// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1999.
// File: usnmgr.cxx
// Contents: Usn manager
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include <smatch.hxx>
#include <cifrmcom.hxx>
#include "cicat.hxx"
#include "notifmgr.hxx"
#include "usnmgr.hxx"
#include "usntree.hxx"
// Local constants
unsigned const USN_LOG_DANGER_THRESHOLD = 50;
// Member: CUsnMgr::CUsnMgr
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [cicat] -- Catalog
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
CUsnMgr::CUsnMgr( CiCat & cicat ) : _cicat(cicat), _fAbort(FALSE), _fBatch(FALSE), #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_thrUsn(UsnThread, this, TRUE), #pragma warning( default : 4355 )
_fUpdatesDisabled(FALSE), _fDoingRenameTraverse( FALSE ), _waitForMultObj(1+RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS), // 1 for _evtUsn + RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS drives (a: to z: + few special chars)
_fWaitingForUpdates( FALSE ) { _evtUsn.Reset(); _thrUsn.SetPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); }
// Member: CUsnMgr::~CUsnMgr
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
CUsnMgr::~CUsnMgr() { InitiateShutdown(); WaitForShutdown(); }
// Member: CUsnMgr::GetMaxUSNs, public
// Synopsis: Updates or adds entries to flushInfoList to reflect the max
// usn processed for the volumes.
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::GetMaxUSNs( CUsnFlushInfoList & flushInfoList ) { for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter( _usnVolumesToMonitor ); !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd( usnVolIter ); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance( usnVolIter ) ) { //
// Look for the volume and store the highest usn if found.
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < flushInfoList.Count(); i++ ) { CUsnFlushInfo & info = * ( flushInfoList.Get( i ) );
if ( usnVolIter->VolumeId() == info.volumeId ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "GetMaxUSNs updating vol %wc from %#I64x to %#I64x\n", usnVolIter->DriveLetter(), info.usnHighest, usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() )); info.usnHighest = usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead(); fFound = TRUE; break; } }
// If the volume isn't in the list yet, add it.
if ( !fFound ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "GetMaxUSNs adding vol %wc %#I64x\n", usnVolIter->DriveLetter(), usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() )); XPtr<CUsnFlushInfo> xInfo( new CUsnFlushInfo( usnVolIter->VolumeId(), usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() ) ); flushInfoList.Add( xInfo.GetPointer(), i ); xInfo.Acquire(); } } } //GetMaxUSNs
// Member: CUsnMgr::AddScope
// Synopsis: Scans scope and then monitors scope for usn notifications
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] -- Scope
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [fDoDeletions] -- Should delete processing be done ?
// [usnStart] -- "High water mark" of previous activity
// [fFullScan] -- TRUE if we should start over from scratch
// [fUserInitiatedScan] -- TRUE if the user asked for the scan
// [fNewScope] -- TRUE if scope was just added to the catalog
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::AddScope( WCHAR const *pwcsScope, VOLUMEID volumeId, BOOL fDoDeletions, USN const & usnStart, BOOL fFullScan, BOOL fUserInitiatedScan, BOOL fNewScope ) { Win4Assert( wcslen(pwcsScope) < MAX_PATH ); XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( QueryScanInfo( pwcsScope, volumeId, usnStart, fDoDeletions, fUserInitiatedScan, fNewScope ) ); xScanInfo->SetScan(); if ( fFullScan ) xScanInfo->SetFullUsnScan();
ScanScope( xScanInfo, FALSE ); } //AddScope
// Member: CUsnMgr::MonitorScope
// Synopsis: Monitors scope for usn notifications, i.e. no scan is done
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] - Scope
// [volumeId] - Volume id
// [usnStart] - Usn to start monitoring from
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::MonitorScope( WCHAR const *pwcsScope, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN usnStart ) { Win4Assert( wcslen(pwcsScope) < MAX_PATH ); XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( QueryScanInfo( pwcsScope, volumeId, usnStart, FALSE ) ); xScanInfo->SetMonitorOnly();
ScanScope( xScanInfo, FALSE ); } //MonitorScope
// Member: CUsnMgr::RemoveScope
// Synopsis: Removes usn path from catalog
// Arguments: [pwscScope] - Scope to be removed
// [volumeId] - Volume id
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::RemoveScope( WCHAR const *pwcsScope, VOLUMEID volumeId ) { //
// If the given scope is in the list of paths being currently
// scanned, we must mark it deleted.
BOOL fRemoved = FALSE;
{ CLock lock(_mutex); if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter1( _usnScansToDo ); !_usnScansToDo.AtEnd( scanInfoIter1 ); _usnScansToDo.Advance( scanInfoIter1 ) ) { WCHAR const * pwcsPath = scanInfoIter1->GetPath();
if ( AreIdenticalPaths( pwcsScope, pwcsPath ) ) { fRemoved = TRUE; if ( !scanInfoIter1->LokIsDelScope() ) scanInfoIter1->LokSetDelScope(); } }
if ( !fRemoved ) { LokScheduleRemove( pwcsScope, volumeId ); fRemoved = TRUE; }
{ CLock lock(_mutex); if ( !_fBatch ) _evtUsn.Set(); // wake up the usn thread.
Win4Assert( fRemoved ); } } //RemoveScope
// Member: CUsnMgr::ScanScope
// Synopsis: Scan the given scopes and then start monitoring for usn
// notifications
// Arguments: [xScanInfo] - Scan info
// [fRefiled] - Is this a refiled scan ?
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::ScanScope( XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo, BOOL fRefiled ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
#if CIDBG==1
// Debug code to track down the cause of _fUsnTreeScan assert
if ( xScanInfo->LokIsInScan() ) _cicat.CheckUsnTreeScan( xScanInfo->GetPath() ); #endif
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CUsnMgr::ScanScope, retries %d\n", xScanInfo->GetRetries() ));
if ( xScanInfo->GetRetries() > CCiScanInfo::MAX_RETRIES ) { //
// Log event that scan failed, cleanup and then return
item.AddArg( xScanInfo->GetPath() ); eventLog.ReportEvent( item );
CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = xScanInfo.Acquire(); delete pScanInfo;
return; }
if ( LokIsScanScheduled( xScanInfo ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CUsnMgr::ScanScope scan was already scheduled\n" )); CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = xScanInfo.Acquire(); delete pScanInfo; } else { Win4Assert( !xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ); Win4Assert( xScanInfo->LokIsInScan() || xScanInfo->LokIsInFullUsnScan() || xScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() || xScanInfo->LokIsRenameDir() || xScanInfo->LokIsMonitorOnly() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CUsnMgr::ScanScope scan wasn't already scheduled, fRefiled: %d\n", fRefiled )); if ( fRefiled ) { //
// A scan that has been refiled should be done before new scans to
// ensure that all scans are done in FIFO order
_usnScansToDo.Push( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); } else _usnScansToDo.Queue( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); xScanInfo.Acquire();
if ( !_fBatch ) _evtUsn.Set(); } } //ScanScope
// Member: CUsnMgr::LokIsScanScheduled
// Synopsis: Tests if the given scope is already scheduled for a scan.
// Arguments: [xScanInfo] - Smart pointer to scaninfo
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
BOOL CUsnMgr::LokIsScanScheduled( const XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo ) { WCHAR const * pwszNewScope = xScanInfo->GetPath(); unsigned lenNewScope = wcslen( pwszNewScope );
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(_usnScansToDo); !_usnScansToDo.AtEnd(scanInfoIter); _usnScansToDo.Advance(scanInfoIter) ) { if ( xScanInfo->LokGetWorkType() == scanInfoIter->LokGetWorkType() ) { WCHAR const * pwszPath = scanInfoIter->GetPath();
CScopeMatch scope( pwszPath, wcslen(pwszPath) ); if (scope.IsInScope( pwszNewScope, lenNewScope )) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Usn scan already scheduled for (%ws)\n", pwszNewScope )); return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; } //LokIsScanScheduled
// Member: CUsnMgr::QueryScanInfo, private
// Synopsis: Returns a new instance of CCiScanInfo
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] -- Scope
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [usnStart] -- Start usn
// [fDoDeletions] -- Shoud deletions be done ?
// [fUserInitiatedScan] -- TRUE if the user asked for the scan
// [fNewScope] -- TRUE if scope was just added to the catalog
// History: 05-May-97 SitaramR Created
CCiScanInfo * CUsnMgr::QueryScanInfo( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN usnStart, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL fUserInitiatedScan, BOOL fNewScope ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pwcsScope );
// Check for remote path
Win4Assert( pwcsScope[0] != L'\\' );
ULONG len = wcslen( pwcsScope ); Win4Assert( pwcsScope[len-1] == L'\\' );
XArray<WCHAR> xPath( len+1 ); WCHAR * pwcsLocal = xPath.Get(); RtlCopyMemory( pwcsLocal, pwcsScope, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = new CCiScanInfo( xPath, 1, UPD_FULL, fDoDeletions, volumeId, usnStart, fUserInitiatedScan, fNewScope ); return pScanInfo; } //QueryScanInfo
// Member: CUsnMgr::DisableUpdates
// Synopsis: Disables all usn updates
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::DisableUpdates() { CLock lock( _mutex );
_fUpdatesDisabled = TRUE;
_evtUsn.Set(); }
// Member: CUsnMgr::EnableUpdates
// Synopsis: Enables usn updates
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::EnableUpdates() { CLock lock( _mutex );
if ( _fUpdatesDisabled ) { _fUpdatesDisabled = FALSE;
_evtUsn.Set(); } }
// Member: CUsnMgr::InitiateShutdown
// Synopsis: Initiates the shutdown process
// History: 05-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::InitiateShutdown() { CLock lock(_mutex);
_fAbort = TRUE; _fUpdatesDisabled = TRUE;
_evtUsn.Set(); }
// Member: CUsnMgr::WaitForShutdown
// Synopsis: Waits for shutdown to complete
// History: 05-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::WaitForShutdown() { //
// If we never started running, then just bail out.
if ( _thrUsn.IsRunning() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Waiting for death of usn thread\n" )); _thrUsn.WaitForDeath(); } }
// Member: CUsnMgr::LokEmptyInProgressScans
// Synopsis: Removes all the scans from the "in-progress stack" and either
// deletes them or re-schedules them. If the scan is in its
// "terminal state", the scan is deleted. If there is a retry
// it will be re-scheduled.
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::LokEmptyInProgressScans() { //
// Refile any scopes that still need to be worked on
while ( _usnScansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { if ( _fAbort ) break;
XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _usnScansInProgress.RemoveLast() );
if ( _fUpdatesDisabled ) { CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = xScanInfo.Acquire(); delete pScanInfo; } else if ( xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ) { //
// Scan of scope completed successfully, so start monitoring
LokAddScopeForUsnMonitoring( xScanInfo ); } else {
#if CIDBG==1
if ( xScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Requeing scope (%ws) for removal\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Requeuing scope (%ws) for scan\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); } #endif // CIDBG==1
ScanScope( xScanInfo, TRUE ); // It's a refiled scan
} } } //LokEmptyInProgressScans
// Member: CUsnMgr::LokScheduleRemove
// Synopsis: Schedules a usn path for removal
// Arguments: [pwscScope] - Scope to be removed
// [volumeId] - Volume id
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::LokScheduleRemove( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, VOLUMEID volumeId ) { CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = QueryScanInfo( pwcsScope, volumeId, 0, TRUE ); XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( pScanInfo ); pScanInfo->LokSetDelScope(); ScanScope( xScanInfo, FALSE ); }
// Member: CUnsMgr::UsnThread
// Synopsis: Usn thread start routine
// Arguments: [self] - This pointer
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
DWORD CUsnMgr::UsnThread( void * self ) { SCODE sc = CoInitializeEx( 0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED );
((CUsnMgr *) self)->DoUsnProcessing();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Terminating usn thread\n" ));
return 0; } //UsnThread
// Member: CUsnMgr::DoUsnProcessing
// Synopsis: Main loop of usn thread
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::DoUsnProcessing() { CImpersonateSystem impersonate;
while ( TRUE ) { //
// Don't do any work until the system has booted
while ( GetTickCount() < _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetStartupDelay() ) { Sleep( 200 ); if ( _fAbort ) break; }
NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRY { XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo;
{ CLock lock( _mutex );
if ( _fAbort ) break;
if ( !_fBatch ) { //
// If requests are being batched, then don't process
// requests until the _fBatch flag is cleared.
// Refile any incomplete paths that could not be processed due to
// low resources
if ( _usnScansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) LokEmptyInProgressScans();
while ( _usnScansToDo.Count() > 0 ) { xScanInfo.Set( _usnScansToDo.Pop() ); if ( _fUpdatesDisabled ) { delete xScanInfo.Acquire();
break; } else { Win4Assert( !xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() );
_usnScansInProgress.Queue( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); xScanInfo.Acquire(); } }
if ( _fUpdatesDisabled ) { //
// Empty usn lists, because usns notifications
// are not needed until updates are enabled.
_usnScansToDo.Clear(); _usnScansInProgress.Clear(); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Clear(); }
_evtUsn.Reset(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( _usnScansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { DoUsnScans(); Win4Assert( _usnScansInProgress.Count() == 0 || _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ); }
// ProcessUsnNotifications waits for usn notifications and processes
// them, or it waits until evtUsn is set. Only do this if there
// are no more scans to do.
if ( 0 == _usnScansToDo.Count() ) ProcessUsnNotifications(); } CATCH (CException, e) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CUsnMgr::DoUsnProcessing, caught exception 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
status = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
if ( status == CI_CORRUPT_CATALOG || status == CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) { //
// Disable further updates until corruption is cleared
CLock lock( _mutex );
_fUpdatesDisabled = TRUE; } } } //DoUsnProcessing
// Member: CUsnMgr::DoUsnScans
// Synopsis: Does tree walk for any usn scopes that were added
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::DoUsnScans() { //
// No need for a lock because only this thread modifies _usnScansInProgress
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(_usnScansInProgress); !_usnScansInProgress.AtEnd(scanInfoIter); _usnScansInProgress.Advance(scanInfoIter) ) { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) break;
CCiScanInfo *pScanInfo = scanInfoIter.GetEntry(); Win4Assert( pScanInfo->GetRetries() <= CCiScanInfo::MAX_RETRIES );
NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRY { ICiManager *pCiManager = _cicat.CiManager();
if ( pScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() ) { _cicat.RemovePathsFromCiCat( pScanInfo->GetPath(), eUsnsArray );
if ( !_fAbort && !_fUpdatesDisabled ) { SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates(); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
pScanInfo->LokSetDone(); } } else if ( pScanInfo->LokIsMonitorOnly() ) { //
// The scope needs to be monitored only and so set it to done
pScanInfo->LokSetDone(); } else { //
// A starting USN from 0 means this is a first scan, or a
// complete recovery. A starting USN > 0 means we are
// looking for items changed by NT4 and not recorded in
// the USN log.
USN usnStart = 0;
// A full scan is executed after a volume has been reformatted.
// We first wipe all existing data (which will have incorrect
// fileid <--> wid mappings) and then do the scan.
if ( pScanInfo->LokIsInFullUsnScan() ) { _cicat.RemovePathsFromCiCat( pScanInfo->GetPath(), eUsnsArray );
if ( !_fAbort && !_fUpdatesDisabled ) { SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates(); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); } } else usnStart = pScanInfo->UsnStart();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "scan usnstart: %#I64x\n", pScanInfo->UsnStart() ));
// Use the end of the usn log or the last usn processed by
// CI for this volume if available.
USN usnMax = FindCurrentMaxUsn( pScanInfo->GetPath() );
{ ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usn scan looking for better maxusn than %#I64x\n", usnMax ));
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter( _usnVolumesToMonitor ); !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd( usnVolIter ); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance( usnVolIter ) ) { if ( usnVolIter->VolumeId() == pScanInfo->VolumeId() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usn scan using %#I64x instead of %#I64x\n", usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead(), usnMax )); usnMax = usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead(); break; } } }
pScanInfo->SetStartUsn( usnMax );
CLowerFunnyPath lcaseFunnyPath; lcaseFunnyPath.SetPath( pScanInfo->GetPath() );
CUsnTreeTraversal usnTreeTrav( _cicat, *this, *pCiManager, lcaseFunnyPath, pScanInfo->IsDoDeletions(), _fUpdatesDisabled, TRUE, // Process root
pScanInfo->VolumeId(), usnStart, usnMax, pScanInfo->IsUserInitiated() ); usnTreeTrav.EndProcessing();
// Flush updates, because we will be writing usnMax as the
// restart usn for this scope, and we want to make sure that
// all updates with usn of 0 are serialized before writing
// the restart usn.
if ( !_fAbort && !_fUpdatesDisabled ) { SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates(); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
_cicat.SetUsnTreeScanComplete( pScanInfo->GetPath(), usnMax );
// Make SetUsnTreeScanComplete info persistent by
// serializing the scope table.
pScanInfo->LokSetDone(); } } } CATCH( CException, e) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x caught in CUsnMgr::DoUsnScans\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
status = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { _cicat.HandleError( status ); break; } }
// Requeue failed usn scans
while ( _usnScansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _usnScansInProgress.RemoveLast() );
if ( _fUpdatesDisabled ) { continue; } else if ( xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ) { if ( xScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() ) { CLock lock( _mutex );
LokRemoveScopeFromUsnMonitoring( xScanInfo );
// All processing for a delete scope has been completed
CCiScanInfo *pScanInfo = xScanInfo.Acquire(); delete pScanInfo; } else { //
// Start monitoring for changes on this scope
CLock lock( _mutex );
LokAddScopeForUsnMonitoring( xScanInfo ); } } else { //
// We couldn't complete the scan for this, and so refile
xScanInfo->SetStartUsn( 0 ); xScanInfo->IncrementRetries(); xScanInfo->SetDoDeletions();
ScanScope( xScanInfo, TRUE ); } } } //DoUsnScans
// Member: CUsnMgr::LokAddScopeForUsnMonitoring
// Synopsis: Registers a scope for usn notifications
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::LokAddScopeForUsnMonitoring( XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo ) { WCHAR const *pwszPath = xScanInfo->GetPath();
TRY { //
// Check that it is not a remote path
Win4Assert( pwszPath[0] != L'\\' );
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(_usnVolumesToMonitor); !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter) ) { if ( usnVolIter->DriveLetter() == pwszPath[0] ) { //
// Add the scope to the list of scopes being monitored
// on this drive, if it is not already being monitored.
CScanInfoList & usnScopeList = usnVolIter->GetUsnScopesList();
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanIter1(usnScopeList); !usnScopeList.AtEnd(scanIter1); usnScopeList.Advance(scanIter1) ) { if ( AreIdenticalPaths( scanIter1->GetPath(), xScanInfo->GetPath() ) ) return;
CScopeMatch superScope( scanIter1->GetPath(), wcslen( scanIter1->GetPath() ) ); if ( superScope.IsInScope( xScanInfo->GetPath(), wcslen( xScanInfo->GetPath() ) ) ) return; }
// Remove subscopes as an optimization
CScopeMatch superScope( xScanInfo->GetPath(), wcslen( xScanInfo->GetPath() ) );
CFwdScanInfoIter scanIter2(usnScopeList); while ( !usnScopeList.AtEnd(scanIter2) ) { CCiScanInfo *pScanInfo = scanIter2.GetEntry(); usnScopeList.Advance(scanIter2);
if ( superScope.IsInScope( pScanInfo->GetPath(), wcslen( pScanInfo->GetPath() ) ) ) { usnScopeList.RemoveFromList( pScanInfo ); delete pScanInfo; } }
if ( xScanInfo->UsnStart() < usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() ) { usnVolIter->SetMaxUsnRead( xScanInfo->UsnStart() );
// Cancel pending fsctl (if any) to pick up earlier usn
// notifications
usnVolIter->CancelFsctl(); }
usnScopeList.Push( xScanInfo.Acquire() ); return; } }
CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = new CUsnVolume( pwszPath[0], xScanInfo->VolumeId() ); pUsnVolume->SetMaxUsnRead( xScanInfo->UsnStart() );
_usnVolumesToMonitor.Push( pUsnVolume );
CScanInfoList &usnScopeList = pUsnVolume->GetUsnScopesList(); usnScopeList.Push( xScanInfo.Acquire() ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x trying to monitor USN scope %wc.\n", e.GetErrorCode(), xScanInfo->VolumeId() ));
HandleError( pwszPath[0], e.GetErrorCode() ); } END_CATCH } //LokAddScopeForUsnMonitoring
// Member: CUsnMgr::LokRemoveScopeFromUsnMonitoring
// Synopsis: Deregisters a scope from usn notifications
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::LokRemoveScopeFromUsnMonitoring( XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo ) { WCHAR const *pwszPath = xScanInfo->GetPath();
// Check that it is not a remote path
Win4Assert( pwszPath[0] != L'\\' );
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(_usnVolumesToMonitor); !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter) ) { if ( usnVolIter->DriveLetter() == pwszPath[0] ) { CScanInfoList & usnScopeList = usnVolIter->GetUsnScopesList();
CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(usnScopeList); while ( !usnScopeList.AtEnd(scanInfoIter) ) { CCiScanInfo *pScanInfo = scanInfoIter.GetEntry(); usnScopeList.Advance(scanInfoIter);
if ( AreIdenticalPaths( pScanInfo->GetPath(), xScanInfo->GetPath() ) ) { usnScopeList.RemoveFromList( pScanInfo ); delete pScanInfo;
break; } }
// If no more scopes on this usn volume then remove the entry from the
// list of volumes being monitored.
if ( usnScopeList.Count() == 0 ) { CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = usnVolIter.GetEntry(); _usnVolumesToMonitor.RemoveFromList( pUsnVolume ); delete pUsnVolume;
break; } } } } //LokRemoveScopeFromUsnMonitoring
// Member: CUsnMgr::ProcessNotifications
// Synopsis: Wait for usn notifications, and then process them
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnNotifications() { //
// No need for a lock because only this thread modifies _usnVolumesToMonitor
for (;;) { //
// Loop by waiting for usn notifications and processing them.
// Loop returns when _evtUsn is signalled.
BOOL fWait; // TRUE --> Every volume is now waiting. (assigned below)
BOOL fLowResource;
do { _waitForMultObj.ResetCount();
// _evtUsn is the first handle, and so it gets priority if more
// than one event is signalled.
_waitForMultObj.AddEvent( _evtUsn.GetHandle() );
CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(_usnVolumesToMonitor);
// Are we in a high i/o state? If so, don't read the USN Journal
fLowResource = IsLowResource(); fWait = TRUE;
while ( !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter) ) { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = usnVolIter.GetEntry(); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter);
if ( !pUsnVolume->IsOnline() ) continue;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Drive %wc: %u%% read\n", pUsnVolume->DriveLetter(), pUsnVolume->PercentRead() ));
if ( fLowResource && pUsnVolume->PercentRead() >= USN_LOG_DANGER_THRESHOLD ) continue;
// Does this volume have something to do now?
if ( pUsnVolume->FFsctlPending() && WAIT_TIMEOUT != pUsnVolume->WaitFsctl( 0 ) ) pUsnVolume->ResetFsctlPending();
if ( pUsnVolume->FFsctlPending() ) _waitForMultObj.AddEvent( pUsnVolume->GetFsctlEvent() ); else { NTSTATUS status = ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume( pUsnVolume );
switch( status ) { case STATUS_PENDING: pUsnVolume->SetFsctlPending(); _waitForMultObj.AddEvent( pUsnVolume->GetFsctlEvent() ); break;
case STATUS_SUCCESS: fWait = FALSE; // More to do, processing bailed to enable round-robin
default: Win4Assert( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ); HandleError( pUsnVolume, status ); break; } } } } while( !fWait );
if ( _fAbort ) return;
// Wait for evtUsn to be signaled or for an usn notification
DWORD dwTimeout = _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetUsnReadTimeout() * 1000;
// But only wait forever if we're actually watching notifications...
if ( 0 == dwTimeout ) { if ( fLowResource ) dwTimeout = 60 * 1000; else dwTimeout = INFINITE; }
// If we're in a low resource situation, this is a good place to flush
// the working set.
if ( fLowResource && _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetMinimizeWorkingSet() ) SetProcessWorkingSetSize( GetCurrentProcess(), ~0, ~0 );
_fWaitingForUpdates = TRUE; DWORD dwIndex = _waitForMultObj.Wait( dwTimeout ); _fWaitingForUpdates = FALSE;
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
if ( WAIT_FAILED == dwIndex ) { Win4Assert( !"Waitformultipleobjects failed" ); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "WaitForMultipleObjects failed, 0x%x", GetLastError() ));
THROW( CException( ) ); }
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwIndex ) { //
// _evtUsn has been signaled -- cancel pending requests
CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter( _usnVolumesToMonitor );
while ( !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter) ) { CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = usnVolIter.GetEntry(); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter); pUsnVolume->CancelFsctl(); }
return; } else if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT != dwIndex ) { //
// Process usn notifications from the volume that was signaled.
// GetIth does a linear lookup, it can be optimized to index
// directly into an array of pUsnVolumes.
unsigned i = dwIndex - WAIT_OBJECT_0 - 1; CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = _usnVolumesToMonitor.GetIth( i );
// We know the volume is at least the Ith volume, but it may be
// farther if some volumes were skipped.
i++; // Account for control event
while ( pUsnVolume->GetFsctlEvent() != _waitForMultObj.Get(i) ) pUsnVolume = (CUsnVolume *)pUsnVolume->Next();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "PENDING COMPLETED #1 (0x%x)\n", pUsnVolume ));
if ( !fLowResource || pUsnVolume->PercentRead() < USN_LOG_DANGER_THRESHOLD ) ProcessUsnLogRecords( pUsnVolume );
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return; }
if ( 0 != dwTimeout && !fLowResource ) { //
// Check to see if there is anything that's sat in the buffer too long.
LONGLONG ftExpired; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *)&ftExpired ); ftExpired -= _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetUsnReadTimeout() * 10000i64;
CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(_usnVolumesToMonitor);
while( !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter) ) { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) break;
CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = usnVolIter.GetEntry(); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter);
if ( !pUsnVolume->IsOnline() ) continue;
if ( pUsnVolume->FFsctlPending() && pUsnVolume->PendingTime() <= ftExpired ) { pUsnVolume->CancelFsctl();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "PENDING CANCELLED #1 (0x%x)\n", pUsnVolume ));
NTSTATUS status = ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume( pUsnVolume, TRUE ); // TRUE --> Immediate
switch( status ) { case STATUS_PENDING: pUsnVolume->SetFsctlPending(); break;
case STATUS_SUCCESS: fWait = FALSE; // More to do, processing bailed to enable round-robin
default: Win4Assert( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ); HandleError( pUsnVolume, status ); break; } } } } } } //ProcessUsnNotifications
// Member: CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume
// Synopsis: Process usn notifications from given volume
// Arguments: [pUsnVolume] -- Usn volume
// [fImmediate] -- If TRUE, look for *any* new data in log,
// no matter how little.
// [fWait] -- If TRUE, wait for data if fImmediate is TRUE
// and no data is available.
// Returns: STATUS_PENDING when there are no more usn notifications to be
// processed, or STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED when usn records
// have been removed from log due to shrink from front.
// History: 05-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
NTSTATUS CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume( CUsnVolume * pUsnVolume, BOOL fImmediate, BOOL fWait ) { Win4Assert( pUsnVolume->IsOnline() );
// No need for a lock because only this thread modifies _usnVolumesToMonitor
Win4Assert( !pUsnVolume->FFsctlPending() );
NTSTATUS status; unsigned cRetries = 0; // Unsuccessful read attempts
unsigned cTries = 0; // Successful read attempts
READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA usnReadData; usnReadData.UsnJournalID = pUsnVolume->JournalId(); usnReadData.StartUsn = pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead(); usnReadData.ReasonMask = ~(USN_REASON_RENAME_OLD_NAME | USN_REASON_COMPRESSION_CHANGE); usnReadData.ReturnOnlyOnClose = TRUE; usnReadData.Timeout = 0;
do { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) { //
// Doesn't matter what status we return because all notifications
// will be turned off soon.
// In immediate mode, read *any* data, else read as requested by client.
if ( fImmediate ) usnReadData.BytesToWaitFor = 1; else usnReadData.BytesToWaitFor = _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetUsnReadMinSize();
#if CIDBG == 1
RtlFillMemory( pUsnVolume->GetBuffer(), pUsnVolume->GetBufferSize(), 0x11 ); #endif
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "READ #1 (0x%x)\n", pUsnVolume ));
Win4Assert( !pUsnVolume->FFsctlPending() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "reading usns from %#I64x\n", usnReadData.StartUsn ));
status = NtFsControlFile( pUsnVolume->VolumeHandle(), pUsnVolume->GetFsctlEvent(), NULL, NULL, pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock(), FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL, &usnReadData, sizeof(usnReadData), pUsnVolume->GetBuffer(), pUsnVolume->GetBufferSize() );
if ( fImmediate ) { if ( fWait ) fImmediate = FALSE;
// STATUS_PENDING --> nothing in the log. Go back to regular waits.
if ( STATUS_PENDING == status ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "PENDING CANCELLED #2 (0x%x)\n", pUsnVolume )); pUsnVolume->SetFsctlPending(); pUsnVolume->CancelFsctl();
// If no journal entries are available and we're not supposed
// to wait, return now.
if ( !fWait ) return STATUS_SUCCESS;
continue; } }
if ( STATUS_PENDING == status ) break;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) status = pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "IMMEDIATE COMPLETED #1 (0x%x)\n", pUsnVolume )); ProcessUsnLogRecords( pUsnVolume );
usnReadData.StartUsn = pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead();
Win4Assert( usnReadData.ReasonMask == ~(USN_REASON_RENAME_OLD_NAME | USN_REASON_COMPRESSION_CHANGE) ); Win4Assert( usnReadData.ReturnOnlyOnClose == TRUE );
// Don't read a single volume too long...
if ( cTries > 5 ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Stopping read on drive %wc: to support round-robin\n", pUsnVolume->DriveLetter() )); break; } else continue; } else if ( STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED == status ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED #1 fWait %d, (drive %wc:)\n", fWait, pUsnVolume->DriveLetter() ));
// Already doing a scan due to missed notifications.
// STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED is returned when usn records have
// been deallocated from the usn journal. This means that we have to
// do a scan before continuing usn monitoring. Even if some other
// error code has been returned, the simplest recovery is to restart
// monitoring.
XBatchUsnProcessing xBatchUsns( *this );
CScanInfoList & usnScopeList = pUsnVolume->GetUsnScopesList(); while ( usnScopeList.Count() > 0 ) { XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( usnScopeList.Pop() );
xScanInfo->SetStartState(); xScanInfo->SetScan(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "journal_entry_deleted, filing a scan for %ws\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); xScanInfo->SetStartUsn( pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() ); xScanInfo->SetDoDeletions(); _cicat.InitUsnTreeScan( xScanInfo->GetPath() );
ScanScope( xScanInfo, TRUE ); }
_usnVolumesToMonitor.RemoveFromList( pUsnVolume ); delete pUsnVolume;
return STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED; } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Usn read fsctl returned 0x%x\n", status ));
if ( cRetries > 10 ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Giving up on USN read.\n" )); break; }
// the fsctl failed -- so try again
continue; } } while ( status != STATUS_PENDING );
return status; } //ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume
// Member: CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnLogRecords
// Synopsis: Process usn notifications from usn records in buffer
// Arguments: [pUsnVolume] -- Usn volume that contains the buffer
// History: 05-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnLogRecords( CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume ) { Win4Assert( pUsnVolume->IsOnline() );
// No need for a lock because only this thread modifies _usnVolumesToMonitor
USN usnNextStart; USN_RECORD * pUsnRec = 0;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "process usns, Status 0x%x, Bytes %d\n", pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status, pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Information ));
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status ) ) { //
// If we cancelled the notification request (usually because
// we're going into a mode where we wait for a lot of bytes instead
// of just 1 byte), just ignore processing the request.
if ( STATUS_CANCELLED != pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Error 0x%x reading USN Journal\n", pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status )); Win4Assert( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER != pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Status ); }
return; }
DWORD dwByteCount = (DWORD)pUsnVolume->IoStatusBlock()->Information; if ( dwByteCount != 0 ) { usnNextStart = *(USN *)pUsnVolume->GetBuffer(); pUsnRec = (USN_RECORD *)((PCHAR)pUsnVolume->GetBuffer() + sizeof(USN)); dwByteCount -= sizeof(USN); }
if ( 0 == pUsnRec ) return;
ICiManager *pCiManager = _cicat.CiManager(); Win4Assert( pCiManager );
while ( dwByteCount != 0 ) { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
// Check that usn's from journal are greater than the start usn
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( pUsnRec->Usn < pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "volume %wc pUsnRec = 0x%x, USN = %#I64x, Max USN = %#I64x\n", pUsnVolume->VolumeId(), pUsnRec, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() ));
Win4Assert( pUsnRec->Usn >= pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() );
Sleep( 30 * 1000 ); }
Win4Assert( pUsnRec->Usn >= pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() );
if ( pUsnRec->RecordLength > 10000 ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "pUsnRec = 0x%x, RecordLength = %u\n", pUsnRec, pUsnRec->RecordLength )); }
Win4Assert( pUsnRec->RecordLength <= 10000 ); #endif
if ( 0 == (pUsnRec->SourceInfo & (USN_SOURCE_AUXILIARY_DATA | USN_SOURCE_DATA_MANAGEMENT)) && ( 0 == (pUsnRec->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED) || 0 != (pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_INDEXABLE_CHANGE) ) ) { //
// Indexable bit==0 means index the file, because the bit is set to 0
// by default on an upgrade from Ntfs 4.0 to Ntfs 5.0. We want the
// the default behavior to be index-all-files to ensure backward
// compatibility.
if ( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_RENAME_NEW_NAME ) { CLowerFunnyPath lcaseFunnyOldPath; BOOL fOldPathInScope; _cicat.FileIdToPath( pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, pUsnVolume, lcaseFunnyOldPath, fOldPathInScope );
CLowerFunnyPath lcaseFunnyNewPath; BOOL fNewPathInScope; WORKID widParent; #if CIDBG == 1
widParent = widUnused; #endif
// Try hard to find a parent directory, since it may
// not be in the index if it is marked as not-indexed.
_cicat.UsnRecordToPathUsingParentId( pUsnRec, pUsnVolume, lcaseFunnyNewPath, fNewPathInScope, widParent, TRUE ); Win4Assert( widUnused != widParent );
if ( pUsnRec->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { //
// Directory rename or add or delete. Directory operations are
// (re)tried a certain number of times, after which a failure
// event is logged.
const MAX_RETRIES = 5; XGrowable<WCHAR> xFileName;
for (unsigned i=0; i<MAX_RETRIES; i++) { TRY { if ( fOldPathInScope ) { if ( fNewPathInScope ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Renaming directory %ws to %ws\n", lcaseFunnyOldPath.GetPath(), lcaseFunnyNewPath.GetPath() ));
CRenameDir( _cicat, lcaseFunnyOldPath, lcaseFunnyNewPath, _fUpdatesDisabled, pUsnVolume->VolumeId() );
_cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyNewPath, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume, FALSE ); break; } else { CLowcaseBuf lcaseOldPath( lcaseFunnyOldPath.GetActualPath() ); lcaseOldPath.AppendBackSlash();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Removing directory %ws\n", lcaseOldPath.Get() ));
_cicat.RemovePathsFromCiCat( lcaseOldPath.Get(), eUsnsArray );
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) { return; }
SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates(); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
break; } } else { if ( fNewPathInScope ) { lcaseFunnyNewPath.AppendBackSlash();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Adding directory %ws\n", lcaseFunnyNewPath.GetPath() ));
_fDoingRenameTraverse = TRUE; CUsnTreeTraversal usnTreeTrav( _cicat, *this, *pCiManager, lcaseFunnyNewPath, FALSE, // No deletions
_fUpdatesDisabled, TRUE, // Process root
pUsnVolume->VolumeId() ); usnTreeTrav.EndProcessing(); _fDoingRenameTraverse = FALSE;
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates(); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
break; } else { //
// Both old and new paths are out of scope. We *still* have to
// determine whether this rename caused a top-level indexed scope
// to either exist or cease to exist.
CheckTopLevelChange( pUsnVolume, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber );
break; } } } CATCH( CException, e ) { _fDoingRenameTraverse = FALSE; #if CIDBG==1
// pUsnRec->FileName is not null terminated, so copy
// and null terminate.
unsigned cbFileNameLen = pUsnRec->FileNameLength;
xFileName.SetSizeInBytes( cbFileNameLen + 2 );
RtlCopyMemory( xFileName.Get(), (WCHAR *)(((BYTE *)pUsnRec) + pUsnRec->FileNameOffset), cbFileNameLen ); xFileName[cbFileNameLen/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x while doing directory rename/add/delete of %ws\n", e.GetErrorCode(), xFileName.Get() )); #endif
} END_CATCH } // for
if ( i == MAX_RETRIES ) { CEventLog eventLog( NULL, wcsCiEventSource ); CEventItem item( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, CI_SERVICE_CATEGORY, MSG_CI_CONTENTSCAN_FAILED, 1 );
// pUsnRec->FileName is not null terminated, so copy
// and null terminate.
unsigned cbFileNameLen = pUsnRec->FileNameLength; xFileName.SetSizeInBytes( cbFileNameLen + 2 );
RtlCopyMemory( xFileName.Get(), (WCHAR *)(((BYTE *)pUsnRec) + pUsnRec->FileNameOffset), cbFileNameLen ); xFileName[cbFileNameLen/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
item.AddArg( xFileName.Get() ); eventLog.ReportEvent( item ); } } else // if reason & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
{ //
// File rename or add or delete
if ( fOldPathInScope ) { if ( fNewPathInScope ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Renaming file %ws to %ws\n", lcaseFunnyOldPath.GetActualPath(), lcaseFunnyNewPath.GetActualPath() ));
_cicat.RenameFile( lcaseFunnyOldPath, lcaseFunnyNewPath, pUsnRec->FileAttributes, pUsnVolume->VolumeId(), pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent );
_cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyNewPath, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume, FALSE ); } else { _cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyOldPath, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume, TRUE ); } } else { if ( fNewPathInScope ) { _cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyNewPath, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume, FALSE ); } else { //
// Both old and new paths are out of scope, so do nothing
} } } } else { Win4Assert( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_CLOSE );
if ( 0 != (pUsnRec->Reason & ~(USN_REASON_CLOSE | USN_REASON_COMPRESSION_CHANGE | USN_REASON_RENAME_OLD_NAME ) ) ) { CLowerFunnyPath lcaseFunnyPath; BOOL fPathInScope = FALSE; WORKID widParent = widInvalid;
CReleasableLock lock( _cicat.GetMutex() );
WORKID wid = _cicat.FileIdToWorkId( pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, pUsnVolume->VolumeId() );
if ( 0 != ( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_FILE_DELETE ) || 0 != ( pUsnRec->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED ) ) { //
// File delete. Don't delete directories that go from
// indexed to non-indexed since there may be files
// below them that are indexed.
if ( ( widInvalid != wid ) ) { CDocumentUpdateInfo docInfo( wid, pUsnVolume->VolumeId(), pUsnRec->Usn, TRUE ); pCiManager->UpdateDocument( &docInfo ); if ( ! ( ( pUsnRec->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) && ( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_INDEXABLE_CHANGE ) ) ) { _cicat.LokMarkForDeletion( pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, wid ); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usn notify not deleting a ni directory\n" )); } } } else { //
// File create or modify
Win4Assert( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_CLOSE );
if ( widInvalid == wid ) { _cicat.UsnRecordToPathUsingParentId( pUsnRec, pUsnVolume, lcaseFunnyPath, fPathInScope, widParent, ( 0 != ( pUsnRec->Reason & USN_REASON_INDEXABLE_CHANGE ) ) );
if ( fPathInScope ) _cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyPath, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber, widParent, pUsnRec->Usn, pUsnVolume, FALSE, // not a delete
&lock ); // guaranteed new file
else if ( pUsnRec->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { //
// This might be a top-level directory. No parent id to
// look up, but still the root of the tree.
CheckTopLevelChange( pUsnVolume, pUsnRec->FileReferenceNumber ); } } else { lock.Release();
CDocumentUpdateInfo docInfo( wid, pUsnVolume->VolumeId(), pUsnRec->Usn, FALSE ); pCiManager->UpdateDocument( &docInfo ); } } // if fPathInScope
} // if reason is one we care about
} // if-else reason & reason_new_name
} // pUsnRec->fileattr & file_attr_content_indexed
if ( pUsnRec->RecordLength <= dwByteCount ) { dwByteCount -= pUsnRec->RecordLength;
//#if CIDBG == 1
#if 0
ULONG cb = pUsnRec->RecordLength; RtlFillMemory( pUsnRec, cb, 0xEE ); pUsnRec = (USN_RECORD *) ((PCHAR) pUsnRec + cb ); #else
pUsnRec = (USN_RECORD *) ((PCHAR) pUsnRec + pUsnRec->RecordLength ); #endif
} else { Win4Assert( !"Bogus dwByteCount" );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Usn read fsctl returned bogus dwByteCount, 0x%x\n", dwByteCount ));
pUsnVolume->SetMaxUsnRead( usnNextStart ); } //ProcessUsnLogRecords
// Member: CUsnMgr::FindCurrentMaxUsn
// Synopsis: Find the current max usn for the volume with pwcsScope
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] - Scope
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
USN CUsnMgr::FindCurrentMaxUsn( WCHAR const * pwcsScope ) { Win4Assert( pwcsScope );
WCHAR wszVolumePath[] = L"\\\\.\\a:"; wszVolumePath[4] = pwcsScope[0]; HANDLE hVolume = CreateFile( wszVolumePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( hVolume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) THROW( CException( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ) );
SWin32Handle xHandleVolume( hVolume );
IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; USN_JOURNAL_DATA UsnJournalInfo; NTSTATUS Status = NtFsControlFile( hVolume, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL, 0, 0, &UsnJournalInfo, sizeof(UsnJournalInfo) );
Win4Assert( STATUS_PENDING != Status );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) Status = iosb.Status;
if ( NT_ERROR(Status) ) { //
// Usn journal should have been created already
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Usn read fsctl returned 0x%x\n", Status ));
THROW( CException( Status ) ); }
return UsnJournalInfo.NextUsn; } //FindCurrentMaxUsn
// Member: CUsnMgr::SetBatch
// Synopsis: Sets the batch flag, which means that the usn thread will not
// be signalled to start processing requests until the batch
// flag is cleared.
// History: 27-Jun-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::SetBatch() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fBatch = TRUE; }
// Member: CUsnMgr::ClearBatch
// Synopsis: Clears the batch processing flag and wakes up the usn
// thread and the accumulated scans processed.
// History: 27-Jun-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnMgr::ClearBatch() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fBatch = FALSE; _evtUsn.Set(); }
struct SVolumeUsn { VOLUMEID volumeId; USN usn; };
// Member: CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnLog, public
// Synopsis: Processes all records in the USN log for all volumes.
// This is so that we don't have to rescan when a scan
// completes
// Arguments: [fAbort] -- Bail if TRUE
// [volScan] -- Volume Id of volume current being scanned (will
// be added to volumes processed).
// [usnScan] -- USN on [volScan] at which monitoring will commence
// when scan is complete.
// History: 28-May-98 dlee Created
void CUsnMgr::ProcessUsnLog( BOOL & fAbort, VOLUMEID volScan, USN & usnScan ) { if ( _fDoingRenameTraverse ) return;
CDynArrayInPlace<SVolumeUsn> aVolumeUsns;
// Add the volume actively being scanned. No point in monitoring others with
// pending scans, since they will be scanned anyway.
aVolumeUsns[0].volumeId = volScan; aVolumeUsns[0].usn = usnScan;
// Add all the volumes being monitored
{ // Save stack, by overloading usnVolIter
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(_usnVolumesToMonitor); // with the one farther down the function...
!_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter) ) { Win4Assert( !usnVolIter->FFsctlPending() );
VOLUMEID volumeId = usnVolIter->VolumeId(); USN usn = usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead();
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < aVolumeUsns.Count(); i++ ) { if ( aVolumeUsns[i].volumeId == volumeId ) { aVolumeUsns[i].usn = __min( aVolumeUsns[i].usn, usn ); break; } }
if ( i == aVolumeUsns.Count() ) { aVolumeUsns[ i ].volumeId = volumeId; aVolumeUsns[ i ].usn = usn; } } }
// Take this list, and create temporary volume objects.
CUsnVolumeList usnVolumesToProcess;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < aVolumeUsns.Count(); i++ ) { CUsnVolume * pusnVolume = new CUsnVolume( (WCHAR) aVolumeUsns[i].volumeId, aVolumeUsns[i].volumeId ); pusnVolume->SetMaxUsnRead( aVolumeUsns[i].usn );
usnVolumesToProcess.Push( pusnVolume ); }
// Process USNs for the volumes until they are all out of danger
BOOL fSomethingChanged = FALSE; int priOriginal; unsigned cInDanger = 0; BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
do { cInDanger = 0;
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(usnVolumesToProcess); !usnVolumesToProcess.AtEnd(usnVolIter); usnVolumesToProcess.Advance(usnVolIter) ) { CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume = usnVolIter.GetEntry();
// Process the usn notifications for the volume.
ULONG ulPct = pUsnVolume->PercentRead();
// If the journal is entirely empty, it's not in danger.
if ( !fFirst && ( 0 == ulPct ) && ( 0 == pUsnVolume->MaxUsnRead() ) ) continue;
// If we're in danger of a log overflow, process records.
if ( ulPct < (fSomethingChanged ? USN_LOG_DANGER_THRESHOLD + 5 : USN_LOG_DANGER_THRESHOLD ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Drive %wc: in danger (%u%%)\n", pUsnVolume->DriveLetter(), pUsnVolume->PercentRead() ));
if ( !fSomethingChanged ) { //
// Boost the priority to try and catch up before we fall farther behind.
// Normally, this thread runs at below normal priority.
priOriginal = GetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread() ); SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); fSomethingChanged = TRUE; }
// TRUE == immediate processing
// FALSE == don't wait for notifications
NTSTATUS Status = ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume( pUsnVolume, TRUE, FALSE );
Win4Assert( STATUS_PENDING != Status );
// Even if this is STATUS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED, we might as
// well abort the scan. Another will have been scheduled.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error %#x from ProcessUsnNotificationsFromVolume during scan\n", Status )); THROW( CException( Status ) ); } }
fFirst = FALSE;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Drive %wc: %u%% read (scan)\n", pUsnVolume->DriveLetter(), ulPct )); } } while ( !fAbort && cInDanger > 0 );
// Update the max USNs
if ( fSomethingChanged ) { //
// Reset thread priority.
if ( THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN != priOriginal ) SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), priOriginal );
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter(usnVolumesToProcess); !usnVolumesToProcess.AtEnd(usnVolIter); usnVolumesToProcess.Advance(usnVolIter) ) { //
// Patch the USN for the scan
if ( volScan == usnVolIter->VolumeId() ) usnScan = usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead();
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(_usnScansInProgress); !_usnScansInProgress.AtEnd(scanInfoIter); _usnScansInProgress.Advance(scanInfoIter) ) { CCiScanInfo & scanInfo = * scanInfoIter.GetEntry();
if ( scanInfo.VolumeId() == usnVolIter->VolumeId() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usn updating scan usn on %wc: from %#I64x to %#I64x\n", (WCHAR)scanInfo.VolumeId(), scanInfo.UsnStart(), usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() )); scanInfo.SetStartUsn( usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() ); } }
// Patch the USN for the monitored volume
for ( CUsnVolumeIter usnVolIter2(_usnVolumesToMonitor); !_usnVolumesToMonitor.AtEnd(usnVolIter2); _usnVolumesToMonitor.Advance(usnVolIter2) ) { if ( usnVolIter->VolumeId() == usnVolIter2->VolumeId() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usn updating monitor volume %wc: from %#I64x to %#I64x\n", usnVolIter->DriveLetter(), usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead(), usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() )); usnVolIter2->SetMaxUsnRead( usnVolIter->MaxUsnRead() ); } } } } } //ProcessUsnLog
// Member: CUsnMgr::HandleError, public
// Synopsis: Error reporting / handling for USN log read errors.
// Arguments: [pUsnVolume] -- Volume which could not be read.
// [Status] -- Failure code.
// History: 04-Jun-1998 KyleP Created
void CUsnMgr::HandleError( CUsnVolume * pUsnVolume, NTSTATUS Status ) { HandleError( pUsnVolume->DriveLetter(), Status );
if ( STATUS_TOO_LATE != Status ) pUsnVolume->MarkOffline(); }
// Member: CUsnMgr::HandleError, public
// Synopsis: Error reporting / handling for USN log read errors.
// Arguments: [wcDrive] -- Volume which could not be read.
// [Status] -- Failure code.
// History: 04-Jun-1998 KyleP Created
void CUsnMgr::HandleError( WCHAR wcDrive, NTSTATUS Status ) { Win4Assert( STATUS_SUCCESS != Status );
if ( STATUS_TOO_LATE != Status ) { CEventLog eventLog( NULL, wcsCiEventSource );
WCHAR wszDrive[] = L"A:"; wszDrive[0] = wcDrive;
item.AddArg( wszDrive ); item.AddError( Status );
eventLog.ReportEvent( item ); } }
// Member: CUsnMgr::IsPathIndexed, public
// Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the path is being indexed on a USN volume.
// Arguments: [pUsnVolume] -- The volume to use when checking
// [lcaseFunnyPath] -- The path to check
// Returns: TRUE if the path is in a current scan or in pUsnVolume.
// History: 12-Jun-98 dlee Created
BOOL CUsnMgr::IsPathIndexed( CUsnVolume * pUsnVolume, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath ) { //
// First check the volume object given
CScanInfoList & usnScopeList = pUsnVolume->GetUsnScopesList();
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter iter( usnScopeList ); !usnScopeList.AtEnd(iter); usnScopeList.Advance(iter) ) { CScopeMatch scopeMatch( iter->GetPath(), wcslen( iter->GetPath() ) );
if ( scopeMatch.IsInScope( lcaseFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), lcaseFunnyPath.GetActualLength() ) ) return TRUE; }
// Check the scans in progress list
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(_usnScansInProgress); !_usnScansInProgress.AtEnd(scanInfoIter); _usnScansInProgress.Advance(scanInfoIter) ) { CCiScanInfo & scanInfo = * scanInfoIter.GetEntry();
WCHAR const * pwcScanPath = scanInfo.GetPath();
CScopeMatch scopeMatch( pwcScanPath, wcslen( pwcScanPath ) );
if ( scopeMatch.IsInScope( lcaseFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), lcaseFunnyPath.GetActualLength() ) ) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //IsPathIndexed
// Member: CUsnMgr::IsLowResource, private
// Synopsis: Determine if either memory or i/o resources are low.
// Returns: TRUE if in a low resource condition.
// History: 22-Jun-1998 KyleP Created
BOOL CUsnMgr::IsLowResource() { if ( _cicat.GetRegParams()->DelayUsnReadOnLowResource() ) { CI_STATE State; State.cbStruct = sizeof( State );
SCODE sc = _cicat.CiState( State );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) return ( 0 != (State.eState & ( CI_STATE_HIGH_IO | CI_STATE_LOW_MEMORY | CI_STATE_USER_ACTIVE ) ) ); }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CUsnMgr::AnyInitialScans
// Synopsis: Checks if any scans are the result of a new scope
// Returns: TRUE if any scans are for new scopes
// History: 3-Aug-98 dlee Created
BOOL CUsnMgr::AnyInitialScans() { for ( CFwdScanInfoIter iter1( _usnScansToDo ); !_usnScansToDo.AtEnd( iter1 ); _usnScansToDo.Advance( iter1 ) ) { if ( iter1->IsNewScope() ) return TRUE; }
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter iter2( _usnScansInProgress ); !_usnScansInProgress.AtEnd( iter2 ); _usnScansInProgress.Advance( iter2 ) ) { if ( iter2->IsNewScope() ) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //AnyInitialScans
// Member: CUsnMgr::CheckTopLevelChange, private
// Synopsis: Checks if renames or creates *above* top level scopes need
// processing (because they affect top level).
// Arguments: [pUsnVolume] -- USN volume change affects
// [FileReferenceNumber] -- File ID of changing file
// History: 08-Jan-1999 KyleP Created
void CUsnMgr::CheckTopLevelChange( CUsnVolume * pUsnVolume, ULONGLONG & FileReferenceNumber ) { //
// Convert file ID to path.
CLowerFunnyPath fpRenamed;
if ( 0 != _cicat.FileIdToPath( FileReferenceNumber, pUsnVolume->VolumeId(), fpRenamed ) ) { CScopeMatch SMatch( fpRenamed.GetActualPath(), fpRenamed.GetActualLength() );
// Iterate through the top level scopes for this volume.
CScanInfoList & Scopes = pUsnVolume->GetUsnScopesList();
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter ScopesIter( Scopes ); !Scopes.AtEnd( ScopesIter ); Scopes.Advance( ScopesIter ) ) { if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
WCHAR const * pwcsPath = ScopesIter->GetPath(); unsigned ccPath = wcslen(pwcsPath);
// Any top level scope that is underneath the rename must not have been
// read before, so we need to add all the files.
if ( SMatch.IsInScope( pwcsPath, ccPath ) ) { ICiManager *pCiManager = _cicat.CiManager();
CLowerFunnyPath fpNew( pwcsPath, ccPath, TRUE ); fpNew.AppendBackSlash();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Adding directory %ws\n", fpNew.GetActualPath() ));
_fDoingRenameTraverse = TRUE; CUsnTreeTraversal usnTreeTrav( _cicat, *this, *pCiManager, fpNew, FALSE, // No deletions
_fUpdatesDisabled, TRUE, // Process root
pUsnVolume->VolumeId() ); usnTreeTrav.EndProcessing(); _fDoingRenameTraverse = FALSE;
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates();
if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
// Conversely, if the top level scope no longer exists, files must be
// removed from the catalog. The LokIsInFinalState check is to keep
// us from retrying the same delete > once.
if ( !GetFileAttributesEx( pwcsPath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &ffData ) && ScopesIter->LokIsInFinalState() ) { ScopesIter->SetStartState();
CLowerFunnyPath fpOld( pwcsPath, ccPath, TRUE ); fpOld.AppendBackSlash(); ICiManager *pCiManager = _cicat.CiManager();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Removing directory %ws\n", fpOld.GetActualPath() ));
_cicat.RemovePathsFromCiCat( fpOld.GetActualPath(), eUsnsArray );
if ( _fAbort || _fUpdatesDisabled ) return;
SCODE sc = pCiManager->FlushUpdates();
if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); } } } } //CheckTopLevelChange