/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
user.c This module implements the "user" command of the W3 Server debugger extension DLL.
The "user" command dumps the info pertaining to a specific user. There is one parameter to this command. If this parameter is positive, it is assumed to be the address of a USER_DATA structure for a specific user. If the parameter is negative, its absolute value is assumed to be a user ID. If no parameter is given, info for all connected users is dumped.
FILE HISTORY: KeithMo 13-Aug-1992 Created.
#include "w3dbg.h"
// Private prototypes.
VOID DumpUserInfo( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, USER_DATA * puser );
CHAR * InterpretState( USER_STATE state );
CHAR * InterpretXferType( XFER_TYPE xferType );
CHAR * InterpretXferMode( XFER_MODE xferMode );
VOID InterpretFlags( DWORD dwFlags );
NAME: user
SYNOPSIS: Displays the info for a specific user.
ENTRY: hCurrentProcess - Handle to the current process.
hCurrentThread - Handle to the current thread.
dwCurrentPc - The current program counter (EIP for x86, FIR for MIPS).
lpExtensionApis - Points to a structure containing pointers to the debugger functions that the command may invoke.
lpArgumentString - Points to any arguments passed to the command.
NOTES: The argument string must contain either the address of a USER_DATA structure (if positive) or a user ID (if negative).
HISTORY: KeithMo 13-Aug-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ VOID user( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, HANDLE hCurrentThread, DWORD dwCurrentPc, LPVOID lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString ) { LONG lParam; USER_DATA user;
// Grab the debugger entrypoints.
GrabDebugApis( lpExtensionApis );
// Evaluate the parameter (if present).
if( ( lpArgumentString == NULL ) || ( *lpArgumentString == '\0' ) ) { lParam = 0; } else { lParam = (LONG)DebugEval( lpArgumentString ); }
// Interpret the parameter.
if( lParam > 0 ) { //
// User specified an address. Dump the user info
// at that address.
ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, (LPVOID)lParam, (LPVOID)&user, sizeof(user), (LPDWORD)NULL );
DumpUserInfo( hCurrentProcess, &user ); } else { //
// User specified either nothing (0) or a user ID (< 0).
LIST_ENTRY list; LIST_ENTRY * plist; LIST_ENTRY * plistHead;
lParam = -lParam;
plistHead = (LIST_ENTRY *)DebugEval( "listUserData" );
ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, (LPVOID)plistHead, (LPVOID)&list, sizeof(list), (LPDWORD)NULL );
plist = list.Flink;
while( plist != plistHead ) { ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, (LPVOID)CONTAINING_RECORD( plist, USER_DATA, link ), (LPVOID)&user, sizeof(user), (LPDWORD)NULL );
if( ( lParam == 0 ) || ( user.idUser == (DWORD)lParam ) ) { DumpUserInfo( hCurrentProcess, &user );
if( lParam != 0 ) { break; } }
plist = user.link.Flink;
// Check for CTRL-C, to let the user bag-out early.
if( DebugCheckCtrlC() ) { break; } }
if( ( lParam != 0 ) && ( plist == plistHead ) ) { DebugPrint( "user ID %ld not found\n", lParam ); } }
} // user
VOID DumpUserInfo( HANDLE hCurrentProcess, USER_DATA * puser ) { char szDir[MAX_PATH]; int i;
DebugPrint( "user @ %08lX:\n", puser ); DebugPrint( " link.Flink = %08lX\n", puser->link.Flink ); DebugPrint( " link.Blink = %08lX\n", puser->link.Blink ); DebugPrint( " dwFlags = %08lX\n", puser->dwFlags ); InterpretFlags( puser->dwFlags ); DebugPrint( " sControl = %d\n", puser->sControl ); DebugPrint( " sData = %d\n", puser->sData ); DebugPrint( " hToken = %08lX\n", puser->hToken ); DebugPrint( " state = %s\n", InterpretState( puser->state ) ); DebugPrint( " idUser = %lu\n", puser->idUser ); DebugPrint( " tConnect = %08lX\n", puser->tConnect ); DebugPrint( " tAccess = %08lX\n", puser->tAccess ); DebugPrint( " xferType = %s\n", InterpretXferType( puser->xferType ) ); DebugPrint( " xferMode = %s\n", InterpretXferMode( puser->xferMode ) ); DebugPrint( " inetLocal = %s\n", inet_ntoa( puser->inetLocal ) ); DebugPrint( " inetHost = %s\n", inet_ntoa( puser->inetHost ) ); DebugPrint( " inetData = %s\n", inet_ntoa( puser->inetData ) ); DebugPrint( " portData = %u\n", puser->portData ); DebugPrint( " hDir = %08lX\n", puser->hDir ); DebugPrint( " pIoBuffer = %08lX\n", puser->pIoBuffer ); DebugPrint( " pszRename = %s\n", puser->pszRename ); for( i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++ ) { if( puser->apszDirs[i] != NULL ) { ReadProcessMemory( hCurrentProcess, puser->apszDirs[i], szDir, sizeof(szDir), (LPDWORD)NULL );
DebugPrint( " dir %c: = %s\n", 'A'+i, szDir ); } } DebugPrint( " szDir = %s\n", puser->szDir ); DebugPrint( " szUser = %s\n", puser->szUser ); DebugPrint( " idThread = %lu\n", puser->idThread );
DebugPrint( "\n" );
} // DumpUserInfo
CHAR * InterpretState( USER_STATE state ) { CHAR * pszResult = "unknown";
switch( state ) { case Embryonic : pszResult = "Embryonic"; break;
case WaitingForUser : pszResult = "WaitingForUser"; break;
case WaitingForPass : pszResult = "WaitingForPass"; break;
case LoggedOn : pszResult = "LoggedOn"; break;
case Disconnected : pszResult = "Disconnected"; break;
default : break; }
return pszResult;
} // InterpretState
CHAR * InterpretXferType( XFER_TYPE xferType ) { CHAR * pszResult = "unknown";
switch( xferType ) { case AsciiType : pszResult = "ASCII"; break;
case BinaryType : pszResult = "BINARY"; break;
default : break; }
return pszResult;
} // InterpretXferType
CHAR * InterpretXferMode( XFER_MODE xferMode ) { CHAR * pszResult = "unknown";
switch( xferMode ) { case StreamMode : pszResult = "STREAM"; break;
case BlockMode : pszResult = "BLOCK"; break;
default : break; }
return pszResult;
} // InterpretXferMode
typedef struct FLAG_MAP { DWORD flag; CHAR * pszName;
VOID InterpretFlags( DWORD dwFlags ) { INT i; FLAG_MAP * pmap = flag_map;
for( i = 0 ; i < NUM_FLAG_MAP ; i++ ) { if( dwFlags & pmap->flag ) { DebugPrint( " %s\n", pmap->pszName ); dwFlags &= ~pmap->flag; }
pmap++; }
if( dwFlags != 0 ) { DebugPrint( " Remaining flags = %08lX\n", dwFlags ); }
} // InterpretFlags