Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the help text for all commands supported by this NTSD debugger extension.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 12-Nov-1997
Revision History:
#include "inetdbgp.h"
// The following structure defines the text displayed in response
// to the "!help" command. This text may also be displayed if invalid
// arguments are passed to a command.
typedef struct _HELP_MAP {
// This is the name of the command.
PSTR Command;
// This is a "one-liner" displayed when the user executes "!help".
PSTR OneLiner;
// This is the full help text displayed when the user executes
// "!help <cmd>".
PSTR FullHelp;
HELP_MAP HelpMaps[] = { { "help", "Dump this list or help for specific command", "help [<cmd>] - Dump help for command\n" " If no <cmd> is given, a list of all available commands is displayed\n" },
{ "atq", "Dump ATQ structures", "!atq <addr> - Dump ATQ_CONTEXT at <addr>\n" "!atq -p <addr> - Dump ATQ_ENDPOINT at <addr>\n" "!atq -g - Dump atq globals\n" "!atq -c[0|1|2|3][0|1] - Dump atq client list at verbosity [n]\n" " Verbosity Levels\n" " 0x - Traverse list, print number on list, confirm signatures\n" " 1x - Active Only\n" " 2x - All Atq contexts\n" " x0 - Print one line summary of Atq Context\n" " x1 - Print full Atq context\n" "!atq -e[0|1|2|3][0|1] <endpoint-addr> - \n" " Dump atq client list at verbosity for given endpoint\n" "!atq -l - Dump atq Endpoint list\n" },
{ "asp", "Dump ASP structures", "!asp -g - Dump ASP globals\n" "!asp -tl - Show items in template cache\n" "!asp [-v#] -e <addr> - Dump information about script engine\n" "!asp [-v#] -h <addr> - Dump CHitObj at <addr>\n" "!asp [-v#] -t <addr> - Dump CTemplate at <addr>\n" "!asp [-v#] -tf <addr> - Dump CTemplate::CFileMap at <addr>\n" "!asp [-v#] -s <addr> - Dump CSession at <addr>\n" "!asp [-v#] -a <addr> - Dump CAppln at <addr>\n" "!asp [-v#] -o <addr> - Dump CComponentObject at <addr>\n" "!asp -l <addr> - VERY BRIEF Display of Object Collection at <addr>\n" "\n" "Some options can be prefixed with \"-v\" for more verbosity. Example:\n" " !inetdbg.asp -v -t <addr>\n" "\n" "An integer between 0 and 2 may follow the \"-v\" flag.\n" " \"-v0\" is equivalent to no \"-v\" option specified.\n" " \"-v1\" is equivalent to plain \"-v\"\n" " \"-v2\" specifies yet even more verbosity. (provides everything)\n" "\n" "Example:\n" " !inetdbg.asp -v2 -o <addr>\n" "\n" "Pointers are displayed in hex. Everything else is decimal unless prefixed with \"0x\".\n" },
{ "sched", "Dump scheduler structures", "!sched <addr> - Dump Scheduler Item at <addr>\n" "!sched -S <addr> - Dump CSchedData at <addr>\n" "!sched -T <addr> - Dump CThreadData at <addr>\n" "!sched -s[0|1|2] - Dump global list of schedulers at verbosity [n]\n" "!sched -l[0|1] - Dump Scheduler Item list at verbosity [n]\n" },
{ "acache", "Dump allocation cache structures", "!acache <addr> - Dump Allocation Cache Handler at <addr>\n" "!acache -g - Dump Allocation Cache global information\n" "!acache -l[0|1] - Dump Allocation Cache list at verbosity [v]\n" },
{ "ds", "Dump stack with symbols", "!ds [-v] <addr> - Dump symbols on stack\n" " -v == print valid symbols only\n" " default addr == current stack pointer\n" },
{ "ref", "Dump reference trace log", "!ref <addr> [<context>...] - Dump reference trace log at <addr>\n" },
{ "rref", "Dump reference trace log in reverse order", "!rref <addr> [<context>...] - Same as ref, except dumps backwards\n" },
{ "resetref", "Reset reference trace log", "!resetref <addr> - Reset reference trace log at <addr>\n" },
{ "st", "Dump string trace log", "!st [-l[0|1]] <addr> - Dump string trace log at <addr>\n" },
{ "rst", "Dump string trace log in reverse order", "!rst [-l[0|1]] <addr> - Same as st, except dumps backwards\n" },
{ "resetst", "Reset string trace log", "!resetst <addr> - Reset string trace log at <addr>\n" },
{ "wstats", "Dump W3 server statistics", "!wstats [<addr>] - Dump w3svc:W3_SERVER_STATISTICS at <addr>\n" },
{ "cc", "Dump W3 CLIENT_CONN structures", "!cc <addr> - Dump w3svc:CLIENT_CONN at <addr>\n" "!cc -l[0|1] - Dump w3svc:CLIENT_CONN list at verbosity [v]\n" },
{ "hreq", "Dump W3 HTTP_REQUEST structures", "!hreq <addr> - Dump w3svc:HTTP_REQUEST object at <addr>\n" "!hreq -l[0|1] - Dump HTTP_REQUEST list at verbosity [n]\n" },
{ "wreq", "Dump W3 WAM_REQUEST structures", "!wreq <addr> - Dump w3svc:WAM_REQUEST object at <addr>\n" "!wreq -l[0|1] - Dump WAM_REQUEST list at verbosity [n]\n" },
{ "wxin", "Dump WAM_EXEC_INFO structures", "!wxin <addr> - Dump wam:WAM_EXEC_INFO object at <addr>\n" "!wxin -l[0|1] <WAM addr> - Dump WAM's list of WAM_EXEC_INFOs at verbosity [n]\n" },
{ "rpcoop", "Find process/thread ID buried in RPC parameters", "!rpcoop <addr> - given RPC param finds the process id for OOP\n" " Verbosity Levels [v]\n" " 0 - Print one line summary\n" " 1 - Print level 1 information\n" " 2 - Print level 2 information\n" },
{ "fcache", "Dump IIS file cache structures", "!fcache [options] - Dump entire File Cache\n" " -b == dump bin lists\n" " -m == dump mru list\n" " -v == verbose\n" "!fcache <addr> - Dump File Cache entry at <addr>\n" },
{ "lkrhash", "Dump LKRhash table structures", "!lkrhash [options] <addr> - Dump LKRhash table at <addr>\n" " -l[0-2] == verbosity level\n" " -v == very verbose\n" " -g[0-2] == dump global list of LKRhashes at verbosity level\n" },
{ "open", "Dump TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO structures", "!open <addr> - Dump TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO @ <addr>\n" },
{ "uri", "Dump W3_URI_INFO structures", "!uri <addr> - Dump W3_URI_INFO @ <addr>\n" },
{ "phys", "Dump PHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO structures", "!phys <addr> - Dump PHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO @ <addr>\n" },
{ "oplock", "Dump OPLOCK_OBJECT structures", "!oplock <addr> - Dump OPLOCK_OBJECT @ <addr>\n" },
{ "blob", "Dump BLOB_HEADER structures", "!blob <addr> - Dump BLOB_HEADER @ <addr>\n" },
{ "mod", "Dump module info", "!mod [<addr>] - Dump module info\n" " If <addr> is specified, only module containing <addr> is dumped\n" },
{ "ver", "Dump module version resources", "!ver [<module>] - Dump version resource for specified module\n" " <module> may be either a module base address or name\n" " If no <module> is specified, then all modules are dumped\n" },
{ "heapfind", "Find heap block by size or address", "!heapfind -a<addr> - Find heap block containing <addr>\n" "!heapfind -s<size> - Find all heap blocks of length <size>\n" },
{ "heapstat", "Dump heap statistics", "!heapstat <min> - Dump heap statistics\n" " If <min> is present, then only those heap blocks with counts >= <min>\n" " are displayed. Note that *all* heap blocks are included in the totals,\n" " even if those blocks had counts too small to display.\n" " If <min> is not present, all heap blocks are displayed\n" },
{ "waminfo", "Dump WAM Dictator info", "!waminfo -g[0|1] - Dump WamDictator info\n" " 0 - Dump WamDictator info only\n" " 1 - Dump WamDictator's Dying List\n" "!waminfo -d <WamInfoAddr> - Dump WamInfo (InProc or OutProc)\n" "!waminfo -l <OOPListHeadAddr> - Dump WamInfoOutProc WamRequest OOP List\n" },
{ "spud", "Dump SPUD counters", "!spud - Dump SPUD counters\n" },
{ "gem", "Get current error mode", "!gem - Get current error mode\n" },
{ "exec", "Execute external command", "!exec [<cmd>] - Execute external command\n" " Default <cmd> is CMD.EXE\n" },
{ "llc", "Counts items on a standard linked-list", "!llc <list_head> - Counts the LIST_ENTRYs present on the specified list head\n" },
{ "dumpoff", "Dump structure/class information base on debug info in PDB", "!dumpoff <pdb_file>!<type_name>[.<member_name>] [expression]\n" "!dumpoff -s [<pdb_search_path>]\n\n" "pdb_file Un-qualified name of PDB file (eg. KERNEL32, NTDLL)\n" "type_name Name of type (struct/class) to dump, OR \n" " ==<cbHexSize> to dump struct/classes of size cbHexSize\n" "member_name (optional) Name of member in type_name to dump\n" "expression (optional) Address of memory to dump as type_name\n" " if not present, offset(s) are dumped\n" "pdb_search_path Set the search path for PDBs\n\n" "Examples: !dumpoff ntdll!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION 14d4d0\n" " !dumpoff w3svc!HTTP_REQUEST._dwSignature w3svc!g_GlobalObj\n" " !dumpoff ntdll!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION\n" " !dumpoff w3svc!==840\n" " !dumpoff -s \\\\mydrive\\pdbs;c:\\local\\pdbs\n" },
{ "vmstat", "Dump virtual memory statistics", "!vmstat - Dump virtual memory statistics" },
{ "vmmap", "Dump virtual memory map", "!vmmap - Dump virtual memory map" }
#ifndef _NO_TRACING_
,{ "trace", "Configure WMI Tracing", "!trace -o <LoggerName> <LoggerFileName> Toggle tracing active state\n" "!trace -d <Module_Name|all> 0|1 Set OutputDebugString generation state\n" "!trace -s [Module_Name] List module status\n" "!trace -a <Module_Name|all> <LoggerName> [Level] [Flags] Set active state of specified module\n" "!trace -f <Module_Name|all> <Flag> Set control flag for a specific module\n\n" "Notes: -o does not activate any modules, you must use the -a option for that\n" " -a can not notify WMI, this may cause odd results when using \"tracelog\"\n" " The level & flag are hexadecimal\n" }
#define NUM_HELP_MAPS ( sizeof(HelpMaps) / sizeof(HelpMaps[0]) )
PSTR FindHelpForCommand( IN PSTR CommandName ) {
for( i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++ ) { if( _stricmp( helpMap->Command, CommandName ) == 0 ) { return helpMap->FullHelp; } }
return NULL;
} // FindHelpForCommand
VOID PrintUsage( IN PSTR CommandName ) {
PSTR cmdHelp; PHELP_MAP helpMap; ULONG i; ULONG maxLength; ULONG length;
dprintf( "IIS debugging extension for IIS Version 5.0\n" );
if( CommandName == NULL ) {
// We'll display the one-liners for each command. Start by
// scanning the commands to find the longest length. This makes the
// output much prettier without having to manually tweak the
// columns.
maxLength = 0;
for( i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++ ) { length = (ULONG)strlen( helpMap->Command ); if( length > maxLength ) { maxLength = length; } }
// Now actually display the one-liners.
for( i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++ ) { dprintf( "!%-*s - %s\n", maxLength, helpMap->Command, helpMap->OneLiner ); }
} else {
// Find a specific command and display the full help.
cmdHelp = FindHelpForCommand( CommandName );
if( cmdHelp == NULL ) { dprintf( "unrecognized command %s\n", CommandName ); } else { dprintf( "%s", cmdHelp ); }
} // PrintUsage()
DECLARE_API( help ) {
// Skip leading blanks.
while( *lpArgumentString == ' ' || *lpArgumentString == '\t' ) { lpArgumentString++; }
if( !strcmp( lpArgumentString, "?" ) ) { lpArgumentString = "help"; }
if( *lpArgumentString == '\0' ) { lpArgumentString = NULL; }
PrintUsage( lpArgumentString );
} // DECLARE_API( help )