Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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127 lines
2.9 KiB

  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. REM Owner: DougMc
  3. REM Created: 05/14/97
  4. if /I "%1" == "/?" goto _usage
  5. if /I "%1" == "-?" goto _usage
  6. if /I "%1" == "" goto _usage
  7. @ECHO .
  8. @ECHO **********************************************************************
  9. @ECHO Running ASP Smoke Scripts using %1 threads
  10. @ECHO **********************************************************************
  11. @ECHO .
  12. if "%4"=="" set TARGETMACHINE=%COMPUTERNAME% && goto _default
  13. set TARGETMACHINE=%4
  14. :_default
  15. regsetex ThreadCreationThreshold 2 %TARGETMACHINE%
  16. REM Unique to DEV
  17. regsvr32 /s servctl.dll
  18. regsvr32 /s servctla.dll
  19. regsvr32 /s servctlf.dll
  20. regsvr32 /s servctlb.dll
  21. REM clear previous log file
  22. del logs\smoke.log
  23. copy smoke\* gsmoke
  24. REM
  25. REM Setup WAM Environment
  26. REM
  27. if "%1"=="y" goto _setupwam
  28. goto _runtests
  29. :_setupwam
  30. @ECHO Removing old WAM settings...
  31. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/smoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:8 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  32. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/gsmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:8 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  33. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/osmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:8 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  34. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/ogsmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:8 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  35. sleep 20
  36. mdutil delete w3svc/1/root/smoke
  37. mdutil delete w3svc/1/root/osmoke
  38. mdutil delete w3svc/1/root/gsmoke
  39. mdutil delete w3svc/1/root/ogsmoke
  40. sleep 20
  41. @ECHO Setting up WAM...
  42. REM InProc
  43. mdutil create w3svc/1/root/smoke
  44. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/smoke/vrpath %_SMOKEDRIVE%\wagtest\scripts\smoke
  45. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/smoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:4 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  46. mdutil create w3svc/1/root/gsmoke
  47. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/gsmoke/vrpath %_SMOKEDRIVE%\wagtest\scripts\gsmoke
  48. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/gsmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:4 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  49. sleep 20
  50. REM OutofProc
  51. mdutil create w3svc/1/root/osmoke
  52. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/osmoke/vrpath %_SMOKEDRIVE%\wagtest\scripts\smoke
  53. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/osmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:5 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  54. mdutil create w3svc/1/root/ogsmoke
  55. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/ogsmoke/vrpath %_SMOKEDRIVE%\wagtest\scripts\gsmoke
  56. mdutil set w3svc/1/root/ogsmoke -prop:2100 -dtype:DWORD -utype:100 -value:5 -s:%TARGETMACHINE%
  57. :_runtests
  58. if "%3"=="risc" goto _risc
  59. if "%3"=="win95" goto _win95
  60. goto _x86
  61. :_x86
  62. set platform=x86
  63. goto _common
  64. :_risc
  65. set platform=risc
  66. goto _common
  67. :_win95
  68. set platform=win95
  69. goto _common
  70. :_common
  71. net start w3svc
  72. net start msdtc
  73. call denver -s smoke.txt -o %TARGETMACHINE% -t %2 -a 1 -p 3 -l logs\%platform%.log
  74. goto _end
  75. :_usage
  76. @ECHO .
  77. @ECHO **********************************************************************
  78. @ECHO USAGE:
  79. @ECHO ."SMOKE [SETUP WAM ENVIRONMENT] NUM_THREADS [win95 | risc | x86]"
  80. @ECHO .
  81. @ECHO . SAMPLE: smoke n 1 x86 bic_37
  82. @ECHO **********************************************************************
  83. @ECHO .
  84. :_end
  85. findstr -i FAIL logs\%platform%.log
  86. REM Cleanup
  87. ECHO ON