// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999.
// File: hraccess.hxx
// Contents: HRow accessor classes
// Classes: CAccessor
// CAccessorAllocator
// CRowDataAccessor
// History: 25 Nov 94 dlee Created
#pragma once
#include <query.hxx>
#include <accbase.hxx>
#include <tblalloc.hxx>
#include <odbvarnt.hxx>
#include <rowbuf.hxx>
#include <colinfo.hxx>
#include <tbag.hxx>
#include <msdadc.h> // oledb data conversion (IDataConvert) interface
// Class: CAccessorAllocator
// Purpose: Handles accessor allocations for BYREF data. Needs to
// inherit from PVarAllocator so COLEDBVariant/CTableVariant methods
// can be called from CAccessor.
class CAccessorAllocator : public PVarAllocator { public: void * Allocate(ULONG cbNeeded) { return newOLE( cbNeeded ); }
void Free(void * pMem) { deleteOLE( pMem); }
PVOID CopyBSTR(size_t cbNeeded, WCHAR* pwszBuf) { return SysAllocStringByteLen((CHAR*)pwszBuf, cbNeeded ); }
PVOID AllocBSTR(size_t cbNeeded) { return SysAllocStringByteLen( NULL, cbNeeded ); }
void FreeBSTR(PVOID pMem) { SysFreeString((BSTR)pMem); }
BOOL IsBasedMemory(void) { return FALSE; }
void SetBase(BYTE * pbBaseAddr) { }
void * OffsetToPointer(ULONG_PTR oBuf) { return (void *) oBuf; }
ULONG_PTR PointerToOffset(void * pBuf) { return (ULONG_PTR) pBuf; } };
// Class: COffsetLengthPair
// Purpose: Helper class for making sure accessor output fields don't
// overlap each other.
// History: 23 May 1995 dlee Created
class COffsetLengthPair { public: void Set( DBBYTEOFFSET ob, DBLENGTH cb) { _obOffset = ob; _cbLength = cb; }
BOOL isInConflict( COffsetLengthPair &other ) const { DBBYTEOFFSET end = _obOffset + _cbLength - 1; DBBYTEOFFSET otherEnd = other._obOffset + other._cbLength - 1;
if ( _obOffset >= other._obOffset && _obOffset <= otherEnd ) return TRUE;
else if ( end >= other._obOffset && end <= otherEnd ) return TRUE;
else if ( otherEnd >= _obOffset && otherEnd <= end ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
private: DBBYTEOFFSET _obOffset; DBLENGTH _cbLength; };
// Class: CDataBinding
// Purpose: Wraps DBBINDING structure
// Notes: This class is used to add a mapped column ID to the user's
// column binding for bookmark support. This is necessary
// because GetBindings must return the same bindings as the
// user set.
// History: 25 Mar 1995 Alanw Created
// 04 Jan 2000 KLam CollectOuputPairs using wrong sizes
class CDataBinding { public: CDataBinding( ) : _iRealColumn( 0 ), _cbRealMaxLen( 0 ), _fChapter( FALSE ) { }
CDataBinding( const DBBINDING & Binding ) : _iRealColumn( Binding.iOrdinal ), _cbRealMaxLen( Binding.cbMaxLen ), _fChapter( FALSE ) { _Binding = Binding; }
void SetDataColumn( DBORDINAL iColumn ) { _iRealColumn = iColumn; }
DBORDINAL GetDataColumn( void ) const { return _iRealColumn; }
void SetMaxLen( DBLENGTH cbMaxLen ) { _cbRealMaxLen = cbMaxLen; }
DBLENGTH GetMaxLen( void ) const { return _cbRealMaxLen; }
void SetChapter( BOOL fChapt ) { _fChapter = fChapt; }
BOOL IsChapter( void ) const { return _fChapter; }
DBBINDING & Binding() { return _Binding; }
void CollectOutputPairs( COffsetLengthPair * pPairs, ULONG & cPairs ) { DBPART part = Binding().dwPart;
if (DBPART_VALUE & part) pPairs[cPairs++].Set(Binding().obValue, _cbRealMaxLen);
if (DBPART_STATUS & part) pPairs[cPairs++].Set(Binding().obStatus, sizeof DBROWSTATUS );
if (DBPART_LENGTH & part) pPairs[cPairs++].Set(Binding().obLength, sizeof DBLENGTH ); }
DBBINDING _Binding; // user's binding structure
DBORDINAL _iRealColumn; // mapped column ID
DBLENGTH _cbRealMaxLen; // our copy of the maxlen - which is
// different from DBBINDINGs if
// passed by ref
BOOL _fChapter; // TRUE if value binding to chapter
// Class: CAccessor
// Purpose: Gives oledb accessor functionality
// Notes: Should there also be an additional class for optimized
// transfer of a field from row buffers to user data when
// no conversion is necessary?
// History: 17 Nov 1994 dlee Created
class CAccessor : public CAccessorBase { public:
CAccessor(DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING * rgBindings, DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus, BOOL fExtendedTypes, CColumnsInfo * pColumns, EAccessorType eType, void * pCreator );
SCODE GetBindings( DBACCESSORFLAGS * pBindIo, DBCOUNTITEM * pcBindings, DBBINDING ** ppBindings);
virtual void GetData(HROW hRow, void * pData, CRowBufferSet & rBufferSet, PQuery & rQuery, CColumnsInfo & colInfo, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert) { Win4Assert( !"CAccessor::GetData must be overridden" ); }
static BOOL CanConvertType(DBTYPE wFromType, DBTYPE wToType, BOOL fExtypes, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert);
HACCESSOR Cast() { if (! IsValidType()) THROW( CException( DB_E_BADACCESSORHANDLE) ); return (HACCESSOR) this; }
void Validate( CColumnsInfo & rColumnsInfo, DBBINDSTATUS * pBindStatus );
void _ConstructorFailed(SCODE scFailure #if DBG == 1
,char* pszExplanation = 0 #endif // DBG == 1
); void _BindingFailed(DBBINDSTATUS BindStat, DBORDINAL iBinding, DBBINDSTATUS * pBindStatus #if DBG == 1
,char* pszExplanation = 0 #endif // DBG == 1
void _Initialize(DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING * rgBindings, DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus);
void _ValidateOffsets(DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus);
DBACCESSORFLAGS _dwAccessorFlags; BOOL _fExtendedTypes; SCODE _scStatus; DBCOUNTITEM _cBindings; XArray<CDataBinding> _aBindings;
// Column # of path for deferred/self loads, or 0xffffffff if none
DBORDINAL _iPathColumn;
// Column # of vpath for special translation of \ to /
DBORDINAL _iVpathBinding;
// Column info needed to go from a column id to a propspec for deferred
// values.
ULONG _idColInfo; // Id of the columns info
CColumnsInfo * _pColumnsInfo;
// All ByRef data is allocated from this pool and freed by the client
// (except dbbindio byref data which is allocated by this pool but NOT
// freed by the client). This is static since it doesn't have any
// state data.
static CAccessorAllocator _Pool;
}; //CAccessor
class CRowDataAccessor : public CAccessor { public:
CRowDataAccessor(DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING * rgBindings, DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus, BOOL fExtTypes, void * pCreator, CColumnsInfo * pColumns = 0 ) : CAccessor( dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, rgBindStatus, fExtTypes, pColumns, CAccessorBase::eRowDataAccessor, pCreator ), _pQuery(0) { }
virtual void GetData(HROW hRow, void * pData, CRowBufferSet & rBufferSet, PQuery & rQuery, CColumnsInfo & colInfo, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert);
DBSTATUS _BindToObject(BYTE * pbDst, CDataBinding & rDstBinding, BYTE * pbSrc, CTableColumn & rSrcColumn, CTableColumnSet & rSrcSet);
DBSTATUS _LoadDeferred(CTableVariant & rSrvVar, BYTE * pbSrc, DBORDINAL iColumn, CTableColumnSet & rSrcSet);
DBSTATUS _ComplexCopy(CDataBinding & rDstBinding, BYTE * pbSrc, CTableColumn & rSrcColumn, DBORDINAL iColumn, VARTYPE vtSrc, DBLENGTH & rcbDstLengh, BYTE * pbSrcData, VARTYPE vtDst, BYTE * pbDstData, CTableColumnSet & rSrcSet, CRowBuffer & rRowBuffer, HROW hrow, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert);
DBSTATUS _ByRefCopy(CDataBinding & rDstBinding, BYTE * pbSrc, CTableColumn & rSrcColumn, VARTYPE vtSrc, CTableVariant & SrcVar, BYTE * pbSrcData, VARTYPE vtDst, BYTE * pbDstData);
DBSTATUS _CopyColumn(BYTE * pbDst, CDataBinding & rDstBinding, BYTE * pbSrc, CTableColumn & rSrcColumn, CTableColumnSet & rSrcSet, DBORDINAL iColumn, CRowBuffer & rRowBuffer, HROW hrow, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert);
void _LoadPath(CTableColumnSet & rSrcSet, BYTE * pbSrc, CFunnyPath & funnyPath );
WORKID _RowWid( CTableColumnSet &rSet, BYTE * pbRow ) { CTableColumn *pCol = rSet.Find( _pColumnsInfo->GetRowIdColumn() ); if ( VT_VARIANT == pCol->GetStoredType() ) return ((PROPVARIANT *) ( pbRow + pCol->GetValueOffset() ))->lVal; else return * (WORKID *) ( pbRow + pCol->GetValueOffset() ); }
// Query object needed for wid to path conversions for deferred values
PQuery * _pQuery;
class CRowDataAccessorByRef : public CRowDataAccessor { public:
CRowDataAccessorByRef(DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING * rgBindings, DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus, BOOL fExtTypes, void * pCreator, CColumnsInfo * pColumns = 0 ) : CRowDataAccessor( dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, rgBindStatus, fExtTypes, pCreator, pColumns ) { }
virtual void GetData(HROW hRow, void * pData, CRowBufferSet & rBufferSet, PQuery & rQuery, CColumnsInfo & colInfo, XInterface<IDataConvert>& xDataConvert); };
// This function creates an accessor of the appropriate class
CAccessor * CreateAnAccessor( DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING * rgBindings, DBBINDSTATUS * rgBindStatus, BOOL fExtendedTypes, void * pCreator, CColumnsInfo * pColumns = 0 );