// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Table of changes
// Classes: CChange CPartQueue
// History: 29-Mar-91 BartoszM Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <glbconst.hxx>
#include "indxact.hxx"
#include "changes.hxx"
// Member: CChange::CChange, public
// Arguments: [storage] -- physical storage
// History: 29-Mar-91 BartoszM Created
CChange::CChange ( WORKID wid, PStorage& storage, CCiFrameworkParams & frmwrkParams ) : _frmwrkParams( frmwrkParams ), _queue( wid, storage, PStorage::ePrimChangeLog, frmwrkParams ), _secQueue( wid, storage, PStorage::eSecChangeLog, frmwrkParams ) {
Win4Assert( sizeof(FILETIME) == sizeof(LONGLONG) ); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *) &_ftLast ); }
// Member: CChange::LokEmpty, public
// Synopsis: Initializes changes object so it looks new/empty
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 15-Nov-94 DwightKr Created
void CChange::LokEmpty() { _queue.LokEmpty();
_secQueue.LokEmpty(); }
// Member: CChange::LokCompact, public
// Synopsis: Frees memory not currently in use.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 19-May-92 BartoszM Created
void CChange::LokCompact() { }
// Member: CChange::LokGetPendingUpdates
// Synopsis: Like QueryPendingUpdates, but doesn't remove documents from
// queue, and doesn't require a transaction (no deserialization).
// Arguments: [aWid] -- Workids returned here.
// [cWid] -- INPUT: Maximum number of entries to fetch.
// OUTPUT: Number of entries fetched.
// Returns: TRUE if all change entries were processed.
// History: 15-Nov-94 KyleP Created
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
BOOL CChange::LokGetPendingUpdates( WORKID * aWid, unsigned & cWid ) { if ( _queue.IsEmpty() && _secQueue.IsEmpty() ) { cWid = 0; return TRUE; } else { const unsigned cMax = cWid;
unsigned cPrim = 0; // count of wids from primary
unsigned cSec = 0; // count of wids from secondary
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
if ( !_queue.IsEmpty() ) { cPrim = cMax; fSuccess = _queue.Get(aWid, cPrim); }
if ( fSuccess && !_secQueue.IsEmpty() ) { Win4Assert( cPrim <= cMax ); cSec = cMax-cPrim; fSuccess = _secQueue.Get( aWid+cPrim, cSec ); }
Win4Assert( cPrim + cSec <= cMax ); cWid = cPrim+cSec; return fSuccess; } }
// Member: CChange::LokQueryPendingUpdates
// Synopsis: Checks update queues, returns list of documents
// Arguments: [xact] -- transaction
// [maxDocs] -- maximum # of updates acceptable
// [docList] -- (returned) list of documents,
// initially empty.
// Returns: An array of document descriptors (or NULL)
// History: 25-Sept-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CChange::LokQueryPendingUpdates ( CChangeTrans & xact, unsigned maxDocs, CDocList& docList ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Query Pending Updates\n" ));
if ( !_queue.IsEmpty() ) { _queue.Extract( xact, maxDocs, docList ); } else { docList.LokSetCount(0); return; } }
// Member: CChange::LokDone, public
// Synopsis: After creating a volatile index marks
// entries in table done. Stores actual index id.
// Arguments: [xact] -- transaction
// [iid] -- index id
// [docList] -- array of document descriptors
// History: 26-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CChange::LokDone ( CChangeTrans & xact, INDEXID iid, CDocList& docList ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Changes: Done\n" )); int cDoc = docList.Count();
// Look for PENDING or PREEMPTED documents, which must be reindexed.
for ( int i = 0; i < cDoc; i++ ) { STATUS status = docList.Status(i); if ( status == PREEMPTED || status == PENDING ) { _queue.Append( xact, docList.Wid(i), docList.Usn(i), docList.VolumeId(i), CI_UPDATE_OBJ, docList.Retries(i), docList.SecQRetries(i) ); } } }
// Member: CChange::LokRemoveIndexes, public
// Synopsis: Remove entries from the table after volatile indexes
// have been merged away.
// Arguments: [cIndexes] -- count of index ids
// [aIndexIds] -- array of index ids
// History: 26-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 14-May-91 BartoszM Implemented
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CChange::LokRemoveIndexes ( CTransaction& xact, unsigned cIndexes, INDEXID aIndexIds[] ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Changes: Remove Indexes\n" )); }
// Member: CChange::LokAddToSecQueue
// Synopsis: Adds the document to the secondary change queue.
// Arguments: [xact] -- Change transaction
// [wid] -- Workid
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [cSecQRetries] -- Sec Q Retry Count
// History: 5-08-96 srikants Created
void CChange::LokAddToSecQueue( CChangeTrans & xact, WORKID wid, VOLUMEID volumeId, ULONG cSecQRetries ) { USN usn = 0; ULONG action = CI_UPDATE_OBJ;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Refiling wid %d (0x%X) to secondary queue\n", wid, wid ));
SCODE sc = _secQueue.Append( xact, wid, usn, volumeId, action, 1, // retries (reset for sharing viol)
cSecQRetries );
if ( S_OK != sc ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "LokAddToSecQueue returned 0x%X\n", sc )); } }
// Member: CChange::LokRefileSecQueue
// Synopsis: Moves items from seconday queue to primary queue
// Arguments: [xact] - Change transaction
// History: 5-08-96 srikants Created
void CChange::LokRefileSecQueue( CChangeTrans & xact ) {
// convert the retry interval from minutes into 100s of nano seconds
const LONGLONG eXferInterval = _frmwrkParams.GetFilterRetryInterval() * 60 * 1000 * 10000;
LONGLONG ftNow; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *) &ftNow );
LONGLONG llDelta = ftNow - _ftLast;
if ( llDelta > 0 && !_secQueue.IsEmpty() ) { if ( llDelta < eXferInterval ) return;
CDocList docList;
while ( !_secQueue.IsEmpty() ) {
_secQueue.Extract( xact, CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST, docList );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < docList.Count(); i++ ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Transferring wid %d (0x%X) from secondary to primary queue\n", docList.Wid(i), docList.Wid(i) ));
_queue.Append ( xact, docList.Wid(i), docList.Usn(i), docList.VolumeId(i), CI_UPDATE_OBJ, docList.Retries(i), docList.SecQRetries(i) ); } } _secQueue.LokEmpty(); }
_ftLast = ftNow; }