Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Setup program for installing / removing the Internet Services. This enables setting up the Service GUID and protocol bindings.
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 08-March-1995
Internet Services Setup Application
Functions Exported:
Revision History:
NOTE: There are sections in this code which should be modified whenever a new service is added.
Please look for begin_modifiable_code to identify the code that may require modification when a new service is added.
-MuraliK --*/
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntsam.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <nspapi.h>
//#include <inetasrv.h>
#include <ftpd.h>
#include <w3svc.h>
#include <msnsvc.h>
// begin_modifiable_code
// For each service create a GUID using uuidgen and store it in static
// variable for further use below.
// Gopher Service GUID: 62388f10-58a2-11ce-bec8-00aa0047ae4e
static GUID g_GopherGuid = { 0x62388f10, 0x58a2, 0x11ce, 0xbe, 0xc8, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x47, 0xae, 0x4e };
static GUID g_HTTPGuid = { 0x585908c0, 0x6305, 0x11ce, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x38, 0xb9 };
static GUID g_FTPGuid = { 0x91604620, 0x6305, 0x11ce, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x38, 0xb9 };
static GUID g_MsnGuid = { 0x11f5d300, 0xada7, 0x11ce, 0xb4, 0x8f, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x35, 0x02 };
// For each of the service make an entry in the following list of services
// Format for each service info is:
// ServiceInfo( SymbolicName, ServiceName, DisplayName, TcpPort,
// pointer-to-guid-for-the-service)
// This is a macro. Please be considerate to use a terminating "\"
# define AllServicesInfo() \
ServiceInfo( GOPHER_SERVICE, "GopherSvc", \ "Microsoft Gopher Service (1995)", \ ( 70), &g_GopherGuid, \ GOPHERD_ANONYMOUS_SECRET_W, \ GOPHERD_ROOT_SECRET_W) \ \ ServiceInfo( W3_SERVICE_NAME, "W3Svc", \ "Microsoft HTTP Service (1995)", \ (80), &g_HTTPGuid, \ W3_ANONYMOUS_SECRET_W, \ W3_ROOT_SECRET_W) \ \ ServiceInfo( FTP_SERVICE_NAME, "FtpSvc", \ "Microsoft FTP Service (1995)", \ (21), &g_FTPGuid, \ FTPD_ANONYMOUS_SECRET_W, \ FTPD_ROOT_SECRET_W) \ \ ServiceInfo( MSN_SERVICE_NAME, "MsnSvc", \ "MSN Gateway Service (1995)", \ (568), &g_MsnGuid, \ MSN_ANONYMOUS_SECRET_W, \ MSN_ROOT_SECRET_W) \
// end_modifiable_code
// begin_unmodifiable_code
// Few convenience macros
// For setting up the Values in ServiceTypeValue structure.
# define SetServiceTypeValues( pSvcTypeValue, dwNS, dwType, dwSize, lpValName, lpVal) \
( pSvcTypeValue)->dwNameSpace = ( dwNS); \ ( pSvcTypeValue)->dwValueType = ( dwType); \ ( pSvcTypeValue)->dwValueSize = ( dwSize); \ ( pSvcTypeValue)->lpValueName = ( lpValName); \ ( pSvcTypeValue)->lpValue = (PVOID ) ( lpVal); \
# define SetServiceTypeValuesDword( pSvcTypeValue, dwNS, lpValName, lpVal) \
SetServiceTypeValues( (pSvcTypeValue), (dwNS), REG_DWORD, sizeof( DWORD), \ ( lpValName), ( lpVal))
typedef struct _ServiceSetupInfo {
char * m_pszServiceName; char * m_pszDisplayName; DWORD m_tcpPort; // TCP/IP port number
LPGUID m_lpGuid; WCHAR * m_pszAnonPwdSecret; // Anonymous password secret name
WCHAR * m_pszRootPwdSecret; // Virtual roots password secret name
} ServiceSetupInfo;
// Macro to be used for defining a value for ServiceSetupInfo structure
# define ServiceInfoValue( svcName, dispName, tcpPort, lpGuid, AnonPwd, RootPwd) \
{ svcName, dispName, tcpPort, lpGuid, AnonPwd, RootPwd }
// Form an enumerated list of the service names. These form the
// index into the array of service setup information structures.
# define ServiceInfo( sym, svc, disp, tcpport, lpGuid, AnonPwd, RootPwd) \
i ## sym,
typedef enum {
AllServicesInfo() iMaxService
} eServiceInfo;
# undef ServiceInfo
// Form the array of ServiceSetyupInfo objects.
# define ServiceInfo( sym, svc, disp, tcpport, lpGuid, AnonPwd, RootPwd) \
ServiceInfoValue( svc, disp, tcpport, lpGuid, AnonPwd, RootPwd),
static ServiceSetupInfo g_svcSetupInfo[] = {
AllServicesInfo() { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} // a sentinel for the array
# undef ServiceInfo
// end_unmodifiable_code
* Functions ************************************************************/
// Local functions
static BOOL CreateServiceEntry( IN char * pszServiceName, IN char * pszDisplayName, IN char * pszPath);
static BOOL CreateEventLogEntry( IN char * pszServiceName, IN char * pszServicePath );
static VOID PrintUsageMessage( IN char * pszProgramName);
static BOOL PerformSetService( IN const ServiceSetupInfo * pSvcSetupInfo, IN DWORD svcOperation);
DWORD SetSecret( IN LPWSTR Server, IN LPWSTR SecretName, IN LPWSTR pSecret, IN DWORD cbSecret );
int __cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
char * pszProgram = argv[ 0]; char * pszOperation; char * pszSvc;
int i; ServiceSetupInfo * pSvcSetupInfo = NULL; DWORD svcOperation = SERVICE_ADD_TYPE;
// Parse the command line arguments.
if ( argc != 3) {
PrintUsageMessage( argv[ 0]); return ( 1); }
pszSvc = argv[ 1]; pszOperation = argv[ 2];
// Lookup the service setup info structure from the array
// command line argument 1 is the service name.
// Find the associated service setup info structure.
for( i = 0; i < iMaxService; i++) {
if ( _stricmp( g_svcSetupInfo[ i].m_pszServiceName, pszSvc) == 0) {
pSvcSetupInfo = ( g_svcSetupInfo + i); break; } } // for
if ( pSvcSetupInfo == NULL) {
fprintf( stderr, " Unknown Service Name %s specified.\n", pszSvc); PrintUsageMessage( pszProgram); return ( 1); }
// Identify the operation to be performed and execute the same.
if ( _strnicmp( pszOperation, "/add", 4) == 0) {
svcOperation = SERVICE_ADD_TYPE;
} else if ( _strnicmp( pszOperation, "/delete", 4) == 0) {
} else if ( _strnicmp( pszOperation, "/svc:", 5) == 0) {
fRet = CreateServiceEntry( pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName, pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszDisplayName, strchr( pszOperation, ':') + 1);
} else if ( _strnicmp( pszOperation, "/eventlog:", 10) == 0) {
fRet = CreateEventLogEntry( pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName, strchr( pszOperation, ':') + 1); } else {
PrintUsageMessage( pszProgram); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); fRet = FALSE; }
fRet = fRet && PerformSetService( pSvcSetupInfo, svcOperation);
return ( (fRet) ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError()); } // main()
VOID PrintUsageMessage( IN char * pszProgramName) /*++
Prints the usage message along with possible list of services allowed. --*/ { int i;
fprintf( stderr, "Usage:\n %s <service-name> " " [ /add | /delete | /svc:<path-of-process>" " /eventlog:<eventlog-messages-binary> \n", pszProgramName);
// Print the services name.
fprintf( stderr, "\t Possible Services: \n\t\tName\t Other Details\n");
for( i = 0; i < iMaxService; i++) {
fprintf( stderr, "\t\t %s [ %s] TcpPort=%d) \n", g_svcSetupInfo[ i].m_pszServiceName, g_svcSetupInfo[ i].m_pszDisplayName, g_svcSetupInfo[ i].m_tcpPort ); } // for
return; } // PrintUsageMessage()
* Following are general functions usable by other Internet services ************************************************************/
static BOOL PerformSetService( IN const ServiceSetupInfo * pSvcSetupInfo, IN DWORD svcOperation) { int err;
SERVICE_INFO serviceInfo; LPSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS lpServiceTypeInfo ; LPSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS lpServiceTypeValues ; BYTE serviceTypeInfoBuffer[sizeof(SERVICE_TYPE_INFO) + 1024]; // Buffer large enough for 3 values ( SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS)
DWORD Value1 = 1 ; DWORD TcpPortValue = pSvcSetupInfo->m_tcpPort; DWORD statusFlags;
// Initialize Windows Sockets DLL
err = WSAStartup( 0x0101, & WsaData); if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR) {
fprintf( stderr, " WSAStartup() Failed. Error = %ld\n", GetLastError()); return ( FALSE); }
// Setup the service information to be passed to SetService() for adding
// or deleting this service. Most of the SERVICE_INFO fields are not
// required for add or delete operation. The main things of interests are
// GUIDs and ServiceSpecificInfo structure.
memset( (PVOID ) & serviceInfo, 0, sizeof( serviceInfo)); //null all fields
serviceInfo.lpServiceType = pSvcSetupInfo->m_lpGuid;
// The "Blob" will contain the service specific information.
// In this case, fill it with a SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure
// and associated information.
serviceInfo.ServiceSpecificInfo.pBlobData = serviceTypeInfoBuffer; serviceInfo.ServiceSpecificInfo.cbSize = sizeof( serviceTypeInfoBuffer);
lpServiceTypeInfo = (LPSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS ) serviceTypeInfoBuffer;
// There's only one value for TCP.
lpServiceTypeInfo->dwValueCount = 1; lpServiceTypeInfo->lpTypeName = pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName;
lpServiceTypeValues = lpServiceTypeInfo->Values;
SetServiceTypeValuesDword( ( lpServiceTypeValues + 0), NS_DNS, SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_TCPPORT, &TcpPortValue);
// Finally, call SetService to actually perform the operation.
err = SetService( NS_DEFAULT, // all default name spaces
svcOperation, // either ADD or DELETE
0, // dwFlags not used
&serviceInfo, // the service info structure
NULL, // lpServiceAsyncInfo
&statusFlags // additional status information
if ( err != NO_ERROR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "SetService failed: %ld\n", GetLastError( ) );
} else {
printf( "SetService( %s) succeeded, status flags = %ld\n", pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName, statusFlags ); }
// Create the LSA secrets for the anonymous user password and the virtual
// root passwords
if ( !SetSecret( NULL, pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszAnonPwdSecret, L"", sizeof(WCHAR) ) || !SetSecret( NULL, pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszRootPwdSecret, L"", sizeof(WCHAR) )) { err = GetLastError();
fprintf( stderr, "SetService( %s ) failed to create Lsa Secrets for anonymous\n" "username password or virtual root passwords. Error = %d\n", pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName, err);
// For HTTP, set the catapult impersonation user for the proxy
if ( pSvcSetupInfo->m_lpGuid == &g_HTTPGuid ) { if ( !SetSecret( NULL, W3_PROXY_USER_SECRET_W, L"", sizeof(WCHAR) )) { err = GetLastError();
fprintf( stderr, "SetService( %s ) failed to create Lsa Secrets proxy user\n" "Error = %d\n", pSvcSetupInfo->m_pszServiceName, err);
} }
return ( err != NO_ERROR);
} // PerformSetService()
static BOOL CreateServiceEntry( IN char * pszServiceName, IN char * pszDisplayName, IN char * pszPath) /*++
This function calls the service controller to create a new service.
Arguments: pszServiceName pointer to service name pszDisplayName pointer to Display name pszPath pointer to null-terminated string containing the path for the service DLL.
TRUE on success and FALSE if there is any failure. Use GetLastError() to get further error code on failure.
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hServiceManager;
// Create the service.
hServiceManager = OpenSCManager( NULL, // machine name
NULL, // database name
if ( hServiceManager != NULL) {
SC_HANDLE hService;
// create the service itself.
hService = CreateService( hServiceManager, pszServiceName, pszDisplayName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, pszPath, NULL, // lpszLoadOrderGroup
NULL, // lpdwTagId
NULL, // lpszDependencies
NULL, // lpszStartUserName
NULL ); // lpszPassword
if( hService != NULL ) {
fReturn = TRUE; CloseServiceHandle( hService); }
CloseServiceHandle( hServiceManager);
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "OpenSCManager failed: %ld\n", GetLastError() );
fprintf( stderr, " %s created with path %s. Return %d ( Error = %ld)\n", pszServiceName, pszPath, fReturn, ( fReturn) ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError());
return ( fReturn); } // CreateServiceEntry()
# define EVENT_LOG_REG_KEY \
static BOOL CreateEventLogEntry( IN char * pszServiceName, IN char * pszServicePath ) /*++
This function creates an entry for a service in the Eventlog registry so that the messages of the service may be decoded.
Arguments: pszServiceName pointer to string containing the service name. pszServicePath pointer to string containing the path for the service dll with the embedded messages.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if there are any errors. Use GetLastError() to get detailed error message.
--*/ { char rgchKeyName[ LEN_EVENT_LOG_REG_KEY + 100]; HKEY hkeyReg; LONG err; DWORD Disposition;
if ( strlen( pszServiceName) >= 100) {
SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return ( FALSE); }
sprintf( rgchKeyName, "%s\\%s", EVENT_LOG_REG_KEY, pszServiceName);
// Add the data to the EventLog's registry key so that the
// log insertion strings may be found by the Event Viewer.
err = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, rgchKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkeyReg, &Disposition );
if( err != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "RegCreateKeyEx failed: %ld\n", err );
SetLastError( err); return ( FALSE); }
err = RegSetValueEx( hkeyReg, "EventMessageFile", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, pszServicePath, strlen( pszServicePath ) + 1 );
if( err == 0 ) {
DWORD Value;
err = RegSetValueEx( hkeyReg, "TypesSupported", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)&Value, sizeof(Value) ); }
RegCloseKey( hkeyReg );
if( err != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "RegSetValueEx failed: %ld\n", err ); SetLastError( err); }
return ( err == 0);
} // CreateEventLogEntry()
DWORD SetSecret( IN LPWSTR Server, IN LPWSTR SecretName, IN LPWSTR pSecret, IN DWORD cbSecret ) /*++
Sets the specified LSA secret
Server - Server name (or NULL) secret lives on SecretName - Name of the LSA secret pSecret - Pointer to secret memory cbSecret - Size of pSecret memory block
--*/ { LSA_HANDLE hPolicy; UNICODE_STRING unicodePassword; UNICODE_STRING unicodeServer; NTSTATUS ntStatus; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; LSA_HANDLE hSecret; UNICODE_STRING unicodeSecret;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeServer, Server );
// Initialize the unicode string by hand so we can handle '\0' in the
// string
unicodePassword.Buffer = pSecret; unicodePassword.Length = (USHORT) cbSecret; unicodePassword.MaximumLength = (USHORT) cbSecret;
// Open a policy to the remote LSA
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0L, NULL, NULL );
ntStatus = LsaOpenPolicy( &unicodeServer, &ObjectAttributes, POLICY_ALL_ACCESS, &hPolicy );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus ) ) { SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ) ); return FALSE; }
// Create or open the LSA secret
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeSecret, SecretName );
ntStatus = LsaCreateSecret( hPolicy, &unicodeSecret, SECRET_ALL_ACCESS, &hSecret );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus )) {
// If the secret already exists, then we just need to open it
if ( ntStatus == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION ) { ntStatus = LsaOpenSecret( hPolicy, &unicodeSecret, SECRET_ALL_ACCESS, &hSecret ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus )) { LsaClose( hPolicy ); SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ) ); return FALSE; } }
// Set the secret value
ntStatus = LsaSetSecret( hSecret, &unicodePassword, &unicodePassword );
LsaClose( hSecret ); LsaClose( hPolicy );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus )) { return RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); }
return TRUE; }
/************************ End of File ***********************/