Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : ptable.cxx
Author: Lei Jin ( LeiJin ) 13-Oct-1998
Environment: User Mode - Win32
Project: W3 services DLL
#include <w3p.hxx>
#include "ptable.hxx"
#include "waminfo.hxx"
#include "comadmin.h"
//#include "comadmii.c"
#include "wamexec.hxx"
VOID CleanupRecycledProcessEntry( VOID * pvContext );
Constructor for a CProcessEntry. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CProcessEntry::CProcessEntry ( DWORD dwProcessId, HANDLE hProcessHandle, LPCWSTR wszPackageId ) : m_dwSignature(0), m_dwProcessId(dwProcessId), m_hProcessHandle(hProcessHandle), m_cRefs(0), m_fCrashed(FALSE), m_fRecycling(FALSE) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Initializing new CProcessEntry 0x%p.\r\n", this));
if (wszPackageId != NULL) { wcsncpy(static_cast<WCHAR *>(m_wszPackageId), wszPackageId, 39/*uSizeofCLSIDStr*/); } InitializeListHead(&m_ListHeadOfWamInfo);
g_pWamDictator->Reference(); }
CProcessEntry::~CProcessEntry() { g_pWamDictator->Dereference(); }
Release a reference. Call destructor if Ref count reaches zero. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CProcessEntry::Release() { LONG cRefs = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefs);
if (cRefs == 0) { delete this; } }
Add a WamInfo object to this ProcessEntry linklist.
return TRUE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessEntry::AddWamInfoToProcessEntry ( CWamInfo* pWamInfo ) { InsertHeadList(&m_ListHeadOfWamInfo, &pWamInfo->leProcess); AddRef();
return TRUE; }
Remove a waminfo object from this ProcessEntry linklist.
Set fDelete to TRUE if the linklist after removal is empty.
return TRUE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessEntry::RemoveWamInfoFromProcessEntry ( CWamInfo* pWamInfo, bool* fDelete ) { RemoveEntryList(&pWamInfo->leProcess); InitializeListHead(&pWamInfo->leProcess); Release();
*fDelete = FALSE; if (IsListEmpty(&m_ListHeadOfWamInfo)) { *fDelete = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
Find a waminfo object from this ProcessEntry's linklist.
If found, returns the object via *ppWamInfo. Else, set *ppWamInfo to NULL.
return TRUE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessEntry::FindWamInfo ( CWamInfo** ppWamInfo ) { CWamInfo* pWamInfo = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pleTemp = NULL;
if (!IsListEmpty(&m_ListHeadOfWamInfo)) { pleTemp = m_ListHeadOfWamInfo.Flink;
DBG_ASSERT(pleTemp != NULL);
pWamInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, CWamInfo, leProcess);
pWamInfo->Reference(); }
*ppWamInfo = pWamInfo; return TRUE; }
bool CProcessEntry::Recycle() { CWamInfo * pWamInfo = NULL; LIST_ENTRY * pleTemp = NULL; DWORD dwTimeElapsed = 0; DWORD dwTimeAllowed = 0;
IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Recycling CProcessEntry 0x%p m_fRecycling is %d\r\n", this, m_fRecycling ));
// Only 1 thread gets to do this.
if ( InterlockedExchange( (LONG*)&m_fRecycling, (LONG)TRUE ) ) { IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "CProcessEntry 0x%p already recycled.\r\n", this ));
return TRUE; }
// Grab the write lock on WAM_DICTATOR's hash table and delete
// all the CWamInfo entries associated with this process. We
// need to minimize the time that we hold the write lock because
// no WAM_REQUESTs will get through as long as we have it.
// We'll go through the list again after we release the lock and
// shut down the wam info dudes.
pleTemp = m_ListHeadOfWamInfo.Flink;
while ( pleTemp != &m_ListHeadOfWamInfo ) { pWamInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, CWamInfo, leProcess );
DBG_ASSERT( pWamInfo );
if ( !m_dwShutdownTimeLimit ) { m_dwShutdownTimeLimit = pWamInfo->QueryShutdownTimeLimit(); }
g_pWamDictator->DeleteWamInfoFromHashTable( pWamInfo );
pleTemp = pleTemp->Flink; }
pleTemp = NULL; pWamInfo = NULL;
// Kick off a scheduler a scheduler thread that will cleanup
// the CWamInfo object for this process entry.
m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo = NULL; m_dwShutdownStartTime = GetCurrentTimeInSeconds(); AddRef();
ScheduleWorkItem( CleanupRecycledProcessEntry, this, 0, FALSE );
return TRUE; }
Constructor for CProcessTable -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CProcessTable::CProcessTable() : m_dwCnt(0), m_pCurrentProcessId(0), m_pCatalog(NULL), m_HashTable(LK_DFLT_MAXLOAD, LK_DFLT_INITSIZE, LK_DFLT_NUM_SUBTBLS) { }
Destructor for CProcessTable -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CProcessTable::~CProcessTable() { DBG_ASSERT(m_dwCnt == 0); }
Constructor for CProcessTable Caches inetinfo.exe's process id in m_pCurrentProcessId. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessTable::Init() { INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&m_csPTable); m_pCurrentProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); return TRUE; }
UnInit. Release the m_pCatalog. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessTable::UnInit() { if (m_pCatalog) { m_pCatalog->Release(); m_pCatalog = NULL; } DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csPTable); return FALSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add a waminfo to the process table. First find a process entry with the same process id, if none, create a new process entry. Then, add the waminfo to that process entry's linklist.
Return pointer to ProcessEntry. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CProcessEntry* CProcessTable::AddWamInfoToProcessTable ( CWamInfo *pWamInfo, LPCWSTR szPackageId, DWORD pid ) { HANDLE hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CProcessEntry* pProcEntry = NULL; bool fReturn = TRUE;
Lock(); m_HashTable.FindKey(pid, &pProcEntry);
if (pProcEntry) { pProcEntry->AddWamInfoToProcessEntry(pWamInfo); pProcEntry->Release(); } else { hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | PROCESS_TERMINATE | PROCESS_SET_QUOTA, // get duplicate handle
FALSE, // fInheritable = ?
pid ); if (hProcess) { pProcEntry = new CProcessEntry(pid, hProcess, szPackageId); if (pProcEntry) { LK_RETCODE lkReturn; bool fDelete; pProcEntry->AddWamInfoToProcessEntry(pWamInfo); if ( LK_SUCCESS != m_HashTable.InsertRecord(pProcEntry)) { pProcEntry->RemoveWamInfoFromProcessEntry(pWamInfo, &fDelete); fReturn = FALSE; }
if (fReturn == FALSE) { delete pProcEntry; pProcEntry = NULL; } } else { SetLastError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); fReturn = FALSE; } }
if (fReturn == FALSE) { CloseHandle(hProcess); hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } UnLock(); return pProcEntry; }
Giving a process entry, and find a Waminfo in that process entry's linklist.
return TRUE/FALSE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessTable::FindWamInfo ( CProcessEntry *pProcEntry, CWamInfo **ppWamInfo ) { bool fRet; DBG_ASSERT(pProcEntry != NULL); Lock(); fRet = pProcEntry->FindWamInfo(ppWamInfo); UnLock();
return fRet; }
bool CProcessTable::RecycleWamInfo ( CWamInfo * pWamInfo ) { BSTR bstrInstanceId = NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CProcessEntry * pProcEntry = NULL; DWORD dwProcEntryPid; VARIANT varInstanceId = {0};
DBG_ASSERT( pWamInfo );
IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Recycling CWamInfo 0x%p.\r\n", pWamInfo ));
// Get the com admin application interface
if (m_pCatalog == NULL) { // Create instance of the catalog object
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_COMAdminCatalog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICOMAdminCatalog2, (void**)&m_pCatalog );
if (FAILED(hr)) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to CoCreateInstance of CLSID_ICOMAdminCatalog2, hr = %08x\n", hr )); goto Finished; } }
pProcEntry = pWamInfo->QueryProcessEntry();
if ( pProcEntry ) { pProcEntry->AddRef(); }
// If the application is inproc, then we don't want to
// recycle it.
if ( pWamInfo->FInProcess() || !pProcEntry ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failing to recycle CProcessEntry 0x%d. OOP=%d.\r\n", pProcEntry, pWamInfo->FInProcess )); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); goto Finished; }
// If the process has already been recycled, then we
// don't need to recycle it.
if ( pProcEntry->IsRecycling() ) { IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "ProcEntry 0x%p is already recycling.\r\n", pProcEntry )); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); goto Finished; }
// Get the Instance ID
dwProcEntryPid = pProcEntry->QueryProcessId();
hr = m_pCatalog->GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID( dwProcEntryPid, &bstrInstanceId );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { pWamInfo->Print();
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to get instance ID for application '%s'. " "Error=0x%08x, CProcessEntry=0x%p, PID=%d.\r\n", pWamInfo->QueryApplicationPath().QueryStr(), hr, pProcEntry, dwProcEntryPid ));
goto Finished; }
DBG_ASSERT( bstrInstanceId );
// Call the COM+ function to recycle the process.
// If this fails, we'll just return the error and let
// the existing instance continue handling requests.
// The second argument to RecycleProcess should be
// CRR_RECYCLED_FROM_API, but that constant was not
// been defined yet...
varInstanceId.vt = VT_BSTR; varInstanceId.bstrVal = bstrInstanceId;
hr = m_pCatalog->RecycleApplicationInstances( &varInstanceId, 0 );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// Need to write an event to the log for this failure.
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error recycling application. App = %s, " "Instance ID = %S, hr = 0x%08x\r\n", pWamInfo->QueryApplicationPath().QueryStr(), bstrInstanceId, hr ));
goto Finished; }
// Notify the process entry that it has been
// recycled.
if ( !pProcEntry->Recycle() ) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if ( pProcEntry != NULL ) { pProcEntry->Release(); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { SetLastError( WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hr ) ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Remove the WamInfo from the process table. Using pWaminfo to find ProcessEntry. Then, Search the hashtable to find ProcessEntry, and then call ProcessEntry to remove the WamInfo from that process entry's linklist.
Return TRUE/FALSE. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CProcessTable::RemoveWamInfoFromProcessTable ( CWamInfo *pWamInfo ) { CProcessEntry* pProcEntry = pWamInfo->QueryProcessEntry(); bool fDelete; /*
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "CProcessTable::RemoveWamInfoFromProcessTable called on CWamInfo 0x%p.\r\n", pWamInfo )); */ DBG_ASSERT(pProcEntry != NULL);
if (pProcEntry != NULL) { pProcEntry->AddRef(); } else { return FALSE; }
Lock(); pProcEntry->RemoveWamInfoFromProcessEntry(pWamInfo, &fDelete); if (fDelete) { LK_RETCODE LkReturn;
LkReturn = m_HashTable.DeleteRecord(pProcEntry); DBG_ASSERT(LkReturn == LK_SUCCESS);
if (pProcEntry->QueryProcessId() != m_pCurrentProcessId && !pProcEntry->IsCrashed()) { ShutdownProcess(pProcEntry->QueryProcessId()); } CloseHandle(pProcEntry->QueryProcessHandle()); } UnLock();
pProcEntry->Release(); return fDelete; }
Shut down the out of process package,(wszPackageID).
If the m_pCatalog is not CoCreated, then, m_pCatalog will be created first, and call COM+ ShutdownApplication() to shutdown a package.
Return: HRESULT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CProcessTable::ShutdownProcess ( DWORD dwProcEntryPid ) { IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_DICTATOR::ShutdownPackage\n"));
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BSTR bstrInstanceId = NULL; VARIANT varInstanceId = {0};
if (m_pCatalog == NULL) { //CONSIDER : CoCreateInstance Catalog object in everycall might not be a bad idea.
// Create instance of the catalog object
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_COMAdminCatalog , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , IID_ICOMAdminCatalog2 , (void**)&m_pCatalog); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to CoCreateInstance of CLSID_ICOMAdminCatalog2, hr = %08x\n", hr)); goto LErrExit; } }
hr = m_pCatalog->GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID( dwProcEntryPid, &bstrInstanceId );
if (FAILED(hr)) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "ShutdownProcess failed to obtain instance ID, PID=%d, " "hr=0x%08x.\r\n", dwProcEntryPid, hr));
goto LErrExit;
varInstanceId.vt = VT_BSTR; varInstanceId.bstrVal = bstrInstanceId; hr = m_pCatalog->ShutdownApplicationInstances(&varInstanceId); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to ShutdownProcess, PID=%d, instanceid=%S, hr=%08x\n", dwProcEntryPid, bstrInstanceId, hr)); }
if (FAILED(hr) && hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to ShutdownPackage, hr = %08x\n", hr)); // Perhaps an over-aggressive assert. Remove for now.
} VariantClear(&varInstanceId);
return hr; }//CProcessTable::ShutdownPackage
VOID CleanupRecycledProcessEntry( VOID * pvContext ) { CProcessEntry * pProcEntry = (CProcessEntry*)pvContext; LIST_ENTRY * pleTemp; DWORD dwCurrentRequests; BOOL fW3SvcShuttingDown;
DBG_ASSERT( pProcEntry );
// If there is no CWamInfo shutting down, check for the
// next one. If there is another on the list, queue a
// work item to shut it down, else we're done and can
// release the CProcessEntry.
if ( !pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo ) { if ( IsListEmpty( &pProcEntry->m_ListHeadOfWamInfo ) ) { //
// All CWamInfos are shut down. Release our
// reference on the CProcessEntry and return
return; }
// Get the next CWamInfo and schedule it for shutdown
pleTemp = RemoveHeadList( &pProcEntry->m_ListHeadOfWamInfo );
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, CWamInfo, leProcess );
DBG_ASSERT( pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo );
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->Reference(); pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->ChangeToState( WIS_SHUTDOWN );
ScheduleWorkItem( CleanupRecycledProcessEntry, pProcEntry, 0, FALSE );
return; }
// If we get here, the then we are shutting down a CWamInfo.
// There are 4 possible scenarios here:
// The shutdown time limit has been exceeded. In this case,
// we'll force the CWamInfo closed immediately.
// The CWamInfo has no requests remaining in flight. In this
// case, we'll gracefully shut down the CWamInfo.
// The CWamInfo still has requests remaining in flight. In
// this case, we'll schedule another work item and check again
// in 1000ms.
// W3SVC is shutting down, in which case we want to treat it
// the same as if the timeout has expired and we're immediately
// closing all CWamInfo's forcably.
DBG_ASSERT( g_pWamDictator ); fW3SvcShuttingDown = g_pWamDictator->FIsShutdown();
DWORD dwTime = GetCurrentTimeInSeconds();
if ( GetCurrentTimeInSeconds() - pProcEntry->m_dwShutdownStartTime > pProcEntry->m_dwShutdownTimeLimit || fW3SvcShuttingDown ) { //
// Forceably shut down the CWamInfo. Calling StartShutdown
// will cause the CWamInfo's m_pIWam to disconnect immediately.
IF_DEBUG( WAM_ISA_CALLS ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "CProcessEntry 0x%08x forceably shutting down CWamInfo 0x%08x\r\n", pProcEntry, pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo ));
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->StartShutdown(0); pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->UnInit(); pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->Dereference(); // This function's ref
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->Dereference(); // WAM_DICTATOR's ref
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo = NULL;
ScheduleWorkItem( CleanupRecycledProcessEntry, pProcEntry, 0, FALSE );
return; }
dwCurrentRequests = pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->QueryCurrentRequests();
if ( dwCurrentRequests ) { //
// Requests remaining - try again in 1000ms
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "CProcessEntry 0x%08x, CWamInfo 0x%08x, waiting for %d requests.\r\n", pProcEntry, pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo, dwCurrentRequests ));
ScheduleWorkItem( CleanupRecycledProcessEntry, pProcEntry, 1000, FALSE );
return; }
// Finally, if we get here, then we have a CWamInfo with no
// requests remaining in flight. We can just Uninit and release
// it.
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->UnInit(); pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->Dereference(); // This functions's ref
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo->Dereference(); // WAM_DICTATOR's ref
pProcEntry->m_pShuttingDownCWamInfo = NULL;
ScheduleWorkItem( CleanupRecycledProcessEntry, pProcEntry, 0, FALSE );
return; }