// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992.
// File: STAT.CXX
// Contents: Statistics support.
// Classes: CStat -- Basic statistics object
// History: 23-May-91 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#define INPTR stm
#define DEB_PRINTF( x ) fprintf x
#include "stat.hxx"
double _sqrt (double);
// Member: CStat::CStat, public
// Synopsis: Initializes statistics object.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
CStat::CStat() { ClearCount(); }
// Member: CStat::ClearCount, public
// Synopsis: Clears the statistics object (Count() == 0).
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
void CStat::ClearCount() { _count = 0; _sigma = 0; _sigmaSquared = 0; _min = 0xFFFFFFFF; _max = 0; }
// Member: CStat::Add, public
// Synopsis: Adds a data point.
// Arguments: [Item] -- New data item to add.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
void CStat::Add(unsigned long Item) { _count++; _sigma += Item; _sigmaSquared += (Item * Item); _min = __min(_min, Item); _max = __max(_max, Item); }
// Member: CStat::Count, public
// Returns: The number of data points which have been added.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
int CStat::Count() const { return(_count); }
// Member: CStat::Mean, public
// Returns: The mean of the data.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
double CStat::Mean() const { if (_count == 0) return(0); else return((double)_sigma / (double)_count); }
// Member: CStat::SDev, public
// Returns: The standard deviation of the data.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
double CStat::SDev() const { if (_count < 2) return(0.0); else {
// __ /---------------------
// SDev = \ / 1 n _ 2
// \ / ------- SUM (x - x)
// \/ n - 1 i=1 i
double mean = Mean();
#if 1
double TmpV = (1.0 / ((double)_count - 1.0)) * ((double)_sigmaSquared - 2.0 * mean * (double)_sigma + mean * mean * (double)_count); double SqrtTmpV = _sqrt(TmpV);
ciDebugOut (( 0x30000000, "***** Value : %f Square Root : %f\n", TmpV, SqrtTmpV )); return(SqrtTmpV); #else
return(_sqrt( (1.0 / ((double)_count - 1.0)) * ((double)_sigmaSquared - 2.0 * mean * (double)_sigma + mean * mean * (double)_count))); #endif
} }
// Member: CStat::Total, public
// Returns: The sum of the data.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
unsigned long CStat::Total() const { return(_sigma); }
// Member: CStat::Min, public
// Returns: The minimum data point.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
unsigned long CStat::Min() const { return(_min); }
// Member: CStat::Max, public
// Returns: The maximum data point.
// History: 24-May-91 KyleP Created.
unsigned long CStat::Max() const { return(_max); }
// Member: CStat::Print, public
// Synopsis: Print the statistical data.
// Arguments: [stm] -- Stream to print to.
// [szName] -- Descriptive string for these stats.
// [fHeader] -- Prints a header if non-zero.
// [Div] -- Factor to divide the results by. In general
// this will be either 1 (counting bytes) or
// 8 (counting bits, want to display bytes).
// History: 28-May-91 KyleP Created.
void CStat::Print(FILE * stm, char * szName, int fHeader, unsigned int Div) { if (fHeader) {
// 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, " Mean SDev Min Max Count Sum\n" )); DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, " -------- -------- ------ ------ -------- ---------\n" )); }
Win4Assert ( Div != 0 );
DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "%-13s: %8.2lf %8.2lf %6lu %6lu %8u %9lu\n", szName, Mean() / (double)Div, SDev() / (double)Div, Min() / (unsigned long)Div, Max() / (unsigned long)Div, Count(), Total() / (unsigned long)Div )); }
// Member: CDistrib::CDistrib, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for statistical distribution object.
// Arguments: [cBuckets] -- Count of ranges for which counts will be
// kept. A larger [cBuckets] --> greater accuracy.
// [min] -- Minimum value to be added.
// [max] -- Maximum value to be added.
// History: 07-Jun-91 KyleP Created.
CDistrib::CDistrib( unsigned int cBuckets, unsigned long min, unsigned long max) { _min = min;
_cBuckets = cBuckets;
unsigned long width = (max - min + 1) / cBuckets;
if (width == 0) { width = 1; _cBuckets = (max - min + 1); }
_maxcount = 0;
_aBucket = new unsigned long [_cBuckets]; _aMaxBucket = new unsigned long [_cBuckets];
if ((_aBucket == 0) || (_aMaxBucket == 0)) { _cBuckets = 0; delete _aBucket; delete _aMaxBucket; return; }
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _cBuckets; i++) { _aBucket[i] = 0; _aMaxBucket[i] = _min + width*(i+1) - 1; } }
// Member: CDistrib::CDistrib, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for statistical distribution object.
// Arguments: [cBuckets] -- Count of ranges for which counts will be
// kept. A larger [cBuckets] --> greater accuracy.
// [min] -- Minimum value to be added.
// [aMaxBucket] -- An array of maximums for each bucket.
// Bucket #0 contains entries from [min] to
// [aMaxBucket][0]. The ith bucket holds
// entries from [aMaxBucket][i-1] + 1 to
// [aMaxBucket][i].
// History: 18-Jun-91 KyleP Created.
CDistrib::CDistrib( unsigned int cBuckets, unsigned long min, unsigned long * aMaxBucket) { _min = min;
_cBuckets = cBuckets;
_maxcount = 0;
_aBucket = new unsigned long [_cBuckets]; _aMaxBucket = new unsigned long [_cBuckets];
if ((_aBucket == 0) || (_aMaxBucket == 0)) { _cBuckets = 0; delete _aBucket; delete _aMaxBucket; return; }
memset(_aBucket, 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * _cBuckets);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _cBuckets; i++) { _aMaxBucket[i] = aMaxBucket[i]; } }
// Member: CDistrib::~CDistrib, public
// Synopsis: Displays statistical distribution.
// History: 07-Jun-91 KyleP Created.
CDistrib::~CDistrib() { delete _aBucket; delete _aMaxBucket; }
// Member: CDistrib::Add, public
// Synopsis: Add a new data point.
// Arguments: [Item] -- the data point.
// Requires: [Item] is between the min and max specified in the
// constructor.
// History: 07-Jun-91 KyleP Created.
void CDistrib::Add(unsigned long Item) { if ((_cBuckets == 0) || (Item < _min) || (Item > _aMaxBucket[_cBuckets - 1])) { return; }
for (unsigned int i = _cBuckets; (i > 0) && (Item <= _aMaxBucket[i-1]); i--);
if (++_aBucket[i] > _maxcount) _maxcount = _aBucket[i]; }
// Member: CDistrib::Print, public
// Synopsis: Display the results.
// Arguments: [INPTR] -- Output stream.
// History: 07-Jun-91 KyleP Created.
void CDistrib::Print(FILE * stm) { unsigned long div = __max(_maxcount / 50, 1); unsigned int fEmpty = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= _cBuckets; i++) { if (_aBucket[_cBuckets - i] == 0) { if (!fEmpty) { fEmpty = 1; DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, " :\n" )); } continue; }
fEmpty = 0;
DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "%ld - %ld: (%ld)\t", (i == _cBuckets ? _min : _aMaxBucket[_cBuckets - i - 1] + 1), _aMaxBucket[_cBuckets - i], _aBucket[_cBuckets - i] ));
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _aBucket[_cBuckets - i] / div; j++) { DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "*")); }
DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "\n")); }
// Member: CPopularKeys::CPopularKeys, public
// Arguments: [cKeep] -- Keep track of top [cKeep] keys
// History: 14-May-93 KyleP Created
CPopularKeys::CPopularKeys( int cKeep ) : _cKeep( cKeep ) { _acWid = new unsigned long [cKeep]; _aKey = new CKeyBuf [cKeep];
for ( int i = 0; i < cKeep; i++ ) { _acWid[i] = 0; } }
CPopularKeys::~CPopularKeys() { delete [] _acWid; delete [] _aKey; }
void CPopularKeys::Add( CKeyBuf const & key, unsigned long cWid ) { if ( cWid > _acWid[0] ) { for ( int i = 0; i < _cKeep && cWid > _acWid[i]; i++ ) continue; // NULL Body
for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { _acWid[j] = _acWid[j+1]; _aKey[j] = _aKey[j+1]; }
_acWid[i] = cWid; _aKey[i] = key; } }
void CPopularKeys::Print(FILE * stm) { #if CIDBG == 1
DEB_PRINTF(( INPTR, " Count Key\n" "------- ----------------------------------\n" ));
for ( int i = _cKeep - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { //
// If this is a STRING in the contents, then print it out
if ( STRING_KEY == _aKey[i].Type() ) { DEB_PRINTF(( INPTR, "%7u (CONT) \"%.*ws\"\n", _acWid[i], _aKey[i].StrLen(), _aKey[i].GetStr() )); } else if (_aKey[i].Count() > cbKeyPrefix) { //
// This is one of the various properties. Dump it out
DEB_PRINTF(( INPTR, "%7u (PROP) Pid=0x%4.4x Type=%3.1d Len=%3.1d\t\t", _acWid[i], _aKey[i].Pid(), _aKey[i].Type(), _aKey[i].Count() - 1 ));
BYTE *pb = (UCHAR *) _aKey[i].GetBuf();
pb += cbKeyPrefix; // Skip over key's prefix
for ( unsigned j=cbKeyPrefix; j<_aKey[i].Count(); j++ ) { DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "%2.2x ", *pb)); pb++; }
DEB_PRINTF((INPTR, "\n")); } } #endif // CIDBG == 1
#define _u_ 0.000001
inline double __Square ( double value ) { return(value*value); }
inline double __abs( double value ) { return( value > 0.0 ? value : (0.0 - value) ); }
//+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function Name : sqrt
// Argument : [value]
// Purpose : Find the square root of the "value"
// Created : t-joshh March 6, 1993
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
double _sqrt ( double value ) { double LowValue = 0.0; double HighValue = value; double med_value = ( HighValue + LowValue ) / 2;
for (; ; ) { double TmpValue = __Square(med_value) - value;
if ( __abs(TmpValue) < _u_ ) { break; }
if ( TmpValue > 0 ) { HighValue = med_value; } else { LowValue = med_value; }
med_value = ( HighValue + LowValue ) / 2; }
return(med_value); }