Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract: This module contains the tsunami caching routines
Author: Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 16-Jan-1995
#include "TsunamiP.Hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <lonsi.hxx>
#include <dbgutil.h>
// Items in a Bin list beyond this position will get moved to the front
// on an object cache hit
// Current count of cached file handles across a UNC connection
DWORD cCachedUNCHandles = 0;
// Enable caching of security descriptor & AccessCheck
BOOL g_fCacheSecDesc = TRUE; BOOL g_fEnableCaching = TRUE;
BOOL RemoveLruHandleCacheItem( VOID );
BOOL Cache_Initialize( IN DWORD MaxOpenFileInUse ) { int index;
// Initialize configuration block
ZeroMemory(&Configuration,sizeof( Configuration ));
InitializeCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); SET_CRITICAL_SECTION_SPIN_COUNT( &CacheTable.CriticalSection, IIS_DEFAULT_CS_SPIN_COUNT);
InitializeListHead( &CacheTable.MruList );
CacheTable.OpenFileInUse = 0; CacheTable.MaxOpenFileInUse = MaxOpenFileInUse;
for ( index=0; index<MAX_BINS; index++ ) { InitializeListHead( &CacheTable.Items[ index ] ); }
return( TRUE ); } // Cache_Initialize
BOOL TsCacheDirectoryBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN ULONG iDemultiplexor, IN PVOID pvBlob, IN BOOLEAN bKeepCheckedOut, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function associates the Blob given as input with the specified directory and demultiplexing number. Services should use this function to add a Blob to the cache.
Callers must not cache the same Blob twice. Once a Blob is cached, its contents must not be modified, and it must not be freed or re-cached.
--*/ { CACHE_OBJECT *cache = NULL; PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob; BOOLEAN bSuccess; ULONG iBin; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache; PCHAR pszTemp; HASH_TYPE htHash; ULONG cchLength;
ASSERT( pszDirectoryName != NULL ); ASSERT( pvBlob != NULL );
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "TsCacheDirectoryBlob called with" " Dir=%S, DeMux=%u, PvBlob=%08x, ChkedOut=%d\n", pszDirectoryName, iDemultiplexor, pvBlob, bKeepCheckedOut )); }
if ( g_fDisableCaching ) { goto Cannot_Cache; }
// The caller will have passed their pointer to the usable area of the
// Blob, so we have to adjust it to point to the beginning.
pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )pvBlob ) - 1;
ASSERT( !pbhBlob->IsCached );
// Hash the directory name.
htHash = CalculateHashAndLengthOfPathName( pszDirectoryName, &cchLength );
// Allocate the cache object. We (effectively) allocate cchLength + 1
// bytes, to allow for the trailing NULL.
cache = (PCACHE_OBJECT)ALLOC( sizeof(CACHE_OBJECT) + cchLength);
if ( cache == NULL ) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Unable to alloc Cache Object. Failure.\n")); } goto Cannot_Cache; }
cache->Signature = CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE;
cache->hash = htHash; cache->cchLength = cchLength;
// Store the Blob in the new object.
cache->pbhBlob = pbhBlob;
// Store the security descriptor in the new object.
cache->pSecDesc = pSecDesc; cache->hLastSuccessAccessToken = NULL;
// We need to be able to find the cache entry from the Blob.
pbhBlob->pCache = cache;
// Initialize the check-out count.
cache->references = ( bKeepCheckedOut) ? 2 : 1; cache->iDemux = iDemultiplexor; cache->dwService = TSvcCache.GetServiceId(); cache->dwInstance = TSvcCache.GetInstanceId(); cache->TTL = 1;
TSUNAMI_TRACE( cache->references, cache );
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCacheDirectoryBlob(%s) iDemux=%08lx, cache=%08lx, references=%d\n", pszDirectoryName, iDemultiplexor, cache, cache->references )); }
InitializeListHead( &cache->DirChangeList );
// Lock the cache table against changes. We need to take the lock
// before we add the new object to the directory change death list,
// so that a directory change that kills this object will not find
// the cache table without the object present.
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
// Copy the directory name to the cache object.
memcpy( cache->szPath, pszDirectoryName, cache->cchLength + 1 );
// Add the object to the directory change expiry list.
// There's an ugly, disgusting hack here making this code aware
// of the structure of URI info, but it's better than going
// through everywhere and fixing the call to this routine to pass
// in the file path as well as the cache key name.
if (iDemultiplexor == RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO) { PW3_URI_INFO pURIInfo = (PW3_URI_INFO)pvBlob;
pszTemp = pURIInfo->pszName;
} else { pszTemp = (PCHAR)pszDirectoryName; }
bSuccess = DcmAddNewItem( (PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE)TSvcCache.GetServerInstance(), pszTemp, cache );
if ( !bSuccess ) { //
// For whatever reason, we cannot get notifications of changes
// in the directory containing the to-be-cached item. We won't
// be adding this object to the cache table, so we unlock the
// table and jump to the failure-handling code.
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Unable to cache. Due to rejection by DirChngMgr\n")); }
goto Cannot_Cache; }
// Mark this blob as cached, since we'll either cache it or throw it
// away hereafter.
pbhBlob->IsCached = TRUE;
// Add the object to the cache table, as the most-recently-used object.
iBin = HASH_TO_BIN( cache->hash );
// Look for a previously cached object for the same directory. If we
// find one, remove it.
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[ iBin ].Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pCache = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, BinList );
if ( pCache->cchLength == cache->cchLength && pCache->hash == cache->hash && pCache->iDemux == cache->iDemux && pCache->dwService == cache->dwService && pCache->dwInstance== cache->dwInstance && !_memicmp( cache->szPath, pCache->szPath, cache->cchLength ) ) { //
// We found a matching cache object. We remove it, since it
// has been replaced by this new object.
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCacheDirectoryBlob - Decache(%s)\n", pCache->szPath )); } DeCache( pCache, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Matching cache object found." " Throwing that object ( %08x) out of cache\n", pEntry)); }
break; } }
// Add this object to the cache.
InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ], &cache->BinList );
// Since this object was just added, put it at the head of the MRU list.
InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.MruList, &cache->MruList );
// Increase the running size of cached objects by the size of the one
// just cached.
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCacheDirectoryBlob(%s)\n", pszDirectoryName)); }
// Limit number of open file entries in cache.
// Note that in the current scenario pOpenFileInfo is set only after the URI_INFO
// blob is inserted in cache, so TsCreateFileFromURI also has to check for
// # of open file in cache.
if ( (iDemultiplexor == RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE) || (iDemultiplexor == RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO && ((W3_URI_INFO*)pvBlob)->bFileInfoValid && ((W3_URI_INFO*)pvBlob)->pOpenFileInfo != NULL) ) { TsIncreaseFileHandleCount( TRUE ); }
// Unlock the cache table.
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
// Return success.
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Cached object(%08x) contains Blob (%08x)." " Returning TRUE\n", cache, pvBlob)); }
return( TRUE );
// The cleanup code does not cleanup a directory change item.
if ( cache != NULL ) { cache->Signature = CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE_X; FREE( cache ); cache = NULL; }
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, " Failure to cache the object ( %08x)\n", pvBlob)); }
return( FALSE );
} // TsCacheDirectoryBlob
BOOL TsCheckOutCachedBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN ULONG iDemultiplexor, IN PVOID * ppvBlob, IN HANDLE hAccessToken, IN BOOL fMayCacheAccessToken, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* ppSecDesc ) { HASH_TYPE hash; ULONG cchLength; int iBin; BOOL Result; LONG refCount; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache; DWORD Position = 0; BOOL fSkipIdCheck = (iDemultiplexor != RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE) && (iDemultiplexor != RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO);
ASSERT( pszDirectoryName != NULL ); ASSERT( ppvBlob != NULL );
// Prepare the return value such that we fail by default.
Result = FALSE;
if ( ppSecDesc ) { *ppSecDesc = NULL; }
// Calculate the hash and length of the path name.
hash = CalculateHashAndLengthOfPathName( pszDirectoryName, &cchLength );
// Calculate the bin of the hash table that should head the list
// containing the sought-after item.
iBin = HASH_TO_BIN( hash );
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
__try {
// Look for a previously cached object for the same directory. If we
// find one, return it.
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[ iBin ].Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, Position++ ) { pCache = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, BinList );
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->IsCached ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->pCache == pCache );
if ( pCache->cchLength == cchLength && pCache->hash == hash && pCache->iDemux == iDemultiplexor && pCache->references > 0 && ( fSkipIdCheck || ( pCache->dwService == TSvcCache.GetServiceId() && pCache->dwInstance == TSvcCache.GetInstanceId() ) ) && !_memicmp( pCache->szPath, pszDirectoryName, cchLength ) ) { //
// Check access rights
if ( pCache->pSecDesc && hAccessToken && hAccessToken != pCache->hLastSuccessAccessToken ) { BOOL fAccess; DWORD dwGrantedAccess; BYTE psFile[SIZE_PRIVILEGE_SET]; DWORD dwPS = sizeof( psFile );
if ( !::AccessCheck( pCache->pSecDesc, hAccessToken, FILE_GENERIC_READ, &g_gmFile, (PRIVILEGE_SET*)psFile, &dwPS, &dwGrantedAccess, &fAccess ) || !fAccess ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "[TsCheckOutCachedBlob] AccessCheck failed error %d\n", GetLastError() )); Result = FALSE; goto Exit; } if ( fMayCacheAccessToken ) { pCache->hLastSuccessAccessToken = hAccessToken; } }
// We found a matching cache object. We return it and increase
// its reference count.
*ppvBlob = pCache->pbhBlob + 1;
ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->IsCached );
// Increase the reference count of the cached object, to prevent
// it from expiration while it is checked out.
refCount = REFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache );
if( refCount == 1 ) { //
// The reference count was zero before we incremented
// it, meaning this cache entry is in the midst of
// getting deleted. We'll restore the reference count
// and ignore this entry.
DEREFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache ); continue; }
TSUNAMI_TRACE( refCount, pCache );
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCheckOutCachedBlob(%s) iDemux=%08lx, cache=%08lx, references=%d\n", pszDirectoryName, pCache->iDemux, pCache, refCount )); }
pCache->TTL = 1;
Result = TRUE;
// If the found item is far enough back in the list, move
// it to the front so the next hit will be quicker
if ( Position > REORDER_LIST_THRESHOLD ) { RemoveEntryList( pEntry ); InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ], pEntry );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[TsCheckOutCachedBlobW] Reordered list for item at %d position\n", Position )); } }
if ( ppSecDesc && pCache->pSecDesc ) { if ( *ppSecDesc = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pCache->pSecDesc) ) ) { memcpy( *ppSecDesc, pCache->pSecDesc, GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pCache->pSecDesc) ); } }
break; } } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// As far as I can see, the only way we can end up here with
// Result == TRUE is an exception on LeaveCriticalSection(). If
// that happens, we're toast anyway, since noone will ever get to
// the CacheTable again.
ASSERT( !Result );
Result = FALSE; } Exit: LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
if ( Result) {
INC_COUNTER( TSvcCache.GetServiceId(), CacheHits );
} else {
INC_COUNTER( TSvcCache.GetServiceId(), CacheMisses ); }
return( Result ); } // TsCheckOutCachedBlobW
VOID InsertHeadPhysFile( IN PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO lpPFInfo, IN PVOID pvBlob ) { PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob;
ASSERT( lpPFInfo->Signature == PHYS_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )pvBlob ) - 1;
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &pbhBlob->PFList ) ); InsertHeadList( &lpPFInfo->OpenReferenceList, &pbhBlob->PFList ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
BOOL TsCheckOutCachedPhysFile( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN PVOID * ppvBlob ) { HASH_TYPE hash; ULONG cchLength; int iBin; BOOL Result; BOOL Found; LONG refCount; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache = NULL; DWORD Position = 0; PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob; PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO pPhysFileInfo;
ASSERT( pszDirectoryName != NULL ); ASSERT( ppvBlob != NULL );
// Prepare the return value such that we fail by default.
Result = FALSE; Found = FALSE; *ppvBlob = NULL;
// Calculate the hash and length of the path name.
hash = CalculateHashAndLengthOfPathName( pszDirectoryName, &cchLength );
// Calculate the bin of the hash table that should head the list
// containing the sought-after item.
iBin = HASH_TO_BIN( hash );
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
__try {
// Look for a previously cached object for the same directory. If we
// find one, return it.
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[ iBin ].Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, Position++ ) { pCache = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, BinList );
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->IsCached ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->pCache == pCache );
if ( pCache->cchLength == cchLength && pCache->hash == hash && pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE && pCache->references > 0 && !_memicmp( pCache->szPath, pszDirectoryName, cchLength ) ) {
// We found a matching cache object. We return it and increase
// its reference count.
*ppvBlob = pCache->pbhBlob + 1;
ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->IsCached );
// Increase the reference count of the cached object, to prevent
// it from expiration while it is checked out.
refCount = REFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache );
if( refCount == 1 ) { //
// The reference count was zero before we incremented
// it, meaning this cache entry is in the midst of
// getting deleted. We'll restore the reference count
// and ignore this entry.
DEREFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache ); continue; }
TSUNAMI_TRACE( refCount, pCache );
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCheckOutCachedPhysFile(%s) iDemux=%08lx, cache=%08lx, references=%d\n", pszDirectoryName, pCache->iDemux, pCache, refCount )); }
pCache->TTL = 1;
Result = TRUE; Found = TRUE;
// If the found item is far enough back in the list, move
// it to the front so the next hit will be quicker
if ( Position > REORDER_LIST_THRESHOLD ) { RemoveEntryList( pEntry ); InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ], pEntry );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[TsCheckOutCachedBlobW] Reordered list for item at %d position\n", Position )); } }
break; } } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// As far as I can see, the only way we can end up here with
// Result == TRUE is an exception on LeaveCriticalSection(). If
// that happens, we're toast anyway, since noone will ever get to
// the CacheTable again.
ASSERT( !Result );
Result = FALSE; }
// If we don't find a cache entry for the file, create one
pCache = NULL;
if ( !Result ) { Result = TsAllocateEx( TSvcCache, sizeof( PHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO ), ppvBlob, DisposePhysOpenFileInfo );
if ( Result ) {
pPhysFileInfo->Signature = PHYS_OBJ_SIGNATURE; pPhysFileInfo->hOpenFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pPhysFileInfo->fInitComplete = FALSE; pPhysFileInfo->dwLastError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; pPhysFileInfo->fSecurityDescriptor = FALSE; pPhysFileInfo->fDeleteOnClose = FALSE; pPhysFileInfo->fIsCached = FALSE;
InitializeListHead( &pPhysFileInfo->OpenReferenceList );
pPhysFileInfo->abSecurityDescriptor = (BYTE *)ALLOC( SECURITY_DESC_DEFAULT_SIZE );
if ( pPhysFileInfo->abSecurityDescriptor == NULL ) { TsFree( TSvcCache, *ppvBlob ); *ppvBlob = NULL; Result = FALSE; goto Exit; } else { pPhysFileInfo->cbSecDescMaxSize = SECURITY_DESC_DEFAULT_SIZE; }
// *ppvBlob points to the usable area of the
// Blob, so we have to adjust it to point to the beginning.
pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )*ppvBlob ) - 1;
ASSERT( !pbhBlob->IsCached );
if ( g_fDisableCaching ) { goto Cannot_Cache; }
// Allocate the cache object. We (effectively) allocate cchLength + 1
// bytes, to allow for the trailing NULL.
pCache = (PCACHE_OBJECT)ALLOC( sizeof(CACHE_OBJECT) + cchLength);
if ( pCache == NULL ) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Unable to alloc Cache Object. Failure.\n")); } TsFree( TSvcCache, *ppvBlob ); *ppvBlob = NULL; Result = FALSE; goto Exit; }
pCache->Signature = CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE;
pCache->hash = hash; pCache->cchLength = cchLength;
// Store the Blob in the new object.
pCache->pbhBlob = pbhBlob;
// Store the security descriptor in the new object.
pCache->pSecDesc = NULL; pCache->hLastSuccessAccessToken = NULL;
// We need to be able to find the cache entry from the Blob.
pbhBlob->pCache = pCache;
// Initialize the check-out count.
pCache->references = 1; pCache->iDemux = RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE; pCache->dwService = TSvcCache.GetServiceId(); pCache->dwInstance = TSvcCache.GetInstanceId(); pCache->TTL = 1;
TSUNAMI_TRACE( pCache->references, pCache );
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCheckOutCachedPhysFile(%s) cache=%08lx, references=%d\n", pszDirectoryName, pCache, pCache->references )); }
InitializeListHead( &pCache->DirChangeList );
// Copy the directory name to the cache object.
memcpy( pCache->szPath, pszDirectoryName, pCache->cchLength + 1 );
#if 0
Result = DcmAddNewItem( (PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE)TSvcCache.GetServerInstance(), (PCHAR)pszDirectoryName, pCache );
if ( !Result ) { //
// For whatever reason, we cannot get notifications of changes
// in the directory containing the to-be-cached item. We won't
// be adding this object to the cache table, so we unlock the
// table and jump to the failure-handling code.
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Unable to cache. Due to rejection by DirChngMgr\n")); }
goto Cannot_Cache; } #endif
// Mark this blob as cached, since we'll either cache it or throw it
// away hereafter.
pbhBlob->IsCached = TRUE; pPhysFileInfo->fIsCached = TRUE;
// Add the object to the cache table, as the most-recently-used object.
iBin = HASH_TO_BIN( pCache->hash );
// Add this object to the cache.
InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.Items[ iBin ], &pCache->BinList );
// Since this object was just added, put it at the head of the MRU list.
InsertHeadList( &CacheTable.MruList, &pCache->MruList );
// Increase the running size of cached objects by the size of the one
// just cached.
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCheckoutCachedPhysFile(%s)\n", pszDirectoryName )); }
// Return success.
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Cached object(%08x) contains Blob (%08x)." " Returning TRUE\n", pCache, *ppvBlob)); }
goto Exit;
} else { IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsCheckOutCachedPhysFile(%s) Alloc Failed!\n", pszDirectoryName )); } } } else { goto Exit; }
Cannot_Cache: //
// The cleanup code does not cleanup a directory change item.
if ( pCache != NULL ) { pCache->Signature = CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE_X; FREE( pCache ); pCache = NULL; }
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, " Failure to cache the object ( %08x)\n", *ppvBlob)); }
Result = FALSE;
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
if ( Result) {
INC_COUNTER( TSvcCache.GetServiceId(), CacheHits );
} else {
INC_COUNTER( TSvcCache.GetServiceId(), CacheMisses ); }
return( Found ); } // TsCheckOutCachedPhysFile
BOOL TsCheckInCachedBlob( IN PVOID pvBlob ) { PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache; BOOL bEjected;
pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )pvBlob ) - 1;
ASSERT( pbhBlob->IsCached );
pCache = pbhBlob->pCache;
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob == pbhBlob );
ASSERT( pCache->references > 0 );
TsDereferenceCacheObj( pCache, TRUE );
return( TRUE ); } // TsCheckInCachedBlob
BOOL TsAddRefCachedBlob( IN PVOID pvBlob ) { PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache; BOOL bEjected; LONG refCount;
pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )pvBlob ) - 1;
ASSERT( pbhBlob->IsCached );
pCache = pbhBlob->pCache;
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob == pbhBlob );
ASSERT( pCache->references > 0 );
refCount = REFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache ); TSUNAMI_TRACE( refCount, pCache );
return( TRUE ); } // TsCheckInCachedBlob
BOOL TsExpireCachedBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PVOID pvBlob ) { PBLOB_HEADER pbhBlob; PCACHE_OBJECT pCache;
pbhBlob = (( PBLOB_HEADER )pvBlob ) - 1;
ASSERT( pbhBlob->IsCached );
pCache = pbhBlob->pCache;
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob == pbhBlob ); ASSERT( pCache->references > 0 );
return( DeCache( pCache, TRUE ) ); } // TsExpireCachedBlob
VOID TsDereferenceCacheObj( IN PCACHE_OBJECT pCache, IN BOOL fLockCacheTable ) { LONG refCount;
ASSERT( pCache->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pCache->references > 0 ); ASSERT( pCache->pbhBlob->IsCached );
refCount = DEREFERENCE_CACHE_OBJ( pCache ); TSUNAMI_TRACE( refCount, pCache );
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsDereferenceCacheObj(%s) iDemux=%08lx, cache=%08lx, references=%d\n", pCache->szPath, pCache->iDemux, pCache, refCount )); }
if( refCount == 0 ) {
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
if ( pCache->references != 0 ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); return; }
if ( pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { RemoveCacheObjFromLists( pCache, FALSE ); }
if (!DisableSPUD) { if (!IsListEmpty( &pCache->pbhBlob->PFList ) ) { RemoveEntryList( &pCache->pbhBlob->PFList ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
// We best not be on a list if we're about to be freed here
ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &pCache->BinList ) );
// We really want to call TsFree here, but we don't have a TsvcCache
IF_DEBUG( CACHE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[DeCache] Free routine: 0x%lx, Blob: 0x%lx Cache obj: 0x%lx\n", pCache->pbhBlob->pfnFreeRoutine, pCache->pbhBlob, pCache )); }
if ( pCache->pbhBlob->pfnFreeRoutine ) pCache->pbhBlob->pfnFreeRoutine( pCache->pbhBlob + 1);
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCKS) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT,"TsDereferenceCacheObj(%s)\n", pCache->szPath )); }
DEC_COUNTER( pCache->dwService, CurrentObjects );
if ( pCache->pSecDesc ) { LocalFree( pCache->pSecDesc ); }
if ( pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE ) { TsDecreaseFileHandleCount(); }
pCache->Signature = CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE_X; FREE( pCache->pbhBlob ); FREE( pCache ); } } // TsDereferenceCacheObj
VOID TsDecreaseFileHandleCount( VOID ) { ASSERT( CacheTable.OpenFileInUse != 0 );
if ( CacheTable.OpenFileInUse ) { InterlockedDecrement( (LONG*)&CacheTable.OpenFileInUse ); } }
VOID TsIncreaseFileHandleCount( BOOL fInCacheLock ) { if ( (UINT)(pfnInterlockedExchangeAdd( (LONG*)&CacheTable.OpenFileInUse, 1) ) >= CacheTable.MaxOpenFileInUse ) { if ( !fInCacheLock ) { EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); } RemoveLruHandleCacheItem(); if ( !fInCacheLock ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); } } }
BOOL RemoveLruHandleCacheItem( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove the least recently used cached item referencing a file handle
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry;
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Blink ; pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList ; pEntry = pEntry->Blink ) { //
// The least recently used entry is the one at the tail of the MRU
// list.
PW3_URI_INFO pURI = (PW3_URI_INFO)(pCacheObject->pbhBlob+1);
if ( (pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE) || (pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO && pURI->bFileInfoValid && pURI->pOpenFileInfo != NULL) ) { DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) to reduce file handle ref\n", pCacheObject)); }
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; } // RemoveLruCacheItem
BOOL TsCacheQueryStatistics( IN DWORD Level, IN DWORD dwServerMask, IN INETA_CACHE_STATISTICS * pCacheCtrs ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function returns the statistics for the global cache or for the individual services
Level - Only valid value is 0 dwServerMask - Server mask to retrieve statistics for or 0 for the sum of the services pCacheCtrs - Receives the statistics for cache
Notes: CacheBytesTotal and CacheBytesInUse are not kept on a per-server basis so they are only returned when retrieving summary statistics.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure --*/ { if ( Level != 0 || dwServerMask > LAST_PERF_CTR_SVC || !pCacheCtrs ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if ( dwServerMask ) { memcpy( pCacheCtrs, &Configuration.Stats[ MaskIndex(dwServerMask) ], sizeof( Configuration.Stats[ 0 ] ) ); } else { //
// Add up all of the statistics
memset( pCacheCtrs, 0, sizeof( *pCacheCtrs ));
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PERF_CTR_SVCS; i++ ) { DWORD index = MaskIndex( 1 << i );
pCacheCtrs->CurrentOpenFileHandles+= Configuration.Stats[index].CurrentOpenFileHandles; pCacheCtrs->CurrentDirLists += Configuration.Stats[index].CurrentDirLists; pCacheCtrs->CurrentObjects += Configuration.Stats[index].CurrentObjects; pCacheCtrs->FlushesFromDirChanges += Configuration.Stats[index].FlushesFromDirChanges; pCacheCtrs->CacheHits += Configuration.Stats[index].CacheHits; pCacheCtrs->CacheMisses += Configuration.Stats[index].CacheMisses; #if 0
pCacheCtrs->TotalSuccessGetSecDesc+= Configuration.Stats[index].TotalSuccessGetSecDesc; pCacheCtrs->TotalFailGetSecDesc += Configuration.Stats[index].TotalFailGetSecDesc; if ( pCacheCtrs->CurrentSizeSecDesc < Configuration.Stats[index].CurrentSizeSecDesc ) { pCacheCtrs->CurrentSizeSecDesc = Configuration.Stats[index].CurrentSizeSecDesc; } pCacheCtrs->TotalAccessCheck += Configuration.Stats[index].TotalAccessCheck; #endif
} }
return TRUE; }
BOOL TsCacheClearStatistics( IN DWORD dwServerMask ) /*++
Routine Description:
Clears the the specified service's statistics
--*/ { if ( dwServerMask > LAST_PERF_CTR_SVC ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Currently this function isn't supported
SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); return FALSE; } // TsCacheClearStatistics
BOOL TsCacheFlush( IN DWORD dwServerMask ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function flushes the cache of all items for the specified service or for all services if dwServerMask is zero.
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; LIST_ENTRY * pNext;
if ( dwServerMask == 0 ) { return(TRUE); }
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList; ) { pNext = pEntry->Flink;
if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { pEntry = pNext; continue; }
if ( dwServerMask == pCacheObject->dwService ) {
DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) due to manual flush\n", pCacheObject)); } }
pEntry = pNext; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
return TRUE; } // TsCacheFlush
BOOL TsCacheFlushUser( IN HANDLE hUserToken, IN BOOL fDefer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function flushes all file handles associated the passed user context
hUserToken - User token to flush from the cache fDefer - Build list but close handles later in worker thread (Not supported)
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; LIST_ENTRY * pNext;
ASSERT( !fDefer );
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList; ) { pNext = pEntry->Flink;
ASSERT( pCacheObject->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { pEntry = pNext; continue; }
// Find all occurrences of the matching user token in the cache and
// decache them
if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE && ((TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *)(pCacheObject->pbhBlob + 1))-> QueryOpeningUser() == hUserToken ) { DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) due to user token flush\n", pCacheObject)); } } else if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_DIRECTORY_LISTING && ((TS_DIRECTORY_HEADER *)(pCacheObject->pbhBlob + 1))-> QueryListingUser() == hUserToken ) { DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) due to user token flush\n", pCacheObject)); } } else if ( (pCacheObject->hLastSuccessAccessToken == hUserToken) ) { //
// If security descriptor is present, simply cancel Last successful access token
// otherwise must decache cache object, as security check are entirely dependent
// on last successful access token in this case
if ( pCacheObject->pSecDesc ) { pCacheObject->hLastSuccessAccessToken = NULL; } else { DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) due to user token flush\n", pCacheObject)); } } }
pEntry = pNext; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
return TRUE; } // TsCacheFlushUser
BOOL TsCacheFlushDemux( IN ULONG iDemux ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flush all cache items whose demultiplexor matches that specified.
iDemux - Value of demux whose cache items are to be flushed.
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; LIST_ENTRY * pNext;
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList; ) { pNext = pEntry->Flink;
ASSERT( pCacheObject->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == iDemux ) { DeCache( pCacheObject, FALSE );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing out object ( %08x) due to demux flush\n", pCacheObject)); }
// The last Decache may have thrown out the next entry.
// Since this is just a shutdown path restart the scan
// of the list from the beginning
pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink; continue; }
pEntry = pNext; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
return TRUE; } // TsCacheFlushDemux
VOID TsFlushURL( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszURL, IN DWORD dwURLLength, IN ULONG iDemultiplexor ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine takes as input a URL and removes from the cache all cached objects that have the input URL as their prefix. This is mostly called when we get a change notify for metadata.
TSvcCache - Service cache pszURL - The URL prefix to be flushed. iDemultiplexor - The demultiplexor for the caller's entries.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLIST_ENTRY pNext; LIST_ENTRY ListHead; PCACHE_OBJECT pCacheObject; BOOL bIsRoot;
// The basic algorithm is to lock the cache table, then walk the cache
// table looking for matches and decaching those. This could get
// expensive if the table is big and this routine is called frequently -
// in that case we may need to schedule the decaches for later, or
// periodically free and reaquire the critical section.
InitializeListHead( &ListHead );
if (!memcmp(pszURL, "/", sizeof("/"))) { bIsRoot = TRUE; } else { bIsRoot = FALSE; }
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink;
while (pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList) { pNext = pEntry->Flink;
pCacheObject = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, MruList ); ASSERT( pCacheObject->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
// Check this cache object to see if it matches.
if ( pCacheObject->iDemux == iDemultiplexor && pCacheObject->dwService == TSvcCache.GetServiceId() && pCacheObject->dwInstance == TSvcCache.GetInstanceId() && (bIsRoot ? TRUE : ( !_mbsnbicmp( (PUCHAR)pCacheObject->szPath, (PUCHAR)pszURL, dwURLLength) && (pCacheObject->szPath[dwURLLength] == '/' || pCacheObject->szPath[dwURLLength] == '\0'))) ) {
if ( !RemoveCacheObjFromLists( pCacheObject, FALSE ) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); continue; }
InsertTailList( &ListHead, &pCacheObject->DirChangeList );
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, " Throwing cache object ( %08x) out of cache because of URL match\n", pCacheObject)); } }
pEntry = pNext; }
for ( pEntry = ListHead.Flink; pEntry != &ListHead; pEntry = pNext ) {
pNext = pEntry->Flink; pCacheObject = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, DirChangeList );
ASSERT( pCacheObject->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
TsDereferenceCacheObj( pCacheObject, FALSE ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); }