// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: twidhash.hxx
// Contents: WORKID Hash Table (Closed) implementation for mapping
// WORKIDs to a 32bit value (row offset in the table).
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 11-21-94 srikants Created
// 2-16-95 srikants Modified to use templates
// Notes : The "WorkId" itself will be used as a hash value as it is
// supposed to be unique for this implementation.
#pragma once
// Bit 32 of an WORKID is not set for any valid wid. It is used by OFS
// to indicate a deleted WORKID. We will use that fact to mark deleted
// entries in the hash table.
const widDeleted = 0x80000000; // Used for marking "deleted" entries
#include <pshpack4.h>
class CWidHashEntry { public:
CWidHashEntry( WORKID wid = widInvalid ) : _wid(wid) { }
void SetWorkId( WORKID wid ) { _wid = wid; } WORKID WorkId() const { return _wid; }
ULONG HashValue() const { return _wid; }
BOOL IsDeleted() const { return widDeleted == _wid; }
BOOL IsFree() const { return (widInvalid == _wid) || (widDeleted == _wid); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return widInvalid != _wid; }
WORKID _wid; // WorkId being hashed (hash Key)
class CWidValueHashEntry : public CWidHashEntry {
CWidValueHashEntry( WORKID wid=widInvalid, ULONG value = 0 ) : CWidHashEntry( wid ), _value(value) {
void SetValue( ULONG value ) { _value = value; }
void Get( WORKID & wid, ULONG & value ) const { wid = _wid; value = _value; }
ULONG Value() const { return _value; }
ULONG _value; // The value for the BookMark (hash Value)
class CDirWidHashEntry: public CWidHashEntry { public:
CDirWidHashEntry ( WORKID wid=widInvalid, BOOL fDeep=FALSE, BOOL fInScope=FALSE ) : CWidHashEntry( wid ), _fDeep(fDeep), _fInScope(fInScope) { }
BOOL fInScope()const { return _fInScope; }
BOOL fDeep ()const { return _fDeep; }
private: BOOL _fInScope; BOOL _fDeep; };
#include <poppack.h>
template <class T> class TWidHashTable {
TWidHashTable( ULONG cHashInit = TWID_INIT_HASH_SIZE, BOOL fReHash = TRUE );
BOOL IsWorkIdPresent( WORKID wid ) { ULONG iTable; return _LookUp( wid, iTable ); }
ULONG AddEntry( const T & entry );
T & FindOrAdd( WORKID wid );
void ReplaceOrAddEntry( const T & entry );
BOOL DeleteWorkId( WORKID wid );
void DeleteItem( T & item );
BOOL LookUpWorkId( T & entry );
void DeleteAllEntries();
const T & GetEntry( ULONG i ) { Win4Assert( i < _size ); return _pTable[i]; }
ULONG Size() const { return _size; }
ULONG Count() const { return _count; }
BOOL _IsFull() const { return (_count + _count/MEASURE_OF_SLACK) >= _size; }
BOOL _LookUp( WORKID wid, ULONG & riTable );
ULONG _GrowSize(ULONG count) const;
void _GrowAndReHash();
BOOL _IsSizeValid( ULONG size, ULONG count ) const;
T * _AllocAndInit(ULONG size ) const;
static void _InitTable( T * pTable, ULONG size );
ULONG _size; ULONG _count; T * _pTable;
// Number of deleted entries. These can be re-used for adding new
// entries.
ULONG _cDeleted;
BOOL _fReHash;
#if DBG==1
// For keeping track of usage statistics.
unsigned _cMaxChainLen; unsigned _cTotalSearches; LONGLONG _cTotalLength; #endif // DBG==1
// Function: CWorkIdHashTable :: ~ctor
// Synopsis: Constructs the hash table. It allocates a table of size
// cHashInit and initializes it to be "empty".
// Arguments: [cHashInit] - Number of buckets to allocate. A minimum of
// TWID_INIT_HASH_SIZE will be allocated.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> TWidHashTable<T>::TWidHashTable( ULONG cHashInit, BOOL fReHash ) : _fReHash( fReHash ) { Win4Assert( 0 != cHashInit );
#if DBG==1
_cMaxChainLen = 0; _cTotalSearches = 0; _cTotalLength = 0; #endif // DBG==1
_count = 0; _size = max( cHashInit, TWID_INIT_HASH_SIZE ) ; _pTable = _AllocAndInit(_size); _cDeleted = 0;
Win4Assert( !_IsFull() ); }
template<class T> TWidHashTable<T>::~TWidHashTable() { if ( 0 != _size ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pTable ); delete [] ((BYTE *)_pTable); } }
template<class T> T & TWidHashTable<T>::FindOrAdd( WORKID wid ) { ULONG iItem;
if ( _LookUp( wid, iItem ) ) return _pTable[ iItem ];
T entry; entry.SetWorkId( wid ); return _pTable[ AddEntry( entry ) ]; }
// Function: _LookUp
// Synopsis: Looks up for the specified wid in the hash table.
// Arguments: [wid] - WorkId to look up.
// [riTable] - (output) Will contain the index in the hash
// table of the entry if found.
// Returns: TRUE if found; FALSE o/w
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> BOOL TWidHashTable<T>::_LookUp( WORKID wid, ULONG &riTable ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _size ); Win4Assert( widInvalid != wid ); Win4Assert( !_IsFull() );
ULONG cur = wid % _size; ULONG start = cur; ULONG delta = cur;
#if DBG==1
ULONG cSearchLen = 1; #endif // DBG==1
BOOL fFound = FALSE; while ( !fFound && (widInvalid != _pTable[cur].WorkId()) ) {
if ( wid == _pTable[cur].WorkId() ) { riTable = cur; fFound = TRUE; } else { cur = (cur + delta) % _size; if ( cur == start ) // wrapped around
{ if ( 1 != delta ) { delta = 1; cur = (cur + 1) % _size; } else { break; } }
#if DBG==1
cSearchLen++; #endif // DBG==1
} }
#if DBG==1
_cTotalSearches++; _cTotalLength += cSearchLen; if (cSearchLen > _cMaxChainLen) _cMaxChainLen = cSearchLen; #endif // DBG==1
return fFound; }
// Function: LookUpWorkId
// Synopsis: Looks up the specified work id in the hash table.
// Arguments: [wid] - WorkId to look up
// [value] - (output) Value associated with the wid (if lookup
// is successful).
// Returns: TRUE if found; FALSE o/w
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> BOOL TWidHashTable<T>::LookUpWorkId( T & entry ) { const WORKID wid = entry.WorkId();
Win4Assert( widInvalid != wid );
ULONG iTable; BOOL fFound = _LookUp( wid, iTable ); if ( fFound ) { Win4Assert( iTable < _size ); entry = _pTable[iTable]; }
return fFound; }
// Function: DeleteWorkId
// Synopsis: Deletes the entry associated with the specified workid from
// the hash table.
// Arguments: [wid] - WorkId to delete.
// Returns: TRUE if the given workid was present in the hash table.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes: The entry deleted will be identified as "deleted" and will
// be later available for "reuse".
template<class T> BOOL TWidHashTable<T>::DeleteWorkId( WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( widInvalid != wid );
ULONG iTable; BOOL fFound = _LookUp( wid, iTable ); if ( fFound ) { Win4Assert( iTable < _size ); Win4Assert( wid == _pTable[iTable].WorkId() ); Win4Assert( _count > 0 );
_pTable[iTable].SetWorkId( widDeleted ); _count--; _cDeleted++; }
return fFound; }
// Function: DeleteItem
// Synopsis: Deletes an entry in the hash table.
// Arguments: [item] - reference to the item to be deleted.
// History: 28-Feb-96 dlee Created
// Notes: The entry deleted will be identified as "deleted" and will
// be later available for "reuse" if there are other items
// in the hash table. Otherwise it is marked as widInvalid.
template<class T> void TWidHashTable<T>::DeleteItem( T & item ) { Win4Assert( widInvalid != item.WorkId() ); Win4Assert( widDeleted != item.WorkId() );
Win4Assert( _count > 0 );
// If there aren't any items in the hash table, don't worry about
// breaking up a hash chain, especially since finding a wid in an
// array of widDeleted items is a linear search...
if ( 0 == _count ) item.SetWorkId( widInvalid ); else { item.SetWorkId( widDeleted );
_cDeleted++; } }
// Function: AddWorkId
// Synopsis: Adds the specified workid to the hash table. If one is
// already present, its value will be modified.
// Arguments: [wid] - WorkId to be added.
// [value] - Value associated with the workid.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes: If the table gets "full" as a result of adding the
// workid, the table will be re-sized and entries re-hashed.
template<class T> ULONG TWidHashTable<T>::AddEntry( const T & entry ) {
const WORKID wid = entry.WorkId();
Win4Assert( 0 != _size ); Win4Assert( widInvalid != wid ); Win4Assert( widDeleted != wid ); Win4Assert( !_IsFull() );
ULONG cur = wid % _size; ULONG start = cur; //
// Initialize use a delta which is not 1 to prevent data from getting
// clumped in one place.
ULONG delta = cur;
#if DBG==1
ULONG cSearchLen = 1; #endif // DBG==1
while ( !_pTable[cur].IsFree() ) { if ( wid == _pTable[cur].WorkId() ) { // just replacing the value of the workid.
_pTable[cur] = entry; return cur; }
cur = (cur + delta) % _size; if ( cur == start ) // wrapped around
{ if ( 1 == delta ) { if ( _fReHash ) { Win4Assert( delta != 1 ); } else { // If no rehashing is turned on, give out any old record
// and pump out a warning. Clients expect this behavior!
ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "TWidHashTable::AddEntry handing out duplicate" )); return cur; } }
delta = 1; cur = (cur + 1) % _size; }
#if DBG==1
cSearchLen++; #endif // DBG==1
#if DBG==1
_cTotalSearches++; _cTotalLength += cSearchLen; if (cSearchLen > _cMaxChainLen) _cMaxChainLen = cSearchLen; #endif DBG==1
#if DBG==1
ULONG iTable; Win4Assert( !_LookUp( wid, iTable ) ); #endif // DBG
if ( widDeleted == _pTable[cur].WorkId() ) { Win4Assert( _cDeleted > 0 ); _cDeleted--; }
_pTable[cur] = entry; _count++;
if ( _fReHash && _IsFull() ) { _GrowAndReHash(); }
return cur; }
// Function: ReplaceOrAddWorkId
// Synopsis: Replaces the value associated with the given workid if one
// exists; creates a new one if the given wid is not in the
// hash table.
// Arguments: [wid] - Workid to be replaced/added
// [value] - Value associated with the workid.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> void TWidHashTable<T>::ReplaceOrAddEntry( const T & entry ) { ULONG iTable = _size; BOOL fFound = FALSE; const WORKID wid = entry.WorkId();
if ( _cDeleted ) { //
// If there are "deleted" entries present, we must first do a
// look up to see if an entry is already present. AddWorkId
// will use the first free entry available and may not be able
// to detect this workid.
fFound = _LookUp( wid, iTable ); }
if ( fFound ) { Win4Assert( iTable < _size ); Win4Assert( _pTable[iTable].WorkId() == wid ); _pTable[iTable] = entry; } else { AddEntry( entry ); }
// Function: DeleteAllEntries
// Synopsis: Deletes all the entries in the hash table (efficiently).
// History: 11-22-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> void TWidHashTable<T>::DeleteAllEntries() {
#if DBG==1
_cMaxChainLen = 0; _cTotalSearches = 0; _cTotalLength = 0; #endif // DBG==1
_InitTable( _pTable, _size ); _count = 0; _cDeleted = 0; }
// Function: _IsSizeValid
// Synopsis: Determines if the specified size and count are in agreement
// or not.
// Arguments: [size] - The total size of the hash table.
// [count] - Number of entries used in the hash table.
// Returns: TRUE if okay; FALSE o/w
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> BOOL TWidHashTable<T>::_IsSizeValid ( ULONG size, ULONG count ) const { if (size == 0 && count == 0) return(TRUE); // is it a power of 2 plus 1?
for (ULONG i = 1; i < size; i *= 2 ) continue; if (i/2 + 1 != size) return(FALSE); // is there enough slack?
if (count + count/MEASURE_OF_SLACK > size) return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
// Function: _GrowSize
// Synopsis: For a given valid hash table entries, this routine figures
// out the next valid size (close approximation to a prime).
// Arguments: [count] - Number of valid entries in the hash table.
// Returns: The size of the hash table for the given number of valid
// entries.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> ULONG TWidHashTable<T>::_GrowSize ( ULONG count ) const { ULONG size = (count + count/MEASURE_OF_SLACK + 1); // make it power of two + 1
// a good approximation of a prime
for ( unsigned sizeInit = 1; sizeInit < size; sizeInit *= 2 ) continue; return(sizeInit + 1); }
// Function: _AllocAndInit
// Synopsis: Helper function to allocate a buffer for the specified number
// of entries and initialize the buffer with "unused" entries.
// Arguments: [size] - Number of entries for the hash table.
// Returns: Pointer to the buffer.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> T * TWidHashTable<T>::_AllocAndInit( ULONG size ) const { ULONG cb = sizeof(T)*size; //
// Note that we are not using the new CWorkIdHashEntry [size] because
// that will call the constructor on all the entries and we have an
// easier way of initializing the array
T * pTable = (T *) new BYTE [cb]; _InitTable( pTable, size );
return pTable; }
// Function: _InitTable
// Synopsis: Helper function to initialize the hash table array.
// Arguments: [pTable] - Pointer to the table.
// [size] - Size (in entries) of the table.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> void TWidHashTable<T>::_InitTable( T * pTable, ULONG size ) { ULONG cb = sizeof(T)*size;
RtlFillMemory( pTable, cb, 0xFF ); }
// Function: _GrowAndReHash
// Synopsis: Grows the current hash table and re-hashes all the entries
// in the new table.
// History: 1-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template<class T> void TWidHashTable<T>::_GrowAndReHash() { ULONG sizeNew = _GrowSize( _count ); Win4Assert( sizeNew != _size );
T * pNewTable = _AllocAndInit( sizeNew );
ULONG sizeOld = _size; ULONG countOld = _count; T * pOldTable = _pTable;
// Add the entries from the current table to the new table.
_size = sizeNew; _count = 0; _pTable = pNewTable; _cDeleted = 0;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < sizeOld; i++ ) { if ( !pOldTable[i].IsFree() ) { Win4Assert( pOldTable[i].WorkId() != widInvalid ); AddEntry( pOldTable[i] ); } }
Win4Assert( _count == countOld );
delete [] ((BYTE *) pOldTable); }
// Class: TWidHashIter
// Purpose: Iterator over the TWidHashTable
// History: 3-10-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
template <class T> class TWidHashIter { public:
TWidHashIter( TWidHashTable<T> & hashTable ) : _hashTable(hashTable) { for ( _curr = 0 ; !AtEnd() && _hashTable.GetEntry(_curr).IsFree(); _curr++ ) { } }
const T & Get() { return _hashTable.GetEntry(_curr); }
BOOL AtEnd() const { Win4Assert( _curr <= _hashTable.Size() ); return _curr == _hashTable.Size(); }
void Reset() { _curr = 0; }
void Next() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
for ( _curr++ ; !AtEnd() && _hashTable.GetEntry(_curr).IsFree(); _curr++ ) { } }
TWidHashTable<T> & _hashTable; ULONG _curr;