// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998.
// File: StdQSpec.cxx
// Contents: IQuery for file-based queries
// Classes: CQuerySpec
// History: 30 Jun 1995 AlanW Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
extern long gulcInstances;
#include <cidbprop.hxx>
#include <cmdprutl.hxx>
#include <dbprputl.hxx>
#include <datasrc.hxx>
#include <session.hxx>
#include <dsocf.hxx>
#include <lgplist.hxx>
#include <propglob.hxx>
#include "stdqspec.hxx"
// Member: CQuerySpec::QueryInternalQuery, protected
// Synopsis: Instantiates internal query, using current parameters.
// Returns: Pointer to internal query object.
// History: 03-Mar-1997 KyleP Created
// 14-May-1997 mohamedn hidden core/fs property sets
PIInternalQuery * CQuerySpec::QueryInternalQuery() { //
// get a pointer to the PIInternalQuery interface
XInterface<CDbProperties> xIDbProps(new CDbProperties); if ( xIDbProps.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
CGetCmdProps getCmdProps( (ICommand *)this); SCODE sc; PIInternalQuery * pQuery;
ULONG cardinality = getCmdProps.GetCardinality();
if ( cardinality <= 1 ) { getCmdProps.PopulateDbProps( xIDbProps.GetPointer() );
sc = EvalQuery( &pQuery, xIDbProps.GetReference(), _xDocStore.GetPointer()); } else { Win4Assert( !_xDocStore.GetPointer() );
sc = EvalDistributedQuery( &pQuery, getCmdProps ); }
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) QUIETTHROW( CException( sc ) );
Win4Assert( 0 != pQuery );
return pQuery; } //QueryInternalQuery
// Member: CQuerySpec::CQuerySpec, public
// Synopsis: Constructor of a CQuerySpec
// Arguments: [pOuterUnk] - Outer unknown
// [ppMyUnk] - OUT: filled in with pointer to non-delegated
// IUnknown on return
// [pDocStore] - Known DocStore
// History: 22-Apr-97 KrishnaN Created
CQuerySpec::CQuerySpec ( IUnknown * pOuterUnk, IUnknown ** ppMyUnk, ICiCDocStore * pDocStore ) : CRootQuerySpec(pOuterUnk, ppMyUnk) { //
// Squirrel away DocStore.
pDocStore->AddRef(); _xDocStore.Set(pDocStore);
InitScopePropertySets(); } //CQuerySpec
// Member: CQuerySpec::InitScopePropertySets, private
// Synopsis: Initializes internal data structs
// Arguments: none
// History: 06-04-97 mohamedn Created
void CQuerySpec::InitScopePropertySets() { RtlZeroMemory( _aPropSet, sizeof (_aPropSet) );
_aPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_CIFRMWRKCOREEXT; _aPropSet[0].rgProperties = _aCoreProps.GetPointer();
_aPropSet[1].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_FSCIFRMWRKEXT; _aPropSet[1].rgProperties = _aFsClientProps.GetPointer(); } //InitScopePropertySets
// Method: CQuerySpec::SetProperties, public
// Synopsis: Set rowset scope properties
// Arguments: [cPropertySets] - number of property sets
// [rgPropertySets] - array of property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// other errors are thrown.
// History: 01-Mar-97 KyleP Created
// 14-May-97 mohamedn hidden core/fs property set details
// 12-Dec-97 danleg ReleaseInternalQuery if setting scope props
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CQuerySpec::SetProperties( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] ) {
// First, get parent properties.
SCODE scParent = CRootQuerySpec::SetProperties( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets );
// Any non-understood error is a bail. Return the error/successes from the parent.
if ( scParent != DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED && scParent != DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) return scParent;
BOOL fFoundErrors = FALSE; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Set properties not handled by parent
TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { DBPROPSET *pDbPropset = rgPropertySets; BOOL fScopeProps = FALSE;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cPropertySets; i++, pDbPropset++ ) { if ( DBPROPSET_FSCIFRMWRKEXT == pDbPropset->guidPropertySet || DBPROPSET_CIFRMWRKCOREEXT == pDbPropset->guidPropertySet ) { SetPropertyset( pDbPropset ); fScopeProps = TRUE; } else { //
// keep track of any errors occured in base class.
DBPROP * pProp = pDbPropset->rgProperties; ULONG cProps = pDbPropset->cProperties;
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < cProps; j++ ) { if ( DBPROPSTATUS_OK != pProp[j].dwStatus ) fFoundErrors = TRUE; } } }
// If we found any scope properties, release the
// internal query object.
if ( fScopeProps ) { ReleaseInternalQuery(); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { scParent = GetOleError( e );
if ( fFoundErrors ) { if ( S_OK != scParent ) { _DBErrorObj.PostHResult( scParent, IID_ICommandProperties ); return scParent;
} else { _DBErrorObj.PostHResult( DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED, IID_ICommandProperties ); return DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED; } } else return S_OK; } //SetProperties
// Method: CQuerySpec::SetPropertyset, private
// Synopsis: Sets non-rowset properties
// Arguments: [pPropertyset] - pointer to property set (to be set).
// Returns: none - THROWS upon failure.
// History: 05-14-97 mohamedn created
void CQuerySpec::SetPropertyset( DBPROPSET *pPropertySet ) {
DBPROP * pProp = pPropertySet->rgProperties; ULONG cProps= pPropertySet->cProperties;
// un-error property dwStatus set by parent
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < cProps; j++ ) { switch ( pProp[j].dwStatus ) { case DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSUPPORTED:
pProp[j].dwStatus = DBPROPSTATUS_OK;
default: vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Unexpected pProp[j].dwStatus: j=%x, dwStatus=%x \n",j,pProp[j].dwStatus )); } }
// identify destination propset
for ( unsigned k = 0; k < SCOPE_PROPSET_COUNT; k++ ) { if ( _aPropSet[k].guidPropertySet == pPropertySet->guidPropertySet ) break; }
if ( k == SCOPE_PROPSET_COUNT ) { Win4Assert( !"Should never be hit" ); THROW( CException(DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED)); }
// update property set
UpdatePropertySet( _aPropSet[k], *pPropertySet ); } //SetPropertyset
// Method: CQuerySpec::UpdatePropertySet, private
// Synopsis: Sets non-rowset properties
// Arguments: [destPropSet] - destination property set
// [srcPropSet] - source property set
// Returns: none - THROWS upon failure.
// History: 06-04-97 mohamedn created
void CQuerySpec::UpdatePropertySet(DBPROPSET &destPropSet, DBPROPSET &srcPropSet ) { CDbProp * pDestProp = (CDbProp *)destPropSet.rgProperties; CDbProp * pSrcProp = (CDbProp *)srcPropSet.rgProperties; ULONG cErrors = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < srcPropSet.cProperties; i++ ) { for ( unsigned j = 0; j < destPropSet.cProperties; j++ ) { if ( pDestProp[j].dwPropertyID == pSrcProp[i].dwPropertyID ) { if ( !pDestProp[j].Copy(pSrcProp[i]) ) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) );
break; } }
if ( j == destPropSet.cProperties ) { //
// new PropID
if ( destPropSet.guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_CIFRMWRKCOREEXT && j >= _aCoreProps.Count() ) { _aCoreProps.GrowToSize( srcPropSet.cProperties );
_aPropSet[0].rgProperties = _aCoreProps.GetPointer();
pDestProp = (CDbProp *)destPropSet.rgProperties; } else if ( destPropSet.guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_FSCIFRMWRKEXT && j >= _aFsClientProps.Count() ) { _aFsClientProps.GrowToSize( srcPropSet.cProperties );
_aPropSet[1].rgProperties = _aFsClientProps.GetPointer();
pDestProp = (CDbProp *)destPropSet.rgProperties; }
Win4Assert( pDestProp[j].dwPropertyID == 0 ); Win4Assert( pDestProp[j].dwStatus == 0 );
if ( !pDestProp[j].Copy(pSrcProp[i]) ) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) );
destPropSet.cProperties++; } }
if ( cErrors == srcPropSet.cProperties ) THROW (CException( DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) );
if ( cErrors > 0 ) THROW (CException( DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED ) ); } //UpdatePropertySet
// Method: CQuerySpec::GetProperties, public
// Synopsis: Get rowset properties
// Arguments: [cPropertySetIDs] - number of desired property set IDs or 0
// [rgPropertySetIDs] - array of desired property set IDs or NULL
// [pcPropertySets] - number of property sets returned
// [prgPropertySets] - array of returned property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// other errors are thrown.
// History: 01-Mar-97 KyleP Created
// 14-May-97 mohamedn hidden core/fs property set details
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CQuerySpec::GetProperties( ULONG const cPropertySetIDs, DBPROPIDSET const rgPropertySetIDs[], ULONG * pcPropertySets, DBPROPSET ** prgPropertySets) { _DBErrorObj.ClearErrorInfo();
BOOL fAddScopeProperties = FALSE; ULONG cPropSetIDs = cPropertySetIDs;
XArray<CDbPropIDSet> aPropIDSets; CDbPropIDSet * pPropIDSet = (CDbPropIDSet *)rgPropertySetIDs; ULONG cAllocPropSets = cPropertySetIDs;
// Don't give back the scope properties for "all properties". If the
// magic number 3141592653 is given in, all properties including the
// scope properties are returned.
if ( 3141592653 == cPropertySetIDs ) { fAddScopeProperties = TRUE; cPropSetIDs = 0;
// We want all properties, including scope properties. The base
// implementation doesn't know about scope properties
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { aPropIDSets.Init( 5 ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH;
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) return sc;
aPropIDSets[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET; aPropIDSets[0].cPropertyIDs = 0; aPropIDSets[1].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_MSIDXS_ROWSET_EXT; aPropIDSets[1].cPropertyIDs = 0; aPropIDSets[2].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_QUERY_EXT; aPropIDSets[2].cPropertyIDs = 0; aPropIDSets[3].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_CIFRMWRKCOREEXT; aPropIDSets[3].cPropertyIDs = 0; aPropIDSets[4].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_FSCIFRMWRKEXT; aPropIDSets[4].cPropertyIDs = 0;
cAllocPropSets = aPropIDSets.Count(); pPropIDSet = aPropIDSets.GetPointer(); }
SCODE scParent = CRootQuerySpec::GetProperties( cAllocPropSets, pPropIDSet, pcPropertySets, prgPropertySets );
// Any non-understood error is a bail. S_OK here means all properties were
// handled by parent. Just return unless *all* props were requested.
if ( scParent != DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED && scParent != DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) { if ( scParent != S_OK || 0 != cPropSetIDs ) return scParent; }
SCODE sc = S_OK; BOOL fFoundErrors = FALSE;
// Find query properties.
if ( 0 == cPropSetIDs && fAddScopeProperties ) { //
// Case 1: All properties were requested. Append scope onto
// appropriate property set.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < SCOPE_PROPSET_COUNT; i++ ) { DBPROPIDSET dbPropIdSet;
ZeroMemory((void *) &dbPropIdSet, sizeof DBPROPIDSET ); dbPropIdSet.guidPropertySet = _aPropSet[i].guidPropertySet;
// scan dest array of propsets (set by base) for matching guid.
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < *pcPropertySets; j++ ) { if ( dbPropIdSet.guidPropertySet == (*prgPropertySets)[j].guidPropertySet ) { GetPropValues( dbPropIdSet, (*prgPropertySets)[j], fFoundErrors ); break; } }
// PropSet not found
if ( j == *pcPropertySets ) { fFoundErrors = TRUE; Win4Assert( !"CRowsetProperties doesn't support requested propset." ); Win4Assert( !"base & derived classes are out of sync!"); } } } else { //
// Case 2: Specific properties were requested.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cPropSetIDs; i++ ) { //
// scan dest array of propsets (set by base) for matching guid.
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < *pcPropertySets; j++ ) { if ( (*prgPropertySets)[j].guidPropertySet == rgPropertySetIDs[i].guidPropertySet ) { GetPropValues( rgPropertySetIDs[i], (*prgPropertySets)[j], fFoundErrors ); break; } } //
// PropSet not found
if ( j == *pcPropertySets ) { fFoundErrors = TRUE; Win4Assert( !"Unexpected PropertySet requested" ); } } } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS;
if ( FAILED(sc) && sc != DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < *pcPropertySets; i++ ) { DBPROP * rgProperties = (*prgPropertySets)[i].rgProperties; unsigned cProperties = (*prgPropertySets)[i].cProperties;
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < cProperties; j++ ) VariantClear( &(rgProperties[j].vValue) );
CoTaskMemFree( rgProperties ); }
CoTaskMemFree( *prgPropertySets ); *prgPropertySets = 0; }
if ( fFoundErrors ) { if ( scParent != S_OK ) { _DBErrorObj.PostHResult( scParent, IID_ICommandProperties ); return scParent; } else { _DBErrorObj.PostHResult( DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED, IID_ICommandProperties ); return DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED; } }
return sc; } //GetProperties
// Member: CQuerySpec::GetPropValues, private
// Synopsis: Gets values of properties in a property set.
// Arguments: [rgPropertySetIDs] [in] - array of propIDs to get
// [rgPropertySet] [out] - reference to property set to fill
// [fFoundErrors] [out] - TRUE if any errors are found, but not thrown.
// Returns: Throws in case of failure
// History: 04-15-97 mohamedn created
void CQuerySpec::GetPropValues( DBPROPIDSET const & rgPropertySetIDs, DBPROPSET & rgPropertySet, BOOL & fFoundErrors) { Win4Assert( rgPropertySet.guidPropertySet == rgPropertySetIDs.guidPropertySet );
// Locate private property set source
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < SCOPE_PROPSET_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( rgPropertySet.guidPropertySet == _aPropSet[i].guidPropertySet ) { break; // found source property set
} }
// If not one of the scope propsets, return
if ( SCOPE_PROPSET_COUNT == i ) { fFoundErrors = TRUE; return; }
DBPROPSET & srcPropSet = _aPropSet[i]; DBPROP * psrcDbProp = srcPropSet.rgProperties; ULONG cPropsFound= 0; ULONG cDbProps = rgPropertySetIDs.cPropertyIDs ? rgPropertySetIDs.cPropertyIDs : srcPropSet.cProperties;
XArrayOLEInPlace<CDbProp> aDbProps( cDbProps );
// scan private property set for reqeusted propId values
if ( 0 == rgPropertySetIDs.cPropertyIDs ) { //
// return all properties
for ( i = 0; i < srcPropSet.cProperties; i++ ) { if ( !aDbProps[i].Copy( psrcDbProp[i] ) ) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) );
Win4Assert( aDbProps[i].dwStatus == DBPROPSTATUS_OK ); }
cPropsFound = i; } else { //
// specific properties within this prop set are requested
for ( unsigned iPropsRequested = 0; iPropsRequested < rgPropertySetIDs.cPropertyIDs; iPropsRequested++ ) { for ( unsigned iPropSrc = 0; iPropSrc < srcPropSet.cProperties; iPropSrc++ ) { if ( rgPropertySetIDs.rgPropertyIDs[iPropsRequested] == psrcDbProp[iPropSrc].dwPropertyID ) { if ( !aDbProps[iPropsRequested].Copy( psrcDbProp[iPropSrc] ) ) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) );
Win4Assert( aDbProps[iPropsRequested].dwStatus == DBPROPSTATUS_OK );
break; } }
// if requested propID not found
if ( iPropSrc == srcPropSet.cProperties ) { //
// Property ID not set
aDbProps[iPropsRequested].dwPropertyID = rgPropertySetIDs.rgPropertyIDs[iPropsRequested]; aDbProps[iPropsRequested].dwStatus = DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSET; fFoundErrors = TRUE; } }
cPropsFound = iPropsRequested; }
// free rgProperties allocated by base class, assign new one.
CoTaskMemFree( rgPropertySet.rgProperties ); rgPropertySet.rgProperties = aDbProps.Acquire(); rgPropertySet.cProperties = cPropsFound; } //GetPropValues