/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module contains the IO related http class methods
FILE HISTORY: Johnl 09-Feb-1995 Created
#include <w3p.hxx>
#include <issperr.h>
// Size of read during cert renegotiation phase
#define CERT_RENEGO_READ_SIZE (1024*4)
// size of buffer for calls to GetTokenInformation
#define MAX_TOKEN_USER_INFO (300)
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::StartNewRequest( PVOID pvInitialBuff, DWORD cbInitialBuff, BOOL fFirst, BOOL *pfDoAgain ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets up this request object for reading a new request and issues the async read to kick things off.
--*/ { //
// Set our initial state and variables for a new request, after
// checking to see if we might have a pipelined request.
if (!fFirst && (_cbBytesReceived > _cbClientRequest)) { CHAR *pchRequestPtr; DWORD dwNextRequestSize = 0;
// Might possibly have a pipelined request. We do if there is
// no entity body or there is but we didn't consume all of
// the entity body on the previous request.
if (!IsChunked() && (QueryTotalEntityBodyCB() == 0)) { //
// Have a pipelined request and the last request wasn't chunked,
// since we read more data than just the request header but there was
// no entity body with the request.
dwNextRequestSize = _cbBytesReceived - _cbClientRequest;
pchRequestPtr = (CHAR *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbClientRequest;
} else { if (_cbExtraData != 0) { // Have extra data in the buffer, so have a pipelined
// request.
pchRequestPtr = _pchExtraData; dwNextRequestSize = _cbExtraData; } }
// Update bytes received to reflect what we would have seen
// in the non-pipelined case.
_cbBytesReceived -= dwNextRequestSize;
// If we have a pipelined request, copy the request forward and
// update the counts.
if (dwNextRequestSize != 0) { Reset(FALSE);
memcpy((CHAR *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), pchRequestPtr, dwNextRequestSize);
_cbBytesWritten = dwNextRequestSize;
// Return, forcing the reprocess.
*pfDoAgain = TRUE; return TRUE; } }
*pfDoAgain = FALSE;
// Prepare a buffer to receive the client's request
if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( max( W3_DEFAULT_BUFFSIZE, cbInitialBuff ))) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[StartNewRequest] failed to allocate buffer, error %lu\n", GetLastError()));
return FALSE; }
// Make the IO request if an inital buffer wasn't supplied
if ( pvInitialBuff != NULL ) { CopyMemory( _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), pvInitialBuff, cbInitialBuff );
_cbBytesWritten = cbInitialBuff; } else { SetState( HTR_READING_CLIENT_REQUEST );
IF_DEBUG( CONNECTION ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[StartNewRequest] Issuing initial read, Conn = %lx, AtqCont = %lx\n", QueryClientConn(), QueryClientConn()->QueryAtqContext() )); }
// Do the initial read. We don't go through any filters at this
// point. They'll get notified on the read completion as part of
// the raw data notification.
if ( !ReadFile( _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), _bufClientRequest.QuerySize(), NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC | IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER)) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[StartNewRequest] ReadFile failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() ));
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Waits for the full client request packet then decides the course of action
ENTRY: pfCompleteRequest - Set to TRUE if we've received a full client request and we can start processing the request pfFinished - Set to TRUE if no further processing is requred pfContinueProcessingRequest - Set to FALSE if we must stop processing request
RETURNS: TRUE if processing should continue, FALSE to abort the this connection
HISTORY: Johnl 22-Aug-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnFillClientReq( BOOL * pfCompleteRequest, BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfContinueProcessingRequest ) { BYTE * pbData = NULL;
*pfCompleteRequest = FALSE; *pfContinueProcessingRequest = TRUE; _cbClientRequest += QueryBytesWritten();
// If no bytes were read on the last request, then the socket has been
// closed, so abort everything and get out
if ( QueryBytesWritten() == 0 ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[OnFillClientReq] Client socket closed while reading request (Conn = %lx)\n", QueryClientConn() ));
SetKeepConn( FALSE ); *pfFinished = TRUE; return TRUE; }
//NTBUG 264445 QFE and NTBUG 266474
_msStartRequest = GetCurrentTime();
if ( !UnWrapRequest( pfCompleteRequest, pfFinished, pfContinueProcessingRequest)) { return FALSE; }
if ( *pfCompleteRequest || *pfFinished || !*pfContinueProcessingRequest) { return TRUE; }
// We still don't have a complete header, so keep reading
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbClientRequest, _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() - _cbClientRequest, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC | IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER )) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[OnFillClientReq] ReadFile failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() ));
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::HandleCertRenegotiation( BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfContinueProcessingRequest, DWORD cbData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Calls the installed read filters
pfFinished - No further processing is required for this request pfContinueProcessingRequest - Set to FALSE if we have must stop processing request
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { BYTE * pbData = NULL; TCHAR * pchOutRequest; DWORD cbOutRequest; DWORD cbProcessed; BOOL fTerminated; BOOL fReadAgain = FALSE; TCHAR * pchNewData; DWORD cbOutRequestSave;
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = TRUE;
// If no bytes were read on the last request, then the socket has been
// closed, so abort everything and get out
if ( QueryBytesWritten() == 0 ) { TCP_PRINT(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[HandleCertRenegotiation] Client socket closed while reading request (Conn = %lx)\n", QueryClientConn() ));
// Notify any opaque filters of the incoming data
cbProcessed = _cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody; pchNewData = (LPSTR)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + cbProcessed;
if ( !_Filter.NotifyRawReadDataFilters( pchNewData, (cbOutRequestSave = _cbOldData + cbData - cbProcessed), _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() - cbProcessed, // Usable buffer size
(PVOID *) &pchOutRequest, &cbOutRequest, pfFinished, &fReadAgain )) { return FALSE; }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; }
// If the output buffer is different, then we need to copy
// the data to our output buffer
// CODEWORK: Get rid of this buffer copy - there are assumptions the
// incoming data is contained in _bufClientRequest
if ( pchOutRequest != NULL && pchOutRequest != pchNewData ) { if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( cbOutRequest + cbProcessed + 1 )) return FALSE; pchNewData = (LPSTR)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + cbProcessed; memcpy( pchNewData, pchOutRequest, cbOutRequest ); }
if ( fReadAgain ) { _cbOldData = cbProcessed + cbOutRequest; goto nextread; }
// A filter may have changed the size of our effective input buffer
_cbEntityBody += cbOutRequest; _cbOldData = _cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody;
if ( cbOutRequestSave > cbOutRequest ) { DBG_ASSERT( _cbBytesReceived >= cbOutRequestSave - cbOutRequest );
_cbBytesReceived -= cbOutRequestSave - cbOutRequest; } else { _cbBytesReceived += cbOutRequest - cbOutRequestSave; }
if ( _dwRenegotiated ) { cbData = _cbEntityBody; _cbRestartBytesWritten = cbData; _cbEntityBody = 0;
return OnRestartRequest( (LPSTR)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), cbData, pfFinished, pfContinueProcessingRequest ); }
if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( _cbOldData + cbNextRead )) { return FALSE; }
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE;
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbOldData, cbNextRead, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC|IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::UnWrapRequest( BOOL * pfCompleteRequest, BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfContinueProcessingRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
Calls the installed filters to unwrap the client request
pfCompleteRequest - Set to TRUE if we've received a full client request and we can start processing the request pfFinished - No further processing is required for this request pfContinueProcessingRequest - Set to FALSE if we're done for now
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { BOOL fHandled = FALSE; TCHAR * pchOutRequest; DWORD cbOutRequest; BOOL fTerminated = FALSE; BOOL fReadAgain;
// Notify any opaque filters of the incoming data
if ( _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA, IsSecurePort() )) { DWORD cbOutRequestSave;
// Make sure filters don't see the same data twice unless they
// returned "read again" the last time
CHAR * pchNewData = (CHAR *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbOldData;
pchOutRequest = pchNewData; cbOutRequestSave = cbOutRequest = _cbClientRequest - _cbOldData; fReadAgain = FALSE;
if ( !_Filter.NotifyRawReadDataFilters( pchNewData, cbOutRequest, _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() - _cbOldData, // Usable buffer size
(PVOID *) &pchOutRequest, &cbOutRequest, &fHandled, &fReadAgain )) { return FALSE; }
if ( fHandled ) { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// If the output buffer is different, then we need to copy
// the data to our output buffer
// CODEWORK: Get rid of this buffer copy - there are assumptions the
// incoming data is contained in _bufClientRequest
if ( pchOutRequest != NULL && pchOutRequest != pchNewData ) { if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( cbOutRequest + _cbOldData + 1 )) return FALSE;
pchNewData = (CHAR *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbOldData; memcpy( pchNewData, pchOutRequest, cbOutRequest ); }
// A filter may have changed the size of our effective input buffer
if ( cbOutRequestSave > cbOutRequest ) { DBG_ASSERT(_cbBytesReceived >= cbOutRequestSave - cbOutRequest); _cbBytesReceived -= cbOutRequestSave - cbOutRequest; } else { _cbBytesReceived += cbOutRequest - cbOutRequestSave; }
// Variable names are not consistent with what is used
// in HandleCertRenegotiation : here _cbClientRequest
// indicates where to continue reading data, and _cbOldData
// is # of decoded bytes in client request
_cbClientRequest = cbOutRequest + _cbOldData;
// Can we continue processing this request? The message just received
// may have been a session negotiation message and we have yet to
// receive the real HTTP request.
if ( fReadAgain ) { //
// Resize the read buffer and issue an async read to get the next
// chunk for the filter. UnwrapRequest uses the size of
// this buffer as the size of data to read
if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( _cbClientRequest + _Filter.QueryNextReadSize() )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } }
// Remember how much data the filter has already seen so we don't
// renotify them with the same data in case we don't have a full
// set of headers
_cbOldData = _cbClientRequest;
if ( !CheckForTermination( &fTerminated, &_bufClientRequest, _cbClientRequest, NULL, NULL, W3_DEFAULT_BUFFSIZE ) ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_BAD_REQUEST, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); Disconnect( HT_BAD_REQUEST, NO_ERROR, TRUE, pfFinished ); *pfCompleteRequest = TRUE; *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
if ( !fTerminated && !::IsPointNine( (CHAR *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() ) ) { //
// We don't have a complete request, read more data
return TRUE; }
*pfCompleteRequest = TRUE;
return OnCompleteRequest( (CHAR *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), _cbClientRequest, pfFinished, pfContinueProcessingRequest ); }
NAME: HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReadMoreEntityBody
SYNOPSIS: Attempts to read more of the entity body, resizing the buffer if necessary
ENTRY: cbOffset - Offset in the buffer to read at. cbSize - Size to read.
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReadMoreEntityBody( DWORD cbOffset, DWORD cbSize ) { if ( cbOffset + cbSize < cbSize ) { //
// The counter wrapped. Entity Body is greater than the address space !!
return FALSE; } if ( _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() < (cbOffset + cbSize) ) { if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( cbOffset + cbSize ) ) { return FALSE; } }
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + cbOffset, cbSize, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Attempts to retrieve an entity body from the remote client
ENTRY: pfDone - Set to TRUE when _cbContentLength bytes have been read fFirstRead - TRUE if this is the first read, FALSE on subsequent reads. dwMaxAmmountToRead - Finish when this amount is read pfDisconnected - Set to TRUE if we disconnected (due to error)
HISTORY: Johnl 03-Oct-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReadEntityBody( BOOL *pfDone, BOOL fFirstRead, DWORD dwMaxAmountToRead, BOOL *pfDisconnected ) { DWORD cbNextRead;
if ( pfDisconnected ) { *pfDisconnected = FALSE; }
if (dwMaxAmountToRead == 0) { dwMaxAmountToRead = QueryMetaData()->QueryUploadReadAhead(); }
if (!IsChunked()) {
_cbEntityBody += QueryBytesWritten(); _cbTotalEntityBody += QueryBytesWritten();
if ( _cbTotalEntityBody >= _cbContentLength) { //
// Ugh - disgusting, but if we have no content length then
// we take whatever we have in the buffer currently and return
// it. This can lead to random behavior, depending on what
// actually makes it in the first read. I hate to do this, but
// we're doing it this way because of bug-for-bug compatibility
// with IIS 3.0. Probably the right thing to do if we have no
// content length is to keep reading until we get 0 bytes read,
// and return whatever we read as the content length. JohnL
// argues that the right thing is to fail the request in the
// absence of a content length.
if (_fHaveContentLength && (_cbTotalEntityBody > _cbContentLength)) { _cbExtraData = _cbTotalEntityBody - _cbContentLength;
DBG_ASSERT(_cbExtraData <= _cbEntityBody);
_cbEntityBody -= _cbExtraData;
_pchExtraData = (CHAR *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody;
_cbTotalEntityBody = _cbContentLength; }
*pfDone = TRUE; return TRUE; }
if (_cbEntityBody >= dwMaxAmountToRead) {
*pfDone = TRUE; return TRUE; }
// If no bytes were read on the last request, then the socket has been
// closed, so abort everything and get out
if ( !fFirstRead && QueryBytesWritten() == 0 ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[ReadEntityBody] Client socket closed while reading request (Conn = %lx)\n", QueryClientConn() ));
*pfDone = FALSE;
cbNextRead = min( (dwMaxAmountToRead - _cbEntityBody), (_cbContentLength - _cbTotalEntityBody ));
if ( _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() < (_cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody + cbNextRead)) { if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( _cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody + cbNextRead )) { return FALSE; } }
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbEntityBody + _cbClientRequest, cbNextRead, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } else { DWORD cbBytesInBuffer; BYTE *ChunkHeader;
*pfDone = FALSE;
// We'll just return here if the app says they want to
// read it all. This might not be the right thing to do unless
// they also call this routine to read the rest of the data,
// because there could be a partial chunk in here. So we'll
// make sure that there isn't, or force the client to send a
// C-L.
if (dwMaxAmountToRead == 0) { if (QueryBytesWritten() != 0) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_LENGTH_REQUIRED, ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED );
Disconnect( HT_LENGTH_REQUIRED, IDS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, FALSE, pfDone ); if ( pfDisconnected ) { *pfDisconnected = TRUE; } } else { *pfDone = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
if (_ChunkState == READ_CHUNK_DONE) {
*pfDone = TRUE; return TRUE; }
if ( fFirstRead ) { // Initialize our state variables, as this is the start of a chunk.
_ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_SIZE; _dwChunkSize = -1; _cbChunkHeader = 0; _cbChunkBytesRead = 0; _cbEntityBody = 0;
} else { if ( QueryBytesWritten() == 0 ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[ReadEntityBody] Client socket closed while reading request (Conn = %lx)\n", QueryClientConn() ));
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } }
*pfDone = FALSE;
cbBytesInBuffer = QueryBytesWritten();
ChunkHeader = (BYTE *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbChunkHeader + + _cbEntityBody + _cbClientRequest;
if(!DecodeChunkedBytes(ChunkHeader, &cbBytesInBuffer)) { // error in chunked data
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in chunked data at %d\r\n", _cbEntityBody )); SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_BAD_REQUEST, ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); Disconnect( HT_BAD_REQUEST, IDS_HTRESP_BAD_REQUEST, FALSE, pfDone ); if ( pfDisconnected ) { *pfDisconnected = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
_cbEntityBody += cbBytesInBuffer; _cbTotalEntityBody += cbBytesInBuffer; if( _cbEntityBody < dwMaxAmountToRead && _ChunkState != READ_CHUNK_DONE ) { cbNextRead = dwMaxAmountToRead - _cbEntityBody; if(cbNextRead < CHUNK_READ_SIZE) { cbNextRead = CHUNK_READ_SIZE; } return ReadMoreEntityBody( _cbClientRequest + _cbChunkHeader + _cbEntityBody, cbNextRead); } else { // We've read enough data
*pfDone = TRUE; return TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
NAME: HTTP_REQ_BASE::DecodeChunkedBytes SYNOPSIS: Decodes specified number of chunked bytes in-place, using member variables to keep track of the state ENTRY: lpBuffer - points to first encoded byte lpnBytes - points to count of encoded bytes EXIT: lpnBytes - points to count of decoded bytes ********************************************************************/ BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::DecodeChunkedBytes( LPBYTE lpBuffer, LPDWORD pnBytes ) { DWORD cbBytesToDecode; DWORD cbBytesDecoded, cb; LPBYTE lpCurrent, lpData; BYTE Current; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// Cache the count of bytes to decode
cbBytesToDecode = *pnBytes;
// Setup our running buffer pointer and data pointer
lpCurrent = lpBuffer; lpData = lpBuffer; // No data decoded
cbBytesDecoded = 0;
// while we have unprocessed data
while( cbBytesToDecode ) { switch( _ChunkState ) { case READ_CHUNK_SIZE: while( cbBytesToDecode ) { Current = *lpCurrent; if( isxdigit( (UCHAR)Current ) ) {
if( _dwChunkSize == -1 ) { _dwChunkSize = 0; } // Adjust chunk size, count off consumed byte
_dwChunkSize = (_dwChunkSize * 16) + ( isdigit( (UCHAR)Current ) ? Current - '0' : ( Current | 0x20 ) - 'a' + 10 ); lpCurrent++; cbBytesToDecode--; } else {
if( _dwChunkSize == -1 ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[DecodeChunkedBytes] bad chunk size\n" )); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fSuccess = FALSE; goto done; } // Not a hex digit, eat the rest of the line until LF
_CRCount = _LFCount = 0; _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_PARAMS;
// Now is a good time to clear the counter
// of chunk data bytes that we've read
_cbChunkBytesRead = 0; break; } } break;
// Eat anything which follows chunk size until LF
while( cbBytesToDecode ) { Current = *(lpCurrent++); cbBytesToDecode--; if( Current == '\r' ) { _CRCount = 1; } else { if( Current == '\n' && _CRCount != 0 ) {
// We got LF, proceed reading chunk data
_ChunkState = READ_CHUNK; _LFCount = 1; break; } else { //
// No LF -- ignore CR(s)
_CRCount = 0; } } } //
// Shift the data to remove any chunk header
if( cbBytesToDecode ) { memmove( lpData, lpCurrent, cbBytesToDecode ); lpCurrent = lpData; } //
// If we have a 0 chunk size, we've read all of the data
// but we may still have some footers to read
if( _dwChunkSize == 0 ) { _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_FOOTER; } break; case READ_CHUNK:
cb = _dwChunkSize - _cbChunkBytesRead;
if( cb <= cbBytesToDecode ) { //
// We have the whole chunk
// Count off chunk worth of bytes to decode
cbBytesToDecode -= cb; //
// Advance current pointer
lpCurrent += cb; //
// Count in decoded bytes
cbBytesDecoded += cb; //
// Notice the position right after the last data byte
lpData = lpCurrent; //
// Prepare CR and LF counters to handle trailing CRLF
_CRCount = _LFCount = 0; //
// Shift to a new state
_ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_CRLF; } else { //
// All cbBytesToDecode are data bytes
// Count in decoded bytes
cbBytesDecoded += cbBytesToDecode; //
// Remember number of bytes read by this call - we'll need it
// on next entry to this function
_cbChunkBytesRead += cbBytesToDecode; //
// Nothing left to decode
cbBytesToDecode = 0; } break;
case READ_CHUNK_FOOTER: while( cbBytesToDecode ) { Current = *(lpCurrent++); cbBytesToDecode--; if( Current == '\r' ) { _CRCount++; } else { if( Current == '\n' && _CRCount != 0 ) { _LFCount++;
if( _CRCount == 2 && _LFCount == 2 ) {
// We may have other footers here...
if(_dwChunkSize == 0) { _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_DONE; goto done; } _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_SIZE; _CRCount = _LFCount = 0; _dwChunkSize = 0; break; }
} else { _CRCount = _LFCount = 0; } } } break; case READ_CHUNK_CRLF: if( _CRCount == 0 ) { if( *lpCurrent == '\r' ) { cbBytesToDecode--; lpCurrent++; _CRCount = 1; } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fSuccess = FALSE; goto done; } } if( cbBytesToDecode != 0 ) { if( *lpCurrent == '\n' ) { if( cbBytesToDecode == 1 ) { _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_SIZE; _CRCount = _LFCount = 0; _dwChunkSize = 0; goto done; } cbBytesToDecode--; lpCurrent++; _dwChunkSize = 0; _CRCount = _LFCount = 0; _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_SIZE; break; } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fSuccess = FALSE; goto done; } } break; default: DBG_ASSERT( 0 ); } }
done: *pnBytes = cbBytesDecoded; return fSuccess; }
VOID HttpReqResolveCallback( ADDRCHECKARG pArg, BOOL fSt, LPSTR pName ) { // ignore fSt : DNS name is simply unavailable
((CLIENT_CONN*)pArg)->PostCompletionStatus( 0 ); //((CLIENT_CONN*)pArg)->DoWork( 0, 0, FALSE );
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnCompleteRequest( TCHAR * pchRequest, DWORD cbData, BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfContinueProcessingRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method takes a complete HTTP 1.0 request and handles the results of the parsing method
pchRequest - Pointer to first byte of request header cbData - Number of data bytes in pchRequest pfFinished - Set to TRUE if no further processing is needed pfContinueProcessingRequest - Set to FALSE is we must stop processing request
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { BOOL fRet; DWORD cbExtraData; BOOL fNoCert; BOOL fHandled = FALSE; LPBYTE pbCaList; DWORD dwCaList; LPBYTE pbCa; DWORD dwCa; BOOL fDenyOnDnsFail = TRUE; BOOL fDenyComplete = FALSE; BOOL fDisconnected = FALSE;
// Parse the request
fRet = Parse( pchRequest, cbData, &cbExtraData, &fHandled, pfFinished );
// We can process authorization now that virtual root mapping is done
if ( fRet && _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_AUT ) != NULL && !( *pfFinished || fHandled ) ) { fRet = ProcessAuthorization( (CHAR *) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_AUT ) ); }
if ( !fRet ) { DWORD hterr; DWORD winerr = GetLastError(); DWORD errorResponse = NO_ERROR;
IF_DEBUG(ERROR) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[OnFillClientReq] httpReq.Parse or httpLogonUser failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() )); }
switch ( winerr ) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:
// If the request is bad, then indicate that to the client
hterr = HT_BAD_REQUEST; break;
hterr = HT_NOT_FOUND; break;
hterr = HT_NOT_FOUND; errorResponse = IDS_SITE_NOT_FOUND; break;
hterr = HT_NOT_SUPPORTED; break;
case ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: case ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE: if ( !_fAnonymous && !_fMappedAcct ) { if ( !DoChange( &fHandled ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( fHandled ) { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } } if ( !DenyAccess( &fDenyComplete, &fDisconnected ) || fDenyComplete ) { hterr = HT_DENIED; winerr = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; SetLastError( winerr ); errorResponse = IDS_PWD_CHANGE; return FALSE; } else { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
if ( !DenyAccess( &fDenyComplete, &fDisconnected ) || fDenyComplete ) { return FALSE; } else { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
case ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS: hterr = HT_FORBIDDEN; winerr = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; errorResponse = IDS_TOO_MANY_USERS; break;
case ERROR_INVALID_DATA: hterr = HT_SERVER_ERROR; errorResponse = IDS_INVALID_CNFG; break;
// Some other fatal error occurred
hterr = HT_SERVER_ERROR; break; }
if ( errorResponse == NO_ERROR ) { errorResponse = winerr; }
if (!_fNoDisconnectOnError) { SetState( HTR_DONE, hterr, winerr );
if (!_fDiscNoError) { Disconnect( hterr, errorResponse, FALSE, pfFinished ); } else { Disconnect( 0, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); } }
// Since we handled the error ourselves (by issuing a disconnect),
// we will return success (otherwise another disconnect will
// occur)
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
if ( fHandled ) { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; }
// Check to see if encryption is required before we do any processing
if ( ( ((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_SSL ) && !IsSecurePort() ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_SSL_REQUIRED, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// Check if encryption key size should be at least 128 bits
if ( ( ((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_SSL128 ) ) { DWORD dwKeySize;
if ( !_tcpauth.QueryEncryptionKeySize(&dwKeySize, &fNoCert) || (dwKeySize < 128) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_SSL128_REQUIRED, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } }
#if 0
if ( IsSslCa( &pbCaList, &dwCaList ) ) { if( !_tcpauth.QueryCa( &pbCa, &dwCa, &fNoCert ) ) { if ( !fNoCert ) { goto rjca; } } else if ( IsInCaList( pbCaList, dwCaList, pbCa, dwCa ) ) { rjca: SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_CA_NOT_ALLOWED, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } } #endif
#if defined(CAL_ENABLED)
// Check if CAL granted for SSL access
if ( IsSecurePort() && !m_pCalSslCtxt ) { if ( !CalConnect( QueryClientConn()->QueryRemoteAddr(), strlen( QueryClientConn()->QueryRemoteAddr() ), TRUE, "", 0, NULL, &m_pCalSslCtxt ) ) { g_pInetSvc->LogEvent( W3_EVENT_CAL_SSL_EXCEEDED, 0, NULL, 0 );
BOOL bOverTheLimit;
switch ( ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalMode() ) { case MD_CAL_MODE_LOGCOUNT: IncrErrorCount( (IMDCOM*)QueryW3Instance()->m_Service->QueryMDObject(), MD_CAL_SSL_ERRORS, QueryW3Instance()->m_Service->QueryMDPath(), &bOverTheLimit );
if ( !bOverTheLimit ) { break; } // fall-through
case MD_CAL_MODE_HTTPERR: SetState( HTR_DONE, ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalW3Error(), ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalW3Error(), IDS_CAL_EXCEEDED, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } } } #endif
// Check IP access granted
BOOL fNeedDns = FALSE;
// do access check once per authenticated request
if ( !IsIpDnsAccessCheckPresent() ) { _acIpAccess = AC_IN_GRANT_LIST; } else if ( _acIpAccess == AC_NOT_CHECKED ) { _acIpAccess = QueryClientConn()->CheckIpAccess( &_fNeedDnsCheck );
fNeedDns = _fNeedDnsCheck;
if ( (_acIpAccess == AC_IN_DENY_LIST) || ((_acIpAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST) && !_fNeedDnsCheck) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } }
// If DNS name required for further processing and is not already present,
// request it now.
if ( !fNeedDns ) { if ( !IsLoggedOn() && (QueryW3Instance()->QueryNetLogonWks() == MD_NETLOGON_WKS_DNS) && (QueryMetaData()->QueryAuthentInfo()->dwLogonMethod == LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK) ) { fNeedDns = TRUE; } else if ( QueryMetaData()->QueryDoReverseDns() ) { //
// We would like to get the host name of the client. But if we
// can't we shouldn't deny access on the request.
fNeedDns = TRUE; fDenyOnDnsFail = FALSE; } }
if ( fNeedDns && !QueryClientConn()->IsDnsResolved() ) { BOOL fSync; LPSTR pDns;
if ( !QueryClientConn()->QueryDnsName( &fSync, (ADDRCHECKFUNCEX)HttpReqResolveCallback, (ADDRCHECKARG)QueryClientConn(), &pDns ) ) { if ( fDenyOnDnsFail ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { //
// Just fall thru and handle the request.
fSync = TRUE; } } if ( !fSync ) { SetState( HTR_RESTART_REQUEST ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } }
return OnRestartRequest( pchRequest, cbExtraData, pfFinished, pfContinueProcessingRequest ); }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::DoChange( LPBOOL pfHandled ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method handles password expiration notification
pfHandled - updated with TRUE if change pwd request handled
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { STR strExpUrl; BOOL fSt = TRUE; STR strUrlArgs;
QueryW3Instance()->LockThisForRead(); fSt = strExpUrl.Copy((TCHAR*)QueryW3Instance()->QueryAuthExpiredUrl() ); QueryW3Instance()->UnlockThis();
if ( !fSt || !strExpUrl.QueryCCH() ) { // can't change pwd
*pfHandled = FALSE; return TRUE; }
if ( LogonAsSystem() ) { //
// Add the arg to be passed to the password-change URL - argument is the URL the
// user is pointed to after all the password-change processing is done
if ( fSt = strExpUrl.Append( (TCHAR*)"?" ) ) { fSt = TRUE; //
// If we're changing the password on the proxy, we use the original non-proxy-munged
// URL
if ( IsProxyRequest() ) { fSt = strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*) _strOriginalURL.QueryStr() ); } //
// Can't just use QueryHostAddr() concatentated with
// _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) because for HTTP 1.1 we might have a fully
// qualified request as an URL, so we have to build it up piece-meal.
else { if ( !strUrlArgs.Append( IsSecurePort() ? (TCHAR*)"https://" : (TCHAR*)"http://" ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*)QueryHostAddr() ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*) QueryURL() ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( _strURLParams.IsEmpty() ? (TCHAR *) "" : (TCHAR*) "?" ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( _strURLParams.IsEmpty() ? (TCHAR*) "" : (TCHAR*) QueryURLParams() )) { fSt = FALSE; } } if ( fSt ) { fSt = strExpUrl.Append( (TCHAR*) strUrlArgs.QueryStr() ); } } if ( !fSt ) { *pfHandled = FALSE; return FALSE; } //
// We used to call ReprocessURL() here to send back the form that allows users
// to change their password, but there was a problem with the compression filter
// [see Bug 120119 in the NT DB for full description] (and potentially other filters
// as well) that make it better to do a 302 Redirect to the password change URL
BOOL fFinished = FALSE;
// Put ourselves in a known state after the redirect - some browsers may close the
// connection, others may keep it if we don't explicitly close it
SetKeepConn( FALSE );
if ( BuildURLMovedResponse( QueryRespBuf(), &strExpUrl, HT_REDIRECT, FALSE ) && ( (HTTP_REQUEST*)this )->SendHeader( QueryRespBufPtr(), QueryRespBufCB(), IO_FLAG_SYNC, &fFinished ) ) { *pfHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { *pfHandled = FALSE; return FALSE; } } SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_LOGON ); SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
*pfHandled = FALSE; return FALSE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::DenyAccess( BOOL * pfDenyComplete, BOOL * pfDisconnected ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method prepare the connection for a deny access return status by eating any entity body in the denied request
pfDenyComplete - Set to true when all entity body is read pfDisconnected - Set to true if we disconnected
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
--*/ { HTR_STATE OldState = QueryState(); BOOL fDisconnected = FALSE; SetState( HTR_ACCESS_DENIED ); if ( !ReadEntityBody( pfDenyComplete, TRUE, QueryClientContentLength(), pfDisconnected ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( *pfDenyComplete ) { SetState( OldState ); } return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnRestartRequest( TCHAR * pchRequest, DWORD cbData, BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfContinueProcessingRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method takes a complete HTTP 1.0 request and handles the results of the parsing method
pchRequest - Pointer to first byte of request header cbData - Number of read data bytes in message body pfFinished - Set to TRUE if no further processing is needed pfContinueProcessingRequest - Set to FALSE is we must stop processing request
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { BOOL fGranted; LARGE_INTEGER cExpire; SYSTEMTIME stExpire; FILETIME ftNow; BYTE rgbInfo[MAX_TOKEN_USER_INFO]; DWORD cbTotalRequired; STR strExpUrl; BOOL fAccepted = FALSE; DWORD cbNextRead; AC_RESULT acDnsAccess; BOOL fHandled; DWORD dwCertFlags = 0; BOOL fNoCert; LPBYTE pbCa; DWORD dwCa;
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = TRUE; // Assume we'll handle this w/o I/O.
// restore BytesWritten as set by 1st phase of request
// ( may have been overwritten by reverse DNS lookup phase )
_cbBytesWritten = _cbRestartBytesWritten;
// Check if cert renegotiation to be requested
if ( QueryState() != HTR_CERT_RENEGOTIATE ) { if ( !((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->RequestRenegotiate( &fAccepted ) ) { if ( GetLastError() == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE ) { fAccepted = FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
// If requested, begin reading data. Notification will be handled
// by HandleCertRenegotiation()
if ( fAccepted ) { _cbEntityBody = cbData; _cbOldData = _cbClientRequest + cbData; cbNextRead = CERT_RENEGO_READ_SIZE;
if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( _cbOldData + cbNextRead )) { return FALSE; }
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE;
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbOldData, cbNextRead, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC|IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
if ( _dwRenegotiated == CERT_NEGO_SUCCESS ) { QueryW3Instance()->IsSslCa( &pbCa, &dwCa ); if ( !_tcpauth.UpdateClientCertFlags( QueryW3Instance()->QueryCertCheckMode(), &fNoCert, pbCa, dwCa ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !_tcpauth.QueryCertificateFlags( &dwCertFlags, &fNoCert ) || ( dwCertFlags & ( RCRED_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ISSUER | CRED_STATUS_INVALID_TIME | CRED_STATUS_REVOKED ) ) ) { goto cert_req; } } else if ( ((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_NEGO_MANDATORY ) { cert_req: SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
// Several things could go wrong, so order our processing from most to least severe
// (the order is a little arbitrary, but oh well ...)
DWORD dwSubStatus = 0;
if ( dwCertFlags & RCRED_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ISSUER ) { dwSubStatus = IDS_CERT_BAD; } else if ( dwCertFlags & CRED_STATUS_INVALID_TIME ) { dwSubStatus = IDS_CERT_TIME_INVALID; } else if ( dwCertFlags & CRED_STATUS_REVOKED ) { dwSubStatus = IDS_CERT_REVOKED; } else { dwSubStatus = IDS_CERT_REQUIRED; }
Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, dwSubStatus, FALSE, pfFinished );
*pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
if ( _fInvalidAccessToken ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_MAPPER_DENY_ACCESS, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// If we're having an authentication conversation, then we send an access denied
// response with the next authentication blob. The client returns the next blob
// to us in an HTTP request.
if ( IsAuthenticating() ) { //
// If no blob to send to client then handle this as
// a 401 notification with disconnect
if ( _strAuthInfo.IsEmpty() ) { SetKeepConn( FALSE ); SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_LOGON ); _fAuthenticating = FALSE; }
// An access denied error automatically sends the next part
// of the authentication conversation
SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); BOOL fDenyComplete = FALSE; BOOL fDisconnected = FALSE; if ( !DenyAccess( &fDenyComplete, &fDisconnected ) || fDenyComplete ) { return FALSE; } else { *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } }
if ( _fNeedDnsCheck ) { acDnsAccess = QueryClientConn()->CheckDnsAccess();
_fNeedDnsCheck = FALSE;
// not checked name should be denied
if ( acDnsAccess == AC_NOT_CHECKED || acDnsAccess == AC_IN_DENY_LIST || acDnsAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST || (_acIpAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST && acDnsAccess != AC_IN_GRANT_LIST) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } }
// If we have all the authentication information we need and we're
// not already logged on, try to log the user on
if ( !IsLoggedOn() && !LogonUser( pfFinished ) ) { LogonErr: if ( (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE)) { goto DoAuthentication; }
if ( (GetLastError() == ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED || GetLastError() == ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE) ) { BOOL fDenyComplete = FALSE; SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
if ( !DoChange( &fHandled ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( !fHandled ) { #if 0
SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_LOGON ); goto DoAuthentication; #endif
} else { *pfFinished = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } else if ( (QueryNotifyExAuth() & MD_NOTIFEXAUTH_NTLMSSL ) && _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATIONEX, IsSecurePort() ) ) { HANDLE hTok;
if ( !_Filter.NotifyAuthInfoFiltersEx( _strUserName.QueryStr(), _strUserName.QueryCCH(), _strUserName.QueryStr(), _strUserName.QueryCCH(), "", "", QueryMetaData()->QueryAuthentInfo()-> strDefaultLogonDomain.QueryStr(), _strAuthType.QueryStr(), _strAuthType.QueryCCH(), &hTok, &hTok, pfFinished )) { SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_LOGON | SF_DENIED_FILTER ); goto LogonErr; } }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; } //
// Call SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE filters if we're logged on now
if ( IsLoggedOn() && _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE, IsSecurePort() ) ) { HTTP_FILTER_AUTH_COMPLETE_INFO AuthInfo; STACK_STR( strOriginal, MAX_PATH ); //
// Store away the original URL
if ( !strOriginal.Copy( _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( !_Filter.NotifyAuthComplete( pfFinished, &AuthInfo ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; } if ( _stricmp( strOriginal.QueryStr(), _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) ) ) { BOOL fRet; //
// Filter changed the URL. Reprocess the URL
if ( AuthInfo.fResetAuth ) { ResetAuth( FALSE ); } fRet = ((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->ReprocessURL( (char*) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ), HTV_UNKNOWN ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return fRet; } } #if defined(CAL_ENABLED)
// Check if CAL granted for authenticated access
if ( !_fAnonymous && !m_pCalAuthCtxt ) { if ( !CalConnect( QueryClientConn()->QueryRemoteAddr(), strlen( QueryClientConn()->QueryRemoteAddr() ), FALSE, _strUserName.QueryStr(), _strUserName.QueryCCH(), _tcpauth.QueryImpersonationToken(), &m_pCalAuthCtxt ) ) { BOOL bOverTheLimit;
switch ( ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalMode() ) { case MD_CAL_MODE_LOGCOUNT: IncrErrorCount( (IMDCOM*)QueryW3Instance()->m_Service->QueryMDObject(), MD_CAL_AUTH_ERRORS, QueryW3Instance()->m_Service->QueryMDPath(), &bOverTheLimit );
if ( !bOverTheLimit ) { break; } // fall-through
case MD_CAL_MODE_HTTPERR: SetState( HTR_DONE, ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalW3Error(), ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( ((W3_IIS_SERVICE*)(QueryW3Instance()->m_Service))->QueryCalW3Error(), IDS_CAL_EXCEEDED, FALSE, pfFinished ); *pfContinueProcessingRequest = FALSE; return TRUE; } } } #endif
// Query pwd expiration time.
// if available, check if in notification range as defined by configuration
// if in range, call configured URL
if ( !_fMappedAcct && !_fAnonymous && _tcpauth.QueryExpiry( (PTimeStamp)&cExpire ) ) { if ( cExpire.HighPart == 0x7fffffff ) { IF_DEBUG(REQUEST) { DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "No expiration time\r\n" ) ); } } else { ::IISGetCurrentTimeAsFileTime( &ftNow ); { if ( *(__int64*)&cExpire > *(__int64*)&ftNow ) { _dwExpireInDay = (DWORD)((*(__int64*)&cExpire - *(__int64*)&ftNow) / ((__int64)10000000*86400));
if ( QueryW3Instance()->QueryAdvNotPwdExpInDays() && _dwExpireInDay <= QueryW3Instance()-> QueryAdvNotPwdExpInDays() && QueryW3Instance()->QueryAdvNotPwdExpUrl() ) { //
// Check this SID has not already been notified
// of pwd expiration
if ( GetTokenInformation( _tcpauth.QueryPrimaryToken(), TokenUser, (LPVOID ) rgbInfo, sizeof(rgbInfo), &cbTotalRequired) ) { TOKEN_USER * pTokenUser = (TOKEN_USER *) rgbInfo; PSID pSid = pTokenUser->User.Sid;
if( !PenCheckPresentAndResetTtl( pSid, QueryW3Instance() ->QueryAdvCacheTTL() ) ) { PenAddToCache( pSid, QueryW3Instance() ->QueryAdvCacheTTL() );
// flush cache when connection close
// so that account change will not be masked
// by cached information
QueryW3Instance()->LockThisForRead(); BOOL fSt = strExpUrl.Copy( (TCHAR*)QueryW3Instance() ->QueryAdvNotPwdExpUrl() ); QueryW3Instance()->UnlockThis(); if ( !fSt ) { return FALSE; } if ( strExpUrl.QueryStr()[0] ) { //
// Add the arg to be passed to the password-change URL -
// argument is the URL the user is pointed to after all the
// password-change processing is done
if ( fSt = strExpUrl.Append( (TCHAR*)"?" ) ) { fSt = TRUE; STR strUrlArgs;
// If we're changing the password on the proxy, we use
// the original non-proxy-munged URL
if ( IsProxyRequest() ) { fSt = strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*) _strOriginalURL.QueryStr() ); } //
// Can't just use QueryHostAddr() concatentated with
// _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) because for
// HTTP 1.1 we might have a fully qualified request as an
// URL, so we have to build it up piece-meal.
else { if ( !strUrlArgs.Append( IsSecurePort() ? (TCHAR*)"https://" : (TCHAR*)"http://" ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*)QueryHostAddr() ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( (TCHAR*) QueryURL() ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( _strURLParams.IsEmpty() ? (TCHAR *) "" : (TCHAR*) "?" ) || !strUrlArgs.Append( _strURLParams.IsEmpty() ? (TCHAR*) "" : (TCHAR*) QueryURLParams() )) { fSt = FALSE; } }
if ( fSt ) { fSt = strExpUrl.Append( (TCHAR*) strUrlArgs.QueryStr() ); } } if ( !fSt ) { return FALSE; }
_tcpauth.QueryFullyQualifiedUserName( _strUnmappedUserName.QueryStr(), &_strUnmappedUserName, QueryW3Instance(), QueryMetaData()->QueryAuthentInfo());
// process new URL
SetKeepConn( FALSE ); // to resync input flow
// We used to call ReprocessURL() here to send back the form
// that allows users to change their password, but there was
// a problem with the compression filter
// [see Bug 120119 in the NT DB for full description]
// (and potentially other filters as well) that make it
// better to do a 302 Redirect to the password change URL
// We're guaranteed not to get into an infinite loop with the
// redirect because we check whether or not the given SID
// has already been notified about the password expiration
// [ see call to PenCheckPresentAndResetTtl() call above]
#if 1
BOOL fFinished = FALSE; if ( BuildURLMovedResponse( QueryRespBuf(), &strExpUrl, HT_REDIRECT, FALSE ) && ( (HTTP_REQUEST*)this )->SendHeader( QueryRespBufPtr(), QueryRespBufCB(), IO_FLAG_SYNC, &fFinished ) ) { *pfFinished = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
if ( !((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->CancelPreconditions() ) { return FALSE; }
if ( ((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->ReprocessURL( strExpUrl.QueryStr(), HTV_GET ) ) { *pfFinished = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } #endif
} } } } } else { _dwExpireInDay = 0; } } #if DBG
IF_DEBUG(REQUEST) { FileTimeToSystemTime( (FILETIME*)&cExpire, &stExpire ); DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Expiration date: %2d-%2d-%4d, %02d:%02d\r\n", stExpire.wMonth, stExpire.wDay, stExpire.wYear, stExpire.wHour, stExpire.wMinute ) ); } #endif
} }
// Check to see if the client specified any additional data
// that we need to pickup. We want to do this if there is an entity
// body, so _fHaveContentLength should be TRUE,
// and this is either a request destined for an ISAPI app or a
// non-PUT request that the server will handle. We do it this way
// to handle weird error cases, like GETs with entity bodies. We
// don't do this for unknown verbs that we're not going to handle
// anyways, since those will generate an error and we don't need
// to bother reading the entity body.
// Note also that this approach won't handle those cases of an
// entity body without a content-length or transfer-encoding. It's
// hard to distinguish those cases from pipelined requests. If we
// need to handle this we can check for cbData being non-zero and
// the request being for a verb that could have an entity body, i.e.
// HTV_UNKNOWN or HTV_POST. This checked would be or'ed with the check
// for _fHaveContentLength.
// If the server is changed such that requests with entity bodies
// other than PUT are handled then the 'if' statement below will need
// to be modified, most likely to check for verbs other than PUT.
if ( _fHaveContentLength && (IsProbablyGatewayRequest() || (QueryVerb() != HTV_PUT && QueryVerb() != HTV_UNKNOWN) ) ) {
// If we've got a 1.1 client, and we're reading some data for the app,
// and this is a PUT or a POST, we've got to send the 100 Continue
// response here. Note: it's possible that the 100 response should
// be sent for any request that has an entity body. If we decide
// to do that then just remove the last part of the following 'if'
// statement.
if (IsAtLeastOneOne() && (QueryMetaData()->QueryUploadReadAhead() != 0) && ((QueryVerb() == HTV_PUT) || (QueryVerb() == HTV_POST))) { if ( !SendHeader( "100 Continue", "\r\n", IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished, HTTPH_NO_CONNECTION) ) { // An error on the header send. Abort this request.
return FALSE; }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; } }
// Now let's pickup the rest of the data.
// We're all set, read the entity body now.
if ( !ReadEntityBody( pfContinueProcessingRequest, TRUE )) { return FALSE; }
if ( !*pfContinueProcessingRequest ) return TRUE;
// else Fall through as we have all of the gateway data
SetState( HTR_DOVERB ); return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReadFile( LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBytesToRead, DWORD * pnBytesRead, DWORD dwFlags ) {
// If no filters are installed, do the normal thing
if ( (dwFlags & IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER) || !_Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA, IsSecurePort() )) { if ( dwFlags & IO_FLAG_ASYNC ) { return _pClientConn->ReadFile( lpBuffer, nBytesToRead ); } else { DWORD nBytes = 0; BOOL fRet; DWORD err;
// Bogus hack - server relies on GetLastError() too much
// select() and recv() both reset the last error which hoses
// us on some error cleanup paths
err = GetLastError();
fRet = TcpSockRecv( _pClientConn->QuerySocket(), (char *) lpBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytes, 60 // 60s timeout
if ( pnBytesRead != NULL ) { *pnBytesRead = nBytes; }
if ( fRet ) { SetLastError( err ); }
return fRet; } } else { //
// We don't need to up the ref-count because the filter
// will eventually post an async-completion with the connection
// object
if ( _Filter.ReadData( lpBuffer, nBytesToRead, pnBytesRead, dwFlags )) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } } // HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReadFile
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::WriteFile( LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBytesToWrite, DWORD * pnBytesWritten, DWORD dwFlags ) {
// Don't use WriteFileAndRecv unless we're told to
if (! g_fUseAndRecv ) { dwFlags &= ~IO_FLAG_AND_RECV; }
AtqSetSocketOption(_pClientConn->QueryAtqContext(), TCP_NODELAY, (dwFlags & IO_FLAG_NO_DELAY) ? 1 : 0 ); if ( (dwFlags & IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER ) || !_Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA, IsSecurePort() ))
{ if ( dwFlags & IO_FLAG_ASYNC ) { _fAsyncSendPosted = TRUE;
if ( dwFlags & IO_FLAG_AND_RECV ) { return _pClientConn->WriteFileAndRecv( lpBuffer, nBytesToWrite, _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() ); } else { return _pClientConn->WriteFile( lpBuffer, nBytesToWrite ); } } else { DWORD nBytes = 0; BOOL fRet; DWORD err;
err = GetLastError();
fRet = TcpSockSend( _pClientConn->QuerySocket(), lpBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &nBytes, 60 // 60s timeout
_cbBytesSent += nBytes; if ( pnBytesWritten != NULL ) { *pnBytesWritten = nBytes; }
if ( fRet ) { SetLastError( err ); }
return fRet; } } else { //
// We don't need to up the ref-count because the filter
// will eventually post an async-completion with the connection
// object
if ( _Filter.SendData( lpBuffer, nBytesToWrite, pnBytesWritten, dwFlags )) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::TestConnection( VOID ) { return TcpSockTest( _pClientConn->QuerySocket() ); }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::TransmitFile( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, HANDLE hFile, DWORD Offset, DWORD BytesToWrite, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID pHead, DWORD HeadLength, PVOID pTail, DWORD TailLength ) { //
// Either a file handle or a TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO* must be passed in
// We want to support Transmit file with out a file handle.
// DBG_ASSERT( hFile || pOpenFile );
DBG_CODE( if( hFile == NULL && !pOpenFile ) { // This is the no file handle case
DBG_ASSERT( Offset == 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( BytesToWrite == 0 ); } );
// File sends must always be async
// Don't use TransmitFileAndRecv unless we're told to
if (! g_fUseAndRecv ) { dwFlags |= IO_FLAG_NO_RECV; }
// Don't count filter bytes
if ( !(dwFlags & IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER )) { _cFilesSent++; }
if ( (dwFlags & IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER) || !_Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA, IsSecurePort() ))
{ _fAsyncSendPosted = TRUE;
if ( dwFlags & (TF_DISCONNECT|IO_FLAG_NO_RECV) ) { if ( pOpenFile ) { return TransmitFileTs( pOpenFile, Offset, BytesToWrite, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pTail, TailLength ); } else { return _pClientConn->TransmitFile( hFile, Offset, BytesToWrite, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pTail, TailLength ); } } else { return _pClientConn->TransmitFileAndRecv( hFile ? hFile : GetFileHandle( pOpenFile ), Offset, BytesToWrite, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pTail, TailLength, _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), _bufClientRequest.QuerySize() ); } } else { if ( _Filter.SendFile( pOpenFile, hFile, Offset, BytesToWrite, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pTail, TailLength )) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::TransmitFileTs( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, DWORD Offset, DWORD BytesToWrite, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID pHead, DWORD HeadLength, PVOID pTail, DWORD TailLength ) { BOOL fRet; PBYTE pFileBuf = pOpenFile->QueryFileBuffer();
if (pFileBuf && !(HeadLength && TailLength) ) { //
// Do the fast path by sending file through
// head or tail buffer
if (TailLength) { fRet = _pClientConn->TransmitFile( NULL, 0, 0, dwFlags, pFileBuf + Offset, BytesToWrite, pTail, TailLength ); } else { fRet = _pClientConn->TransmitFile( NULL, 0, 0, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pFileBuf + Offset, BytesToWrite ); } } else { //
// Do the slow path
fRet = _pClientConn->TransmitFile( GetFileHandle( pOpenFile ), Offset, BytesToWrite, dwFlags, pHead, HeadLength, pTail, TailLength ); }
return fRet; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::SyncWsaSend( WSABUF * rgWsaBuffers, DWORD cWsaBuffers, LPDWORD pcbWritten ) { BOOL fRet;
DBG_ASSERT( pcbWritten );
fRet = _pClientConn->SyncWsaSend( rgWsaBuffers, cWsaBuffers, pcbWritten );
if( pcbWritten ) { _cbBytesSent += *pcbWritten; }
return fRet; }
BOOL HTTP_REQ_BASE::PostCompletionStatus( DWORD cbBytesTransferred ) { return _pClientConn->PostCompletionStatus( cbBytesTransferred ); }