Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
CStringTraceLog support
George V. Reilly (GeorgeRe) 22-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#include "inetdbgp.h"
* Dump String Trace Logs ************************************************************/
// Dummy implementations so that we can link
CStringTraceLog::CStringTraceLog( UINT cchEntrySize /* = 80 */, UINT cLogSize /* = 100 */) {}
CStringTraceLog::~CStringTraceLog() {}
VOID DumpStringTraceLog( IN PSTR lpArgumentString, IN BOOLEAN fReverse )
Routine Description:
Dumps the specified print trace log either forwards (fReverse == FALSE) or backwards (fReverse == TRUE).
lpArgumentString - An expression specifying the print trace log to dump.
fReverse - The dump direction.
Return Value:
{ ULONG_PTR stlLogAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR entryAddress; LONG numEntries; CStringTraceLog stlHeader; TRACE_LOG tlogHeader; CStringTraceLog::CLogEntry logEntry; LONG i; DWORD offset; PCHAR format; LONG index; LONG direction; PSTR cmdName; UCHAR symbol[MAX_PATH]; INT nVerbose = 0;
direction = fReverse ? -1 : 1; cmdName = fReverse ? "rst" : "st";
// Skip leading blanks.
while( *lpArgumentString == ' ' || *lpArgumentString == '\t' ) { lpArgumentString++; }
if( *lpArgumentString == '\0' ) { PrintUsage( cmdName ); return; }
if ( *lpArgumentString == '-' ) { lpArgumentString++;
if ( *lpArgumentString == 'h' ) { PrintUsage( cmdName ); return; }
if ( *lpArgumentString == 'l' ) { lpArgumentString++; if ('0' <= *lpArgumentString && *lpArgumentString <= '9' ) { nVerbose = *lpArgumentString++ - '0'; } }
while( *lpArgumentString == ' ' || *lpArgumentString == '\t' ) { lpArgumentString++; }
stlLogAddress = (ULONG_PTR)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
if( stlLogAddress == 0 ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: cannot evaluate \"%s\"\n", cmdName, lpArgumentString );
// Skip to end of expression, then skip any blanks.
while( *lpArgumentString != ' ' && *lpArgumentString != '\t' && *lpArgumentString != '\0' ) { lpArgumentString++; }
// Read the log header, perform some sanity checks.
if( !ReadMemory( stlLogAddress, &stlHeader, sizeof(stlHeader), NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: cannot read memory @ %p\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress );
return; }
if( !ReadMemory( stlHeader.m_ptlog, &tlogHeader, sizeof(tlogHeader), NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: cannot read tracelog memory @ %p\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlHeader.m_ptlog );
return; }
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: log @ %p:\n" " String Trace Log Signature = %08lx (%s)\n" " Trace Log Signature = %08lx (%s)\n" " LogSize = %lu\n" " NextEntry = %lu\n" " EntrySize = %lu\n" " LogBuffer = %p\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress, stlHeader.m_Signature, stlHeader.m_Signature == CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE ? "OK" : stlHeader.m_Signature == CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE_X ? "FREED" : "INVALID", tlogHeader.Signature, tlogHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE ? "OK" : tlogHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE_X ? "FREED" : "INVALID", tlogHeader.LogSize, tlogHeader.NextEntry, tlogHeader.EntrySize, tlogHeader.LogBuffer );
if( tlogHeader.LogBuffer > ( (PUCHAR)stlHeader.m_ptlog + sizeof(tlogHeader) ) ) { dprintf( " Extra Data @ %p\n", (PVOID)( stlLogAddress + sizeof(tlogHeader) ) ); }
if( stlHeader.m_Signature != CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE && stlHeader.m_Signature != CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE_X ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: log @ %p has invalid signature: %08lx\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress, stlHeader.m_Signature );
return; }
if( (UINT) tlogHeader.EntrySize != sizeof(CStringTraceLog::CLogEntry) - CStringTraceLog::MAX_CCH + stlHeader.m_cch ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: log @ %p is not a print trace log\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress );
if( tlogHeader.NextEntry == -1 ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: empty log @ %p\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress );
// Calculate the starting address and number of entries.
if( fReverse ) { if( tlogHeader.NextEntry < tlogHeader.LogSize ) { numEntries = tlogHeader.NextEntry + 1; index = tlogHeader.NextEntry; } else { numEntries = tlogHeader.LogSize; index = tlogHeader.NextEntry % tlogHeader.LogSize; } } else { if( tlogHeader.NextEntry < tlogHeader.LogSize ) { numEntries = tlogHeader.NextEntry + 1; index = 0; } else { numEntries = tlogHeader.LogSize; index = ( tlogHeader.NextEntry + 1 ) % tlogHeader.LogSize; } }
entryAddress = (ULONG_PTR)tlogHeader.LogBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)( index * tlogHeader.EntrySize );
if( entryAddress >= ( (ULONG_PTR)tlogHeader.LogBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)( numEntries * tlogHeader.EntrySize ) ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: log @ %p has invalid data\n", cmdName, (PVOID)stlLogAddress );
// Dump the log, which is stored in a circular buffer.
for( ; numEntries > 0 ; index += direction, numEntries--, entryAddress += ( direction * tlogHeader.EntrySize ) ) {
if( CheckControlC() ) { break; }
if( index >= tlogHeader.LogSize ) { index = 0; entryAddress = (ULONG_PTR)tlogHeader.LogBuffer; } else if( index < 0 ) { index = tlogHeader.LogSize - 1; entryAddress = (ULONG_PTR)tlogHeader.LogBuffer + (ULONG_PTR)( index * tlogHeader.EntrySize ); }
if( !ReadMemory( entryAddress, &logEntry, tlogHeader.EntrySize, NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.%s: cannot read memory @ %p\n", cmdName, (ULONG_PTR)entryAddress );
if (nVerbose == 0) { dprintf( "%04x: %s\n", logEntry.m_nThread, logEntry.m_ach ); } else if (nVerbose == 1) { dprintf( "\n%6d: Thread = %04x, TimeStamp = %04x %04x %04x %04x\n" "%s\n", index, logEntry.m_nThread, HIWORD(logEntry.m_liTimeStamp.HighPart), LOWORD(logEntry.m_liTimeStamp.HighPart), HIWORD(logEntry.m_liTimeStamp.LowPart), LOWORD(logEntry.m_liTimeStamp.LowPart), logEntry.m_ach ); } }
} // DumpStringTraceLog
Routine Description:
This function is called as an NTSD extension to format and dump a print trace log.
hCurrentProcess - Supplies a handle to the current process (at the time the extension was called).
hCurrentThread - Supplies a handle to the current thread (at the time the extension was called).
CurrentPc - Supplies the current pc at the time the extension is called.
lpExtensionApis - Supplies the address of the functions callable by this extension.
lpArgumentString - Supplies the asciiz string that describes the ansi string to be dumped.
Return Value:
INIT_API(); DumpStringTraceLog( lpArgumentString, FALSE );
} // DECLARE_API( st )
Routine Description:
This function is called as an NTSD extension to format and dump a print trace log backwards.
hCurrentProcess - Supplies a handle to the current process (at the time the extension was called).
hCurrentThread - Supplies a handle to the current thread (at the time the extension was called).
CurrentPc - Supplies the current pc at the time the extension is called.
lpExtensionApis - Supplies the address of the functions callable by this extension.
lpArgumentString - Supplies the asciiz string that describes the ansi string to be dumped.
Return Value:
INIT_API(); DumpStringTraceLog( lpArgumentString, TRUE );
} // DECLARE_API( rst )
DECLARE_API( resetst )
Routine Description:
This function is called as an NTSD extension to reset a print trace log back to its initial state.
hCurrentProcess - Supplies a handle to the current process (at the time the extension was called).
hCurrentThread - Supplies a handle to the current thread (at the time the extension was called).
CurrentPc - Supplies the current pc at the time the extension is called.
lpExtensionApis - Supplies the address of the functions callable by this extension.
lpArgumentString - Supplies the asciiz string that describes the ansi string to be dumped.
Return Value:
{ ULONG_PTR stlLogAddress = 0; CStringTraceLog stlHeader; TRACE_LOG tlogHeader; CStringTraceLog::CLogEntry logEntry;
// Skip leading blanks.
while( *lpArgumentString == ' ' || *lpArgumentString == '\t' ) { lpArgumentString++; }
if( *lpArgumentString == '\0' ) { PrintUsage( "resetst" ); return; }
stlLogAddress = GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
if( stlLogAddress == 0 ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: cannot evaluate \"%s\"\n", lpArgumentString );
// Read the log header, perform some sanity checks.
if( !ReadMemory( stlLogAddress, &stlHeader, sizeof(stlHeader), NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: cannot read memory @ %p\n", stlLogAddress );
if( !ReadMemory( stlHeader.m_ptlog, &tlogHeader, sizeof(tlogHeader), NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: cannot read tracelog memory @ %p\n", (PVOID)stlHeader.m_ptlog );
return; }
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: log @ %p:\n" " String Trace Log Signature = %08lx (%s)\n" " Trace Log Signature = %08lx (%s)\n" " LogSize = %lu\n" " NextEntry = %lu\n" " EntrySize = %lu\n" " LogBuffer = %08lp\n", (PVOID) stlLogAddress, stlHeader.m_Signature, stlHeader.m_Signature == CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE ? "OK" : stlHeader.m_Signature == CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE_X ? "FREED" : "INVALID", tlogHeader.Signature, tlogHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE ? "OK" : tlogHeader.Signature == TRACE_LOG_SIGNATURE_X ? "FREED" : "INVALID", tlogHeader.LogSize, tlogHeader.NextEntry, tlogHeader.EntrySize, tlogHeader.LogBuffer );
if( tlogHeader.LogBuffer > ( (PUCHAR)stlHeader.m_ptlog + sizeof(tlogHeader) ) ) { dprintf( " Extra Data @ %p\n", (PVOID)( stlLogAddress + sizeof(tlogHeader) ) ); }
if( stlHeader.m_Signature != CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE && stlHeader.m_Signature != CStringTraceLog::SIGNATURE_X ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: log @ %p has invalid signature %08lx:\n", (PVOID) stlLogAddress, stlHeader.m_Signature );
if( (UINT) tlogHeader.EntrySize != sizeof(CStringTraceLog::CLogEntry) - CStringTraceLog::MAX_CCH + stlHeader.m_cch ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: log @ %p is not a print trace log\n", (PVOID) stlLogAddress );
// Reset it.
tlogHeader.NextEntry = -1;
if( !WriteMemory( stlHeader.m_ptlog, &tlogHeader, sizeof(tlogHeader), NULL ) ) {
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: cannot write memory @ %p\n", (PVOID) stlHeader.m_ptlog );
dprintf( "inetdbg.resetst: log @ %p reset\n", (PVOID) stlHeader.m_ptlog );
} // DECLARE_API( resetst )