// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: Strategy.hxx
// Contents: Encapsulates strategy for choosing indexes
// History: 03-Nov-94 KyleP Created.
#pragma once
class CRange { public:
inline CRange( PROPID pid );
void SetPid( PROPID pid ) { _pid = pid; }
void SetLowerBound( CStorageVariant const & var ) { _varLower = var; if ( !_varLower.IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); }
void SetUpperBound( CStorageVariant const & var ) { _varUpper = var; if ( !_varUpper.IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); }
PROPID Pid() const { return _pid; } CStorageVariant const & LowerBound() const { return _varLower; } CStorageVariant const & UpperBound() const { return _varUpper; }
BOOL IsValid() { return _fValid; } void MarkInvalid() { _fValid = FALSE; }
BOOL _fValid; PROPID _pid; CStorageVariant _varLower; CStorageVariant _varUpper; };
inline CRange::CRange( PROPID pid ) : _fValid( TRUE ), _pid( pid ) { }
// Class: CIndexStrategy
// Purpose: Helper class for choosing index strategy. Tracks bounds of
// properties used in restrictions.
// History: 18-Sep-95 KyleP Added header.
class CIndexStrategy { public:
CIndexStrategy(); ~CIndexStrategy();
// Information input
void SetBounds( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varLower, CStorageVariant const & varUpper ); void SetLowerBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varLower ); void SetUpperBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varUpper );
inline void SetLowerBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varLower, BOOL fSecondBound ); inline void SetUpperBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varUpper, BOOL fSecondBound );
void SetUnknownBounds( PROPID pid = pidInvalid );
void SetContentHelper( CRestriction * pcrst );
inline BOOL SetOrMode(); inline BOOL SetAndMode(); inline void DoneWithBoolean();
// Information output
CStorageVariant const & LowerBound( PROPID pid ) const; CStorageVariant const & UpperBound( PROPID pid ) const;
CRestriction * QueryContentRestriction( BOOL fPropertyOnly = FALSE );
BOOL CanUse( PROPID pid, BOOL fAscending ) const;
BOOL GetUsnRange( USN & usnMin, USN & usnMax ) const;
unsigned FindPid( PROPID pid );
enum { NoMode, AndMode, OrMode, InvalidMode } _BooleanMode;
unsigned _cNodes; unsigned _depth; // Depth below OR (started with AND) or below AND (started with OR)
unsigned _cBounds; CDynArray<CRange> _aBounds; CDynStack<CRestriction> _stkContentHelpers;
unsigned _iRangeUsn; // Index of USN range. 0xFFFFFFFF if invalid
unsigned const InvalidUsnRange = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Member: CIndexStrategy::SetOrMode
// Synopsis: Indicates an OR node is being processed.
// History: 10-Oct-95 KyleP Created.
// Notes: The depth is incremented only if a mode switch (AND --> OR)
// occurred. We can handle OR with OR below, and AND with AND
// below.
inline BOOL CIndexStrategy::SetOrMode() { switch( _BooleanMode ) { case NoMode: Win4Assert( 0 == _depth ); break;
case AndMode: break;
case OrMode: return FALSE;
default: Win4Assert( !"Invalid mode" ); } _BooleanMode = OrMode; _depth++; return TRUE; }
// Member: CIndexStrategy::SetAndMode
// Synopsis: Indicates an AND node is being processed.
// History: 10-Oct-95 KyleP Created.
// Notes: The depth is incremented only if a mode switch (OR --> AND)
// occurred. We can handle OR with OR below, and AND with AND
// below.
inline BOOL CIndexStrategy::SetAndMode() { switch( _BooleanMode ) { case NoMode: Win4Assert( 0 == _depth ); break;
case OrMode: break;
case AndMode: return FALSE;
default: Win4Assert( !"Invalid mode" ); } _BooleanMode = AndMode; _depth++; return TRUE; }
// Member: CIndexStrategy::DoneWithBoolean
// Synopsis: Indicates end of processing for a boolean node.
// History: 10-Oct-95 KyleP Created.
// Notes: The depth is only decremented if we're tracking depth, which
// happens when we've switched boolean modes.
inline void CIndexStrategy::DoneWithBoolean() { switch( _depth ) { case 0: Win4Assert( !"See CNodeXpr::SelectIndexing. This is not possible" ); return;
case 1: break;
default: switch( _BooleanMode ) { case AndMode: _BooleanMode = OrMode; break;
case OrMode: _BooleanMode = AndMode; break;
default: Win4Assert( !"Unrecognized mode"); break; } break; } _depth --; }
// Member: CIndexStrategy::SetLowerBound
// Synopsis: Set lower bound.
// Effects: Same as the other form of SetLowerBound, except this doesn't
// count as the one allowed Set* for a single node. Used for
// bookkeeping.
// Arguments: [pid] -- Property Id
// [varLower] -- Lower bound
// [fSecondBound] -- TRUE if this is the second of a pair.
// History: 10-Oct-95 KyleP Created.
inline void CIndexStrategy::SetLowerBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varLower, BOOL fSecondBound ) { SetLowerBound( pid, varLower );
if ( fSecondBound ) _cNodes--; }
// Member: CIndexStrategy::SetUpperBound
// Synopsis: Set upper bound.
// Effects: Same as the other form of SetUpperBound, except this doesn't
// count as the one allowed Set* for a single node. Used for
// bookkeeping.
// Arguments: [pid] -- Property Id
// [varUpper] -- Upper bound
// [fSecondBound] -- TRUE if this is the second of a pair.
// History: 10-Oct-95 KyleP Created.
inline void CIndexStrategy::SetUpperBound( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & varUpper, BOOL fSecondBound ) { SetUpperBound( pid, varUpper );
if ( fSecondBound ) _cNodes--; }