Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Request, Response objects
File: clcert.h
Owner: DGottner
This file contains the definiton of the CCookie class, which contains all of the state for an HTTP cookie ===================================================================*/
#include "denpre.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "asptlb.h"
#include "dispatch.h"
#include "hashing.h"
#include "memcls.h"
class CClCert;
// Type for an object-destroyed callback
typedef void (*PFNDESTROYED)(void);
* C C l C e r t S u p p o r t E r r * * Implements ISupportErrorInfo for the CClCert class. The CSupportError class * is not adequate because it will only report a max of one interface which * supports error info. (We have two) */ class CClCertSupportErr : public ISupportErrorInfo { private: CClCert * m_pClCert;
public: CClCertSupportErr(CClCert *pClCert);
// IUnknown members that delegate to m_pClCert
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const GUID &, void **); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// ISupportErrorInfo members
STDMETHODIMP InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(const GUID &); };
* C R e a d C l C e r t * * Implements IClCert which is the interface that Request.ClientCert * returns. It is an IRequestDictionary. */ class CReadClCert : public IRequestDictionaryImpl { private: CClCert * m_pClCert;
public: CReadClCert(CClCert *);
// The Big Three
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID &rIID, void **ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// IRequestDictionary implementation
STDMETHODIMP get_Item(VARIANT i, VARIANT *pVariantReturn); STDMETHODIMP get__NewEnum(IUnknown **ppEnumReturn); STDMETHODIMP get_Count(int *pcValues); STDMETHODIMP get_Key(VARIANT VarKey, VARIANT *pvar); };
* C C l C e r t * * Implements CClCert, which is the object stored in the Request.Cookies * dictionary. */ class CClCert : public IUnknown { friend CReadClCert;
protected: ULONG m_cRefs; // reference count
PFNDESTROYED m_pfnDestroy; // To call on closure
private: CReadClCert m_ReadClCertInterface; // implementation of IStringList
CClCertSupportErr m_ClCertSupportErrorInfo; // implementation of ISupportErrorInfo
char * m_szValue; // value of clcert when not a dictionary
VARENUM m_veType; UINT m_cLen;
public: CClCert(IUnknown * = NULL, PFNDESTROYED = NULL); ~CClCert();
HRESULT AddValue(char *szValue, VARENUM ve = VT_BSTR, UINT l = 0 );
size_t GetHTTPClCertSize(); // return information on how big a buffer should be
char * GetHTTPClCert(char *szBuffer); // return the clcert value HTTP encoded
size_t GetClCertHeaderSize(const char *szName); // return buffer size for header
char *GetClCertHeader(const char *szName, char *szBuffer); // return cookie header
// The Big Three
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const GUID &Iid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(); // Cache on per-class basis
// simple class to handle extensible buffer
// It is guaranteed that a portion of the buffer
// can be appended to itself.
// extension is done on a XBF_EXTEND granularity
#define XBF_EXTEND 512
class XBF {
public: XBF( LPSTR pB, int cB ) { m_pV = pB; m_cAlloc = cB; m_cSize = 0; } ~XBF() {} void Reset() { m_cSize = 0; m_cAlloc = 0; m_pV = NULL; }
// Append a string with '\0' delimiter
LPSTR AddStringZ( LPSTR pszV, BOOL fXt = FALSE ) { return AddBlob( pszV, strlen(pszV) +1, fXt ); }
// Append a string w/o '\0' delimiter
LPSTR AddString( LPSTR pszV, BOOL fXt = FALSE ) { return AddBlob( pszV, strlen(pszV), fXt ); }
// Append a byte range
LPSTR AddBlob( LPSTR pszV, int cV, BOOL fXt = FALSE ) { if ( m_cSize + cV > m_cAlloc ) { if ( !fXt || !Extend( m_cSize + cV ) ) { return NULL; } }
LPSTR pV; memcpy( pV = m_pV + m_cSize, pszV, cV ); m_cSize += cV;
return pV; }
LPSTR ReserveRange( int cV , int align = 1) { int curUsed = ((m_cSize + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1)); if ( (curUsed + cV) > m_cAlloc ) { return NULL; }
return m_pV + curUsed; }
VOID SkipRange( int cV, int align = 1) { m_cSize += ((cV + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1)); }
BOOL Extend( int cA );
// pointer to buffer
LPSTR QueryBuf() const { return m_pV; }
// size of buffer
int QuerySize() { return m_cSize; }
int QueryAllocSize() { return m_cAlloc; }
private: int m_cAlloc; // allocated memory
int m_cSize; // used memory
LPSTR m_pV; // buffer
} ;
class CCertRequest { public: CCertRequest( CRequest* Req ) { pReq = Req; } ~CCertRequest() {}
HRESULT AddStringPair( CollectionType Source, LPSTR szName, LPSTR szValue, XBF *pxbf, BOOL fDuplicate, UINT lCodePage ); HRESULT AddDatePair( CollectionType Source, LPSTR szName, FILETIME* pValue, XBF *pxbf ); HRESULT AddDwordPair( CollectionType Source, LPSTR szName, LPDWORD pValue, XBF *pxbf ); HRESULT AddBinaryPair( CollectionType Source, LPSTR szName, LPBYTE pValue, DWORD cValue, XBF *pxbf, UINT lCodePage ); HRESULT AddUuBinaryPair( CollectionType Source, LPSTR szName, LPBYTE pValue, DWORD cValue, XBF *pxbf, UINT lCodePage ); HRESULT AddName( LPSTR szName, CRequestHit **ppReqHit, XBF *pxbf ); HRESULT ParseRDNS( CERT_NAME_INFO* pNameInfo, LPSTR pszPrefix, XBF *pxbf, UINT lCodePage ); HRESULT ParseCertificate( LPBYTE pCert, DWORD cCert, DWORD dwEncoding, DWORD dwFlags, UINT lCodePage ); HRESULT NoCertificate();
private: CRequest *pReq; } ;