/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module contains the main startup code for the W3 Service.
FILE HISTORY: KeithMo 07-Mar-1993 Created. JohnL ???? MuraliK 11-July-1995 Used Ipc() functions from Inetsvcs.dll
#include "w3p.hxx"
#include "wamexec.hxx"
#include "mtacb.h"
#include "gip.h"
// RPC related includes
extern "C" { #include "inetinfo.h"
#include <timer.h>
#include "w3svci_s.h"
#include <inetsvcs.h>
// system event log id
#include "w3msg.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
// Private constants.
BOOL fAnySecureFilters = FALSE; BOOL fComInitialized = FALSE; HANDLE g_hPhaseSync = NULL;
// for PDC hack
#define VIRTUAL_ROOTS_KEY_A "Virtual Roots"
#define HTTP_EXT_MAPS "Script Map"
// Private globals.
#ifndef _NO_TRACING_
#include <initguid.h>
DEFINE_GUID(IisW3ServerGuid, 0x784d8919, 0xaa8c, 0x11d2, 0x92, 0x5e, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x72, 0xd9, 0x0e); DECLARE_DEBUG_PRINTS_OBJECT(); #else
// The following critical section synchronizes execution in ServiceEntry().
// This is necessary because the NT Service Controller may reissue a service
// start notification immediately after we have set our status to stopped.
// This can lead to an unpleasant race condition in ServiceEntry() as one
// thread cleans up global state as another thread is initializing it.
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csServiceEntryLock;
// Private prototypes.
APIERR InitializeService( LPVOID pContext ); APIERR TerminateService( LPVOID pContext );
VOID LoopCheckingForDrainOfConnections(VOID);
DWORD InitializeExtension( VOID);
extern DWORD InitializeWriteState(VOID); extern VOID TerminateWriteState(VOID);
// Public functions.
VOID ServiceEntry( DWORD cArgs, LPSTR pArgs[], PTCPSVCS_GLOBAL_DATA pGlobalData // unused
) /*++
Routine: This is the "real" entrypoint for the service. When the Service Controller dispatcher is requested to start a service, it creates a thread that will begin executing this routine.
Arguments: cArgs - Number of command line arguments to this service.
pArgs - Pointers to the command line arguments.
Returns: None. Does not return until service is stopped.
--*/ { APIERR err = NO_ERROR; BOOL fInitSvcObject = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection( &g_csServiceEntryLock );
if ( !InitCommonDlls() ) { err = GetLastError(); LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csServiceEntryLock ); goto notify_scm; }
// Initialize Globals
err = InitializeGlobals(); if ( err != NO_ERROR ) { goto exit; }
// Initialize phase synchronization event
g_hPhaseSync = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( g_hPhaseSync == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); goto exit; } //
// Initialize the service status structure.
// If we couldn't allocate memory for the service info struct, then the
// machine is really hosed.
if ( (g_pInetSvc != NULL) && ((W3_IIS_SERVICE *) g_pInetSvc)->QueryGlobalFilterList() && g_pInetSvc->IsActive() ) { fInitSvcObject = TRUE;
if ( g_pstrMovedMessage = new STR ) { g_pInetSvc->LoadStr( *g_pstrMovedMessage, IDS_URL_MOVED );
err = g_pInetSvc->StartServiceOperation( SERVICE_CTRL_HANDLER(), InitializeService, TerminateService ); } else { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if ( err ) { //
// The event has already been logged
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "HTTP ServiceEntry: StartServiceOperation returned %d\n", err )); } } else if ( g_pInetSvc == NULL) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { err = g_pInetSvc->QueryCurrentServiceError(); }
if ( g_pInetSvc != NULL ) { g_pInetSvc->CloseService( ); } if ( g_hPhaseSync != NULL ) { CloseHandle( g_hPhaseSync ); g_hPhaseSync = NULL; }
if ( g_pstrMovedMessage ) { delete g_pstrMovedMessage; }
TerminateGlobals( );
TerminateCommonDlls(); LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csServiceEntryLock );
notify_scm: //
// We need to tell the Service Control Manager that the service
// is stopped if we haven't called g_pInetSvc->StartServiceOperation.
// 1) InitCommonDlls fails, or
// 2) InitializeGlobals failed, or
// 3) new operator failed, or
// 4) W3_IIS_SERVICE constructor couldn't initialize properly
if ( !fInitSvcObject ) { SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hsvcStatus; SERVICE_STATUS svcStatus;
hsvcStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( W3_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_CTRL_HANDLER() );
if ( hsvcStatus != NULL_SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ) { svcStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; svcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; svcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = err; svcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = err; svcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; svcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; svcStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
SetServiceStatus( hsvcStatus, (LPSERVICE_STATUS) &svcStatus ); } }
} // ServiceEntry
// Private functions.
APIERR InitializeService( LPVOID pContext ) /*++
Routine: This function initializes the various W3 Service components.
Arguments: pContext - Pointer to the service object
Returns: NO_ERROR if successful, otherwise a Win32 status code.
--*/ { APIERR err; PW3_IIS_SERVICE psi = (PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pContext;
IF_DEBUG( SERVICE_CTRL ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "initializing service\n" )); }
// Initialize the Digest Authentication and NT Cert Mapper Capabilities here. We did not
// initialize them with other capability checks in AdvertiseServiceInfo because net calls
// take a significant amount of time resulting in Service Control Manager timeouts.
// The criterion for NT Cert Mapper is that htis machine is a member of a NT5 domain.
// In addition, for Digest Authentication, the PDC needs to be running Directory Services
// should have the "Capture Clear Text Password" flag set (Presently we only check the first
// 2 requirements).
if (NO_ERROR == DsGetDcName( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DS_PDC_REQUIRED | DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED, &pDomainControllerInfo)) { CHAR szServiceKey[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD capabilities = 0; MB mb( (IMDCOM*) g_pInetSvc->QueryMDObject() ); GUID nullguid = {0};
if ( nullguid != pDomainControllerInfo->DomainGuid) {
// NT5 DC. Add the NT Certmap Support capability to the already advertized capabilities.
strcpy( szServiceKey, IIS_MD_LOCAL_MACHINE_PATH "/" "W3SVC");
capabilities |= IIS_CAP1_NT_CERTMAP_SUPPORT;
if ( pDomainControllerInfo->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG) { capabilities |= IIS_CAP1_DIGEST_SUPPORT; }
if ( !mb.SetDword( IIS_MD_SVC_INFO_PATH, MD_SERVER_CAPABILITIES, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, capabilities, 0 )) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Error %d setting capabilities flag %x\n", GetLastError(), capabilities)); }
mb.Close(); } else { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[InitializeService] Cannot open MB path %s, error %lu\n", szServiceKey, GetLastError() )); } }
NetApiBufferFree( pDomainControllerInfo); }
// init com - we will need it to co-create wams
if( FAILED( err = CoInitializeEx( NULL, // void * pvReserved, //Reserved - must be NULL
| COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY // UNDONE are these the right flags?
))) {
if ( err != E_INVALIDARG ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "W3SVC: CoInitializeEx failed, error %lu\n", err )); return err; } }
fComInitialized = TRUE;
// Initialize FTM instance
if( FAILED( err = CFTMImplementation::Init() ) ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "W3SVC: Failure in CFTMImplementation::Init, error %x\n", err )); return err; }
// Initialize MTA callback and GIP table for calling WAMs
if( FAILED( err = InitMTACallbacks() ) ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "W3SVC: Failure to initialize MTACB API, error %08x\n", err ));
return err; }
if( FAILED( err = g_GIPAPI.Init() ) ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "W3SVC: Failure to initialize GIP API, error %08x\n", err ));
return err; }
// Initialize various components. The ordering of the
// components is somewhat limited. Globals should be
// initialized first, then the event logger. After
// the event logger is initialized, the other components
// may be initialized in any order with one exception.
// InitializeSockets must be the last initialization
// routine called. It kicks off the main socket connection
// thread.
if( ( err = CLIENT_CONN::Initialize() ) || ( err = HTTP_REQUEST::Initialize() ) || ( err = InitializeWriteState() ) || ( err = InitializeOleHack()) || ( err = InitializeExtension() ) || ( err = InitializeCGI() ) || ( err = psi->InitializeDiscovery( )) || ( err = ReadRegistryExtMap()) || #if defined(CAL_ENABLED)
( err = InitializeCal( psi->QueryGlobalStatistics(), psi->QueryCalVcPerLicense(), psi->QueryCalAuthReserveTimeout(), psi->QueryCalSslReserveTimeout() )) || #endif
( err = psi->InitializeSockets( )) || ( err = WriteConfiguration()) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "cannot initialize service, error %lu\n", err ));
return err; }
// Read and activate all the instances configured
DBG_ASSERT(g_pW3Stats); g_pW3Stats->UpdateStartTime();
InitializeInstances( psi );
// Success!
IF_DEBUG( SERVICE_CTRL ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Service initialized\n" )); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // InitializeService
DWORD TerminateServicePhase1( IN LPVOID pvContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Terminate W3 Service Phase 1: Stop all current connections/requests
pvContext - Service Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, else Win32 Error --*/ { //
// Stop processing job limits and work items.
W3_LIMIT_JOB_THREAD::StopLimitJobThread(); W3_JOB_QUEUE::StopJobQueue();
// Stop all CGI processes
// Blow away any connected users. We do this before calling the WAM
// shutdown code so ASP apps with long network IOs will abort in a
// timely fashion.
// Start shutdown of wam dictator, do other stuff,
// then uninit wam dictator below
DBG_ASSERT(g_pWamDictator); g_pWamDictator->StartShutdown();
// Uninit WamDictator.
DBG_ASSERT(g_pWamDictator); g_pWamDictator->UninitWamDictator();
// By now all connections should have gone away
// However, we carry a large amount of inconsistencies in our shutdown code
// => some connections may not have shutdown.
// Let us loop and check for this straggler requests
LoopCheckingForDrainOfConnections(); //
// Allow the phase 2 shutdown to start
SetEvent( g_hPhaseSync ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD TerminateServicePhase2( IN LPVOID pvContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Terminate W3 Service Phase 2: Cleanup state
pvContext - Service Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, else Win32 Error --*/ { PW3_IIS_SERVICE psi = (PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pvContext; DWORD err;
// Wait for phase 1 completion
WaitForSingleObject( g_hPhaseSync, INFINITE ); //
// Stop all networking I/O components now
g_pInetSvc->ShutdownService( ); (VOID)psi->CleanupSockets( );
// Cleanup state now
if ( (err = psi->TerminateDiscovery()) != NO_ERROR) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "TerminateDiscovery() failed. Error = %u\n", err)); }
CLIENT_CONN::Terminate(); HTTP_REQUEST::Terminate(); TerminateWriteState();
FreeRegistryExtMap(); TerminateCGI();
// delay the destruction of WamDictator.
// Uninit wamreq allocation cache is done in the destruction.
delete g_pWamDictator;
IF_DEBUG( SERVICE_CTRL ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT,"service terminated\n" )); }
// Delete the metacache items
#if defined(CAL_ENABLED)
TerminateCal(); #endif
// cleanup MTA callback & GIP table
UnInitMTACallbacks(); g_GIPAPI.UnInit(); CFTMImplementation::UnInit();
if( fComInitialized ) { CoUninitialize(); } psi->IndicateShutdownComplete();
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD TerminateService( IN PVOID pvContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to shutdown service
pvContext - Service Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, else Win32 Error --*/ { PW3_IIS_SERVICE psi = (PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pvContext;
DBG_ASSERT(g_pW3Stats); g_pW3Stats->UpdateStopTime();
TerminateServicePhase1( pvContext ); return W3_IIS_SERVICE::DereferenceW3Service( pvContext ); }
DWORD InitializeExtension( VOID) { // Init wam dictator
g_pWamDictator = new WAM_DICTATOR; if (!g_pWamDictator) { return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return ( g_pWamDictator->InitWamDictator() );
} // InitializeExtensions()
VOID PrintClientConnStateOnDrain(IN CLIENT_CONN * pConn) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[%d]" "[OnDrainOfConns] Stale CC @ 0x%p (HR: 0x%p), " "CC:State = %d (HR:State =%d), CC:Ref = %u;" " W3Endpoint = 0x%p," " AtqContext = 0x%p," " WamRequest = 0x%p," " URL=%s\n; " , GetCurrentThreadId(), pConn, (pConn ? pConn->QueryHttpReq() : NULL ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryState() : -1 ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryHttpReq()->QueryState() : NULL ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryRefCount() : -1 ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryW3Endpoint() : NULL ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryAtqContext() : NULL ), (pConn ? (((HTTP_REQUEST * ) pConn->QueryHttpReq())-> QueryWamRequest()) : NULL ), (pConn ? pConn->QueryHttpReq()->QueryURL() : NULL ) )); } // PrintClientConnStateOnDrain()
VOID LoopCheckingForDrainOfConnections(VOID) { CHAR rgchConns[1024];
// This chunck of code is instrumentation to help catch any client
// requests that don't get cleaned up properly
if ( !IsListEmpty( &listConnections )) { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; DWORD cConns = 0;
for ( pEntry = listConnections.Flink; pEntry != &listConnections; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { CLIENT_CONN * pConn = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CLIENT_CONN, ListEntry );
PrintClientConnStateOnDrain( pConn); cConns++; }
wsprintf( rgchConns, "\n--------------------\n" "[W3Svc: TerminateService] Waiting for 2 minutes for %d straggler" " conns to drain\n", cConns ); OutputDebugString( rgchConns);
// loop for 2 minutes trying to drain clients. Bail if it takes longer.
CONST DWORD cWaitMax = 120000; // in mseconds
CONST DWORD cSleepInterval = 2000; // in mseconds
for(DWORD cWait = 0; cWait <= cWaitMax; cWait += cSleepInterval) { Sleep( cSleepInterval );
LockGlobals(); if ( IsListEmpty( &listConnections )) { UnlockGlobals(); break; }
for ( pEntry = listConnections.Flink, cConns = 0; pEntry != &listConnections; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { CLIENT_CONN * pConn = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CLIENT_CONN, ListEntry );
PrintClientConnStateOnDrain( pConn); cConns++; }
wsprintf( rgchConns, "\n--------------------\n" "[W3Svc] Waited for %d seconds for %d straggler" " conns to drain\n", cWait/1000, cConns ); OutputDebugString( rgchConns); }
// Check for stragglers and log them to the system event log.
if (cWait > cWaitMax) { DWORD cStragglerCount = 0; STR strStragglerConnections = "\r\n"; STR strConnectionURL;
for ( pEntry = listConnections.Flink; pEntry != &listConnections; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { CLIENT_CONN * pConn = CONTAINING_RECORD ( pEntry, CLIENT_CONN, ListEntry);
if ( pConn->IsValid() && pConn->CheckSignature() && (NULL != pConn->QueryHttpReq()) && (NULL != pConn->QueryHttpReq()->QueryURL())) { CHAR *pCh = NULL;
strConnectionURL.Copy("\r\n"); strConnectionURL.Append(pConn->QueryHttpReq()->QueryURL()); strConnectionURL.Append("\r\n");
// Check if we already have this URL in the list. If not add it
if ( NULL == strstr( strStragglerConnections.QueryStr(), strConnectionURL.QueryStr())) { strStragglerConnections.Append(strConnectionURL.QueryStr()+2); //Don't copy extra \r\n
cStragglerCount++; } } }
if (cStragglerCount > 0) { const CHAR *pszEventDescription[1];
pszEventDescription[0] = strStragglerConnections.QueryStr(),
g_pInetSvc->LogEvent(W3_EVENT_FAILED_CLOSE_CC_SHUTDOWN, 1, pszEventDescription, 0); }
UnlockGlobals(); } } else { UnlockGlobals(); }
return; } // LoopCheckingForDrainOfConnections()
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved ) {
switch ( dwReason ) {
#ifdef _NO_TRACING_
DBG_REQUIRE( DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hDll ) ); INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &g_csServiceEntryLock );
DELETE_DEBUG_PRINT_OBJECT(); DeleteCriticalSection( &g_csServiceEntryLock ); break;
return TRUE;
} // DllMain
APIERR W3_IIS_SERVICE::ReferenceW3Service( IN PVOID pService ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reference W3 service
pService - Service to reference
--*/ { InterlockedIncrement( &( ((PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pService)->m_cReferences ) ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
APIERR W3_IIS_SERVICE::DereferenceW3Service( IN PVOID pService ) /*++
Routine Description:
De-reference W3 service
pService - Service to reference
--*/ { if ( !InterlockedDecrement( &( ((PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pService)->m_cReferences ) ) ) { return TerminateServicePhase2( pService ); } else if ( ((PW3_IIS_SERVICE)pService)->QueryCurrentServiceState() == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { return ERROR_IO_PENDING; } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }