// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Merge Cursor
// Classes: CMergeCursor
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// widHeap keyHeap
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <curstk.hxx>
#include "mcursor.hxx"
// Member: CMergeCursor::CMergeCursor, public
// Synopsis: Create a cursor that merges a number of cursors.
// Arguments: [cCursor] -- count of cursors
// [aCursor] -- array of pointers to cursors
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// 24-Jan-92 AmyA Modified to take CKeyCurArray as a
// parameter.
// Notes: The cursors and the array will be deleted by destructor.
// Leaves widHeap empty.
CMergeCursor::CMergeCursor( CKeyCurStack & stkCursor ) : _keyHeap (), _widHeap ( stkCursor.Count() ) { _widMax = 0; // not valid
// Two step construction of the heap.
// We have to make sure that all cursors have a valid key
int cCursor = stkCursor.Count(); int count = 0;
// remove empty cursors. GetKey() can fail; don't leak cursors.
for ( int i = 0; i < cCursor; i++ ) { CKeyCursor *pCur = stkCursor.Get( i );
Win4Assert( 0 != pCur );
if ( 0 == pCur->GetKey() ) stkCursor.Free( i ); else count++; }
XArray<CKeyCursor *> aCursor( count );
for ( count = 0, i = 0; i < cCursor; i++ ) { CKeyCursor *pCur = stkCursor.Get( i );
if ( 0 != pCur ) aCursor[ count++ ] = pCur; }
delete [] stkCursor.AcqStack(); _keyHeap.MakeHeap ( count, aCursor.Acquire() );
if ( !_keyHeap.IsEmpty() ) { _iid = _keyHeap.Top()->IndexId(); _pid = _keyHeap.Top()->Pid(); }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "merge cursor has %d cursors\n", count )); } //CMergeCursor
// Member: CMergeCursor::GetKey, public
// Synopsis: Get current key.
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Does not replenish widHeap
// Current key is defined as:
// 1. cur key of all cursors in widHeap, or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, cur key of Top of key heap
// (and cur key of all cursors in keyHeap with
// the same cur key).
const CKeyBuf * CMergeCursor::GetKey() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) { if ( _keyHeap.IsEmpty() ) return 0;
return _keyHeap.Top()->GetKey(); }
return _widHeap.Top()->GetKey(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::WorkId, public
// Synopsis: Get current work id.
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Current wid is defined as:
// 1. Cur wid of Top of widHeap (and cur wid of all
// cursors in widHeap with the same wid-- however,
// NextWid should not increment the others, since
// they correspond to different index id's), or,
// 2. if widHeap empty: replenish it
WORKID CMergeCursor::WorkId() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid() ) return widInvalid;
return _widHeap.Top()->WorkId(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::Occurrence, public
// Synopsis: Get current occurrence.
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Current occurrence is defined as:
// 1. cur occ of Top of widHeap, or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, replenish it.
OCCURRENCE CMergeCursor::Occurrence() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid() ) return OCC_INVALID;
return _widHeap.Top()->Occurrence(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::GetNextKey, public
// Synopsis: Move to next key
// Returns: Target key or NULL if no more keys
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Effects: Updates _iid _pid to the ones of the keyHeap top
// Notes: 1. Increment and move to keyHeap all cursors
// from widHeap, or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, increment and reheap all
// cursors in keyHeap with the same cur key
// as the Top.
const CKeyBuf * CMergeCursor::GetNextKey() { if ( ! _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) { // move widHeap to keyHeap advancing all cursors
CKeyCursor * cur; while ( ( cur = _widHeap.RemoveBottom() ) != 0 ) { if ( cur->GetNextKey() == 0 ) { delete cur; } else { _keyHeap.Add ( cur ); } } } else if ( !_keyHeap.IsEmpty() ) { // widHeap was empty. Advance all cursors
// with the lowest key.
CKeyBuf key = *_keyHeap.Top()->GetKey(); do { if ( _keyHeap.Top()->GetNextKey() == 0 ) { delete _keyHeap.RemoveTop(); if ( _keyHeap.IsEmpty () ) return 0; } else { _keyHeap.Reheap(); }
} while ( AreEqual(&key, _keyHeap.Top()->GetKey()) ); } else return 0;
if ( _keyHeap.IsEmpty() ) return 0;
CKeyCursor* cur = _keyHeap.Top(); _pid = cur->Pid(); _iid = cur->IndexId(); return cur->GetKey(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::NextWorkId, public
// Synopsis: Move to next work id
// Returns: Target work id or widInvalid if no more wid's for current key
// Effects: Updates _iid to the one of the widHeap top
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: The same work id may be returned multiple times,
// corresponding to multiple indexes.
// 1. Increment Top of widHeap and reheap, or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, replenish it
WORKID CMergeCursor::NextWorkId() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid() ) return widInvalid;
CKeyCursor* cur = _widHeap.Top(); _iid = cur->IndexId(); return cur->WorkId(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::NextOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: Move to next occurrence
// Returns: Target occurrence or OCC_INVALID if no more occurrences
// for current (wid, index id) combination.
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: 1. Increment Top of widHeap (do not reheap!), or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, replenish it
OCCURRENCE CMergeCursor::NextOccurrence() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid() ) return OCC_INVALID;
return _widHeap.Top()->NextOccurrence(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::MaxOccurrence
// Synopsis: Returns max occurrence of current wid
// History: 20-Jun-96 SitaramR Created
OCCURRENCE CMergeCursor::MaxOccurrence() { if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() ) return OCC_INVALID;
return _widHeap.Top()->MaxOccurrence(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::WorkIdCount, public
// Synopsis: return wid count
// History: 21-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: 1. Sum up wid count of all cursors in widHeap, or,
// 2. if widHeap empty, replenish it
ULONG CMergeCursor::WorkIdCount() { // Sum up all wid counts for the same key.
// move all cursors with the same key to wid heap
if (_widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid()) { return 0; }
int count = _widHeap.Count(); ULONG widCount = 0; CKeyCursor **curVec = _widHeap.GetVector(); while ( --count >= 0 ) widCount += curVec[count]->WorkIdCount(); // ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "merge : wid count %ld\n", widCount ));
return widCount; }
// Member: CMergeCursor::OccurrenceCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// History: 21-Jun-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: 1. Return occ count of Top of widHeap
// Occ counts of other cursors with the
// same wid do not count! They will
// be returned after NextWorkId is called
// 2. if widHeap empty, replenish it
ULONG CMergeCursor::OccurrenceCount() {
if ( _widHeap.IsEmpty() && !ReplenishWid() ) { return 0; }
return _widHeap.Top()->OccurrenceCount(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::HitCount, public
// Synopsis: return occurrence count
// History: 27-Feb-92 AmyA Created
// Notes: see notes for OccurrenceCount().
ULONG CMergeCursor::HitCount() { return OccurrenceCount(); }
// Member: CMergeCursor::ReplenishWid, protected
// Synopsis: Replenish the wid heap
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if key heap exhausted
// Effects: Updates _iid to the ones of the widHeap top
// History: 06-May-91 BartoszM Created
BOOL CMergeCursor::ReplenishWid() {
if ( _keyHeap.IsEmpty() ) { return FALSE; }
// Move all cursors with the lowest key
// to widHeap
CKeyBuf key = *(_keyHeap.Top()->GetKey()); do { CKeyCursor* cur = _keyHeap.RemoveTop(); _widHeap.Add ( cur ); } while ( !_keyHeap.IsEmpty() && AreEqual( &key, _keyHeap.Top()->GetKey()) );
_iid = _widHeap.Top()->IndexId(); return TRUE; }
// Remove RefillStream() and FreeStream() once NTFS supports
// sparse file operations on parts of a file when other parts
// of the file are mapped. This won't happen any time soon.
void CMergeCursor::FreeStream() { ULONG cCursors = _keyHeap.Count(); CKeyCursor **aCursors = _keyHeap.GetVector();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "free key heap has %d cursors\n", cCursors ));
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cCursors; i++ ) aCursors[ i ]->FreeStream();
cCursors = _widHeap.Count(); aCursors = _widHeap.GetVector();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "free wid heap has %d cursors\n", cCursors ));
for ( i = 0; i < cCursors; i++ ) aCursors[ i ]->FreeStream(); } //FreeStream
void CMergeCursor::RefillStream() { ULONG cCursors = _keyHeap.Count(); CKeyCursor **aCursors = _keyHeap.GetVector();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "refill key heap has %d cursors\n", cCursors ));
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cCursors; i++ ) aCursors[ i ]->RefillStream();
cCursors = _widHeap.Count(); aCursors = _widHeap.GetVector();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "refill wid heap has %d cursors\n", cCursors ));
for ( i = 0; i < cCursors; i++ ) aCursors[ i ]->RefillStream(); } //FreeStream