VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Main Caption = "ReplyAll" ClientHeight = 5325 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 345 ClientWidth = 7275 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 5325 ScaleWidth = 7275 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin VB.TextBox tbOutput Height = 3855 Left = 240 MultiLine = -1 'True ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical TabIndex = 3 Top = 1320 Width = 6855 End Begin VB.Timer timerPoll Enabled = 0 'False Interval = 50 Left = 3120 Top = 120 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnStart Caption = "&Start" Height = 495 Left = 5280 TabIndex = 2 Top = 240 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.TextBox tbQueueLabel Height = 285 Left = 1560 TabIndex = 0 Top = 240 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.Label lblQueueLabel Caption = "Input Queue Label:" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 1 Top = 240 Width = 1455 End End Attribute VB_Name = "Main" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. ' Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. ' All rights reserved. ' This source code is only intended as a supplement to ' Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation. ' See these sources for detailed information regarding the ' Microsoft samples programs. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Option Explicit Dim g_qInput As MSMQQueue
Private Function FFindCreateQueue(strQueueLabel As String, qinfo As MSMQQueueInfo) _ As Boolean Dim query As MSMQQuery Dim qinfos As MSMQQueueInfos Set query = New MSMQQuery ' 'look for queue ' Set qinfos = query.LookupQueue(Label:=strQueueLabel, _ ServiceTypeGuid:=MSMQMAIL_SERVICE_MAIL) qinfos.Reset Set qinfo = qinfos.Next 'No such queue found If qinfo Is Nothing Then If MsgBox("Mail queue " & strQueueLabel & _ " doesn't exist, would you like to create it?", vbYesNo) _ = vbNo Then FFindCreateQueue = False Exit Function End If 'Create one Set qinfo = New MSMQQueueInfo qinfo.PathName = ".\" & strQueueLabel & "_replyall" qinfo.Label = strQueueLabel qinfo.ServiceTypeGuid = MSMQMAIL_SERVICE_MAIL ' 'Error handling should be added here. ' qinfo.Create End If FFindCreateQueue = True End Function
Private Function FDoStart() As Boolean Dim qinfo As MSMQQueueInfo 'reset return value FDoStart = False 'check input If tbQueueLabel.Text = "" Then Beep MsgBox "Please fill in the input queue label", vbOKOnly + vbInformation tbQueueLabel.SetFocus Exit Function End If 'find or create the queue If Not FFindCreateQueue(tbQueueLabel.Text, qinfo) Then tbQueueLabel.SetFocus Exit Function End If 'open the input queue Set g_qInput = qinfo.Open(MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE) 'enable processing of the queue in the background timerPoll.Interval = 50 'check for messages every 50 msec timerPoll.Enabled = True 'return success FDoStart = True
End Function Private Sub DoStop() 'disable processing of the queue in the background timerPoll.Enabled = False 'close the input queue g_qInput.Close
End Sub Private Sub btnStart_Click() btnStart.Enabled = False If btnStart.Caption = "&Start" Then 'it is start, start processing & change the button to stop If FDoStart() Then btnStart.Caption = "S&top" End If Else 'it is stop, stop processing & change the button to start DoStop btnStart.Caption = "&Start" End If btnStart.Enabled = True End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() 'disable processing of the queue in the background timerPoll.Enabled = False 'fail and exit if local computer is DS disabled If Not IsDsEnabled Then MsgBox "DS disabled mode not supported.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Reply All" End End If End Sub Function CreateReplyAllEmail(emailIn As MSMQMailEMail) As MSMQMailEMail Dim emailOut As MSMQMailEMail Dim strOurAddress As String
'create email out Set emailOut = New MSMQMailEMail 'set date emailOut.SubmissionTime = Now 'set subject as reply to original subject If Left$(emailIn.Subject, 3) <> "RE:" Then emailOut.Subject = "RE: " & emailIn.Subject Else emailOut.Subject = emailIn.Subject End If 'set sender properties as ours emailOut.Sender.Name = "ReplyAll Sample" 'our address is our input queue label strOurAddress = g_qInput.QueueInfo.Label emailOut.Sender.Address = strOurAddress 'set the recipients list 'add the sender of the original mail as a primary recipient emailOut.Recipients.Add emailIn.Sender.Name, emailIn.Sender.Address, _ MSMQMAIL_RECIPIENT_TO 'add other recipients from original mail, excluding ourselves Dim recipientIn As MSMQMailRecipient For Each recipientIn In emailIn.Recipients 'check recipient's address. if its not us, add it to the recipient list If recipientIn.Address <> strOurAddress Then emailOut.Recipients.Add recipientIn.Name, recipientIn.Address, recipientIn.RecipientType End If Next recipientIn 'switch on email type If emailIn.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_FORM Then 'it is a form. return the same form, just fill in the reply field 'set type to form emailOut.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_FORM 'set form name from original form emailOut.FormData.Name = emailIn.FormData.Name 'set fields from original form Dim fieldIn As MSMQMailFormField For Each fieldIn In emailIn.FormData.FormFields 'skip the reply field if any, we will add one anyway If fieldIn.Name <> "reply" Then 'add original form field emailOut.FormData.FormFields.Add fieldIn.Name, fieldIn.Value End If Next fieldIn 'Add the reply field emailOut.FormData.FormFields.Add "reply", _ "This is a reply field from the ReplyAll sample" ElseIf emailIn.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_TEXTMESSAGE Then 'it is a text message. return reply text plus the original message text 'set type to text message emailOut.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_TEXTMESSAGE 'return a reply text before the original message text Dim strReply As String strReply = "This is a reply text message from the ReplyAll sample" & vbNewLine strReply = strReply & "----------------------------------------------------------" & vbNewLine 'add the original message text strReply = strReply & emailIn.TextMessageData.Text emailOut.TextMessageData.Text = strReply End If 'return reply-all email Set CreateReplyAllEmail = emailOut Set emailOut = Nothing
End Function Private Sub SendMsgToQueueLabel(msgOut As MSMQMessage, strQueueLabel As String) Dim query As MSMQQuery Dim qinfos As MSMQQueueInfos Dim qinfo As MSMQQueueInfo Dim qDestination As MSMQQueue Set query = New MSMQQuery Set qinfos = query.LookupQueue(Label:=strQueueLabel, _ ServiceTypeGuid:=MSMQMAIL_SERVICE_MAIL) qinfos.Reset Set qinfo = qinfos.Next If qinfo Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Destination mail queue " & strQueueLabel & " doesn't exist. Can't send to this queue", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If Set qDestination = qinfo.Open(MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE) msgOut.Send qDestination
End Sub Private Sub OutputEmail(email As MSMQMailEMail) Dim strDump As String
strDump = "Received the following email:" & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & "Subject: " & email.Subject & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & "Sender: " & email.Sender.Name & " " & email.Sender.Address & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & "Sent on: " & email.SubmissionTime & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & "Recipients are:" & vbNewLine
'Dump the recipient list Dim recipient As MSMQMailRecipient For Each recipient In email.Recipients strDump = strDump & recipient.Name & " " & recipient.Address & " " & recipient.RecipientType & vbNewLine Next recipient
'Check email type If email.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_FORM Then 'Dump form related properties strDump = strDump & "Form name: " & email.FormData.Name & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & "Form fields are: " & vbNewLine 'Dump the form field list Dim formfield As MSMQMailFormField For Each formfield In email.FormData.FormFields strDump = strDump & formfield.Name & " " & formfield.Value & vbNewLine Next formfield ElseIf email.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_TEXTMESSAGE Then 'Dump text related properties strDump = strDump & "Message Text is:" & vbNewLine strDump = strDump & email.TextMessageData.Text & vbNewLine End If strDump = strDump & "-------------------------------------" & vbNewLine
tbOutput.Text = tbOutput.Text & strDump End Sub
Private Sub DoProcessMsg(msgIn As MSMQMessage) Dim emailIn As MSMQMailEMail Dim emailOut As MSMQMailEMail Dim msgOut As MSMQMessage 'create new email object for original message Set emailIn = New MSMQMailEMail 'parse the body of the MSMQ message and set email object properties emailIn.ParseBody msgIn.Body
'dump the email to the output text box OutputEmail emailIn 'create reply-all email Set emailOut = CreateReplyAllEmail(emailIn) 'create new MSMQ message Set msgOut = New MSMQMessage 'create the body of the MSMQ message from the reply-all email msgOut.Body = emailOut.ComposeBody() 'set other MSMQ message properties msgOut.Delivery = MQMSG_DELIVERY_RECOVERABLE 'send the MSMQ message to each of the destination queues Dim varQueueLabel As Variant For Each varQueueLabel In emailOut.DestinationQueueLabels SendMsgToQueueLabel msgOut, CStr(varQueueLabel) Next varQueueLabel
End Sub
Private Sub timerPoll_Timer() Dim msgIn As MSMQMessage Set msgIn = New MSMQMessage 'get first message in the queue, if any Set msgIn = g_qInput.Receive(ReceiveTimeout:=0) While Not msgIn Is Nothing 'process the message DoProcessMsg msgIn Set msgIn = Nothing 'get next message in the queue, if any Set msgIn = g_qInput.Receive(ReceiveTimeout:=0) Wend End Sub