// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2001.
// File: CiNulCat.CXX
// Contents: Content index null catalog.
// Classes:
// History: 09-Jul-1997 KrishnaN Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <regacc.hxx>
#include <cicat.hxx>
#include <cinulcat.hxx>
#include <update.hxx>
#include <pstore.hxx>
#include <pidremap.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <docstore.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include <regscp.hxx>
#include <cifrmcom.hxx>
#include <glbconst.hxx>
#include <cimbmgr.hxx>
#include "catreg.hxx"
// Given a registry string like \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\...
// you skip the first 18 characters if using w/ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
unsigned const SKIP_TO_LM = 18;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. DocStore Lock
// 2. CiNullCat Admin Lock
// 3. CiNullCat Lock
// 4. Resman Lock
// 5. ScopeTable Lock
// 6. NotifyMgr Lock
// 7. ScanMgr Lock
// 8. Propstore write lock
// 9. Propstore lock record
// It is okay for a thread to acquire lock at level X and then acquire a lock
// at a level >= X but not locks < X. This will avoid deadlock situations.
// SrikantS - April 25, 1996
// SrikantS _ Dec 31, 1996 - Added DocStore as the highest level lock
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CiNullCat::SetAdviseStatus, public
// Synopsis: Taken out of the CiNullCat constructor
// History: 11-May-2001 KitmanH Taken out from the CiNullCat constructor
// Note: The purpose of this function is to prevent circular deleteions
// of CiNullCat and CClientDocStore. If CClientDocStore throws
// after StartUpCiFrameWork, CiNullCat should not AddRef to
// docstore
void CiNullCat::SetAdviseStatus() { // obtain an ICiCAdviseStatus interface pointer to use
ICiCAdviseStatus *pAdviseStatus = 0;
SCODE sc = _docStore.QueryInterface( IID_ICiCAdviseStatus, (void **) &pAdviseStatus); if ( S_OK != sc ) { Win4Assert( 0 == pAdviseStatus );
THROW( CException(sc) ); }
_xAdviseStatus.Set(pAdviseStatus); }
// Member: CiNullCat::CiNullCat, public
// Synopsis: Creates a new 'content index catalog'
// Arguments: [wcsCatPath] - root path of catalog
// [pwcName] - 0 or name of the catalog from the registry
// History: 10-Mar-92 BartoszM Created
// 14-mar-92 KyleP Added Content index object.
CiNullCat::CiNullCat ( CClientDocStore & docStore) : _ulSignature( LONGSIG( 'c', 'c', 'a', 't' ) ), _state(eStarting), _docStore(docStore), _fInitialized(FALSE), _impersonationTokenCache( CINULLCATALOG ) { CImpersonateSystem impersonate;
BuildRegistryScopesKey( _xScopesKey, CINULLCATALOG );
_impersonationTokenCache.Initialize( CI_ACTIVEX_NAME, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 1, 1, 1 );
// These scopes will be used for query time (un)fixups
_state = eStarted;
} //CiNullCat
// Member: CiNullCat::ShutdownPhase2, public
// Synopsis: Dismounts the catalog by stopping all activity.
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CiNullCat::ShutdownPhase2() { CImpersonateSystem impersonate;
TRY { // ===================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _state = eShutdown; } // ===================================================
CLock lock(_mutex); _xCiManager.Free(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CiNullCat::Shutdown failed with error 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH } //Shutdown
// Member: CiNullCat::~CiNullCat, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 10-Mar-92 BartoszM Created
CiNullCat::~CiNullCat () { if ( !IsShutdown() ) ShutdownPhase2(); }
// Member: CiNullCat::CiState, public
// Synopsis: Returns state of downlevel CI
// Arguments: [state] -- buffer to return state into
// History: 14-Dec-95 DwightKr Created
#define setState( field, value ) \
if ( state.cbStruct >= ( offsetof( CI_STATE, field) + \ sizeof( state.field ) ) ) \ { \ state.field = ( value ); \ }
SCODE CiNullCat::CiState( CI_STATE & state ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( IsStarted() ) { state.cbStruct = min( state.cbStruct, sizeof(CI_STATE) );
RtlZeroMemory( &state, state.cbStruct );
setState( dwMergeProgress, 100 ); } else if ( IsShutdown() ) { sc = CI_E_SHUTDOWN; } else { sc = CI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED; }
return sc;
// Member: CiNullCat::HandleError
// Synopsis: Checks the status code passed and if it indicates corruption,
// the index will be marked corrupt in-memory as well as on
// disk. The recovery will happen on a subsequent restart.
// Arguments: [status] - The status code to check for corruption.
// History: 3-21-96 srikants Created
void CiNullCat::HandleError( NTSTATUS status ) { Win4Assert(CI_PROPSTORE_INCONSISTENCY != status); Win4Assert(!IsDiskLowError(status)); Win4Assert(!IsCiCorruptStatus(status));
// We can't be corrupt, so nothing to do here.
} //HandleError
// Support for CI Frame Work
// Member: CiNullCat::StartupCiFrameWork
// Synopsis: Takes the CiManager object pointer and refcounts it.
// Arguments: [pICiManager] -
// History: 12-05-96 srikants Created
// Note: Choose a better name.
void CiNullCat::StartupCiFrameWork( ICiManager * pICiManager ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pICiManager ); Win4Assert( 0 == _xCiManager.GetPointer() );
if ( 0 == _xCiManager.GetPointer() ) { pICiManager->AddRef(); _xCiManager.Set( pICiManager ); }
RefreshRegistryParams(); }
// Member: CiNullCat::RefreshRegistryParams
// Synopsis: Refreshes CI registry parameters.
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
// 1-25-97 mohamedn ICiAdminParams, ICiAdmin
// Notes:
void CiNullCat::RefreshRegistryParams() {
ICiAdminParams *pICiAdminParams = 0; XInterface<ICiAdminParams> xICiAdminParams;
ICiAdmin *pICiAdmin = 0; XInterface<ICiAdmin> xICiAdmin;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
{ CLock lock(_mutex);
if ( !IsShutdown() && 0 != _xCiManager.GetPointer() ) { // get pICiAdminParams
SCODE sc = _xCiManager->GetAdminParams( &pICiAdminParams ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( 0 == pICiAdminParams );
THROW( CException(sc) ); }
// get pICiAdmin
sc = _xCiManager->QueryInterface(IID_ICiAdmin,(void **)&pICiAdmin); if ( FAILED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( 0 == pICiAdmin );
THROW( CException(sc) ); }
xICiAdmin.Set(pICiAdmin); } } // -----------------------------------------------------
SCODE sc = xICiAdmin->InvalidateLangResources(); if ( FAILED (sc) ) { Win4Assert( !"Failed to InvalidateLangResources\n" );
THROW( CException(sc) ); }
_regParams.Refresh(pICiAdminParams); }
// Member: CiNullCat::SetupScopeFixups, private
// Synopsis: Grovel registry looking for CI scopes and setup fixups
// History: 16-Oct-96 dlee Created
void CiNullCat::SetupScopeFixups() { TRY { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Reading scope fixups from '%ws'\n", GetScopesKey() )); CRegAccess regScopes( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, GetScopesKey() );
CRegistryScopesCallBackFixups callback( this ); regScopes.EnumerateValues( 0, callback ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Exception 0x%x caught groveling ci registry fixups.\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
HandleError( e.GetErrorCode() ); } END_CATCH } //SetupScopeFixups