlags, ISerialize *pHashEntry) {
IStringKey key ;
return CHashMap::VerifyHashFile( HashFileName, Signature, dwCheckFlags, pdwErrorFlags, &key, pHashEntry ) ; }
// Initialize the hash table
// this needs to be called before the hash table is used.
BOOL Initialize( IN LPCSTR HashFileName, IN DWORD Signature, IN DWORD MinimumFileSize, IN DWORD cPageEntry = 256, IN DWORD cNumLocks = 64, IN DWORD dwCheckFlags = HASH_VFLAG_PAGE_BASIC_CHECKS, IN HASH_FAILURE_PFN HashFailurePfn = 0, IN LPVOID lpvFailureCallback = 0 ) { return CHashMap::Initialize( HashFileName, Signature, MinimumFileSize, cPageEntry, cNumLocks, dwCheckFlags, HashFailurePfn, lpvFailureCallback ) ; }
// Lookup an entry
// helper functions for some of the non-obvious uses of this are below
BOOL LookupMapEntry(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen, ISerialize *pHashEntry, BOOL bDelete = FALSE) {
IStringKey key( Key, KeyLen ) ; return CHashMap::LookupMapEntry( &key, pHashEntry, bDelete ) ; }
// Delete an entry
BOOL DeleteMapEntry(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen) { return LookupMapEntry(Key, KeyLen, NULL, TRUE); }
// Lookup and Delete and entry in one step
BOOL LookupAndDelete(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen, ISerialize *pHashEntry) { return LookupMapEntry(Key, KeyLen, pHashEntry, TRUE); }
// See if the entry is here
BOOL Contains(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen) { return LookupMapEntry(Key, KeyLen, NULL); }
// Insert or update a map entry
BOOL InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen, const ISerialize *pHashEntry, BOOL bUpdate = FALSE) { IStringKey key( Key, KeyLen ) ; return CHashMap::InsertOrUpdateMapEntry( &key, pHashEntry, bUpdate ) ; }
// Insert new entry
BOOL InsertMapEntry(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen, const ISerialize *pHashEntry) { return InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(Key, KeyLen, pHashEntry, FALSE); }
// Update Map Entry
BOOL UpdateMapEntry(LPBYTE Key, DWORD KeyLen, const ISerialize *pHashEntry) { return InsertOrUpdateMapEntry(Key, KeyLen, pHashEntry, TRUE); }
// returns the current number of entries in the hash table
DWORD GetEntryCount() const { return(m_nEntries); }
// see if the hash table is active
inline BOOL IsActive() { return CHashMap::IsActive(); }
// methods for walking the entries in the hashtable. order should be
// considered random.
BOOL GetFirstMapEntry( LPBYTE pKey, PDWORD pKeyLen, ISerialize *pHashEntry, CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext) {
DWORD cbData ; IStringKey key( pKey, *pKeyLen ) ; BOOL fReturn = CHashMap::GetFirstMapEntry( &key, *pKeyLen, pHashEntry, cbData, pHashWalkContext, 0 ) ;
return fReturn ; }
BOOL GetNextMapEntry( LPBYTE pKey, PDWORD pKeyLen, ISerialize *pHashEntry, CHashWalkContext *pHashWalkContext) {
DWORD cbData ; IStringKey key( pKey, *pKeyLen ) ; BOOL fReturn = CHashMap::GetNextMapEntry( &key, *pKeyLen, pHashEntry, cbData, pHashWalkContext, 0 ) ;
return fReturn ;
// make a backup copy of the hashmap suitable
BOOL MakeBackup(LPCSTR pszBackupFilename) { return CHashMap::MakeBackup( pszBackupFilename ) ; }
} ;
// This class defines a page cache that can be shared amongst hash tables !
class CPageCache : public CRefCount { private :
LPVOID m_lpvBuffers ;
// Number of PageLock objects we use to keep track of our cache.
DWORD m_cPageEntry ;
// Pointer to an array of PageEntry objects !
PageEntry* m_pPageEntry ;
// Track the number of locks we are using to sync access to the pages
DWORD m_cpageLock ;
// Pointer to the array of locks we are using !
_RWLOCK* m_ppageLock ;
// No copying of CPageCache objects !
CPageCache( CPageCache& ) ; CPageCache& operator=( CPageCache& ) ;
public :
CPageCache() ; ~CPageCache() ;
BOOL Initialize( DWORD cPageEntry = 0, DWORD cLocks = 0 ) ;
inline PMAP_PAGE AcquireCachePageShared( IN HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD PageNumber, IN DWORD Fraction, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock, IN BOOL fDropDirectory ) ;
inline PMAP_PAGE AcquireCachePageExclusive( IN HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD PageNumber, IN DWORD Fraction, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock, BOOL fDropDirectory ) ;
inline BOOL AddCachePageExclusive( IN HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD PageNumber, IN DWORD Fraction, OUT HPAGELOCK& lock ) ;
// releases both the page lock and the backup lock
static inline VOID ReleasePageShared( PMAP_PAGE page, HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
static inline VOID ReleasePageExclusive( PMAP_PAGE page, HPAGELOCK& hLock ) ;
// Remove this file handle from the cache wherever it appears !
void FlushFileFromCache( IN HANDLE hFile ) ;
} ;
DWORD CalcNumPagesPerIO( DWORD nPages );
#include "hashimp.h"